Ord No 08-15-2215Ordinance No.08-15-221 5 An Ordinance amending Article II,Section 5-7—5-11 of the City of South Miami's Code of Ordinances and to enact Section 5-11 to regulate dogs and to require the removal of dog waste,defining the offense and establishing penalties. WHEREAS,owners of animals are responsible fortheir proper careandcontrol;and WHEREAS,City residents areentitledtobefree of nuisances created byanimals, including thefailure of owners to pick updog excrement;and WHEREAS,dogownersshouldbe responsible for picking upwasteleftbytheirdogs and disposing of it properly;and WHEREAS,Commissioner Welsh andthe Over-the-Hill Gang have constructed adog parkwhereownersofdogsarepermittedtoallowtheirdogstoroamfreelywithinthe fenced parkwithoutaleashandunderthe owner's supervisionandcontrol;and WHEREAS,owners of dogshavebeenallowingtheirpetstodefecateonpublicand privatepropertythatisnottheirownwithout removing the excrement,includingintheCity's dogpark. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section1.TheCity of South Miami's Code of Ordinances,Chapter5,ArticleIIis herebyamendedtoaddSections 5-7—5-11.-Reservedwhichshallreadasfollows: Sections.5-7—5-14-0.-Reserved. Section 5-11.Removal of Animal Excrement. (a)Itshallbeunlawfulforanyperson owning,possessing,harboring orhavingthe care,charge,control or custody of any animal dog that deposits anyfecal matter on publicorprivatepropertywithinthecity(otherthanupontheproperty of theowner of theanimal)tofailto immediately removeand thereafter properly dispose of thefecal matter,unlessthe owner orpersoninlawful possession of thepropertyin question has consented tosuch depositing of fecalmatter.Forthepurpose of compliance withthis section,animalfecal matter onpavementorgrassshallbe immediately removedby placingthematterinaclosedorsealedcontainerandthereafterdisposing of itby depositing the matter inatrashreceptacle,sanitary disposal unit,orotherclosedorsealed container. (b)This section shall notapplyto blind or handicapped persons accompanied bya dog used for assistance in accordance with thelaw.It shall be unlawful for any person to (c)A violation of this ordinance shallbe punishable forthe issuance of afinetothe Ord.No.08-15-2215 offendingpersonintheamount of $25 succeeding violation of this ordinance. for the first offense and $50 for each Section 2.Codification.The provisions of this ordinance shall become andbemade part of theCode of Ordinances of theCity of SouthMiamiasamended;thatthesections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention;and that the word "ordinance"may be changed to "section"or other appropriate word. Section 3.Severability.If any section,clause,sentence,or phrase of this ordinance is forany reason held invalid or unconstitutional bya court of competent jurisdiction,this holding shallnot affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 4.Ordinances in Conflict.All ordinances or parts of ordinances and all sections and parts of sections of ordinances in direct conflict herewith are hereby repealed. However,itis not the intent of this section to repeal entire ordinances,or parts of ordinances, that givethe appearance of being in conflict when thetwo ordinances can be harmonized or when onlya portion of the ordinance in conflict needs tobe repealed to harmonize the ordinances.If the ordinance in conflict canbe harmonized by amending its terms,itis hereby amended to harmonize the two ordinances.Therefore,only that portion that needs tobe repealed to harmonize thetwo ordinances shallbe repealed. Section 5.Effective Date.This ordinance shall become effective upon enactment. PASSED AND ENACTED this21stday of April ,2015. ATTEST:APPROVED: Qrfra ^Avfl\l£&dc*tJ&2t^ MAYORCTfYCLERKv—-"^- ^y~^M>t-y 1st Reading.4/7/15 / 2nd Reading-4/21/15 READAND.AMOVED ASJip FORM:COMMISSION VOTE:4-1 LANGUAGE^fcEGALITlfKAND)Mayor Stoddard:Yea EXE€e™S(THEREOF Vice Mayor Liebman: Commissioner Edmond: Commissioner Harris: Commissioner Welsh: Nay Yea Yea Yea CITY ATTORNEY MIAMI HERALD j MiamiHefald.com LOCAL &STATE SUNDAY,APRIL 12.2015 I 7B Vuifton v.Swap Shop case goes to trial BY PAULA MCMAHON Sun Sentinel Coming Monday toa South Florida courtroom:A battle royal between luxury brand Louis Vuitton and the Swap Shop fleamarket over designer knockofls, PrestonHp.tui might have thought the fashion indust rywas done withhimabout ayearago when hesettled similar allegations byCoach for $5.5 million—anamount the eccentric Swap Shop owner called "pocket change"at the titnpi This time,Henn vows he will fight the expensive French designer brand's rlattTKagainst him,hiswife Bettyand then:Iconicbusi ness on Sunrise Boulevard inLauderbUl. Louis Vuitton is seeking millions ofdollarsintheffed- eral civil lawsuit,alleging that the Hetms contributed to die counterfeiting of its trademark designs and products by continuing to lease space toflea market tenants they knew,or should have known,were selling fake Louis Vuitton hems. Henn,84,told the Sun Sentinel he regrets settling the Coach lawsuit in De cember 2013 after }ust two days of testimony andsaid he plans to fighttheLouis Vuitton case all the way, though hewon't revealtrial strategy. 'If you were playing po ker,would youlet someone see your hand while you're still playing?"Henn said. Henncould be playinga risky hand.If jurors side with Louis Vuitton,Henn might havetopaydamages between &C00 and $2 mil lion fox eachproventrade mark violation. Legal experts say each suitcase,handbagorwallet could count for several vio lations.The design on the leather or fabric,the label, theclasp andotherparts can each count asa separate breachandthe penalties can swifth/addup. Louis Vuitton has not specifiedhow many possi ble trademark -violations it alleges took place in the four-year periodcovered by the lawsuit.The luxury brand sellsluggage,hand bags,wallets,clothing and other items for hundreds and thousands of dollars The casewillbe closely watched by other fashion and luxury brands because it is so unusual for these kinds ofcontributorytrade mark lawsuits to make it to trial.Defendants usually settlebecause the stakes are so high,legalexpertssaid. Louis Vuitton's lead trial lawyer Harry Schafer said he plansto make Heap'ssig nificantpersonal wealth a feature ofthe triaL FRED GRIMM (IN MY OPINION "[Henn]is worth proba blyclosetothree-quarters ofa billion dollars,"Schafer toldXXS.DistrictJudge Wil liam Zloch in court."This isn't some mom-and-pop Hennwouldn't put anes timate on his personal They can say anything they want to,"Henn said. "My wifeand1 work seven daysa week and ifsalmost TAfT If Louis Vuitton wins, Schafertoldthetrialjudge hewillseek hefty damages, partlybecauseHennchar- actenzedhis$S5muUonset- tiement with Coach as "pocket change"in aninter- view with the Sun Sentinel "Ifsgoingtotakea heck ofa lot more thanthat to de ter Me Henn,"Schafer said. Schaferarguesthat Henn and his wife deliberately turned a blind eyetotilesale offake designergoodsatthe flea market.Their motive, Schafer says,was to make Several law enforcement raids,many arrests andre peated notifications from Louis Vuitton and other de signerbrands mean the Henns have long beenaware their flea market Is well known as"theplacetogoif one islookingtopurchase counterfeititems,"according to the Louis Vuitton lawsuit Henn's empire includes flea markets and drive-in movie theaters in Laudar- hill,LakeWorth andTampa. The Henns worklong hours attheSwapShop,monitor the 88-acre property viase curity ramp^andpatrolit by golfcart The lawsuit concerns Louis Vuitton fakes sold onlyattheLauderhillprop erty,whichhasmorethan 1,000spacesfortraders,aW- screen drive-in,foodcourt, amusementrides;paidpark- ingandHenn'simpressive race car collection. Louis Vuitton estimated in court records that the Lauderhill property alone "is a multimiilion dollar business that is worth an eight-or nine-figure for tune"to the Henns. ''While it does not take an expert tofigure outthatlow- priced,cheap-looking •LouisVuitton'items offered for sale at the market do not beargenuineLouis Vuitton trademarks,the Henns — who own numerous genu ine Louis Vuitton items — areawareofthepriceand quality of genuine Louis Vuitton items,"Schafer wrote in court records. Henn's defense lawyers, Bruce Rogow and Steven Osber,willarguethat most reasonablepeoplewhobuy "LouisVuitton"attheSwap Shopdon'tbelievetheyare purchasing therealthing. And thedesigner's reputa- Scott could take reform lessons from Georgia •GRIMM,FROMIB ed prison education pro grams.The famously con servative governor has pushed through programs aimedat redxtcing the num- ber of juveniles and adult .~*TvuinlM*t-drx*n-at.€anAAVi.DAtresmUtticm _._., Hewasoutragedby whathe found.'If one of yourkids were kept insuchcircum stances,you'd beupthere with rifles,"Kirk said Scott ought to try anun announcedvisitto a Florida lasim- entmedical evaluations.Old or profoundly ill inmates couldbereleasedearly. Evers championed areal reform bill.Except the House of Representatives version,stffl awaitingafinal vote,doesn't do much,with accountability- If Scotthad asudden urge todemonstrateleadership, hecouldconvincestaterep- res entatives to support amendments that would bringFlorida urgentlyneed edprison reform.Maybethe Eovemorshj^dmakeasur- CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COURTESY NOTICE N^I^.lSJ,ERMVP^.,,ut^0^CtomlW{on^*eClryofSmitf>MJaiiu.Florida will conduct Public Hsadntfsi atits ^yQ»SSMwhs^n^ft,&d^flt7:00 P-"1-'i0 lhe CStyOmuniasloft Chamber*6130SwtsctDrive,to consider the following itcm(sV ARcsolwioiif«nborizingthcGtyMfti»gerTo entcrianaoncyearatfltacteriaistonwithAIfic Bectronua. A Resolution amending theCityof South Miami'Pay Phm, (An OntissDce anttndh^ArticJcn,Section 5-7—5-1 toftfccCltyofSwtkMtamisCode ofOrdinances and toenact Section N5-11 tOieguJelcdc^:mdiore«^rer]»iBinmilof<ty J An Ordinance amending Section 15-93.Uttod -"Ndse-aianae Mown,powar f«w,or ortcmal cooibusmo engines", Te-titHog theordinance,iacreaacg wa scope,defining offenses and estabfiahing penalties. An Ordinance amending SccGon 2(M.2cfdieCity orSoutfa Miami alJtwIEevelopotenr Code toadd.clarify and/or modify catena for AcCity's approval ofawaiver ofplat,and for approval cfall plats one-plats requiring approval byMbnu-Oade County and «iWmg4«rtoiwf(n'itttdwys«iSwrion20-2:3. ALL interested partiesarcinvitedtoattendand will be heard For further Information,pjeose contact tlteCityCleric**Officeal:305-663-6340. Maria to Mencndez,CMC CUy Clerk Pursuant a>Honda Statutes 286\01U5,the <3ry hereby advises the public frit ifaperson derides toappeal nay decision route by diis Boar^Agency orQsBTOttsfon with reject toany ctarea considered atittmeeting or hearing,beor<ho will tiocdarctnrd ofthe proceedings,end that fur such purpose,ttfiecfcd person may nodtoeusua that averbatim record of the proceedings it nadir wfatcb rtcoid include*the urt'raoay sad evidence upon which the appealbtobe based. fjordsretsufferinganydam-gailysold—new —onlyat ageorbrandconfusionbe-LouisVuittonstores,the. causeofafewsuchallegedcompany'sonlinestoreand sales,thedefenseargues.someupscale department Thedesigneritemsarele-stores. THE SCHOOL BOARD OF BROWARD COUNTY,FLORIDA rfottrc of Prowncd Rntcmalajig RXtcy/RtdeKotfiOOal raicy/RDleTJfTc:StudentProgression Plan Purpose andEffect:lb update School Board Policy/Rule 6000.1 to comply withchange*instatelawandto implement changes proposed bythePolicy 6000.1 Committee oolSchool Board inosierinpromote studentachievement sod progrexstan. Summary:Tedamendment ofSchoolBoardWicy/Rule 6000.1 reflects StateandLocal changes to nudewrangrcrsicn.promotion arul grading. Soroaonr or Statement of Estfmaftri Economic Impart and Regulatory Cost*The changes within fee proposed Policy/Rule to implement Committee andBoard teconuneadations andStatechanges arcnotestimatedtoresultInaiy economicimpactnoonpersonsaffected by the Policy/Rule. SubjectAreato be Addressed:School Board Policy 6000.1 isbeing revised toinclude legislative changes co b'gh school Special Diploma andSpecial Diploma CcrnftcaK of Cuirpltticu graduation requirements (KS.1003.438):removal of obsofcte langttage rcbt&d tosecoodyear retentions in themow etcmeotuy schoolgradelevel;inclusionofcertain procedural manual iafenrawmintothe policy;addition of the Sealof Biliteracy gndaation recogttmon;title,scoring andadtntutxtrati i«order change:tothe elementary gradelevel prcnictioa criteria;requiring inltrvenrieajt forstudentsreturning to a traditional educational setting fromtheJuvenileAssessmentCenter UAQ andDepartmentofJuvenile Justice |DJJ)settings;clarification on die ndes rotated tohigh school semester crameereptioirr,andotberlegidatfochanges,«required. SpedfleAuthority:RS.I001J2(2),1001.41(1),(2)acd(3);(001.42(25) aid 100L43[6). tow ImpliTnctruAFJS.1003.4282;F-5.1003.4156;FS.W0812;RS. I003>08S;FS.ICHOJHjFS.UKBAX HHARTNGWILL BB HELDATTHE DATE,TJME ANDPLACE SHOWN BELOW: DATCAKDTiMErTuesdV.May12,2015it iOWam.(SocDndV,brk5hcp) PLACEFOll MEETING:KaQdcea CWright Arimia'strntion Building. School Board Affecting Room,600SE 3UA\-ema,Fort Lauderdale.FL The Sdmii Boardof BrowardCounty.Florida,prohibits ary policyor procedure wuiebresults ta dfscrirrdnation on die basisof age,color. dittbUity,gender,cariooal origiu.nuritnl status,race,religion orsorted orieaatioo.Individualswho wiskto file discdnttnattonauoVorharassment ccraplalnt nay calltheEwcurive Diiector.Benefits &EEOCompiiasce at(754)32l-2!90crTefetypeMachiueTTYf754)321-215B.Individuals whh disabilities requexiiHg acunnmodaiunii wider OttAmericans «ith Disabilities Act(ADA)rrtay callEqualEducalKtnal Oppnrnmib'es (EEO) at (754J 321-2150 orTeletypeMachine TtY (754)321-2158.Telephone conferencing orothertelccomrnucicarioos technology maybe usedin dieconductofdiis puMje meetingto peenh absentBoardMembcoto parncipate in discussions,tobeheardbyotherSchool BoardMembcis aid the ptiHtc,androheardiscussions takingplaceduringtbemecting. TITO PfiRSONTO BBCOOTACTED REGARDINGTHE PROPOSED RULEMAKING AND A COPY OFTHE PRELIMINARY DRAFT JS NOCHARGEir.Officeof the Chief ofSsuT,600 5£3"!Ave-lOrh Flow.Ft.Laurkwalc ¥133301 (754j 321-2650. snun «JWJ St mm SL. jUJ^ ttniM RrlMMtts CottsritAM Nonh ObL Scbaort«A«nicr>< f Mill Di*.SAl'oIt Ad*«iV>' •S»eerietM«»_ tWUynOOJCoiinBtUe ibtieyiOOOjOanmttte jOtfiConiattRsrcmhM. well <•uy f<hc nanathe ltlqtfl«ttc«Ito(Rciaf Pfother lttceown»4lt»tl<ra»kxhecJopy "fly t«1M«th tbt OMldalof *il roNJc mcttiat topttwktittM i^llacuAdvbiKy Conunrteo Mttubea lopartiefptteto ititttinrew.K>I*bend s/older CofcunaittMaat«a.aaJ iti« pjblio.£»dtob«»j dkensiom SupplierDivcniqrft OumsA McArt*if*fitt>School >f,Co.it 8gttnp k ORCoptlSpreip atSprbp S/I11S TWmoVjgyAdnjPoCcmaditee HECOi»-MCMK<Mm 33(M.Mp|fUCi 16600 SWWg»i Orit^,Parte »J»ob«aute>on in to*ef tjt.cetn.SuKtlrj.ftaWr idrwiflr.gtaitt aptwoa. idSet4«it=oi»Nj««*o»te«aat=i€«s7ltirfo«jrW)duUiscirr,)!<ja]&ft>at«jnl Owwioruo'AUA ConpTaw*Otjnuxat.il tS*-3H-UiOor ftmype Ucfert rrTT) 7M-a2MIJI.lafi»Mtdiiet&diiMti^«4an«^isce«9^<dNtB(derjkA<wi>cuo wift ttuKWo A«rAntwIntoHAd of 3d (AlMAA).cm/tat f^nt!NxjtfoRtl Cneffiutti'ADA Ca^toteDr^Mcnt.tOM-JJI-JUPofTttaypt Mielin.iTIY) 7M.JJMJiJ. bmoTTbc Sttael Ot«nJ «t MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Dally except Saturday,Sunday and Legal Holidays' .Miami,Miami-Dade County,Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MARIA MESA,who on oath saysthatheorsheisthe LEGAL CLERK,Legal Notices ofthe Miami.Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review,a daily (except Saturday,Sunday andLegal Holidays)newspaper,publishedat Miami in Miami-Dade County,Florida;thatthe attached copyof advertisement, being aLegal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CiTYOFSOUTH MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 4/21/2015 in the XXXX Court, was published insaidnewspaperinthe issues of 04/10/2015 Affiant further says thatthesaid Miami DailyBusiness Reviewisa newspaper publishedatMiamiinsaid "Miami-Dade County*Floridaandthatthesaidnewspaperhas heretoforebeencontinuouslypublishedinsaid Miami-Dade County, Florida,eachday(exceptSaturday,SundayandLegal Holidays) andhasbeenenteredassecondclassmailmatteratthepost officein Miami insaid Miami-Dade County,Florida,for a periodofoneyearnextprecedingthefirstpublicationofthe attached copyofadvertisement;andaffiantfurther says thatheor she hasneitherpaidnorpromisedanyperson,firm orcorporation anydiscount,rebate,commissionor refund forthepurpose of securing this advertisement forpublicationinthesaid *newspaper^ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1.0 dayofAPRULy^)rA.D.2015 (SEAL) MARIA MESA personallyknowntome A ^-t m O.V.FERBEYAE Notary Public-Stale of Florida My Comm.Expires Jul 9.2018 Commission #FF 102821