1951-06-22 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MTG� r } "TM, 'h ES O.. 1:.+B 1 1 11'..I:I {MI Cx L LI'''lil: G OF Zi L CITY C :U CIL GI+' JUti TL: t. --i:,J HELD i2IDr.Y JU,E 22, A.D. 1951 A'P 'is d; CITY AT 5:00 P.., The meeting was called to order by kayor ritz with Councilnen Burrow, Bryant, Gluck, and Grosham, and Atty. Ruff responding to roll call. This was the st�oeial rootin} the I,i'wyor had asl;otl the members of the 1` Council to hold themselves in roaainess' for, and he stated that the School Board wanted the revorter clause in the proposed deed to be changed -to ;read r'School Board site" instead of "School site.'" i,ayor Fritz suggested an alternative of riving the School Board an option -be purchase the land> improved frith buildings only And that the balance would u revert to the City in event of the school 'being abandoned It was pointed out that plans for n x350,000.00 building were to be made,, and $100,000.00 to be spent 81 this tine. P,iayor Fritz suggested that they ask the -'card to let Iar. Fink inspect and 0. K. the plans, Resolution No. 417 was drafted and read as follows RES OL: TLOII ITO. 417 A PWOLUTION i'ROViDIi;C 11OR Ai OpTIOU TO LiE DADE COUNTY BOA.M) OF I'UMIG IIvST.111 ,21014 IbR Tip` PURCHASE OF THAT PORTIOIT OF SIX PROPERTY DEEDED A L:D V1,PROV D UPMi EFFECTIVE E, Oj RL''JERTEI. CLAUSE III SKID DEED MMR:.AS, the Dade County Board of Public Instruction desires a greater legal interest in lands to be immroved by the: , BE IT 12I1.:,REIORI RE301A ^D BY ' IM T AY'R u-D 'T'.M CITY C1,111CIL OF SOU'Vi ;,JAI J: That an option to purchase ghat portion of 1V3.o property involved, together with reasonable right of ingress and egress,; which shall imuve boon improved, if and when the rovertor clause in the doact to the tract of land de.3cribed as the N11F. of SD of IEh, Section 26, Tvrp. 54 3., Rge. 40 E., boil7q; 10 acres, ru•re or less becoatus effective, and BE IT I,"Mt't -11t =,)V ED AA "T the said purc4aso be ccnsu= iatod av the current market value on the date of tho effectiveness of tto option, and said option to last for a period of 90 flays followln5 t. u e:n o of wx abviir o ft.ent of said silo !,or school or classroom purposes, and BE IT !,1MT:.?'R i; �=-.*E S that a cortifiod co,.y of this ros-)L, - -; .k,n Do toadorocl to the hoard of I'ttblid InNVracticn At i z, +,l:ev Iii o'i ':ueradtLy, J,Inu 7U, :lubj.'. oidctiont in ;oral �;c►blas, 'tw, to .e.ot..er or tie. V,, -It city , aal pure,41 5o PAGE 2 Consumers 'ffator Company at price $•2,750,000. It had been ;pointed out in reports that this is approximately „t1,000,000.00 in excess of its real worth. Following discussion, Resoluticm No. •318 was drafted and read, as follows: RESOLiTTIUTI NO. 418 RESU'LUTIOIT OP= 0JI1fG T11:1; I•WCiJkn- OF CONS I S, VIL.TER COIFIRANY By !iIE CITY OF CORAL GABLES AT A PRICE Or, $2,750,000 WIERDAS, the City of Coral Gables has under consideration the purchase of Consumers Water Company at a price of X2,750,000, mid WHEREAS, the report of utility e-rperts as well as the utility's own auditor's'' report bears out the fact that the price asked is greatly in excess of the net worth of the concern, and WHER=— , the City of South Miami is vitally interested in Consumers Water Company operations by virtue of a thirty -year franchise granted the said Consumers ','later Company on October 19, 1948, - NOW, THERE DRE, BE IT R SOLVED BY DID TdAYOR MD THE CITY COMICIL Or SOU PI 1ALM I , FLORIDA: Miami go oublic record as opposed to the purchase of Souta of the Consumers ^ City of Coral Gables at the price of 02,750,000, because it is considered that the approximately ?1,000,000 profit' to be realized by Consumers Water Company from this sale is: not to the best interests of the many consumers in South Miami using said Company's water' system, in that the exorbitantly high purchase price for the said distribution system offers no hope fora reduction in rates. Councilman Gluck, seconded by Councilman Barrow, moved that Rosolution No.- 418 be adopted as read. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at approximately 5 :45 P. T:l. ayor and President of the City Counoi ATTEST C ark a