Res No 066-15-14405RESOLUTION NO.066-15-14405 A Resolution supporting Medicaid expansion in Florida pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010,urging the Florida Legislature to enact legislation expanding Medicaid in Florida. WHEREAS,Medicaid expansion would provide nearly one million Florida residentsaccess to preventive and therapeutic health care services,improving health outcomes;and WHEREAS,expanding Medicaid in Florida under the Affordable CareActismadeallthemore important bythefact that medical care providers will experience significant payment reductions from Medicare and Medicaid over the next several years because of federal reductions inthe Disproportionate Share Hospital Program and Low-Income Pool Program;and WHEREAS,the financial impact of not expanding would befeltatmany Miami-Dade hospitals; and WHEREAS,the Baptist Hospitalsystem,includingSouthMiami Hospital,couldloseasmuchas $20 million a year infederalfunding;and WHEREAS,Larkin Hospital inSouthMiamicouldlose several million dollarsayearinfederal funding;and WHEREAS,Jackson Health System,including theRosieLee Wesley Health Center inSouth Miami,couldlose$570millionayearinfederalfunding;and WHEREAS,otherhospitalsin Miami-Dade County,includingtheUniversityofMiamiHospital, MountSinaiMedicalCenter,andChildren'sHospital,couldloseasmuchasacombined$200milliona year infederal funding;and WHEREAS,ifMedicaidisexpanded,Floridawouldreceiveapproximately$5.2billionin federalfundingin 2016;and WHEREAS,Floridaisadonorstatetothefederalgovernmentthatsendsmoremoneyintax revenue than it receives in benefits;and WHEREAS,the 111th UnitedStatesCongresspassedthePatientProtectionandAffordableCare Actof 2010 ("Affordable CareAct")andonMarch23,2010,thePresidentsignedthebillintolaw;and WHEREAS,oneofthekey components ofthe Affordable CareAct required statesto expand Medicaid tothe minimum national eligibility threshold of 138 percent ofthe federal poverty level effective January 1,2014;and WHEREAS,this provision,however,wasnot upheld bytheUnited States Supreme Court,in effectallowingstatestheoptionofwhetherornottoexpand Medicaid;and WHEREAS,withthe expansion of Medicaid eligibility for adults was designed to serve asthe vehiclefor covering low-income individuals;and Res.No.066-15-14405 WHEREAS,under the Affordable CareAct,the federal government initially funds Medicaid expansionat 100 percentforthefirstthreeyears;and WHEREAS,in Florida and other states,Medicaid hadgapsin coverage foradults because eligibilitywasrestrictedtospecificcategories of low-incomeindividuals,suchaschildren,pregnant women,theelderly,orindividualswithdisabilities.Inmoststates,including Florida,adultswithout dependentchildrenwereineligibleforMedicaid,regardless of theirincome,andincomelimitsforparents were very low—often below half the poverty level;and WHEREAS,enacting Medicaid expansioninFloridawouldfillthegapleftbytheUnitedStates SupremeCourtrulingandensureaccesstoimprovedmedicalcarebenefitsformanyhard-working Floridians,including veterans,students,andworkingparentswhoarenot otherwise eligibleforMedicaid or insurance through the Affordable Care Act. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,THAT: Section 1.The City of South Miami supports Medicaid expansion tothe Affordable CareAct andurgesthe Florida Legislature topass legislation expanding Medicaid in Florida. Section 2.TheCity of South Miami directs the Clerk of the City to send ar-oeriified copy of this resolution to the Senate President,House Speaker,andall municipalities of Miami-Dade County. Section 3.Severability.If any section clause,sentence,or phrase of this resolution isforany reason held invalid or unconstitutional bya court of competent jurisdiction,the holding shallnotaffect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. Section 4.Effective Date.This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by vote of the City Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21s^lay of April ATTEST: ORM, Page 2 of2 2015. APPROVED: COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 Mayor Stoddard:Yea Vice Mayor Harris:Yea Commissioner Edmond:Yea Commissioner Liebman:Yea Commissioner Welsh:Yea