Res. No. 037-00-10930RESOLUTION NO.37-00-10930 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OFTHE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA,RELATING TO A STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS GRANT,CONCERNING CONTRACTS,AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TO ACCEPT A $340,000.00 GRANT FOR STORMWATER DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS,theCityof South Miami was awarded a 1999 State Appropriation inthe amount of $340,000.00 tobe used for certain stormwater drainage improvements projects,and; WHEREAS,the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)is overseeing theStateAppropriation,andhasdevelopedcontractagreement #SP551 forthedisbursementof the funds. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section1.TheCityManagerandtheCityAttorneyishereby authorized tosignthe FDEP Contract Agreement #SP551. Section3.Thisresolutionshallbecomeeffectiveimmediatelyafteradoption. HiPASSEDANDADOPTEDthis15m dayofFebruary2000. ATTEST: CITY CLERK READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: CTTY ATTORNEY *~ APPROVED: MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE: Mavor Robaina: Vice Mavor Feliu: Commissioner Wiscombe: Commissioner Bethel: Commissioner Russell: 4-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Out of room CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO:Mayor and Commission DATE:February 15,2000 FROM:Charles D.Scurr SUBJECT:Agenda Item # City Manager f~\Commission Meeting February 15,2000 AUTHORIZATION OF THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TO ACCEPT A $340,000.00 GRANT. INTRODUCTION Theattached resolution seeks approval toallowtheCityManagertoenterintoacontractwith theFlorida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)toaccepta $340,000.00 grantto performcertain stormwater drainageimprovements. BACKGROUND Asyouknow,theCity of SouthMiamiwasgrantedan appropriation of $340,000.00 bytheState of Floridaduring their lastlegislativesession.Thisappropriationwastobeused exclusively for stormwater drainage improvements. FDEPis overseeing the disbursement of theappropriation,andhasdevelopedtheattached Contract Agreement #SP551 forthispurpose.Ineffect,FDEPis contracting theCity of South Miamitoperformthespecifieddrainageprojects,andwillreimbursetheCityfortheproject costs.Consequently,the City willnot receive a "lump sum"payment,but submit periodic reimbursementrequestsaftercompletingeachproject. The contract period beginsupon execution of theattached contract,andendsonJune30,2002. Thesix separate projects are specified inthe attached contract.Completing these projects during the contract period represents an exceptionally aggressive project schedule forthe Public Works Departmentsinceittypicallytakes4-6monthstocompleteeach project (frominitialconcept,to commissionapproval,engineeringdesign,permitting,contractor selection,construction,and restoration).Notwithstanding,barringaseriousdesignorpermittingcomplication,theCity shouldbeableto complete these project during that time. /continued... Mayor and City Commission $340,000.00 FDEP Grant Contract February 15,2000 Page2 of2 CONCLUSION The drainage projects outlined in the contract represent opportunities,not only to resolve long standing drainage problems,but also to improve the aesthetics of public property and roadways. For example,the first project on the lististhe canal culvert crossing at SW 62nd Avenue.In conjunction with the drainage improvements,architectural "entryway features"(e.g.,native limestone block walls and arches,complete with landscaping improvements)are tobe designed and installed for this highly visible avenue into the City.Other projects include a complete rework oftheCityHall municipal complex parking lot,parking improvements intheBirdRoad area,and redesigning the Snapper CreekCanal access easements forboth drainage and aesthetics concerns. TheFDEPgrantwillprovidethefiscalmeansto implement such long-awaited goals.Approval of the attached resolution is therefore recommended. Attachment: Contract SP551 and associated documentation e^if!Department of I^^^B Environmental Protection Twin Towers Office Building Jeb Bush 2600 Blair Stone Road David B Struhs Governor Tallahassee,Florida 32399-2400 Secretary January 31,2000 Mr.David Goodin 4795 S.W.75th Avenue Miami,Florida 33155 Re:Contract SP551-South Miami South Miami Stormwater Management System Improvements Dear Mr.Goodin: Enclosed are two originals of the above-referenced contract.Please have the City Manger sign both originals as the City's authorized representative.Keep one original for your use and return one signed original tome.Please notethe project schedule and deliverables. Also enclosed are a disbursement request form,an engineering certification form,and an authorized representative certification form.Please use copies of these forms for disbursement requests.The funds willbe available upon theCity Manager's execution of the contract. If you have any questions,please call Bhupendra Vora,the Department's Project Manager,at (850)488-8163. )onW.Berryhill,BE.,Chief Bureau of Water Facilities Funding DWB/Gfs Enclosures cc:Charles D.Scurr-South Miami Hakeem Oshikoya -SouthMiami Mike Bechtold -DEP/West Palm Beach "MoreProtection,LessProcess" Printed on recycledpaper. The City ofSouth Miami Exhibit II SCOPE OF WORK Stormwater Management System Improvements Section 1:Description of Work Design and construct stormwater system improvements at: 1)SW 62nd Avenue Canal Culvert Crossing Refurbishment The City's canals are an integral part of our storm sewer conveyance system The underground culvert at SW 62 Avenue connects two canal segments.The culvert is being damaged by tree roots,and furthermore stormwater sheetflow from the streets entersthecanalsystem directly and untreated. The refurbishment project shall include proper roadside stormwater drainage systems for SW 62nd Avenue,removal of all noxious /detrimental tree species,repairs to the underground culvert as required,and full restoration of the culvert crossing area including landscaping andaccessfence improvements. 2)SW 41st Street Paving&DrainageProject The roadside swale located between Red Road &SW 58th Avenue exists asan unpaved parking area without adequate drainage systems.This project shall include the installation of proper drainage systems and paving. 3)57th Court Parts HI and IV This project would be the extension of previous drainage projects unrelated to this FDEP Grant application. Both SW 74th Street and SW 74th Terrace east of 57th Court have inadequate drainage system,and experience severe ponding during storms.Both sites are in the City's downtown commercial district.This project shall include the installation of proper drainage systems,new paving,curb /gutter,sidewalk,and landscaping improvements. 4)City Hall Access Road &Parking Area Improvements The municipal complex that includes the Police Department and most ofthe City's departmental functions hasan access road and parking areas that are prone to ponding. This project would include installing proper drainage systems and repaving to ensure proper sheetflow to the drains. 5)Snapper Creek Outfalls Three outfalls discharge untreated stormwater directly into theSnapper Creek Canal. Furthermore,the residential streets in the immediate area experience unacceptable ponding during storms.This project would include the installation of proper drainage systems including proper pollution control featuresper EPA requirements. 6)Downtown Drainage Improvements Localized drainage problems exist throughout the downtown district,including at SW 73rd Street &58th Avenue.This project would include installing proper drainage systems in these poorly drained areas. Pagel of2 DEP AGREEMENT NO.SP551 STATE OF FLORIDA GRANT ASSISTANCE PURSUANT TO LINE ITEM 1241A OF THE 1999-2000 APPROPRIATIONS ACT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION,whose address is 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard,Tallahassee,Florida 32399 (hereinafter referred to as the "Department")and the CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,whose address is 6130 Sunset Boulevard, South Miami,Florida 33143 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"),a unit of local government,to provide stormwater management system improvements. follows: In consideration ofthe mutual benefits to be derived herefrom,the Department and the Grantee do hereby agree as 1.The Grantee does hereby agree to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement,Attachment A (Scope of Services),andall attachments and exhibits namedherein which are attached hereto and incorporated by reference.For purposes of-this Agreement,the terms "Contract"and "Agreement"and the terms "Grantee"and "Contractor"areused interchangeably. 2.This Agreement shall begin upon execution byboth parties andendnolaterthanJune30,2002,inclusive.In accordance with Section 287.058(2),Florida Statutes,the Grantee shall notbe eligible for reimbursement for services rendered prior to the execution date of this Agreement.This Agreement may be amended to provide for additional services if additional funding is made available bythe Legislature. 3.As consideration for the services rendered by the Grantee under the terms of this Agreement,the Department shall paythe Grantee onacost reimbursement basis inan amount notto exceed $340,000.Ifthe Grantee finds,after receipt of competitive bids,thatthework described in Attachment A cannot be accomplished for the current estimated amount,the parties hereto agree to modify the Scope of Services described in Attachment Ato provide forthe services thatcanbe accomplished forthe funding identified above or identify the additional funding tobe providedbytheGranteeforcompletion of theworkoriginallyenvisioned.TheGranteeshallbereimbursedona cost reimbursement basisin accordance withComptrollerContractPayment Requirements,attachedheretoand madeaparthereofas Attachment B.Allbillsfor amounts dueunderthis Agreement shallbe submitted indetail sufficient foraproper pre-audit and post-audit thereof.All requests for reimbursement oftravel expenses shallbe submittedinaccordancewithSection 112.061,Florida Statutes.Fivepercent(5%)of thetotalContractamount ($17,000)willberetaineduntilalldeliverableshavebeenacceptedbytheDepartment. 4.TheState of Florida'sperformanceandobligationtopayunderthisAgreementiscontingentuponanannual appropriation bythe Legislature. 5.TheGranteeshallsubmitquarterlyinvoicesinconjunctionwithquarterlyprogressreportsdescribingthework performed,problems encountered,problem resolution,schedule updates andproposedworkforthenext reporting period.QuarterlyreportsshallbesubmittedtotheDepartment'sProjectManagernolaterthantwenty(20)days followingthecompletion of thequarterlyreportingperiod.Itisherebyunderstood and agreedbythepartiesthat theterm"quarterly"shallreflectthecalendarquartersendingMarch 31,June30,September30andDecember 31. 6.PursuanttoSection 215.422,Florida Statutes,the Department's ProjectManagershallhavefive(5)working days, unlessotherwisespecifiedherein,toinspectandapprovethe services forpayment;theDepartmentmustsubmita requestforpaymenttothe Florida Department of Banking and Finance withintwenty(20)days;andthe Department of BankingandFinanceisgiventen(10)daystoissueawarrant.Daysarecalculatedfromthelatter datethe invoice is received or services received,inspected,and approved.Invoice payment requirements donot startuntilaproperand correct invoice hasbeen received.Invoices whichhavetobe returned toa grantee for correction(s)willresultinadelayinthepayment.AVendorOmbudsmanhasbeenestablishedwithintheFlorida Department of Banking and Finance who maybe contacted ifa contractor is experiencing problems in obtaining DEP Agreement No.SP551,Page1 of 4 timely payment(s)from a State of Florida agency.The Vendor Ombudsman may be contacted at 850/410-9724 or 1-800-848-3792. 7.In accordance with Section 215.422,Florida Statutes,the Department shall pay the Grantee,interest ata rate as established by Section 55.03(1),Florida Statutes on the unpaid balance,ifa warrant in payment of an invoice is not issued within forty (40)days after receipt ofa correct invoice and receipt,inspection,and approval of the goods and services.Interest payments of less than $1 will not be enforced unless a grantee requests payment.The interest rate established pursuant to Section 55.03(1),by Comptroller's Memorandum No.11 (1998-99)dated December 2,1998,hasbeensetat 10%per annum or .02740%per day.The revised interest ratefor each calendar year beyond 1999 for which the term of this Agreement isin effect can be obtained by calling the Department of Banking and Finance,Vendor Ombudsman at the telephone number provided above or the Department's Contracts Section at 850/922-5942. 8.Each party hereto agrees that it shall be solely responsible for the negligent or wrongful acts of its employees and agents.However,nothing contained herein shall constitute a waiver by either party of its sovereign immunity or the provisions of Section 768.28,FloridaStatutes. 9.The Department may terminate this Agreement at any time in the event ofthe failure of the Grantee to fulfill any of its obligations under this Agreement.Prior to termination,the Department shall provide thirty (30)calendar days written notice of its intent to terminate and shall provide the Grantee an opportunity to consult with the Departmentregardingthereason(s)fortermination. 10.This Agreement may be unilaterally canceled by the Department for refusal by the Grantee to allow public access to all documents,papers,letters,or other material subject to the provisions of Chapter 119,Florida Statutes,and made or received bythe Grantee in conjunction with this Agreement. 11.The Grantee shall maintain books,records and documents directly pertinent to performance under this Agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied.The Department,the State,or their authorized representatives shall have access to such records for audit purposes during the term of this Agreement and for three years following Agreement completion.In the event any work is subcontracted,the Grantee shall similarly require each subcontractor to maintain and allow access to such records for audit purposes. 12.In addition to the provisions contained in paragraph 11 above,the Grantee shall comply with the applicable provisions contained in Attachment C.A revised copy of Attachment C,Exhibit-1,must be provided to the Grantee with each amendment which authorizes a funding increase or decrease.The revised Exhibit-1 shall summarize the funding sources supporting the Agreement for purposes ofassisting the Grantee in complying with the requirements of Attachment C.If the Grantee fails to receive a revised copy of Attachment C,Exhibit-1,the Grantee shall notify the Department's Contracts Administrator at 850/922-5942 to request a copy of the updated information. 13.The Grantee shall not subcontract,assign,or transfer any work under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Department's Project Manager.The Grantee agrees tobe responsible forthe fulfillment ofall work elements included in any subcontract consented to by the Department and agrees to be responsible for the payment ofall monies due under any subcontract.It is understood and agreed by the Grantee that the Department shall not be liable to any subcontractor for any expenses or liabilities incurred under the subcontract and that the Grantee shall be solely liable tothe subcontractor for all expenses and liabilities incurred under the subcontract. 14.In accordance with Section 216.347,Florida Statutes,the Grantee is hereby prohibited from using funds provided by this Agreement for the purpose oflobbying the Legislature,the judicial branch or a state agency. 15.Aperson or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not perform work asa grantee,contractor,supplier,subcontractor,or consultant under a contract with any public entity,and may not transact business with any public entity in excess ofthe threshold amount provided in Section 287.017,F.S.,for Category Two,for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. DEPAgreementNo.SP551,Page2 of 4 16.The Grantee shall comply with all applicable federal,state and local rules and regulations in providing services to the Department under this Agreement.The Grantee acknowledges that this requirement includes compliance with all applicable federal,state and local health and safety rules and regulations.The Grantee further agrees to include this provision in all subcontracts issued as a result of this Agreement. 17.The Department's Project Manager for this Agreement is identified below. Bhupendra H.Vora,P.E. FloridaDepartment of Environmental Protection Bureauof Water Facility Funding 2600 Blair StoneRoad,MS3505 Tallahassee,Florida 32399-2400 Phone:(850)488-8163 Fax:(850)921-2769 18.The Grantee's Project Manager for this Agreement is identified below. David Goodin 4795 S.W.75th Avenue Miami,Florida 33155 Phone:(305)663-6350 Fax:(305)668-7208 19.To the extent required by law,the Grantee will be self-insured against,or will secure and maintain during the life of this Agreement,Workers'Compensation Insurance for allof his employees connected with the work of this project and,in case any work is subcontracted,the Grantee shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide Workers'Compensation Insurance for all of the latter's employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Grantee.Such self-insurance program or insurance coverage shall comply fully with the Florida Workers'Compensation law.In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under this Agreement is not protected under Workers'Compensation statutes,the Grantee shall provide,and cause each subcontractor to provide,adequate insurance satisfactory to the Department,for the protection of his employees nototherwiseprotected. 20.The Grantee,as an independent contractor and not an agent,representative,oremployee ofthe Department,agrees to carry adequate liability and other appropriate forms of insurance.The Department shall have no liability except asspecificallyprovidedinthisAgreement. 21.The Grantee covenants that it presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest which would conflict in anymannerordegreewiththeperformanceofservicesrequired. 22.Upon satisfactory completion of this Agreement,the Grantee may retain ownership of the equipment purchased under this Agreement.However,the Grantee shall complete and sign a Property Reporting Form,provided as Attachment D,and forward it along with the appropriate invoice to the Department's Project Manager.The followingtermsshallapply: A.The Grantee shall have use of the equipment for the authorized purposes of the contractual arrangement aslongasthe required workisbeingperformed. B.The Grantee is responsible for the implementation of adequate maintenance procedures to keep the equipmentingoodoperating condition. C.The Grantee is responsible for any loss,damage,or theft of,andany loss,damage or injury caused by the use of,non-expendable personal property or equipment purchased with state funds and held in his possession foruseina contractual arrangement with the Department. DEP Agreement No.SP551,Page3of4 23.The Department may at any time,by written order designated to be a change order,make any change in the work within the general scope of this Agreement (e.g.,specifications,time,method or manner of performance, requirements,etc.).All change orders are subject to the mutual agreement of both parties as evidenced in writing' Any change order which causes an increase or decrease in the Grantee's cost or time shall require formal amendmenttothisAgreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement ofthe parties.Any alterations,variations,changes,modifications or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing,duly signed by each of the parties hereto,and attached to the original ofthis Agreement,unless otherwise provided herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed,the day and year last written below. 24. CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI By:_ Title*: Date: FEID No.59-6000431 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION By:fjUAhjJjAJsJ Director,Division of Water Resource Managementordesignee Date:h 2 f-0& DEPProject Manager DEP Contracts Administrator 7 CT Approvedastoformandlegality: DEP Attorney ♦For Agreements with governmental boards/commissions:If someone other than the Chairman signs this Agreement,a resolution,statement or other document authorizing that person to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Agreement or must accompanythe Agreement. Listof attachments/exhibits included aspartofthis Agreement: Description (include number ofpages) Specify Type Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Letter/ Number _B_ _C_ D Scope of Services (1 Page) Comptroller Contract Payment Requirements (1 Page) Special Audit Requirements (10 Pages) Property Reporting Form(1Page) DEP Agreement No.SP551,Page4 of 4 Description of Work ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF SERVICES South Miami Stormwater Management System Improvements Design and construct improvements to the South Miami stormwater management facilities including all engineering,surveying,permitting and construction required to correct drainage problems at SW 62nd Avenue" SW 4ist Street,57*Court,City Hall Access Road and Parking Area,Snapper Creek,and the Downtown Area.' Estimated costs are: 1.Construction $275,000 2.Permitting $5)000 3.Engineering $60,000 TOTAL PROJECT ESTIMATE $340,000 Deliverables 1.Stormwater System Improvements Plans and Spec August 31,2000 2.SFWMD Stormwater Permit August 31,2000 3.Bid Documents June 1,2000 4.Completion Report June 30,2002 REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DEP Agreement No.SP551,Attachment A,Page 1of1 ATTACHMENT B Comptroller Contract Payment Requirements Department of Banking and Finance,Bureau of Auditing Manual (10/07/97) Cost Reimbursement Contracts Invoices for cost reimbursement contracts must be supported by an itemized listing of expenditures by category (salary,travel,expenses,etc.)Supporting documentation must be provided for each amount for which reimbursement is being claimed indicating that the item has been paid.Check numbers may be provided in lieu of copies of actual checks.Each piece of documentation should clearly reflect the dates of service.Only expenditures for categories inthe approved contract budget should be reimbursed. Listed below are examples of types ofdocumentation representing the minimum requirements: A payroll register or similar documentation should be submitted.The payroll register should show gross salary charges,fringe benefits,other deductions and net pay.If an individual for whom reimbursement is being claimed is paid by the hour,a document reflecting the hours worked times the rate of pay will be acceptable. Fringe Benefits should be supported by invoices showing the amount paid on behalf of the employee (e.g.,insurance premiums paid).If the contract specifically states that fringe benefits will be based ona specified percentage rather than the actual cost of fringe benefits,then the calculation forthe fringe benefits amount mustbe shown. (1)Salaries: (2)Fringe Benefits: (3)Travel: Exception:Governmental entities are not required to provide check numbers or copies of checksforfringe benefits. Reimbursement for travel must bein accordance with Section 112.061,Florida Statutes,which includes submission ofthe claim on the approved State travel voucher or electronic means. (4)Other direct costs:Reimbursement will be made based on paid invoices/receipts.If nonexpendable property is purchased using State funds,the contract should include a provision for the transfer of the property totheStatewhenservicesare terminated.Documentation must be provided to show compliance with Department of Management Services Rule 60A- 1.017,Florida Administrative Code,regarding the requirements for contracts which include services and that provide for the contractor to purchase tangible personal property as defined in Section 273.02,Florida Statutes,for subsequent transfer to the State. (5)In-house charges:Charges which may be of an internal nature (e.g.,postage,copies,etc.)may be reimbursed on a usage log which shows the units times the rate being charged.The rates must be reasonable. (6)Indirect costs:If the contract specifies that indirect costs will be paid based ona specified rate,then the calculation should be shown. Pursuant to 216.346,Florida Statutes,a contract between state agencies including any contract involving the State University system or the State Community College system, the agency receiving the contract or grant moneys shall charge no more than 5 percent of the total cost of the contract or grant for overhead or indirect cost or any other cost notrequiredforthepayment of directcosts. DEP Agreement No.SP551,Attachment B,Page 1of1 ATTACHMENT C Special Audit Requirements The administration of funds awarded bythe Department of Environmental Protection tothe recipient (which may be referred to as the "Contractor","Grantee",or other name in the contract/agreement)may be subject to audits and/or monitoring by the Department of Environmental Protection,as described inthissection. MONITORING In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133,as revised (see "AUDITS"below),monitoring procedures may include,butnotbe limited to,on-site visits by Department staff,limited scope audits as defined by OMB Circular A-133,as revised,and/or other procedures.By entering into this agreement,the recipient agrees to comply and cooperate with any monitoring procedures/processes deemed appropriate by the Department of Environmental Protection.Intheeventthe Department of Environmental Protection determines that a limited scope audit of the recipient is appropriate,the recipient agrees to comply with any additional instructions provided bythe Department to the recipient regarding such audit. AUDITS PART I:FEDERALLY FUNDED This partis applicable if the recipient isa State'or local government ora non-profit organization as defined inOMB Circular A-133,as revised. 1.Inthe event that the recipient expends $300,000 or more in Federal awards inits fiscal year, the recipient must have an audit conducted in accordance withthe provisions of OMB Circular A-133,asrevised.EXHIBIT 1tothis Attachment indicates Federal funds awarded through the Department of Environmental Protection bythis agreement.In determining the Federalawardsexpendedinitsfiscalyear,therecipientshallconsiderallsources of Federal awards,including Federal fundsreceivedfromthe Department of Environmental Protection. Thedetermination of amounts of Federalawardsexpendedshouldbeinaccordancewiththe guidelines established by OMB Circular A-133,as revised.Therecipientis responsible for the procurement ofan independent auditor to conduct theaudit required bythis part.The recipient is required to follow the auditor procurement standards specified in Section .305, OMB Circular A-133,as revised.Anauditofthe recipient conducted bythe Auditor General inaccordancewiththeprovisions of OMBCircularA-133,asrevised,willmeetthe requirements of thispart. 2.In connection with the audit requirements addressed in paragraph 1.,the recipient shall fulfill the requirements relative to auditee responsibilities,financial statements,audit findings follow-up,andreport submission asprovidedin Sections .300,.310,.315,and.320 of OMB Circular A-133,as revised.This includes,butisnot limited to,preparation of financial statements,a schedule of expenditures of Federal awards,a summary schedule of prior audit findings,anda corrective actionplan. DEP AgreementNo.SP551,AttachmentC,Page 1of10 If not otherwise disclosed as required by Section .310 (b)(2)of OMB Circular A-133,as revised,the schedule of expenditures of Federal awards shall identify expenditures by contractnumberforeachcontractwiththeDepartment of EnvironmentalProtectionineffect duringtheauditperiod. Ifthe recipient expends less than $300,000 in Federal awards inits fiscal year,an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133,as revised,isnot required.Intheeventthatthe recipient expends lessthan $300,000 inFederal awards inits fiscal year and elects to have an audit conducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133,as revised,the cost ofthe audit must be paid from non-Federal and non-State funds (i.e.,the cost of such an audit must bepaid from recipient funds obtained from other than Federal/State entities). PART II:STATE GRANTS AND AIDS 1.This part is applicable if the recipient isa local government ora non-profit or for profit organization asdefinedinChapter 10.600,Rules oftheAuditor General. 2.Inthe event that the recipient receives more than $25,000 in State grants and aids inits fiscal year,therecipientmusthavealimitedscopeaudit conducted in accordance withSection 216.349,Florida Statutes,andChapter 10.600,Rules of theAuditor General.EXHIBIT 1to this Attachment indicates State grants and aids amounts awarded through the Department of Environmental Protection by this agreement.In determining the grants and aids received in its fiscal year,the recipient shall consider aggregate grants and aids received directly from State agencies,including grants and aids funds received from the Department of Environmental Protection. The audit report must include an auditor's examination attestation report,management assertion report (alternatively,management's assertion may be included in the management representation letter),and a schedule of State financial assistance.EXHIBITS 2,3,and 4to this Attachment provide examples of these reports/schedule. The auditor's examination attestation report must indicate whether management's assertion as to compliance with the following requirements is fairly stated,in all material respects: •activities allowed or unallowed •allowablecosts/costprinciples •matching (if applicable) •reporting 3.In the event that the recipient receives State grants and aids totaling $25,000 or less in its fiscal year,the head ofthe recipient entity or organization must provide a written attestation, under penalty of perjury,that the recipient has complied with the allowable cost provisions (or other applicable provisions)ofthe State grants and aids contract.EXHIBIT 5to this Attachment provides an example attestation document that should be used by the agency head to attest to compliance with grants and aids provisions. DEP Agreement No.SP551,Attachment C,Page 2of10 PART III:OTHER AUDIT REQUIREMENTS (This part is reserved to specify any additional audit requirements imposed,if applicable,by the State agency that are solely a matter of that State agency's policy (i.e.,the audit is not required by Federal or State laws and is not in conflict with other Federal or State audit requirements).) PART IV:REPORT SUBMISSION 1.Copies of audit reports for audits conducted in accordance with OMB Circular A-133,as revised,and required by PART Iof this Attachment shall be submitted,when required by Section .320 (d),OMB Circular A-133,as revised,or when required by number 2 below,by oronbehalfofthe recipient directly to each ofthe following: A.The Department of Environmental Protection at each of the following addresses: Bhupendra H.Vora,P.E. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of WaterFacilityFunding 2600 Blair Stone Road,MS3505 Tallahassee,Florida 32399-2400 Audit Director Florida Department of Environmental Protection Office of Inspector General 2600 Blair Stone Road,MS40 Tallahassee,Florida 32399-2400 B.The Federal Audit Clearinghouse designated in OMB Circular A-133,as revised (the number of copies required by Sections .320 (d)(1)and (2),OMB Circular A-133,as revised,should be submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse),at the following address: FederalAuditClearinghouse Bureau of the Census 1201 East 10th Street Jeffersonville,IN 47132 C.Other Federal agencies and pass-through entities in accordance with Sections .320 (e)and (f),OMBCircularA-133,asrevised. D.The State of Florida Auditor General atthe following address: AuditManager Office of the Auditor General P.O.Box 1735 Tallahassee,Florida 32302-1735 DEP Agreement No.SP551,AttachmentC,Page 3of10 2.Pursuant to Section .320 (f),OMB Circular A-133,as revised,the recipient shall submit a copy of the reporting package described in Section .320 (c),OMB Circular A-133,as revised, and any management letters issued by the auditor,to each of the following: Bhupendra H.Vora,P.E. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of WaterFacility Funding 2600Blair Stone Road,MS3505 Tallahassee,Florida 32399-2400 Audit Director FloridaDepartment of EnvironmentalProtection Office of InspectorGeneral 2600Blair Stone Road,MS40 Tallahassee,Florida 32399-2400 Audit Manager Office ofthe Auditor General P.O.Box 1735 Tallahassee,Florida 32302-1735 3.Copies of reports required by PART II of this Attachment,and management letters prepared in conducting audits related to State grants and aids audits required by PART II of this Attachment,shall be submitted by or on behalf of the recipient directly to each of the following: A.The Department of Environmental Protection at each of the following addresses: Bhupendra H.Vora,P.E. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Bureau ofWaterFacility Funding 2600Blair Stone Road,MS3505 Tallahassee,Florida 32399-2400 Audit Director FloridaDepartment of EnvironmentalProtection Office of InspectorGeneral 2600Blair Stone Road,MS40 Tallahassee,Florida 32399-2400 B.The Office of the Auditor General at the following address: Audit Manager Office of the Auditor General P.O.Box 1735 Tallahassee,Florida 32302-1735 DEP Agreement No.SP551,Attachment C,Page 4of 10 4.Copies of reports or management letters required by PART IIIofthis Attachment shall be submitted byoronbehalf of the recipient directlyto: A.The Department of Environmental Protection at each of the following addresses: Bhupendra H.Vora,P.E. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of WaterFacilityFunding 2600 Blair Stone Road,MS3505 Tallahassee,Florida 32399-2400 Audit Director Florida Department of Environmental Protection Office of InspectorGeneral 2600 Blair Stone Road,MS40 Tallahassee,Florida 32399-2400 5.Any reports,management letters,attestations,or other information required to be submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection pursuant to this agreement shall be submitted within 180 days ofthe recipient's fiscal year end (or as otherwise allowed by Florida Statutes) or within 30 days ofthe recipient's receipt ofthe audit report,whichever occurs first.Other submissions should be timely in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 and/or Florida Statutes,asapplicable. 6.Recipients,when submitting audit reports to the Department of Environmental Protection for audits done in accordance with OMB Circular A-133,should indicate the date that the recipient received the audit report in correspondence accompanying the audit report. PARTV:RECORD RETENTION The recipient shall ensure that audit working papers are made available to the Department of Environmental Protection,or its designee,upon request for a period of3 years from the date the audit report is issued,unless extended in writing by the Department of Environmental Protection. REMAINDER OFPAGEINTENTIONALLYLEFT BLANK DEP Agreement No.SP551,Attachment C,Page 5of10 EXHIBIT -1 ™*™ED T°THE RECIPIENT PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING (required by Section .400 (d)(1),OMBCircularA-133,as revised): Federal Program Number State Program Number (Other Funding) Original Agreement FederalAgency Funding Source General Revenue -Line Item 1241A CFDA Number State Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Catalog of State Financial Assistance Number 37036 CFDA Title CSFA Title or Funding Source Description StormwaterProjects Total Award Funding Amount Funding Amount $340,000.00 $340,000.00 State Grants & Aids Appropriation Category,if applicable. State Grants & Aids Appropriation Category,if applicable. 140010 mSissssszs'^To the funds awarded to this agreement are as follows **-*s—4o° L7orCthePFl8orMma SS^STi?""*!?^™5&^f"Vmpm re<>uirements described in the **"»'Ca.alog of Domestic Assistance (CFDA)and/or the Florida Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CFSA).The services/purposes for which the funds are to be used are included in the Contract scope ofservices/work.Any match required by the recipient is clearly indicated in the Contract.contract scope ot If the State program funds represent matching funds provided by the Department of Environmental Protection for certain Federal programs then the z~^iz^::tz:mTfor ,he applicarle ™>—•****•—*«*»«m™~Pe«*m ,0 <•»&zltiznon-hederal funds,there may be more than one grouping (i.e.,1,2,3,etc.)listed under this category. f!PTf:T!LrCCiP/!£t "!ay.access ^formation regarding the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)via the internet atTilTr"fn\lT inf0rmati°n re*mUn*the F,orida Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CFSA),arecipient should a cess t vv bsifortheGovernor's Office of Plann.ng and Budget located at httP://www.eog.stn,e fi.us/eog/overview/in^oph htm for assistance. DEP Agreement No.SP551,Attachment C,Page 6of 10 EXHIBIT-2 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT ON EXAMINATION OF MANAGEMENT'S ASSERTION ABOUT COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFIED REQUIREMENTS (SAS Codification Section AT 500.55) [Date] Dear [Name]: We have examined management's assertion1 about [name of entity]^compliance with the allowable cost requirements [or other applicable requirements]established in the grant agreement(s)applicable totheState grants andaids appropriations identified on Schedule of State Financial Assistance for the year ended [indicate the applicable fiscalyear]included in the accompanying [title of management report].1 Management is responsible for [name ofentityjs compliance with those requirements.Our responsibility isto express an opinion on management's assertion aboutthe [name ofentityjs compliancebasedonour examination. Our examination was made in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and,accordingly,included examining,ona test basis, evidence about [name ofentityjs compliance with those requirements and performing such other proceduresasweconsiderednecessaryinthecircumstances.Webelievethatourexamination provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.Our examination does not provide a legal determination on [name ofentityjs compliance with specified requirements. Inour opinion,management's assertion [identify management's assertion -for example,that complied with the aforementioned requirements during the fiscalyear ended ]is fairly stated,inallmaterial respects 34 Sincerely, Notes: 1.If the entity does not present its assertion ina separate report accompanying the practitioner's report,refer to SAS Codification Sections AT 500.56 and .57. 2.The practitioner should identify the management assertion report examined by reference to the report title used by management in its report.Further,he or she should use the same description of the compliance requirements as management usesinitsreport. 3.The specific compliance requirements,and related criteria (if applicable),will be specified and/or referred toin the grant agreement.As such,it should not be necessary to repeat the compliance requirements,and related criteria(if applicable)inthe practitioner's report. 4.Instances of noncompliance should be reported inthe manner prescribed in SAS Codification Sections AT 500.61 through .68. DEPAgreementNo.SP551,Attachment C,Page7 of 10 »« EXHIBIT-3 MANAGEMENT ASSERTION REPORT I,__,herebyassertthat, (head of recipient entity)(recipient entity name) complied with allowable cost requirements [or other applicable requirements]of the grants and aids appropriations identified on the attached Schedule of State Financial Assistance during the fiscalyearended . (month,day,year) (signature) (title) (date) If this assertion report is used,one copy shall be submitted after the recipient's fiscal year end to each of the parties designated in the contracts/grants for the identified grants and aids appropriations. This statement does not need to be notarized. DEP AgreementNo.SP551,AttachmentC,Page 8of10 EXHIBIT-4 Sample Organization Schedule of State Financial Assistance For the year ended 9/30/97 StateAgency And Program Title State Contract/ Grant Number Federal CFDA Number Note A State Receipts Federal Through State Receipts Total Receipts Department of Health Head Start GH501 93.600 50,000 (1)50,000 (1)100,000 Women, Infant & Children AB101 93.245 •100,000(1)150,000 250,000 Department of Elder Affairs Community Care for the Elderly GC501 Not Applicable 200,000 (1)0 200,000 Community Care for the Elderly GC601 93.003 0 150,000(1)150,000 Elder Care GC777 93.666 60,000 60,000 120,000 Total 410,000 410,000(2)820,000 (1)State Grants and Aids Appropriations moneys.The grand total of State Grants and Aids Appropriations moneys is$550,000. (2)$390,000 of this amount is included in the expenditures presented in the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards.The remaining $20,000 was received under contract number GC601 butwasnot expended. NOTE A:Federal CFDA numbers apply only to Federal programs. CAUTION:The purpose of this schedule is format illustration only.The contract or grant numbers,CFDAnumbersandprogramtitlesarenotintendedto represent actual data. DEP Agreement No.SP551,Attachment C,Page 9of 10 •»r EXHIBIT-5 MANAGEMENT ATTESTATION STATEMENT CONTRACT/GRANT NUMBER(S)_ h __,hereby attest,under penalties of perjury,that, (head of recipiententity) (recipiententityname) complied withallowablecost requirements [or other applicable requirements]of the grants and aids appropriations contracts/grants identified above during the fiscal year ended . (month,day,year) (signature) (title) (date) One copy ofthis attestation statement shall be submitted after the recipient's fiscal year end to each of the parties designated in the contracts/grants for the identified grants and aids appropriations. This statement doesnotneedtobe notarized. DEP Agreement No.SP551,Attachment C,Page 10 of 10 ATTACHMENTD PROPERTYREPORTINGFORMFORDEPCONTRACTNO.SP551 (ForPropertyWithContractorAssignedPropertyControlNumbers) ^^n™*™^USt"on-expendf,eequipment/personalproperty*costing$1,000ormorepurchasedundertheaboveContract.Alsolistallupgrades*underthiscontract,costing 'fjJ™K'°frPer*PreV,°US,yPUuhaSe?UndCraDEPC°ntraCt(identifythepropertyupgradedandtheapplicab,eDEPcontractonaseP^atesheet).Completetheserialno./cost En^JE"-rP7°T"UmberC°,UmnS?uthiSf0rm-ThCC°n,raCt0rShaHeStabHshaUniqueidentiflerfortrackin8al1personalpropertyPhasedunderthisContractand shallreportthe.nventoryofsaidproperty,onanannualbasis,totheDepartment'sProjectManager,byDEPContractnumber,nolaterthanJanuary31*foreachyearthisContractisin DESCRIPTIONSERIALNOVCOST** ♦Notincludingsoftware.**Attachcopyofinvoice,billofsale,orotherdocumentationtosupportpurchase. CONTRACTOR:Contractor'sProjectManager: BELOWFORDEPUSEONLY LOCATION/ADDRESS CONTRACTORASSIGNED PROPERTYCONTROLNUMBER Date:J DEPC0NTRACTMANAGER:MaintainthisdocumentwithacopyoftheinvoicessupportingthecostofeachitemidentifiedaboveinyourContractfile.IftheContractisa costreimbursementContract,makesuretosendinvoicessupportingthecostoftheitemstoFinanceandAccountingfortheprocessingofthe Contractor'sinvoiceforpayment.*>r6 DEPContractManagerSignature:Date: CoEnPtr^LANCEAN°ACCOlfNTrNG:N°processin8re(>u'"red*Finance&AccountingastheContractorisresponsibleforretainingownershipoftheequipment/propertyuponsatisfactorycompletionofthe retainownershipoftheequipment/propertyuponsatisfactorycompletionofthe DEPPROPERTYMANAGEMENT:NoprocessingrequiredbythePropertyManagementsectionastheContractorwill Contract. DEPAgreementNo.SP551,AttachmentD,Page1of1