Ord No 10-15-2217ORDINANCE NO.10-15-2217 An Ordinance amending Section 20-4.2 of the City of South Miami's Land Development Code to add,clarify and/or modify criteria for the City's approval of a waiver of plat,and for approval of all plats or re-plats requiring approval by Miami-Dade County and adding definitions for roadways in Section 20-2.3. WHEREAS,Section 20-4.2 of the City's Land Development Code provides forthe process of subdividing parcels of landintheCity of SouthMiami;and WHEREAS,Section 20-4.2 deferstothe Miami-Dade County platting process of Chapter 28 of the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances;and WHEREAS,Miami-Dade County platting ordinance requires that a tentative plat must be approved bytheCity of South Miami before itcan obtain final County plat approval;and WHEREAS,the title of this amended ordinance,as originally proposed,adequately described the purpose and intent of the amendment;and WHEREAS,the amendment was changed and broadened in scope between firstand final reading;and WHEREAS,inan abundance of caution,the ordinance is being re-adopted with a broader title and a definition of arterial streets;and WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of South Miami desire to re-enact this ordinance. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.Section 20-4.2 Land subdivision regulations,is hereby amended toreadas follows:. (A)ApplicableRegulations.Thesubdivision of alllandwithinthecityshallbe subjectto Chapter 28 of the Miami-Dade CountyCode of Ordinances andadministered bytheMiami-DadeCountyDepartment of PublicWork.However,finalplatapproval mustbeapprovedbytheCityCommissionandmeetthesamerequirements of Subsection (B)(2),(3),(4)and (5)of this Section assetforth below. (B)Platted Lot Compliance.Every building or structure hereafter erected,moved or structurallyalteredwithinthecityshallbelocatedonaplattedlot,exceptthatthecity commissionmaywaiveplattedlotcomplianceinaccordancewithsection28-4_ofthe CountyCodeandtheproceduressetforthbelow.Atleastten (10)dayspriortothe planningboardreview of the application forwaiver of plat,thesubjectpropertyshallbe postedbythePlanningDepartmentwithanoticeofthedateandtime of theplanning meetingonallroadwaysthatabuttheproperty.Inaddition,10 dayspriortothemeeting Page1 of3 Ord.No.10-15-2217 of theCityCommissiontoconsidereitherawaiver of platoratentativeplatapprovedin accordancewithChapter28,notice of thedateandtime of theCityCommissionmeeting shallbeprovidedtoallpropertyownerswithina five hundred-footradius of thesubject property. (1)Waiver-of-Plat_A waiver-of-plat maybe approved bythecity commission. (2)Prior tocity commission approval,the application,forany subdivision approval shallbe reviewed bythe planning board.The subject property shallbe posted ten (10) days prior tothe planning boardreview of the application,andmailednoticeshallbe provided toall propertyowners within afive hundred-foot radius of the subject property. (3)City Commission Findings.Priorto approving a waiver-of-plat,thecity commission shall use the following guidelines: (a)The building site created bythe proposed waiver-of-plat will be equal toor larger than the majority of the existing building sitesand of the same character asthe surrounding area (thisshallbe demonstrated using copies of the official plat maps forthe subject property and surrounding neighborhood).Surrounding area is defined asall abutting lots within the same zoning district,including those that are diagonal to the property and separated bya roadway street provided the roadway street is neither an arterial ora collector roadway non arterial.In addition,thelot frontage of the subject property shallbenotless than the average of thelot frontage of lots within thesame zoning district and which are300feeton either side of the subject property orup until a traffic intersection whichever islessand which shall include the lots within the property tobe platted. (b)The building site created bythe proposed waiver-of-plat will not result in existing structures becoming nonconforming asthey relate to setbacks and other applicable regulations of these land development regulations. (c)The building site created bythe proposed waiver-of-plat willbefree of encroachments from abutting buildable sites. (4)Additional Conditions.Thecity commission may designate such additional conditions in connection with a waiver-of-plat aswill,inits opinion,assure that such waiver-of-plat will conform tothe foregoing requirements. (5)Additional Application Requirements.As part of the required final plat or waiver- of-plat application,applicants shallberequiredtosubmita proposed siteplanforthe resulting building parcels,anexistingtreesurvey(maybe included in property survey) which shall indicate any proposed treeremovalor relocation necessary,and,if so,the appropriate city application fortree removal or relocation. Section 2.20-2.3 Definitions,is hereby amended toaddthe following definitions: *** Arterial roadway isaroadwaythatconnectsfreewaysorexpresswaysto neighborhoods. *** Collector roadway is a roadway that connects to an arterial roadway and penetrates neighborhoods. *** Page 2 of3 Ord.No.10-15-2217 Local Access roadway is a roadway that is connected to a collector roadway and provides a direct approach toindividual residences andstructures. *** Section 3.Codification.The provisions of this ordinance shall become andbemade part of theCode of Ordinances of theCity of SouthMiamiasamended;thatthesections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention;andthattheword "ordinance"may be changed to "section"or other appropriate word. Section 4.Severability.If any section,clause,sentence,or phrase of this ordinance is forany reason held invalid or unconstitutional bya court of competent jurisdiction,this holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 5.Ordinances in Conflict.All ordinances or parts of ordinances and all sections and parts of sections of ordinances in direct conflict herewith are hereby repealed. However,itis not the intent of this section torepeal entire ordinances,or parts of ordinances, that givethe appearance of being in conflict when thetwo ordinances can be harmonized or when onlya portion of the ordinance in conflict needstobe repealed to harmonize the ordinances.If the ordinance in conflict canbe harmonized by amending itsterms,itishereby amended to harmonize thetwo ordinances.Therefore,only that portion that needstobe repealed to harmonize thetwo ordinances shallberepealed. Section 6.Effective Date.This ordinance shall become effective upon enactment. PASSED AND ENACTED this21stday of April 2015. ATTEST:APPROVED: CITY CLERK 1stReadings 4/7/15 ^nd Reading -4/ READ AN: LAN FORM: Page 3 of3 COMMISSION VOTE:4-1 Mayor Stoddard:Yea Vice Mayor Harris:Yea Commissioner Edmond:Nay Commissioner Liebman:Yea Commissioner Welsh:Yea MIAMI HERALDIMiamiHefald.com LOCAL &STATE SUNDAY,APRIL12,2015 I 7B COURTS Vuitton v.Swap Shop case goes to trial BYPAULA MCMAHON Sun Sentinel Coming Monday toa South Florida courtroom:A battle royal between luxury brand Louis Vuitton and the SwapShopileamarket over "If you were playingpo ker,would you let someone seeyourhandwhileyou're still playing?"Hennsaid. Henncouldbeplayinga risky hand.If jurors side with Louis Vuitton,Henn might havetopaydamages between $1,000 and$2 mil lionforeachproventrade markviolation. Legal experts say each suitcase,handbagorwallet could count for several vio lations.The design onthe leather orfabric,the label, theclaspandotherparts can each count asa separate breachandthepenalties <*«*) swiftly addup. Louis Vuitton has not specified how many possi ble trademark violations it alleges took place in the four-year periodcovered by the lawsuit.The luxury brand sellsluggage,hand bags,wallets,clothing and other items for hundreds and thousands of dollars apiece. The case will be closely .watched by other fashion and luxury brandsbecause it is so unusual for these kinds ofcontributory trade mark lawsuits to make it to trial.Defendants usually settlebecause the stakes are so high,legalexpertssaid. Louis Vuitton's lead trial lawyer Harry Schafer said heplans tomakeHenn's sig nificant personal wealth a feature of the trial "THenn]is worth proba blyclosetothree-quarters ofa billiondollars,"Schafer told US.District Judge Wil liam Zloch in court.This isn't some mom-and-pop operation.*' Henn wouldn't put an.es- timate on his personal wealth. "They can say anything they want to,"Henn said. "My wife andI work seven daysa week and ifs almost 24/T If Louis Vuitton wins, Schafer told the trial judge hewill seek hefty damages, partlybecauseHenn char- acterizedhis$£5milliottset- tlement with Coach as "pocket change"inaninter- view with the Sun Sentinel 'Ifs going totakea heck ofalotmore thanthat to de terMr;Henn/*Schafer said. SchaferarguesthatHenn and his wife deliberately turned a blind eyetothesale offakedesignergoodsatthe flea market.Their motive, Schafer says,was to make more money. Several law enforcement raids,many attests andre peated notifications from Louis Vuitton and other de signerbrandsmeanthe Henns havelongbeenaware their flea market is wen known as "the placetogoif oneis looking topurchase counterfeit items,"according to&e Louis VuutaalawsuiL- Henn's empire Tiyliiri**? flea markets and drive-in movie theaters in Lauder- hul,Lake Worth andTampa. The Henns worklonghours attheSwapShop,monitor the 88-acre property viase curitycamerasandpatrol It by golfcart. The lawsuit concerns Louis Vuitton fakes sold onlyatthe Lauderhfll prop erty,which has more than 1,000spacesfortraders,al4~ screen drive-in,foodcourt, amusementrides.paidpark- ingand Henri's impressive race car collection. Louis Vuitton estimated in court records that the Lauderhill property alone "is a multimillion dollar business that is worth an eight-or nine-figure for tune"to die Henns. "Whileit doesnot take an expertto figure outthatlow- priced,cheap-looking "Louis Vuitton'items offered for sale atthe market do not beargenuineLouis Vuitton trademarks,the Henns — who own numerous genu ine Louis Vuitton items — areaware of thepriceand quality of genuine Louis Vuitton items,"Schafer wrote in court records. Henn's defense lawyers, Bruce Rogow and Steven Osber,wiH arguethat most reasonable people who buy "Louis Vuitton"at die Swap Shopdon'tbelievetheyare purchasingtherealthing. And the designer's reputa- tionis rctsufferingany dam-gailysold —new—onlyat ageorbrandconfusion be-Louis Vuitton stores,the cause of afewsuchallegedcompany'sonlinestoreand sales,thedefenseargues.someupscale department Thedesigneritemsarele-stores... Preston Henn mighthave thoughtthefashionindust rywas done with himabout ayearago -when hesettled similarallegationsbyCoach for $5.5 million—•an amo111^ the eccentric Swap Shop owner called "pocket rfrimgp?'at-ffre tiing- Tbis time,Henn vows he will fight the expensive Prench designer brand's rlaffn^against hint,hiswife Bettyand their iconicbusi ness on Sunrise Boulevard in Timt^erbm Louis Vuitton is seeking nuuionsofdollarsmtheJEed- eral civil lawsuit,alleging that the ffrwrw contributed tothe counterfeiting ofits trademark designs and products by continuing to leasespacetoflea market tenants they knew,or should have knows,were selling fike Louis Vuitton items. Henn,84>told the Sun Sentinel he regrets settling the Coach lawsuit in De cember 2013 after just two days of testimonyandsaid heplanstofighttheLouis Vuitton case all the way, thoughhe won't revealtrial strategy. FRIED GRIMM |IN MY OPINION Scott could take reform lessons from Georgia •GRIMM,FROMIB ed prison education pro grams.The famously con servative governor has pushed through programs •nmt»ri at wnfrwmg ^h**nHm- ber of juveniles andadult -•«ruytnALone^dvucr-ofifondfWK-. Hewas outragedbywhathe found.If one of your kids were kept insuchcircum stances,you'd be up there with rifles,"KirSc said Scott ought to try an un announcedvisit to aPlorida prisoaHemighthaveasim- -iUK.i«vafotiott.. entmedical evaluations.Old or profoundly ill inmates couldbereleased early. Evers championed areal reform bill.Bxcept the House of Representatives version,stul awaitingafinal vote,doesnt do much,with .^tajpyerught cpjnmi j accountability. IfScotthadasuddenurge to demonstrate leadership, hecould convince staterep- resentatives to support amendments that would bringFloridaurgenth/need- edprison reform.Maybethe lorshptddmakeasur- CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COURTESY NOTICE NOTCCE IS HEREBY given Hat the City Commission of*e City ofSouth Miami.Florida will conduci Public Headers)atits regular CityConun?»ionmeetipgschedal«d for -fticrfflv.April n.Mifi hcgitinmo at7:00 j».m,inthcCity Commission Chambers, 6130SunsetDrive,to consider the foltowujg itaafs): ARiataion^tariziqgthcGty Manager toonerinto a oneyear amimaextension wthAIficEtectmcacs. A Rwdurion amending theChyof South MtamJ'Pay Pisa. AaOit&sBa»mtcndB^Artty^ 5-11 torcgataredogs and ©require the removal ofdogwwtt,defiatiig the offense and afohlislring penal Jks. Ao Ordinance erocmBng Section 15-93,titled ~Noise-cxcating blowcra,power 6ns,or internal coaibasti«m eodncj" t»-tffltngtheortinMice.iflcrtaang«^ An Ortoncce unending Section 20-42 ofthe City ofSouth Miami sLand DevcfopmemCede to add clarify aad/or moc3fy\ criteria for theCty'taoproval ofawaiver ofptet,and for approval ofall plats crre-ftoreojulroigajpnml byMiami-Dane 1 OwntyMda&lragdefirutkrnafor roadways iaSection 20-13./ ALL interestedpartiesarcinvitedto attend and will beheard. For further information,please contact Ite CityClerk's Office at 305-663-6340. Maria M.Menemkar,CMC Giya«k Pursuant ioFlorida Statutes 2S6J1105.ihc City hereby advises the public outifs person dftctdec toappeal ury deoatoa male fay this Bond.Agency «rCoranmxm with respect tnany natter considered it itsmeeting orhearing,ho or*bc will aced arecord ofthe proceediii'es,end thai for such jaupoK.sQecttd perron may need toetarae thai a utrbacun record of die proceedings is trade **»ch record include*the testimony and evidence wpoo -wiuch theappeal istoto teed. ( THE SCHOOL BOARD OF BROWARD CaUrfTY,FLORIDA Nnriwiaf ProfKHHlHnteiratdno- tWiey/Rule No:6000.1 Poilcy/Rnle Title:StudentProgression Plan Purposeand Effect:10 updato School BoardPolicy/Rule 6000.1 to complywith changes isstatelowandto implement changes proposed bythe Policy 6000.1 Gcuranittte andSchool Board in oriera promote studentachievementandprogression. Summary:Theamendment ofSchoolBoardPolicy/Rtdo 6000.1 reflects SotteAndLocal changes to student progression,promotion andgrading. Summary or Statementof Estimated Econontic Impact ami Regulatory Coats:The changes within the proposed Poltey/Itnls to implement Committee and Board recanunendations andStatechanges arcnotestimatedtoresultia anyeconomicimpactuponpersonsaffected by die Policy/Rule. SubjectAreato be Addressed:School Board Policy6000.1 isbeing revised to include:lcgi'tlaave changes to high school Special DipU «ndSpecial Diploma Certificate of Completion graduation require™ \?S.10*13.478);removal of obsolete language related to second year retentions inthesameelementary school gradelevel;inclusion of certain procedural manual information intothe policy;addition of die Sealof Biiiteracy graduation rccogimioa;title,staring andadministrative order changes to thfi elementary grade'teml promotion criteria;requiring interventions for studaitsreturning to a badtiorol educational setting fmm the Jueeaile Assessment Centor tMQ andDepartment ofJuvenile Justice (DJJ)settings;clBrirnstton on the rides related to highschool semester evenexemption^and«hcrlegislative changes,asrequired. SpedOcAuthority.F.S,IO0L32(2X 1001.41(1),i.2)and(3);1001.42(25) and 1001.43(6). LawImplemented:ES.1003.4282;P.S.1003.4136;fS.1008.22;VS. 1003.4295-,ES.1003.02:F.S.I003.43R HEARING NV1LL BEHELDATTHE DATE,TiMe ANDPLACE SHOWN BELOW: BATEANDTlMKiTecsday,MayI2,2015at10^0aja(SeoordUbjWjop) PLACEFORMBETJNG:KathleenCWrightAdrnmistrattun Building. School BoanlMeeting Knem,600SB3°Avwue,Fort LenderdakuR TheSchoolBoardof Broward County.Florida prohmju anypolicyor procedure whichrcstdti in^crimination on the basisofage,color, dtsabiftt);scodcr,caftonal origltv marital swui.race,reh'gitin or :wnal c*ieatanna.uidivi<ft*Uwtowishrof!!cd^ coaiplninl noy calltheExecaovo Dttector,Benefits &EECCompliance at (734)321-2150orTektyrw MachineTTY (7S4)321-2158.ludividuals withdisabilities requesting BccommodatiotB underdie Americans with lXtahflltiesAct (ADA)TtaycallFxtua)Ednestional Of>ponunities(EI!0) »(734)321-2150 orTdctypoMachine TfV(754)321-2158.Ictcpbrxto confcrcnctoj orothertctccomrrainications technology traybeusedin fileconductof dm ptthlicmeetingtopermitabsentBoardMembers to participate in dtKusians.tobeheard byotherSchool Board Members anddie public,androheardiscussions takingplacedaringtnemeeting. THE PERSONTO BECONTACTED REGARDINGTHEPROPOSED RULEMAKING AND ACOPY 0F7HE PRELIMINARY DRAFTAT NOCHARGB Ir.Office ofAcChiefofStaff,600SB 3*An -10m Floor.Ft Laorfcvdalc PL33301(754)321-2650. tins— 2E_»tMt|_ HUM a-ifti 3H4M ^Bey«D004CM«!n<e Policy «>«».I AdvJtetyOcimiffee fiJWAO (PoipoK:tkstGtfVodork 20t6 Cftmoti Heocoab u. ««JIi*vtf t&*aaturit* iilcconunMicsiSqct iNttftttpvy raqrbcvitA i"th*teo&tzi ofitili puWUniactt>»topfimtt«t>»flB( &9<rinten<est)bsewe<£ tMettatstAdvawy CtmdKoc Mtttibea iu pwueipjK in Aieutiiatt.to t»tertf by o*e» QiqKBlnccMoabca.sil ftr paMU.tad M b«3>dticBMiaRi Hkhs pbci doncg ifccwe«ti»|H >r.Cc.il8?iioy V.CaxlSgrrty *f"C^f>?cpffags I'mnoia Adrixgy Ci i-lins Techaotj^yA^tciyCc-nmltio!OECQ»*-MCM Boon TlaSt&MtBn «JoIBtworfCtwiy,FbiVt,puKSn mj fnfitft ft*aOtn.mti&nxattt n AaMattco an 0*V^>of «!*,rotx,<**»KIlJjr.scalerUnfnr.|«Jw apmAin. at«<K>l erica,puiuitttttt.att,(Ofixt.ia.ectetxai cutstuoo.ljiwiMiiifcpwijIi icfli 14tateutUaaBHyarktnMnau eosrUainay nS 4*Dense £>alEJaaSoal OwortcnmtvAUACoQ^TosM Otjwtesa.AtJ5*-j:t-2li0 orTttrtrw Mtrtno rmr; 7J4-32JJ154 hdi»itoii«»a<fc«Mlrtic»nsyifumtiaj}itn»Jrtjm cinVftheAntoc4» •i*DiaUisn A«Ao»*aa*Art «f 31W fAtMAA).»»y srt E^wlBiwimti OpTtnvma*l*B\Cam?(Uniitkr»itew(.»i7J4-i:i-IJiB •«TdftyMM^lu"fTTYj Brw»n)Cmrty,FInr ill.any tc pxjVlprtqc •of Tic &IM1 Ocwtt of MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily exceptSaturday,Sundayand LegalHolidays Miami,Miami-Dade County,Florida '* STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MARIA MESA,whoonoathsaysthatheorsheisthe LEGAL CLERK,Legal Notices ofthe Miami Daily Business. Review f/k/a Miami Review,a daily (except Saturday,Sunday and Legal Holidays)newspaper,published at Miami in Miami-Dade County,Florida;thattheattachedcopyof advertisement, being aLegal Advertisement ofNoticeinthe matter of CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 4/21/2015 in the XXXX Court, was publishedinsaidnewspaperinthe issues of 04/10/2015 Affiant further says thatthesaid Miami Daily Business. Reviewis a/newspaper publishedat Miami insaidMiami-Dade County*Floridaandthatthesaid newspaper has heretofore been continuously published insaid Miami-Dade County, Florida,eachday <except Saturday,Sundayand Legal Holidays) andhasbeenenteredassecond class mailmatteratthepost officein Miami in said Miami-Dade County Florida,for a period ofone year next preceding the firstpublicationof the attached copy of advertisement;andaffiantfurthersaysthatheor she'.has neitherpaidnorpromisedanyperson,firm or corporation anydiscount,rebate,commissionorrefundforthepurpose bfsecuringthisadvertisementfor publication inthesaid 'newspaper^ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1.0 dayof/^IL^)',A.D.2015 (SEAL) MARIA MESA personallyknowntome »*>m at ^ *"*€&0V.FERBEYREg.l Notary Public -State of Florida W ***Comm'Expire?Jul 9,2018 fr Commission #ff 102821