1950-10-24 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MTGC) MINUTES. OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SOUTH DLUU HELD TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 24, A.D. 1950 AT THE COM MITY BUILa NG AT SsOO P.M. Reboso, Andrews and Prebish and by Acker and Attorney Ruff responding to roll The meets was called to order b President Prebish with Councilmen Carballo ll call. President Prebish read the notice for the meeting vdiich had been called for the following purposes only: 1 Hearing of objections to the confirmation of Resolution No. 364 setting up Improvement District H -19. 2. To oonsider all matters pertaining to the report of the Sanitary Committee with reference to garbage collection and disposal. l., President Prebish read the legal notice calling for the hearing on H -19, published in the October 13th. issue of the Miami Daily News,, Councilman Gresham presented a may showing the stresus to be re- built, stating that the costf would not exceed 35¢ per square yard, and inasmuch as the paving is to be 18 ft wide, would amount to 35yf per abutting front foot. Following discussion, in which interested property orners took part, Councilman Carballo,, seconded by C oupoilmen Gresham, moved they approve the paving project as presented by Councilman Gresham. Motion carried* President Prebish, read Resolit ion No. 867, as followas RESOLUTION NO. 367 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING'RESOWTLON 'N0. 364 ORDERING HIGHUY IMPROVEMENTS E-19 IN THE CITY OF SOUTi mLU, I. 1d1ERFAS, on the 10th. day of October, A.D. 1950, at its regular aeeting on that day duly and legally held, the City Council passed and adopted its resolution numbered 364 ordering certain highway improvements to be done in said City of South Miami, Florida, a description of which more fully appears in said Resolution No. 364, and V61 2EAS,_subsequently thereto after due and legal notice, duly and 'legally published, calling and providing for the hearing of ;cb jections upon the part of all interested persons, the City Council at its meeting held at 8 o'clock P.M. on October 24, A.D. 1950, did hear and consider all objections presented by interested persons to the confirmation of said Resolution No. 364 ordering said highway improvements, and the plans, specifications and estimate of cost therefor and no objection to said improvementa, plans, specifications and estimate of post having been sustained, the said Resolution No. 364 so ordering said improvements to be made, was by a majority vote of the City Council duly confirmeds NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDU That said Resolution No 364 adopted the 10th. day ce October, A.D. 1950, ordering said highway improvements be and the same is horeby confirmed* Councilman Gresham, seconded by Councilman Carballo, moved that Resolution No. 367 be -- adopted as read. Motion carried by poll, as follows Carballo yes Gresham yes Reboso you Andrews yes Prebish yes 4� Page - -2 2. Sanitary Committee report. In the absence of Councilmen Corley, deleyed by motor trouble down on the Keys,, Councilman Carballo presented the preliminary explanation of the committees Mr. Quick, S anitary engineer of the Dade County ;Health - Department, referred to their letter, of August 9th. and stated their purpose in being here tonight is to see that the re- quirements set out therein are adopted. Mr. Quick stated we must dig a trench, then fill from the ramp and make a new trench, that ;root- is too porous and we must bring in s ome dirt to oover. Ee stated the pit is a fly broader oxd bull:- dozing 1 or 2 times per month is not enoughy and that the pit should be fenced and locked, material should be brought in at certain hours* , Mr. Westbrook, re: spraying, suggested that at the present rate of fly production, the pit should be sprayed rather frequently, but we will not need that if we ;get the other type of disposal. The present method is also conducive to breeding of rats* Kent Kelly, re: the Paragon Construction Company proposal, proposal, stated that someone must make a start - they have spent quite a bit of time in making the survey and are trying to " organize this particular part of the County for this service. President Prebish -;read the proposal of Sanitan Inc., written on the letterhead of Paragon Construction Company, which provided for a charge of $22.00 per year per residence and $50.00 minimum year for businesses• ($22.00) ayoAc er asked iabout; the difference in rate between that proposed for South Miami n effect in West Mi'smi ($15.00. Mr. Kelly explained -- 1. that West Miami had an agreement with Coral Gables before they went in there, and therefor they agreed to pay up to $2.00 per ton on the tonnage hauled to the incinw ator, and '2o there are no broken lines in West Miami, how many are there in South Miami4 Discussion on rates and calling for bids followed. Following discussion between Councilman Raboso and Mr. Westbrook re: the pit, Nayor Acker stated' there are no complaints re: the County's requirements, our only interest is trying to work out the best and most economic means ;of t1a City couplyinr with the County. At this point recess was declared and business resumed at IWO P.Y. Following farther discussion, in which' Dow Yoodtimrd, fttorney for paragon Construction Co. .also took part, Councilmen Lndrows suggested: 1. The preparation of specifications for an outside contract* 2. Review and complete stud at Wiat the City itself could carry this one S. Comparo le end 2e and arrive at a definite conclusiobo Councilman Andrews, secondod by Councilman- Cerballo, moved that the Committee be in- structed to dram a set of specifications necessary to comply with the roquiroments of the Stage Board of Health and prepare said specifications for publication, requesting bids to provide this service for South Muni. Motion carriede Revisions on Council minutes 1. Regular meeting of October 3, 1950 stricken from notes on minutes,; in errors "Councilman Corley, seconded by Councilman Carballo, moved that Earnest Tatum be appointed supervisor of the Sanitation Department from October 16 to November 15 at $100.00 per •month." This should have been on bottom of page 1, following "Motion carried.'" and preceding top of page 2 "Following discussion, in which Councilman Reboo agreed because it is only a temporary matter and for 30 days only, the motion was carried by poll, as Follows:" 2. Special meeting of October 18, 1950. Page Is Roll call, Councilman Andrews' name was omitb�ed and should be inserted after that of Councilman Rebozo 1 3. Regular meeting, November 7, 1950. ` Page 1: Resolution No. 367 should be 367. Original-#367 passed October 24, 1950 on H -19 �y�