Res. No. 258-98-10526RESOLUTION NO.258-98-10526 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,RELATING TO CONSULTANT CONTRACT,AUTHORIZING THE CITY ADMINISTRATION TO EXTEND A CONTRACT WITH DON DELANEY.DBA,SDI,INC.,ON A RETAINER BASIS,UNDER TERMS APPROVED BY RESOLUTION #30-97-10001, FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELATED TO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY(CRA)PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION, TAX INCREMENT FINANCING.GRANT WRITING ANDLOBBYING SERVICES RELATED TO CRA,AND OTHER ACTIVITIES RELATED TO THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI CRA AT A MONTHLY RETAINER FEE OF $9,600 PER MONTHBEGINNING SEPTEMBER 1998.THE EXPENDITURE WILL BE PAID FROM ACCOUNT #001-0000-132-15.00, "CRA PREPAID EXPENSES." WHEREAS,the Mayor and CityCommissionstrongly support the expeditious implementationof the South Miami Community Redevelopment AgencyPlan designed and created tobring economic equityto the city'sCRA area,and improve the qualityof life for those South Miami residents who live within its boundaries;and WHEREAS,the Mayor and CityCommission recognize that improvingthe decliningtax base in the designated area will benefit the entirecommunity,and can be accomplished if redevelopment efforts are fostered and supported;and WHEREAS,the Cityof South Miami'sCommunity Redevelopment Agency has been created and approved bytheMayorandCityCommission,and approved by the Miami-Dade CountyBoardofCounty Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 163, Part III,Florida Statutes;and WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Commission has determined that Mr.Don DeLaney,dba SDI,Inc.,has provided excellent service under the present contract and possesses unique qualifications and expertise;and WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Commission has determined that itis prudent to continue utilizing the professional services ofDonDeLaney,dba SDI,Inc.,toperform necessary work related to community redevelopment,tax increment financing,pursuitof private sector funding,CRArelatedgrant writing and lobbying services,and other CRA related services as requested by the city;and WHEREAS,Don Delaney,dba SDI,Inc.,a Consultant withofficein Hobe Sound, Florida,possesses the requisite skills,knowledge,expertise and resources toperform the services required; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.That the CityAdministrationisauthorizedto execute acontractwith Don Delaney to provide consulting servicesona retainer basis,attherateof$9,600per month beginning September 1,1998,tobe paid from account#001-0000-132.15.00, "CRA Prepaid Expenses." Section 2.The Contract,whichis annexed and made part of thisresolution shallbe amended toaddanew paragraph 9 stating:"Theconsultantshallsubmit quarterly reports tothe Deputy City Manager,beginning December 1,1998,detailing his monthly workschedule,progress,timeexpended,andcosts incurred." Section 3:The terms and conditions of scope of services,compensation and method of payment,termination,and other required termsare contained in the agreement attached hereto. Section 4.This resolution shall take effect immediately upon approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st dayof September,1998. ATTEST:a APPROVED•Ml CO I.A j-»r r ixwi-i-f. CITY CLERK //MAYOR READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To:Mayorand Commission Date:August 26,1998 Agenda Item # From:Charles Scurr /7/1/J&^'Subject:Comm.Mtg.9/1/98 City Manager /A^ia^CRA Consultant This item is brought back to the Commission after being tabled on August 18th. The attached resolution authorizes the City Administration to enter an agreement with DonDeLaney,doing business as SDI,Inc.,HobeSound,Florida,extending and modifying thetermsandconditionsapprovedinResolution #30-97-1001.This resolutionand the attached modified agreement places Mr.DeLaney ona monthly retainerwith the citytoprovideconsulting services to the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency onareducedlevelnowthat the Plan has been written, submitted andapprovedby the CountyCommission.The contractalso adds other services targetedtooptimize the success oftheSouth Miami CRA.These services include: 1.Recruitmentofprivate redevelopment interestsandprovisionoftechnical information relating topotential sites withinCRAareato assist developers indeterminingproject feasibility. 2.Evaluationofproposed development intermsofgoalsand objectives for the CRA area,negotiating terms andconditionsto ensure maximum financial advantage tothe city,andpresenting these development possibilities tothecity administration,elected officials and public as appropriate. 3.Serve as the negotiator andlobbyisttowards the adoption of an acceptable Interlocal Agreement between the DadeCountyBoardofCounty Commissioners and the South Miami City Commission regarding CRA powers,use of eminent domain, reporting requirements,budget authorityandCounty contributions to the City'sTIF trust fund. 4.As CRA Consultant,provide necessary professional guidance and support in the implementation of CRA Plan approved programsand projects in accordance with Florida Statutes,CRA Plan,and Interlocal Agreement -including early Quick Victory projects. 5.Pursue private sector contributions to projects supported by the Mayor,Vice Mayor and Commission to receive tax credits through the state for contributions made by the private sector to Commission-approved projects. a 6.In coordinationwith Mayor Robaina,secure approvalofMayor Penelas and Rene Rodriguez to explore the privatization ofthe Dade County Housing Authority project located in the SMCRA andto negotiate and secure approval of the necessary interlocal agreementbetweentheDadeCounty Commission andthe City Commission to implement this activity. 7.Prepare Requests for Proposals for redevelopment projects within CRA area,review andevaluate proposals submitted,andmake recommendations tothe City. 8.Identify potential grant sources,prepare grant applications,present grants to funding sources,lobby approval of grants as appropriate andnecessary,to maximize funds available to implement CRA programs and/or useCRAfundstomatch grant funds. 9.Investigate and assess possible funding sourcessuchasSunshineState Loan Pool, Florida Leagueof Cities,etc.toexpeditethe availability of financial resourcesto implement programs utilizing future TIF funds tosecure low interest loan. 10.Represent CRAto community groups and organizations suchas Chamber of Commerce,Beacon Council,Miami-Dade County,as assigned,topromotethe SMCRA,andits programs,andtoenlist support,assistanceand coordination in promoting theredevelopmenteffortsofthe City. Thiscoordination of tasks will serve togreatly expand and enhance the resources available to fund CRA programs and projects,andacceleratethecommunity improvements. It isessentialthatthe programs approved in theSMCRA Plan be properly established inaccordancewiththe Interlocal Agreement andwithChapter 163 part III,Florida Statutes.The life of the CRA can extend to30years,and failure toproperly establish these long-term programs couldjeopardizethe long-term success oftheagency. The South Miami CRA has the potentialofbeing the most successful CRA in Miami- DadeCountywiththe initial taxincrement from the Shops at Sunset Place.More than $11,000,000 in tax revenues generated within thiscommunitythatwouldotherwise have been usedthroughouttheCounty will bereturnedtothecity for economic development.Thisisa tremendous return onthe city's investment in creating the CRA. Thecreationofthe agency isalmostcomplete.The task beforeusnowisto ensure thatweproduceresultsand effect change.Theeconomicimpactthis agency can generate is monumental.Its early success will setthestage for its overall success. Staffing will beachievedby assigning 50%ofthe Deputy City Manager's timeto CRA, and continuing to utilize Mr.DeLaneyasourCRA Consultant.Mr.DeLaneyandthe DeputyCity Manager haveestablisheda goal for theSMCRAtogenerate approximately $500,000 in non-TIF funds for theagency during the first yearofthe life oftheagency.These funds will begenerated from alternate public and private funding sources.As youknow,the first yearTIF revenue will be extremely low.Thistaxyear the assessment within the CRA area has again declined -reinforcing the need for Community Redevelopment.Itis important to maintain the momentum and tofollow throughwith the promises made tothis community to make some positive economic changes within the CRA area.The CRA's long-term success depends upon ourearly commitment and our ability to establish and implement the programs we have planned for the community.Mr.DeLaney has conducted one-on-one briefings with each of you regarding the required next steps and the projectsthatarealready underway - including the Quick Victoryprojectsthat will be forthcoming. Mr.DeLaney agrees toprovideaminimumof3 days per week to the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency to complete the final steps in the establishment of the CRA -the negotiationof the Interlocal Agreement withMiami-DadeCounty,the programsandprojectimplementation phase forthis agency,represent the cityto private sector development interests,as wellasgrant/fundingapplications, presentations,andlobbying services relatingtoCRA.The monthly retainerfeefor Mr. DeLaneyis $9,600 permonth.Thisfee will bechargedtogeneralledger account #001-0000-132.15.00 titled,"Advances to other funds/CRA Prepaid Expenses."In accordance withresolution #204-98-10472,expenses incurredby the CRA will be advanced anticipating reimbursement from the Community Redevelopment Agency TIF funds.Allrelated expenses such as printing,secretarialsupport,printing andcopying, travel,lodging,andmeal expenses,relating to tasks tobeperformedunderthis contract are the responsibility of the Consultant. I recommend approval. RESOLUTION NO.204-98-10472 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,RELATING TO TRANSFER OF FUNDS;AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT NUMBER 001-0000-132.15.00 TITLED.CRA PREPAID EXPENSES;AUTHORIZING ALL PAST AND FUTURE CRA RELATED EXPENSES CHARGED TO GENERAL FUND BE TRANSFERRED INTO THE NEW ACCOUNT FOR REIMBURSEMENT BY COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (CRA)FUNDIN THE FUTURE;PROVIDING FOR TERMS OF REIMBURSING THE GENERAL FUND. WHEREAS,theCityCommission of SouthMiamiandMiami-DadeCountyCommission have approved the creation of South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency (SMCRA);and WHEREAS,inthepast,all incidental expensestothecreation of theSouthMiami Community Redevelopment Agency(SMCRA)have been charged totheCity general fund budget; and WHEREAS,inaccordancewithFloridaState Statute,section163.387(6b),these expenses are fully reimbursable withthe community redevelopment agency funds;and WHEREAS,theCity Administration wishestoestablishaprocesswherebyall expenses relating to community redevelopment agency,previously paid from die general fund willbe reimbursed bythe(SMCRA)in equal amounts overa five-year period,beginning when sufficient fundsareavailableinthe Community Redevelopment Agency Trust Fund. NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI THAT: Section 1.TheCity Manager is authorized tograduallytransferthesum of $226,215.94 fromthe CRA TrustFundinthefuturewithoutjeopardizingnew CRA programs,whenfundsare available.Thisamount represents the SMCRA Consultants for preparing the finding of necessities, the SMCRA plan,andassistingintheapprovalprocess. Section2.Theamount referenced insection1paragraphabovebedistributedas follows: $90,815.94 to account 001-0000-369.300,titled "Refund of Prior Year's Expenses"for all CRA relatedexpensesincurredinthe1995/96and 1996/97 fiscalyears. $135,400.00 toaccount 001-2100-519.9920 titled "Non-Departmental General Contingency"for consulting expensesincurredinthecurrentfiscalyear. AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT,entered intoonJuly 21,1998,between:the CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,hereinafterreferredto as "City,"and DON DELANEY,dba SDI,Inc.,a redevelopment andtax increment financing consultant with office located at 8422 S.E.Royal Street,Hobe Sound,Florida 33455,hereinafter referred toas "CONSULTANT.r.»- WHEREAS,the CITY desires the CONSULTANT to assist in the.implementation ofthe approved South Miami Redevelopment Plan (SMCRA Plan)with supporting programs and a tax increment trust fund,pursuit of private sector-funds,grant writing and lobbying services relating to CRA,assist in review and analysis of development proposals,and to represent the CITY when appropriate on issues and policies related to CRA. WHEREAS,the City desiresthe CONSULTANT toassist in assuringthatthe dTY complies with all the necessary requirements asset forth in CHAPTER 163,Part III Florida Statutes,andwithitsadopted Community RedevelopmentPlan;and WHEREAS,the CONSULTANT possesses therequisite skills,knowledge, expertiseand resources to perform these services. NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual terms and conditions, promises,covenants and payments hereinafter set forth,the CITY andthe CONSULTANT agree as follows: 1.SCOPE OF SERVICES A,The CONSULTANT shall serve in a technical capacity as required regarding the implementation ofthe official SMCRA Planand supporting programs. B.The CONSULTANT shall serve as a technical expert and financial advisor regarding all aspects of redevelopment activities as they relate to the establishment of the tax increment financing mechanism,trust fund,and Redevelopment Bond issues. C.The CONSULTANT shall coordinate activities regarding the Interlocal Agreement between Dade County and the City as well as other relevant taxing districts. D.The CONSULTANT shall prepare any and all resolutions and ordinances necessary for the Interlocal Agreement,plan revisions,and amendments for submission to the City's legal counsel,city management staff,City Commission,and Miami-Dade County Commission as appropriate. E.The CONSULTANT agrees to provide Redevelopment and Tax Increment services in the manner and extent as determined by the Mayor and Commission and the Officeof the City Manager. F.The CONSULTANT agrees to represent the city to private sector development interests,assist in review and analysis of development proposals,and provide presentations relating to potential development within the CRA area as appropriate,and in conjunction withcitystaff. Q,The CONSULTANT shall serve ina technical capacity as required to identify funding sources,prepare grant/funding applications,in conjunction with eity staff,on behalf of the eity to improve services and enhance community and economic development,to represent the city as appropriate during the grant/funding application process,and serve as lobbyist relating to these grant/funding applications as appropriate. 2.TIME FOR PERFORMANCE The CONSULTANT agrees to perform all services inatimely and diligent manner upon execution of this Agreement, 3.COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT All payments will bemade in a timely fashionafterreceiptof monthly invoice from the CONSULTANT. A,Amonthly retainer payment of $9,600,00,which covers the cost of all travel,lodging,and meal expenses,printing,secretarial services,and phone expenses,for the completion ofthe tasks tobe performed under this contract,shall be paid by the City beginning the monthof August 1998. 4.OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Reports,servicesandotherdata obtained orprepared in connection with the Agreement areandshall remain the property ofthe CITY.The CONSULTANT shall havetherightstoanyandall publication effortsresulting from reports,surveys and other data obtained or prepared in connection with the Agreement. §,TERMINATION This agreement maybe terminated bythe CITY or CONSULTANT for eause.opbythe CITY for convenience,uponthirty(30)days writtennoticeby the terminatingpartyto the other party ofsuch termination in which eventthe CONSULTANT shall be paid its compensation for services performedtotermination date.In the event thatthe CONSULTANT abandons this AGREEMENT or causes it to be terminated,any applications,maps,workproductsandreports prepared by CONSULTANT pursuantto this Agreement shall become thepropertyofthe CITY andshallbedeliveredbythe CONSULTANT to the CITY. 6.NONDISCRIMINATION The CONSULTANT agrees that it will notdiscriminate against anyofits employees or applicantsforemployment because oftheirrace,color,religion,sex ornational origin, and toabide t?y all Federal and State laws regardingnon-discrimination, 7.COMPLETENESS AND ACCURACY OF WORK The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for the completeness and accuracy ofitswork, plan,supportingdata,and other documentspreparedandcompiled under its obligation pursuanttothisAgreementandshallcorrectatits expense all significant errorsor omissions therein whichmay be disclosed. 8.PROJECT MANAGER The CONSULTANTS project manager underthisAgreementisDonDeLaney.The CITY'S ProjectManagerunderthisAgreementisthe Deputy City Manager. Don DeLaney,President SDI,Inc. DATE: WITNESS:FOR THE CONSULTANT DATE: FOR CITY TITLE: DATE: WITNESS:FOR THE CITY DATE: AGREEMENT THISAGREEMENT,entered intoon September 1,1998,between:the CITYOF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,herein after referredto as "City,"and DON DELANEY,dba SDI,Inc.,aredevelopmentandtaxincrement financing consultant with office locatedat 8422 S.E.Royal Street,Hobe Sound,Florida 33455,hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANT." WHEREAS,the CITY desires the CONSULTANT to assist in the implementation oftheapprovedSouth Miami Redevelopment Plan (SMCRA Plan)withsupporting programs andatax increment trustfund,pursuitofprivate sector funds,grant writing andlobbying services relatingto CRA,assist inreview and analysis of development proposals,and to represent the CITYwhen appropriate on issues and policies related oCRA. WHEREAS,theCity desires the CONSULTANT to assist in assuring thatthe CITY complieswithall the necessary requirements as set forthinCHAPTER 163,Part III Florida Statutes,and withits adopted Community Redevelopment Plan;and WHEREAS,the CONSULTANT possesses therequisite skills,knowledge, expertise and resources to perform these services. NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual terms and conditions, promises,covenants and payments hereinafter set forth,the CITY and the CONSULTANT agree as follows: 1.SCOPE OF SERVICES A.The CONSULTANT shall serve inatechnical capacity as required regardingtheimplementationofthe official SMCRAPlan and supporting programs. ^•p'^gj B.The CONSULTANT shall serve as a technical expert and financial advisor regarding all aspects of redevelopment activities as they relate to the establishment of the tax increment financing mechanism,trust fund,and Redevelopment Bond issues. C.The CONSULTANT shall coordinate activities regarding the Interlocal Agreement between Dade County and the City as well as other relevant taxing districts. D.The CONSULTANTshall prepare any and all resolutions and ordinances necessary for the Interlocal Agreement,plan revisions,and amendments for submission to the City's legal counsel,city management staff,City Commission,and Miami-Dade County Commission as appropriate. E.The CONSULTANT agrees to provide Redevelopment and Tax Increment services in the manner and extent as determined by the Mayor and Commission and the Officeof the City Manager. F.The CONSULTANT agrees to represent the cityto private sector development interests,assist in review and analysis of development proposals,and provide presentations relating to potential development within the CRA area as appropriate,and in conjunction withcitystaff. G.The CONSULTANTshall serve ina technical capacity as required to identifyfunding sources,prepare grant/funding applications,in conjunction withcitystaff,on behalf of the cityto improve services and enhance community and economic development,to represent the city as appropriate during the grant/funding application process,and serve as lobbyistrelatingto these grant/funding applications as appropriate. 2.TIME FOR PERFORMANCE The CONSULTANT agrees toperformall services inatimely and diligent manner upon execution of this Agreement. 3.COMPENSATION AND METHOD OF PAYMENT All payments will be made inatimelyfashion after receiptofmonthlyinvoicefrom the CONSULTANT. ^w^ A.A monthly retainer payment of $9,600.00,which covers the cost ofall travel,lodging,and meal expenses,printing,secretarial services,and phone expenses,forthecompletionof the tasks tobeperformed under thiscontract,shallbepaidbythe City beginning the month of September 1998. 4.OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Reports,services and other data obtained or prepared in connection with the Agreement are and shall remain the property of the CITY.The CONSULTANTshall have the rightstoanyandallpublicationeffortsresultingfromreports,surveys and other data obtained or prepared in connection with the Agreement. 5.TERMINATION This agreement maybeterminatedbythe CITY or CONSULTANT for cause,orbythe CITY for convenience,uponthirty(30)days writtennoticeby the terminatingpartytothe other partyof such termination inwhich event the CONSULTANTshall be paidits compensation for services performed to termination date.In the event that the CONSULTANT abandons thisAGREEMENTor causes itto be terminated,any applications,maps,work products and reports prepared byCONSULTANT pursuant to this Agreement shall become the property of the CITY and shall be delivered by the CONSULTANT to the CITY. 6.NON-DISCRIMINATION The CONSULTANT agrees that it will not discriminate against any ofits employees or applicants for employment because of their race,color,religion,sex or national origin, and to abide byall Federal and State laws regarding non-discrimination. 7.COMPLETENESS AND ACCURACY OF WORK The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for the completeness and accuracy ofitswork, plan,supporting data,and other documents prepared and compiled under its obligation pursuant tothis Agreement and shall correct at its expense allsignificant errors or omissions therein which may be disclosed. 8.PROJECT MANAGER The CONSULTANT'S projectmanagerunderthisAgreementis Don DeLaney.The CITY'S ProjectManagerunderthisAgreementistheDeputyCityManager. 9.QUARTERLY REPORTS The CONSULTANT shallsubmitquarterlyreportstotheDeputyCityManager, beginning December 1,1998,detailinghismonthlywork schedule,progress,time expended,and costs incurred. Don DeLaney,President SDI,Inc. DATE:Vll/^7 WITNESS:FOR THE CONSULTANT FOR CITY TITLE:/2£/7L DATE:0f./?.9 f WITNESS:FOR THE CITY X mi^±^Lj2z!^±^± *Citipf/wtffaty DATE^-Zy-^/:9-/?-$^DATE