Ord No 09-15-2216Ordinance No.09-15-2216 An Ordinance amending Section 15-93,titled "Noise-creating blowers,power fans,or internal combustion engines",re-titling the ordinance,increasing its scope,defining offenses and establishing penalties. WHEREAS,Cityresidentsareentitledtopeaceandquietatnightandontheweekendsand holidays;and WHEREAS,theuse of loud,mechanized yard maintenance equipment hasthe potential to interrupt sleepand enjoyment of one's yard,and WHEREAS,residents whoworkmayhavenoothertime except weekends totakecare of their yards;and WHEREAS,certain commercial gradeequipmentisoftenlargerandlouderthanconsumergrade equipment,even when the engines areproperlymuffled;and WHEREAS,mechanized leaf blowers havebeenshownto cause respiratory problems by blowing dust and mold particles into the air,and WHEREAS,mechanized leaf blowersmakeparticularlyannoyingandpenetratingsounds;and WHEREAS,no economic harm tolawn services has been demonstrated in communities where leaf blowers have been banned outright. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.The City of South Miami's Code of Ordinances,Chapter 15,Article HI,Section 15-93 shall be amended and shall read as follows: Sec.15-93.-Noise-creating blowers,power fansa or internal combustion engines tools, machinery and equipment. (a)It shall be unlawful to operate^orcausetobe operated^any internal combustible engine such as noise creating blowers,or power fansor any internal combustible engine,the operation of whichcausesnoisesduetotheexplosion of operatinggasesorfluids,unlessthenoisefrom such blower orfanis muffled andsuchengineis equipped witha muffler device sufficient to deaden such noises,so that thesameshallnotcause annoyance tothe public ordisturbtherest andquiet of persons residingoroccupyingpropertynearenough thereto tobeannoyedbythe unmuffled blower,fanor exhaust of anysuchengine (a)Itis unlawful to operate,orcausetobeoperated,any powered yard maintenance equipment including lawn mowers,lawnedgers,weed trimmers,leaf blowers,chainsaws,chippers, stump grinders,pressure washers,compressors,out-of-doors except as provided below: (1)Commercial operations areonly permitted on weekdays from8:00a.m.until6:00p.m.and on Saturdays after 9amanduntil2 pm.No operations are permitted atany time on Sundays andany legal holidays. (2)Non-commercial operations areonly permitted on weekdays from8:00a.m.until30minutes after sunset and on Saturdays,Sundays andany legal holiday from 9:00 a.m.until 30 minutes after sunset. Page 1 of3 Ord.No.09-15-2216 (4}(3)Equipmentusedunderan emergency conditionisexemptfromthisordinance,iftheCity Manager determines that an emergency required theuse of the equipment. (e)(a)Itshallbeunlawful,touse,orcausetobeoperated,anyequipmentthatinanyway causesdustorotherparticulatematter,toblowordriftintoaninhabitedstructureorontoor over another residential property?ortoblowdebrisontoapublicright of way. (d)(b)Itshallbethe responsibility of theowneroroccupant,aswellastheir agent whohires anotherpersontoperformanyworkontheirpropertytoinsurethatthepersonhired,including that person's employees and subcontractors,doesnotviolatethisordinance. te)(c)Theterm "cause tobeoperated",asusedinthisordinance,shallincludetheact of hiring someone who violates this ordinance,whether the hiring isdonebythe owner,occupier orby theiragent.The occupier of thepropertyshallbedeemedtheagent of theownerforthe purposes of this ordinance. tf)(d)The City Manager orthe manager's designee,oranyCityCode Enforcement Officer, shallissuea written warning tothepersonorpersonswhohave violated thisordinance, including the operator andthehirer of theoperatoraswellastheowner of theproperty if heor sheis different from the person who personally hired the operator of the equipment.However, notwithstanding the fact that one or more of the violators may not have received a written warning,nothing contained hereinshallpreventthe prosecution of theviolatorswhohave received a written warning.Thewrittenwarningmaybeservedbyhanddelivery,bycertified return receipt mailorany other methodthatprovidesevidence of delivery.Theword "operator",asusedinthis ordinance,shallmeantheowner of theentityorthesole proprietor of the business that ishiredand that conducted theoffense.The employee of the operator is exemptfromthe penalties of thissectionunlesstheemployeeisalsotheowner of orhasany financial interest in the business. fg)(e)All persons who continue to violate this ordinance after receiving a written warning shall be punished bythe imposition,oneachviolator,of afineintheamount of $250 forthefirst offense and$500foreach succeeding offense.A succeeding offence includes any activity that violates this ordinance inanyway,whether itisthesametype of offenceora different offence in violation of this ordinance. Section 2.Codification.The provisions of this ordinance shall become andbemade part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of South Miami as amended;that the sections of this ordinance maybe renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish suchintention;and that theword "ordinance"maybe changed to "section"orother appropriate word. Section 3.Severability.If anysection,clause,sentence,orphrase of this ordinance isforany reasonheldinvalidor unconstitutional byacourt of competent jurisdiction,thisholdingshallnotaffectthe validity of the remaining portions of thisordinance. Section 4.Ordinances in Conflict.All ordinances orparts of ordinances andall sections and parts of sections of ordinancesindirectconflictherewithareherebyrepealed.However,itisnottheintent ofthissectiontorepealentireordinances,orparts of ordinances,thatgivetheappearance of beingin conflictwhenthetwoordinancescanbeharmonizedorwhenonlyaportion of theordinanceinconflict needstoberepealedto harmonize theordinances.If theordinanceinconflictcanbeharmonizedby amendingitsterms,itisherebyamendedtoharmonizethetwoordinances.Therefore,onlythatportion thatneedstoberepealedtoharmonizethetwoordinancesshallberepealed. Page 2 of 3 Ord.No.09-15-2216 Section 5.Effective Date.This ordinanceshall become effective upon enactment. PASSED AND ENACTED this21stday of April 2015. <ST:APPROVED: :lerk ^Reading.4/7/15 2ndReading.4/21/15 READ AND LANGU. EXEC OVED AS TO FORM: GALII COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 MayorStoddard:Yea ViceMayorHarris Yea Commissioner Edmond:Yea Commissioner Liebman:Yea Commissioner Welsh:Yea Page 3 of3 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW PublishedDailyexceptSaturday,Sundayand Legal Holidays Miami,Miami-DadeCounty,Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Beforetheundersigned authority personallyappeared MARIAMESA,who on oath says that he or she is the LEGAL CLERK,LegalNoticesofthe Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a MiamiReview,adaily (except Saturday,Sunday and Legal Holidays)newspaper,published at Miami in Miami-Dade County,Florida;that the attached copyof advertisement, being aLegal Advertisement ofNoticein the matter of CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 4/21/2015 in the XXXX Court, waspublishedinsaidnewspaperinthe issues of 04/10/2015 Affiantfurther says that thesaidMiamiDaily Business Reviewisa newspaper publishedat Miami insaid Miami-Dade County,Florida and that thesaid newspaper has heretoforebeencontinuouslypublishedinsaid Miami-Dade County, Florida,eachday(exceptSaturday,SundayandLegal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mailmatteratthepost officeinMiamiin said Miami-DadeCounty,Florida,fora' periodofone year next preceding thefirstpublication of the attached copyof advertisement;and affiantfurther says that heor she hasneitherpaidnorpromisedany person,firmorcorporation any discount,rebate,commission or refund forthe purpose ofsecuringthis advertisement forpublicationinthesaid newspaper.'' Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1.0 dayof^P^U,^),A.D.2015 (SEAL) MARIA MESA personally knowntome 0.V.FERBEYRE Notary Public -State of Florida My Comro.Expires Jul 9.2018 Commission #n 102821 •••••»m * MIAMI HERALD |MfamiKerald.com LOCAL &STATE SUNDAY,APRIL 12,205 |7B COURTS Vuitton v.Swap Shop case goes to trial BYPAULA MCMAHON SunSentinel Coming Monday to a South.Florida courtroom:A battleroyal between luxury brandLouis Vuitton and the Swap Shop flea marketover Preston Hena mighthave thought the iasMon indust ry was done -withhim about ayearago when hesettled similar allegations byCoach for $5.5 million.—anamount the eccentric Swap Shop owner called "pocket change"at tfte time. This time,Henn vows he will fight the expensive French designer brand's rlflimc against liht>[ritewife Betty and their iconicbusi ness on Sunrise Boulevard in LsuderhilL Louis Vuitton isseeking mfllioEs ofdollars inthe fed eral cml lawsuit,alleging that the Henns contributed tothe counterfeiting ofits trademark designs and products by continuing to lease space toflea market tenants they-knew,or should have known,were selling fake Louis Vuitton Henn,84,told the Sun Sentinel he regretssettling the Coach lawsuit in De cember 2013 after just two days of testimony andsaid heplanstofighttheLouis Vuitton case all the way, thoughhe wont reveal trial strategy. Tf you were playingpo ker,would youlet someone seeyourhind whileyou're still playing?'*Henn said. H«m couldbeplayinga risky hand.If jurors side with Louis Vuitton,Henn mighthaveto pty damages between 8,000 and $2 mil lionforeachproventrade markviolation. Legal experts aay each, suitcase,handbagor waflet could count for several vio lations.The designonthe leather or attic,the label, theclaspandotherpartscan each count asa separate breachandthepenaltiescan swiftly addup. Louis Vuitton has not specified how manypossi bletrademarkviolationsit alleges took place inthe four-yearperiodcoveredby the lawsuit.The luxury brandsellsluggage,hand bags,wallets,clothingand other items for hundreds and thousands of dollars The case will beclosely watched by other fashion and luxury brandsbecause it is so unusual for these kinds ofcontributorytrade marklawsuits to make it to trial.Defendants usually settlebecause the stakes are so high,legalexperts said. Louis Vuitton's lead trial lawyer Harry Schafer said heplanstomake Ham's sig nificant personal wealth a feature ofthe trial "[Henn]isworthproba blyclosetothree-quarters ofa billion dollars"Schafer told OS.DistrfctJudge Wu- liam ZLoch in court.This isn't some mom-and-pop operatioa" Henn wouldn't putanes timate on his personal "They can say anything they want to,"Henn said. «My wifeandIworkseven daysa week andit'salmost 24/T If Louis Vuitton wins, Schafertoldthetrialjudge hewillseek hefty damages, partly because Henn char- acterizedbis $55mfllion set tlement with Coach as 'pocket change"maninter- view with the Sun Sentinel "It's goingtotakeaheck ofa lotmore thanthat tode ter Mr Henn,"Schafer said. Schaferarguesthat Henn and his wife deliberately tumedabhndeyetothesale offakedesignergoodsatthe flea market.Their motive, Schafer says,wastomake more money. Several law enforcement raids,many arrests andre peated notifications from Louis Vuitton and other de signerbrands mean the their flea market is well known as"theplacetogo if oneislookingtopurchase to the Louis VuittonlawsuiL Henn's empire includes flea markets and drive-in movie theaters in Lauder hill,1^Worth aMT&mpa. The Henns worklonghours attheSwapShop,monitor the 88-acre property viase curity camerasandpatrolit by golf cart The lawsuit concerns Louis Vuitton fakes sold onlyattheLauderhill prop* erty,which has more than L000spacesfortraders,a!4- screen drive-in,foodcourt, amu9ementrides,paidpark- ingandHenn'simpressive race car collection. Louis Vuitton estimated in court records that the Lauderhill property alone "is a multimiliion dollar business that is worth an eight-or nine-figure for tune"to the Henns. "WhUeit does not take an expertto figureoutthat low- priced,cheap-looking XouisVuitton*itemsoffered for sale atthe market do not beargenuineLouisVuitton trademarks,the Henns — who own numerous genu ine Louis Vuitton items — areaware of thepriceand quality of genuine Louis Vuitton items,"Schafer wrote in court records. .Henn's defense lawyers, Bruce Rogow and Steven Osber,will arguethatmost reasonablepeoplewhobuy "Louis Vuitton'*attheSwap Shop don't believetheyare purchasing thereal thing. And the designer's reputa- FRED GRIMM I IN MY OPINION Scott could take reform lessons from Georgia ♦GPUMM.FROMIB ed prison education pro grams.The famously con servative governor has pushed through programs her of juveniles and adult Hewasoutragedbywhathe found.'If one ofyour Jdds were kept in such circum stances,you'dbeupthere withrifles,"Kirksaid. Scottoughttotry an un announced visit toa Florida prison.Hemighthavea sim- entmedical evaluations,Old or profoundly ill inmates couldbereleasedearly. Bvers championedareal reform bill.Except the House of Representatives version,stillawaiting afinal vote,doesn't do much,whh accountability. If Scotthad asuddenurge to demonstrate leadership, hecouldconvincestaterep- resentatives to support amendments that would bringnoridaurgfindyneed edprison reform.Maybethe Id make a sup- CITY OP SOUTH MIAMI COURTESY NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY giwio that theCity Coramissioo oftheChyofSouth Miami.Florida will conduct Public IIwing(sl atits tegular CityCommiasioD meeting scheduled forTtamfav.April II.tttS beginning at7:0Q km4i 1B theCityCommission Chanmcra. 6130Strasct Drive,to consider the following iteui($); A RanitmoQ authorizing theCityMa eager tocntcrinto aoneyear contract extension wiihAlficElectronics. A Resolution mendingtheCityof Saab Mianu'Pay Plan. MOr£nacoeBnwixKsgArtide[ItS<xt(<m^ 5-11 raregulate dogstmtfmreturnthejcawvajtfdc^ t An Onfoanee amending Section 15-93.tilled "Noiic-cicating blowers,power fas,or interna}ccoihaslioo engines",\^re-riflbSTbsoniinBJHAiunea^iu^J AnQriaiHi«ainendmgSccuOT2(M2ofiEc criteria fcrthe ar/japptowl ofawiwrof pUt,aodftrappioval ofallplats orle-plan rehiring approval byMiami-Dad* CountyandaddingdefimtHiisfonoadwsvsto Section 20-13. ALL interestedpartiesarcinvitedto attendandwill be beard. Forfurther mformation,please,contactliteCityClerk'sOfficeat 305-663-6340. Maria M.Meocndez,CMC City Clcrt. Pursuant toFlorida Statutes 286.0105,theCity hereby advises thepublic ttniif s person decides to appeal wry decirim made bythis Board,Agency of Contmissicfl nithrespect toanymatter considered «iice wotting orhearing,beorshewill need arecord oftheproceedings,aod that fur web purpose,ul&cted person mayneedto euscrtijm a verbatim record of tke proceedings ismadevrfnch wcordinclude*the tewjatony u»devidence upon wiitch theappealistobebased. nonis not sufferinganydam-gaily sold—new—onlyat ageorbrandconfusionbe-Louis Vuitton stores,the cause ofafewsuchalleged company's onlinestoreand sales,thedefense argues.some upscale department Thedesigneritemsareb-stores... TOE SCHOOL BOARDOF BROWVKD COUNT*FLORIDA IM«tf PrrocKd Buteraaiilag. fcucy/RuJcNmflJOOJ Potky/RultTlfte:StudentProgression Plan Purpose>odEffect:ToupdateSchoolBoardMfcy/Rdc 6000.1 to complywith changesis sate (awandto implementchangesproposed bythe Policy WOO.!Committee andSchool Board in order si promote studentachievementand progressum. SuBmory:Theamendment,of School Boud Policy/Rule 6000.1 reUccts SaneandLocal changes u>studentpmerc«ian.promotion andgrading. SummaryorStatement or EiumBt«l Economic Impact and Regulatory Costs:The changes wfthlu too proposed PclicyfRtile to Implement Committee andBoard recommemlsh'ons andStatechanges arenotestimatedto readtin anyeconomic impactupoo pcrsoas affected byiheJtotjey/Ruk. Subject Am tobe Addressed:SchoolBoardPolicy 6000.1 isbeing tcvisod to include:kgutotivcchanges to b'gh school SpecialDiploma sodSpecial Diploma Certificate af Comptencu graduation rcqairerraiS (KS.1003.438);removal of obscicfclanguage refcued to secondyear retentionsinthesameerementary schooigradelevel;wrtusico ofcertain procedural manual mfonrBtian intnthe policy;addition of ate Sealof Bilircmcy graduation recognition;title,scoring sodadministrative order danges to the elementary gradelevel promotion criteria;requiring interventions forstudentsreturning toatradition - fromdie JuvenileAssessmentCenter(JAQ and Depvtmcnt ofJuvenile Justice (DJJ)settings;clarification on die ndesmintedtohighschool semester examexemptions;am<othertegitlati vcchnnges,asrequired SptcHtcAulhorttytES.1001.32(2);1001.4U1),(2)and(3X 1001.42(25} Mid100U3(6>. Law Impkmcatcd:ES.1003.4282;F.S.1003.4156;F.S.100822;VS. 1003.4285;FS.1003X12;FA 1003.438 rffiAKING WILL BE HSLD At THEDATE,TIME ANDPLACE SHOWN 8ELOW: DATEAM)'nME:Tiicsd9.MayJZ2015it lO^}iin.(Soa)jdUfaishon) PLACEFOR MBETTNG:KztMcenC WrightAdmidsnarjon Boildutg. School Board Mxong Room,fitiQ 553^Ayetna,Fort Uoderckb.R The SchoolBoardof Broward County.Floridaprohibit*aTtjr policyor procodure.whichrcsnlti in discrtminanoa un the basisof age,color. stntas,iace, cofflplatst nay callthe BccuriveDiiectoi,BeneTrts ft EEOConipiiaacc at(734)321-2150 orTderypeMadar»TTV"f754)321-2158.Individuals xvitb dischiltties.rrxptesting accorrtrnodaiioai undertJteAmericans with TXtabilithsR Act{/\OA)maycallEtna)Educational Opportunities (EEO) at1754)321-2150 orTeletypeMachine TTY (754)321-2158.Tcfcphooo conferencing orothertdecornnotsicatiotts technology maybeusedin theconductofthis public meetingto permitabsentBoardMembers to participate in discosnons.tobe heard byotherSchool Board Members »d thepubtic,and.toheat'discussions taking place during themeeting. TUB PERSONTO BECOJnACrED RBGARD1NOTHE PROPOSED raJLEMAKTNG AND A COPY OFTHE PRELIMINARY DRAFT AT NO CHARGB h:Office oftheChief ofSaff.600SB 3*Ave -tOm Floor.R UurfetcMc.a.33301 (754)321-2650. OTn3— i anms WIS yims «flra&Tstf>4«E— Kuawa 8*taoeiCfeainfttto Konh Oia.&bocitAe<ti>My Cca.MW to PsCowlSpring IP.TsarrJbtfishSeieoi 106W lUTgfdt Or.ruxri^pcip y».i5 vunt no* «»trt5 t-tOa 9H>\S ft)Bcy C0OOJ Cwitntitee- Wiry 60004 CbwmiJto- A&titayCfl«tni»r.c fi'l^VC) (torpor*:BmtfiWVcodflrt M(6Cowatttt2Pciot»a. w-fl u xnyctS<rmiUtt ft« Comairtcedwmt 'nopomn. TctsjibowrrofKWtnnm aiatr tttccwoavftsttha*ttttuJ^y mty t«t»edinih*c«t*e»or(hii ptbSc matrfns.»permit«t*») SvjMTfateafcmStootrater & Mttoboatopatieipawla Ccataaim«M<CT»t«T.acildit pubHceadto het ibassA** hluag pbettf«oa>ft8Bt««iofr.l S«pf«erl»rtrdqrA Otcnsei rf.Cm!$pigp SHIS I ftdwolaayAdvtsnyCRniiiKce DECON•MGMSoomaJO^flaplWCj |6S»33WKo«Dd>«.OjHt '»Jlfacrowwaon in fcoW cf <(t,mtw.<EmKKJ)(.patit . ipfflttAKicaKiibjoiaJorhtiMWWUtacjUjrtcuyiall d»OictW.Zf«a]&tac«ii<Ml 0»«rl*ii.e^ABA CanjKiaw OtfmttA.Attti-RJ-USO «Tttrfryt U».-tnnjnTT) 7>l-J3J'215?.tai»UoO>«uk JMHtisi r^wsiqi*ecoma»Juvs»aada lAcAnwiw ««>Oittblrns Act Amn)a<Ml Aft rf23011.UUU).miy tiS fiyt»t edicltioaol Orrbiimt«a'AO.\CcrapJbasi D«j«rtront ti 7MJZI<31»«JtUvrytMidaie IT11) TJ4-j2IJJii. .loticr a Hn\ti p«B Outmo or men 0«vd Membraof The frUM Dwtl of B>mr*ftf CMtMjr.fJwHi,»ii/k pnhl^ipc