Res. No. 098-01-11246RESOLUTION NO.98-01-11246 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE STATEWIDE MUTUAL AID AGREE MENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR RECIPROCAL EMERGENCY AID AND ASSISTANCE IN CASE OF EMERGENCIES TOO EXTENSIVE TO BE DEALT WITH UNASSISTED,PURSUANT TO SECTION 23.1225 (3), FLORIDA STATUTES. WHEREAS,Chapter23,Florida Statutes,entitledthe Florida MutualAidAct, requires the authorization bythe governing body ofthe municipality beforeamutualaid agreement maybeenteredintobytheMayororthechiefexecutiveofficer ofthe municipality onbehalf ofthe City;and WHEREAS,thereisthepossibility of anoccurrence of lawenforcementorother naturalandmanmadeconditionswhichareorarelikelytobebeyondthecontrol of theservices, personnel,equipmentor facilities oftheCity of South Miami;and WHEREAS,tomeetthe responsibility of governmenttoensurethepublicsafety of theircitizensbyprovidingadequatelevels of services,preparation mustbe undertaken toprotectthe public peace andsafetyandto preserve thelivesand property of thepeople of theCity of South Miami;and NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA; Section1.TheCityManager oftheCity of South Miamiisauthorizedtoenterinto aMutualAid agreement inaform acceptable totheCityAttorney,withtheState of Florida, Department of CommunityAffairs,onbehalf of theCity of South Miami pursuant to Section 23.1225(3),Florida Statutes. Page 2 of Res.NO.98-01-11246 . Section 2.That this resolution be effective immediately after adoption hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 24thDAYOF July 2001 ATTEST: READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: /G>£z?j/6>j^ CITY ATTORNEY 7>ep-h oF-Cow.fl££#ti££ APPROVED: 4^Uu may"5r Commission Vote:5-0 Mayor Robaina Yea Vice Mayor Feliu Yea Commission Russell Yea Commission Bethel Yea Commission Wiscombe Yea SOUTH MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT INTER-DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO:MayorandCity Commission DATE:June 28,2001 FROM:Charles ScurryV ^J0^RE:Agenda Item #_Jf_ City Manage/J[^t^Commission Meeting 7/24/01 ^^Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement REQUEST Authorization toenter statewide Mutual Aid Agreement. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS Florida State Statutes (Chapter 23)authorize the governing body of municipalities to empower the chief executive officer of the municipality to enter into agreements for sharedlaw enforcement servicesintimes of specificneed. This agreement allows the Police Department to draw upon resources in furtherance of thelaw enforcement mission,including personnel and equipment,aswellas providing forreciprocity. RECOMMENDATION Approvalisrecommended. CS/esw SOUTH MIAMI POLICE DEPARTMENT INTER-DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO:Mr.CharlesScurr,CityManager FROM:Asst.Chief M.Mills,PoliceDepartment, DATE:January9,2001 SUBJECT:StatewideMutual Aid Agreement TheStatewideMutual Aid AgreementbetweentheState of Florida,Department of CommunityAffairsandallthelocalgovernments,includingthe City of SouthMiami, expiresthisyearand,therefore,needstoberenewed.A copy of the Agreement is attached for review bytheCity Attorney and,eventually,signatures of yourself,the CityClerkandtheCity Attorney. Onceitisexecuted,IwouldappreciateitbeingreturnedtomeandIwilldeliveritto BobMartonattheMiami-Dade Office of EmergencyManagement.Thedeadlineis 5/1/2001. Thank you foryourcooperation. MM/esw Art. July 31,2000 STATEWIDE MTTTUAL AID AGREEMENT This Agreement betweenthe DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS,State ofFIorida (the "Department"),and all the local governments signing this Agreement (the "Participating Par ties")is based on the existence of the following conditions: A.The State ofFIorida is vulnerable to awide range of disasters that are likely to cause the disruption of essential services and the destruction of the infrastructure needed to deliver those services. B.Such disasters are likely to exceed the capability of any one local government to cope with the disaster with existing resources. C.Such disasters may also give rise to unusual technical needs that the local government maybeunabletomeetwimexistmgresources,butmatomerlocalgoverr^^ D.The Emergency Management Act,as amended,gives the local governments ofthe State meaumoritytomakeagreementsformutualassistancememergencies,^ to ensure the timely reimbursement ofcosts incurred by the local governments which render such assistance. E.Under the Act the Department,through its Division of Emergency Management (the "Division"),has authority to coordinate assistance between local governments during emergencies and to concentrate available resources where needed. July 31,2000 F.The existence in the State ofFIorida of special districts,educational districts,and other regional and local governmental entities with special functions may make additional resources available for usein emergencies. Based on the existence ofthe foregoing conditions,the parties agree to the following: ARTICLE I.Definitions.Asused in this Agreement,the following expressions shall have thefollowing meanings: A.The "Agreement"is this Agreement,which also may be called the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement. B.The "Participating Parties"to this Agreement are the Department and any and all special districts,educational districts,and other local and regional governments signing this Agreement. C.The "Department"is the Department of Community Affairs,State ofFIorida. D.The "Division"is the Division of Emergency Management of the Department. E.The "Requesting Parties"to this Agreement are Participating Parties who request assistance in a disaster. F.The "Assisting Parties"to this Agreement are Participating Parties who render assistance ina disaster toa Requesting Party. July 31,2000 G.The "State Emergency Operations Center"is the facility designated by the State Coordinating Officer fox use as his or her headquarters during a disaster. H.The "Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan"is the biennial Plan issued by the Division in accordance with §252.35(2)(a),Fla.Stat.(1999). I.The "State Coordinating Officer"is the official whom the Govemor designates by Executive Order to act for the Governor in responding toa disaster,and to exercise the powers of the Governor in accordance with the Executive Order and the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. J.The "Period of Assistance"is the time during which any Assisting Party renders assistance to any Requesting Party in adisaster,and shall include both the time necessary for the resources and personnel of the Assisting Party to travel to the place specified by the Requesting Party and the time necessary to return them to their place of origin or to the headquarters oftheAssisting Party. K.A "special district"is any local or regional governmental entity which is an in dependent special district within the meaning of§189.403(1),Fla.Stat.(1999),regardless of whether established by local,special,or general act,orby rule,ordinance,resolution,or interlocalagreement. L.An"educational district"is any School District within the meaning of§230.01, July 31,2000 Fla.Stat.(1999),or any Community College District within the meaning of §240.313(1), Fla.Stat.(1999). M..An "interlocal agreement"is any agreement between local governments within the meaning of§163.01(3)(a),Fla.Stat.(1999). N.A "local government"is any educational district and any entity that is a"local governmental entity"within the meaning of§11.45(l)(d),Fla.Stat.(1999). O.Any expressions not assigned definitions elsewhere in this Agreement shall have the definitions assigned them by the Emergency Management Act,as amended. ARTICLE II.Applicability ofthe Agreement.AParticipating Party may request assistance under this Agreement only for amajor or catastrophic disaster.Ifthe Participating Party has no other mutual aid agreement that covers aminor disaster,it may also invoke assistance under this Agree ment fora minor disaster. ARTICLEIII.Invocation ofthe Agreement.In the event ofa disaster or threatened disaster, aParticipating Party may invoke assistance under this Agreement by requesting it from any other Participating Party or from the Department if,in the judgment of the Requesting Party,its own resourcesareinadequateto meet the disaster. A.Any request for assistance under this Agreement may be oral,but within five (5) days must be confirmed in writing by the Director ofEmergency Management for the County July 31,2000 of theRequestingParty,unlesstheStateEmergencyOperationsCenterhasbeenactivated inresponsetothe disaster forwhich assistance isrequested. B.All requestsfor assistance underthis Agreement shallbetransmittedbythe Director ofEmergency Management for theCounty ofthe Requesting Party to either theDi vision ortoanother Participating Party.If theRequestingPartytransmitsitsrequestfor Assistance directly toa Participating Party otherthanthe Department,the Requesting Party and Assisting Partyshallkeepthe Division advised of theiractivities. C.If any requests for assistance under this Agreement are submitted tothe Division, theDivisionshallrelaytherequesttosuchother Participating Parties asitmaydeemap propriate,andshall coordinate theactivities of theAssisting Parties soastoensuretimely assistancetothe Requesting Party.All such activities shallbecarriedoutinaccordance with the Comprehensive EmergencyManagementPlan. D.Notwithstanding anything tothe contrary elsewhere inthis Agreement,nothing inthisAgreement shall be construed to allocate liability forthe costs of personnel,equip ment,supplies,services and other resources that are staged bythe Department orbyother agencies of theState ofFIorida for usein responding toa disaster pendingthe assignment ofsuchpersonnel,equipment,supplies,servicesandotherresourcestoa mission.Thedocu mentation,payment,repayment,and reimbursement of allsuchcostsshallberenderedin July 31,2000 accordance withthe Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. ARTICLE IV.Responsibilities of Requesting Parties.To the extent practicable,all Re questing Parties seeking assistance under this Agreement shall provide the following information to the Division and the other Participating Parties.In providing such information,the Requesting Party may use Form B attached to this Agreement,and the completion ofForm Bby the Requesting Party shall be deemed sufficient to meet the requirements of this Article: A.A description ofthe damage sustained or threatened; B.An identification of the specific Emergency Support Function or Functions for which such assistance is needed; C.A description of the specific type of assistance needed within each Emergency Support Function; D.A description ofthe types ofpersonnel,equipment,services,and supplies needed for each specific type of assistance,with an estimate of the time each will be needed; E.A description of any public infrastructure for which assistance will be needed; F.A description of any sites or structures outside the territorial jurisdiction of the Requesting Party needed as centers to stage incoming personnel,equipment,supplies, services,or other resources; July 31,2000 G.The place,date and time for personnel of the Requesting Party to meet and receive the personnel and equipment ofthe Assisting Party;and H.Atechnical description ofany communications or telecommunications equipment needed to ensure timely communications between the Requesting Party and any Assisting Parties. ARTICLE V.Responsibilities of Assisting Parties.Each Participating Party shall render assistanceunderthisAgreementto any Requesting Party to the extent practicable given its personnel, equipment,resources and capabilities.If aParticipating Party which has received arequest for assistance under this Agreement determines that it has the capacity to render some or all of such assistance,it shall provide the following information to the Requesting Party and shall transmit it without delay to the Requesting Party and the Division.In providing such information,the Assisting Party may use Form Cattached to this Agreement,and the completion of Form Cby the Assisting Party shall be deemed sufficient to meet the requirements of this Article: A.Adescription of the personnel,equipment,supplies and services it has available, together with adescription of the qualifications of any skilled personnel; B.An estimate of the time such personnel,equipment,supplies,and services will continue tobeavailable; July 31,2000 C.Anestimate ofthe time itwill take todeliver such personnel,equipment,supplies, and services at the date,time and place specified by the Requesting Party; D.A technical description of any communications and telecommunications equip ment available for timely communications with the Requesting Party and other Assisting Parties;and E.The names of all personnel whom the Assisting Party designates as Supervisors. ARTICLE VI.Rendition ofAssistance.After the Assisting Party has delivered its personnel, equipment,supplies,services,or other resources to the place specified by the Requesting Party,the Requesting Party shall give specific assignments to the Supervisors of the Assisting Party,who shall be responsible for directing the performance ofthese assignments.The Assisting Party shall have authority to direct the manner in which the assignments are performed.In the event ofan emergency that affects the Assisting Party,all personnel,equipment,supplies,services and other resources of the Assisting Party shall be subject to recall by the Assisting Party upon not less than five (5)days notice or,if such notice is impracticable,as much notice as is practicable under the circumstances. A.For operations at the scene ofcatastrophic and major disasters,the Assisting Party shall to the fullest extent practicable give its personnel and other resources sufficient equip ment and supplies to make them self-sufficient for food,shelter,and operations unless the Requesting Party has specified the contrary.For minor disasters,the Requesting Party shall July 31,2000 be responsible toprovide food and shelter for the personnel oftheAssisting Party unlessthe Requesting Party hasspecified the contrary.Inits request for assistance the Requesting Party mayspecifythatAssisting Parties send only self-sufficient personnel or self-sufficient resources. B.UnlesstheRequesting Party hasspecifiedthe contrary,theRequestingPartyshall tothefullest extent practicable coordinate allcommunications between itspersonneland those ofanyAssisting Parties,and shall determine all frequencies andother technical speci- fications forall communications and telecommunications equipment tobeused. C.Personnel oftheAssisting Party who render assistance underthisAgreementshall receivetheirusualwages,salaries andothercompensation,andshallhavealltheduties,re sponsibilities,immunities,rights,interests and privileges incident totheir usual employment. ARTICLE VII.Procedures forReimbursement.UnlesstheDepartmentortheAssisting Party,as the case maybe,state the contrary in writing,the ultimate responsibility for the reim bursement ofcosts incurred underthisAgreement shall restwiththeRequesting Party,subjecttothe followingconditionsandexceptions: A.The Department shall paythecosts incurred byanAssisting Party in responding toa request thatthe Department initiates onitsown,and not for another Requesting Party, uponbeingbilledbythatAssisting Party in accordance withthisAgreement. July31,2000 B.AnAssisting Party shall billthe Department or other Requesting Party assoon as practicable,butnot later than thirty (30)days after the Period of Assistance has closed. Upon the request of any oftheconcerned Participating Parties,the State Coordinating Officer mayextendthisdeadlineforcause. C.Ifthe Department orthe Requesting Party,asthe case maybe,protests any bill oritemonabill from anAssisting Party,it shall dosoin writing assoonas practicable,but innoevent later than thirty (30)days after thebillis received.Failure to protest anybillor billeditemin writing within thirty (30)days shall constitute agreement tothebill and the items on the bill. D.Ifthe Department protests any billoritemonabill from an Assisting Party,the Assisting Party shall have thirty (30)days from the date of protest to present thebilloritem tothe original Requesting Party for payment,subject toany protest bythe Requesting Party. E.IftheAssisting Party cannot agree withthe Department orthe Requesting Party, as the case may be,to the settlement of any protested bill or billed item,the Department,the Assisting Party,or the Requesting Party may elect binding arbitration to determine its liabil ity for the protested bill or billed item in accordance with Section Fofthis Article. F.If the Department or a Participating Party elects binding arbitration,it may select as an arbitrator any elected official of another Participating Party orany other official of an- 10 July 31,2000 other Participating Party whosenormaldutiesincludeemergency management,andtheother ParticipatingPartyshallalsoselectsuchanofficialasanarbitrator,andthe arbitrators thus chosen shall select another such official asa third arbitrator. G.Thethree(3)arbitrators shall conveneby teleconference orvideoconference with inthirty (30)daysto consider any documents and any statements or arguments bythe Depart ment,the Requesting Party,orthe Assisting Party concerning the protest,and shall render a decision in writing not later thanten(10)days aftertheclose ofthe hearing.The decision of amajority ofthe arbitrators shall bindthe parties,and shallbe final. H.Ifthe Requesting Party has not forwarded a request through the Department,or if an Assisting Party has rendered assistance without being requested to do sobytheDe partment,the Department shall notbe liable for the costs ofany such assistance.All requests tothe Federal Emergency Management Agency for the reimbursement of costs incurred by any Participating Party shall be made by and through the Department. I.If the Federal Emergency Management Agency denies any request for reimburse ment of costs which the Department has already advanced to an Assisting Party,the Assisting Party shall repay such costs tothe Department,butthe Department may waive such repay ment for cause. 11 July 31,2000 ARTICLE VIII.CostsEligiblefor Reimbursement.Thecostsincurred by the Assisting Party under this Agreement shall be reimbursed as needed to make the.Assisting Party whole to the fullest extent practicable. A.Employees of theAssisting Party who render assistance underthis Agreement shall beentitledtoreceive from theAssisting Party alltheir usual wages,salaries,andany and all other compensation for mobilization,hours worked,and demobilization.Such compensation shall include any and all contributions for insurance and retirement,and such employees shall continue to accumulate seniority at the usual rate.As between the employ ees and theAssisting Party,the employees shall have all the duties,responsibilities,im munities,rights,interests and privileges incident to their usual employment.The Requesting Party shall reimburse the Assisting Party for these costs of employment. B.Thecosts ofequipment supplied bythe Assisting Party shall be reimbursed atthe rental rate established for like equipment bythe regulations ofthe Federal Emergency Man agement Agency,or at any other rental rate agreed to bythe Requesting Party.The Assisting Party shall pay for fuels,other consumable supplies,and repairs to its equipment as needed to keep the equipment ina state of operational readiness.Rent for the equipment shall be deemed to include thecost of fuel and other consumable supplies,maintenance,service, repairs,and ordinary wear and tear.With the consent ofthe Assisting Party,the Requesting 12 July 31,2000 Party may provide fuels,consumable supplies,maintenance,and repair services for such equipment atthe site.In that event,the Requesting Party may deduct the actual costs of such fuels,consumable supplies,maintenance,and services from the total costs otherwise payable to the Assisting Party.If the equipment is damaged while in use under this Agreement and the Assisting Party receives payment for such damage under any contract of insurance,the Requesting Party may deduct such payment from any item or items billed by the Assisting Party for any of the costs for such damage that may otherwise be payable. C.The Requesting Party shall pay the total costs for the use and consumption of any and all consumable supplies delivered by the Assisting Party for the Requesting Party under this Agreement.In the case of perishable supplies,consumption shall be deemed to include normal deterioration,spoilage and damage notwithstanding the exercise of reasonable care in its storage and use.Supplies remaining unused shall be returned to the Assisting Party in usable condition upon the close of the Period of Assistance,and the Requesting Party may deduct the cost of such returned supplies from the total costs billed bythe Assisting Party for such supplies.If the Assisting Party agrees,the Requesting Party may also replace any and all used consumable supplies with like supplies in usable condition and of like grade,quality and quantity within the time allowed for reimbursement under this Agreement. 13 ;_JL-;~:.-.i.•••-..-»"' July 31,2000 D.The Assisting Party shall keep records to document all assistance rendered under this Agreement.Such records shall present information sufficient to meet the audit re quirements specified in the regulations ofthe Federal Emergency Management Agency and applicable circulars issued by the Office of Management and Budget Upon reasonable notice,the Assisting Party shall make its records available to the Department and the Re questing Party for inspection or duplication between 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.on all weekdays other than official holidays. ARTICLEIX.Insurance.Each Participating Party shall determine for itselfwhatinsurance to procure,if any.With the exceptions in this Article,nothing inthis Agreement shall be construed to require any Participating Party to procure insurance. A.Each Participating Party shall procure employers'insurance meeting the require ments oftheWorkers'Compensation Act,as amended,affording coverage for any ofitsem ployees who may be injured while performing any activities under the authority of this Agreement,and shall file with the Division acertificate issued bythe insurer attesting to such coverage. B.Any Participating Party thatelects additional insurance affording liability cover age for any activities that may be performed under the authority ofthis Agreement shall file with theDivisionacertificateissuedbytheinsurerattestingtosuchcoverage. 14 July 31,2000 C.Any Participating Party that is self-insured with respect to any line or lines of in surance shall file with the Division copies of all resolutions in current effect reflecting its determination to act asa self-insurer. D.Subject to the limits of such liability insurance as any Participating Party may elect to procure,nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to waive,in whole or in part, any immunity any Participating Party may have in any judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding. E.Each Participating Party which renders assistance under this Agreement shall be •» deemed to stand inthe relation of an independent contractor to all other Participating Parties, and shall notbe deemed tobethe agent of any other Participating Party. F.Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to relieve any Participating Party of liability for itsown conduct and that of its employees. G.Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to obligate any Participating Party to indemnify any other Participating Party from liability to third parties. ARTICLE X.General Requirements.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere in this Agreement,all Participating Parties shall be subject to the following requirements in the per formance ofthis Agreement: A.To the extent that assistance under this Agreement is funded by State funds,the obligation ofany statewide instrumentality ofthe State ofFlorida to reimburse any Assisting 15 July 31,2000 Party under this Agreement is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature. B.All bills for reimbursement under this Agreement from State funds shall be sub mitted indetail sufficient for aproper preaudit and post audit thereof.To the extent that such bills represent costs incurred for travel,such bills shall be submitted in accordance with applicable requirements for the reimbursement of state employees for travel costs. C.All Participating Parties shall allowpublic access to all documents,papers,letters or other materials subject to the requirements of the Public Records Act,as amended,and made or received by any Participating Party in conjunction with this Agreement. D.No Participating Party may hire employees in violation ofthe employment restric tions in the Immigration and Nationality Act,as amended. E.No costs reimbursed under this Agreement may be used directly or indirectly to influence legislation or any other official action by the Legislature ofthe State ofFIorida or any of its agencies. F.Any communication to the Department or the Division under this Agreement shall be sent to the Director,Division of Emergency Management,Department of Community Affairs,Sadowski Building,2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard,Tallahassee,Florida 32399- 2100.Any communication to any other Participating Party shall be sent to the official or officials specified by that Participating Party on Form Aattached to this Agreement.For the 16 July 31,2000 purpose of this Section,any such communication may be sent by the U.S.Mail,may be sent bythe InterNet,or may be faxed. ARTICLEXI.Effect of Agreement.Upon its execution by aParticipating Party,this Agree ment shall have the following effect with respect to that Participating Party: A.The execution of this Agreement by any Participating Party which is asignatory to the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement of 1994 shall terminate the rights,interests,duties, andresponsibilities and obligations ofthat Participating Party under that agreement,but such termination'shall not affect the liability of the Participating Party for the reimbursement of any costs due under that agreement,regardless ofwhether billed or unbilled. B.The execution of this Agreement by any Participating Party which is asignatory to the Public Works Mutual Aid Agreement shall terminate the rights,interests,duties, responsibilities and obligations ofthat Participating Party under that agreement,but such termination shall not affect the liability of the Participating Party for the reimbursement of any costs due under that agreement,regardless ofwhether billed or unbilled. C.Upon the activation of this Agreement by the Requesting Party,this Agreement shall supersede any other existing agreement between it and any Assisting Party to the extent that the former may be inconsistent with the latter. 17 July 31,2000 D.Unless superseded by the execution ofthis Agreement in accordance with Section Aof this Article,the Statewide Mutual Aid Agreement of 1994 shall terminate and cease to have legal existence after June 30,2001. E.Upon its execution by any Participating Party,this Agreement will continue in effect for one (1)year from its date of execution by that Participating Party,and it shall be automatically renewed one (1)year after its execution unless within sixty (60)days before that date the Participating Party notifies the Department in writing of its intent to withdraw from theAgreement. F.The Department shall transmit any amendment to this Agreement by sending the amendment to all Participating Parties not later than five (5)days after its execution by the Department.Such amendment shall take effect not later than sixty (60)days after the date of its execution by the Department,and shall then be binding on all Participating Parties. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence,any Participating Party who objects to the amend ment may withdraw from the Agreement by notifying the Department in writing of its intent to do so within that time in accordance with Section Eofthis Article. ARTICLE XII.Interpretation and Application^ar-.,^^interpretation ^appU. cation of this Agreement shall be governed by the following conditions: A.The obligations and conditions resting upon the Participating Parties under this IS July 31,2000 Agreement are not independent,but dependent. B.Time shall be of the essence of this Agreement,and of the performance of all conditions,obligations,duties,responsibilities and promises under it. C.This Agreement states all the conditions,obligations,duties,responsibilities and prormsesofmePartcipatmgPar^^ arenoconditions.obligations.duties,^^^ inthisAgreement. D.If any sentence,clause,phrase,or other portion of this Agreement is ruled un enforceable or invalid,every omersentence.clause.phraseorotherportionofthe Agreement shall remaininfullforceandeffecUt being the intent ofthe Department and theotherPar- ticipating Parties mat every portion of the Agreement shall be severable from every other portion to the fullest extent practicable. E.The waiver of any obligation or condition in this Agreement in any instance by aParticipatmgPa^lnotfcco^^ same instance,or of any other obligation or condition in that or any other instance. 19 July 31,2000 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Participating Parties have duly executed mis the date specified below: DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS STATE OF FLORIDA By: Director Date: Agreement on ATTEST: CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 0F ___COUNTY STATE OFFLORIDA By: DeputyClerk 20 By: Chairman Date: Approved asto Form: By: County Attorney July31,2000 DIVISIONOFEMERGENCYMANAGEMENT DEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYAFFAIRS STATEOFFLORIDA By: Director ATTEST: CITYCLERK Bv:/%A±^muMjlS) Title:_J^__i^jl 21 Date: M*OTYOFJew///,*«. STATEOFFLORIDA By:Sg2_ ™*-_i^^g <^z_ dg£e± Date:or./7.0* ApprovedastoForm: By: CityAttorney ^-€*UJLif=L ***—'. V-•- <* -*^ v /"^'/•.*\7-*•••* "rrrff July 31,2000 DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTDEPARTMENTOFCOMMUNITYAFFaS^STATE OF FLORIDA ^'AIRS By: Director STATEOF FLORIDA By: Title: Date: DISTRICT, 22 By: Title- Date: Approved asto Form: By: Attorney for District July 31,2000 STATEWIDE MUTUAL AIDAGREEMENT FORM A Date: Name of Government: Mailing Address: City,State,Zlv: Authorized Representatives to Contact for Emergency Assistance: Primary Representative Name: Title: Address: 1 . Day Phone:Ni^ht Phone: TelecoDier:TntfrNet: First Alternate Representative Name: Title: Address: Day Phone:Ni^ht Phone: Telecopier:Tn^rNet: SecondAlternateRepresentative Name: Title: Address: Day Phone:Ni^ht Phone: Telecopier:Tn**rNet: PLEASE UPDATE AS ELECTIONS OR APPOINTMENTS OCCUR Return torDepartment of Community Affairs-Division of Emergency Management 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard -Tallahassee,Florida 32399-2100 23 July 31,2000 STATEWIDE MUTUAL AID AGRRRMKNT FormB Date:_ Name of RequestingParty: ContactOfficialforRequesting Party: Name: Telephone: InterNet: 1.Description of Damage: 2.EmergencySupport Functions:. 3.Types of Assistance Needed: 24 July 31,2000 STATEWIDEMUTUALAID AGREEMENT FormB 4.Types of Resources Needed: 5.Description of Infrastructure: 6.Description of Staging Facilities:. 7.Description of Telecommunications Resources: 25 July 31,2000 STATEWIDE MUTUAL ATP AGREEMENT FormB 8.Time,PlaceandDateto Deliver Resources: 9.Names of Supervisors for Requesting Party: 26 •1' July 31,2000 STATEWIDE MUTUAL ATP AGREEMENT FormC Date: Name of Assisting Party: ContactOfficialforAssisting Party: Name: Telephone: InterNet: 1.Description of Resources : 2.Estimated Time Resources Available: 27 •-1 July 31,2000 STATEWIDE MUTUALATP AGREEMENT FormC 3.EstimatedTimeandDatetoDeliver Resources: 4.Description of Telecommunications Resources: 5.Names of Supervisors for Assisting Party: 28