A ^1 8:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by President Van Duson, arith Councilmen Andrewsy
Prebish, Gresham, Carballo, Preble and `Jan .Risen, and Attorney huff responding to
roll call. liayor Acker joined the meeting during the reading of the minutes of the
regular meeting of March 7 vfliich were epproved as read.
1.1inutes of the adjourned meeting of k.larch It wore read and approved as road.
Petitions and ,commtni;cations were as follovrs
1. A letter from'N. 0. Canington regarding his leave of absence and declaring; himself _
r ready to resume his duties as Building Inspector on his doctor's O.X. on April 1st.
A his ad✓ans :n- , i ---, re;n j- j..5 44-br vi, av )
'Councilman Andrews, seconded by Councilman Prebish, moved that they retire lilr.
W. 0. Canington as building inspector of South Miami as of Larch 313t. and pay him
thru April 30th.
Mayor Acker asked vihether the viord should be "retired" or °remove."
Attorney Ruff stated there it no provision in the Charter for retiring, that the'
Council can remove and discharge an employee but retiring usually means some form
of pension.
President Van 'Duson asked Whother Councilman Andrews wanted to change the wording
of the motion.
Councilman Andrews stated he does not feel it necessary but feels it entirely in
order, that they are Avin�, the than an extra month's pay, are not charging him vilt11
any faults or discharging him but '-that it is a ratter of health.
Attorney Ruff stated lie wants to study tho Charter, he knovis of no reason under :rhich
the Council can discharge an employee except tinder rcertain conditions. The Council
can hire but is not liven authority to discharge under provision of the present
Charter to remove.
Councilman Carballo referred to section 15 -b v&ich,he asked the Attornoy to road.
Councilman Andrews stated they vio a aSain viasting time and asked Por the previous
qmostions lot tho vote fall 78toro it may.
Mayor Acker stated Councilman Andrevra ja out of order. III l,his Charter provisions
are sot up by which a City omployoo may be rotgovod by the Council only one way,
after filin , of chrrt os ate, ;;ivin" public bearing. this action is still removing
tho man from tho ptsy :roll, and thorn is a for tula sot out in the Chrt•t. r, the only
forrula for romo7inr q city drnployee
Councilman Ahdrows boliords that tlo°�;Si *_; is ottt of ordor in tho circamstoncos that
have arison horn. rho tartiil1intion in Wttis eaao is a utter of the h ;Ath of the
J. P. Cviltirttu, oK b6xN2f off° 41. J. c itv -ton stated tr :: has of a
yoLV+,orarr rlti -Wro., AIA if Jd Cit is iiett , -#stv, it it4 Coundlrfm Andrew's
C ��a i ,drirz� 'fsv o: 40
'-Vo�,€�� 3
toile 0• 7mLlton .4'im !�ttl- i'',v�l�iis�: '. i Jlt►clra�srs �:o dl�r3f,� P�� stt�so r►
Page --2
Mayor Acker still contends the motion out of order without the proforr.ing of ,charges
and settiu6 of a public he- arinG. . It is a layman I s vs. a Doctor's stai,oment on
the health of ,'ti. 0. Canin:r-Uon, and ho insiots that whatever action is ts0ken be in
accordance with ti -e Charter.
v Councilman Carballo quoted Section 10 under uhich the Council apuoints, and Section
` ;n discharge.
15 -b under which the Aayor ca
On a call for a polled vote, the motion was:�oarried 4 to 2, as follows':
Preble no Carballo: at present time does not believe that Per. Canin,;ton is physically
capable of doing the work of building inspector, his health is impaired to wha dogree
he cannot tell; therefore lie is looking after the man's health and therefore votes
gar "yes" not because of the :van's capabilities but because of his Physical condition.
Gresham no Prebisli, yes Andrews yes Jan Dustin yes
2. Letter from Advisory Planninr and Zoning ljoTd on the E. G. ° :olly matter, as.
follows;.: < W
IlThe Zoning Board 'makes these recormaendavionsr
I. 2'hat a bowling alley is perru.ssible in any C -2 zone, provided
there is adequate off - street parkin{; sDaee, `and_
2. that the building be a CBS structure, enclosed, air - conditioned,
and sound - proofed.'
Councilmen Probiah, regarding the adequate off- street parking, asked venother there
is a specified amount. Dr. Tharp, who was present, stated that varied$ depending
on the size of the building and therefore cannot make a definite recommendation.
Councilman Andrews stated no bovili e; alley really has sufficient parkin; area duo
to the chango -over of shifts.
Councilman Gresham, seconded by Councilman Prabish, moved that the Council accept
the i>oard's rocommendation. Motion carried.
3. Letter from the Advisory Planning and Zoning 3oard on the y1. L. Sauls matter
in SOLOVOF , as follows:
"The. Council referred Mr. L. C. rroby, a=ttorney for Mr. ;{, 'L. Sauls,
to the Zoning Board re: width of entrance in the front fence. The Hoard
had roconaandod that Mr. Sauls be given permission to operate a used car
sales lot on the above protrarty.
The Board at this time fools thwb1rr.::culs should be allowed a 12 -toot
opening in his fence along; the l :io IliGh,;ay instead of the 3 -foot oponing
originally recomriondod. 'Vio Board fools also that if a traffic problem
is created by permitting this ozonin- or if the oponing is round to be
otherwise objectionable, some oohor plans may be worked out that are
:mutually satisfactory to :he .:oard., the Council and %+ir. Snuls.n
Councilman Grevhma,, seconded by Couneilmn nndrows, tovod blot the Council accept
tho Board'i rocott,ondation. notion carriod
4. Lot'-or trora the Advleory Plan iin and Zonin„ .,oar.. on the ft* i Sowal. 1'ogU!J3v;
as folloWa s
" ho South Mari Advidary, radom nndr, lw:nt the
-,.�.}} j3� , . r}� �y _ yy ., .r� +1 q�
1predidivd u- l'dsoi tot` Ud ,:irl mold J,ro+iia�p o.Y .�1'oci: 2 i7.�'i.lti.?,�.L ipw`rr`�s a.ii�.�d'i�c b the
Page -3
same as those, now in effect on the Red Road frontage.
This list is as follows and ,ras incorporated in a letter of recommendation
of January 9 19-19 from the e Council:
y , c 3oard to ri
Barber lzl-ea tore w ubholsterinS 4,pliancos and repairs
Beauty parlor Juvenile urniture ,a toys Jewolry, lifts,, repairs
x'ishinb tackle repair Children's wear ice croon parlor -m`g. retail
Bakery plant, retail only Men' s vrear Optician
Florist Ladies' year Restaurant
Linoleum store, floor Candy mfG., retail Shoo repair
CleaninC, Pressing, and alterations; Limited to use of non- inflemrable liquids, and
provision of wells and eyllaust system.
Laundro *nuts: To meot S tB.to Board of I:es:lth rogtUremonts and secure special permit
from the Zoning told Planning; 3oard.n
Councilman Andrews, seconded by Councilman Pr-obish, noved 'Ghat the Ceo. ncil accept
the Hoard's recommendation. :,lotion carried.
in connection with the Sauls mat-tor, Attorney Ruff stated he has had an ordinance
prepared for some time vAiich would ha-,re to be ai:iended sli fitly nua.
Tom Eelvin presented an oral request for permission to place a tamporary sire at the
corner of iced Road and S. 1V 53rd. Terrace to advertise 2 new houses, the sign to
be about 2 ft. by 4 ft.
Councilman Andrews, seconded by Councilman Probish, moved that the Council allow
Mr. Melvin to install such a sign for c poriod of not longer than' 90 days I)rovided
he submits a letter to tho City Clork. from tho` o,m=r of that yrop3 rty oil which he `
wants to place the siUnr
FollovrinS discussion, on a call for the -,rote, 'the motion vias carried.
1. South'I'livad A-tlantic Service Station, re: parkin, of cars. Chief 111eltinney roportod
he had checkod frith Attorney :tuff and chocked the toe tion, that the man has IXhO riGht
under the ordinance to have the cars on the lot; a. ^, eor par'.:in,; on the stroot, that
has been cleared.
Councilman Carballo stated the cars woro moved; from tho stro)t to •the alloy anG are
now blocking the alloy.
2. ode but era•° unablo to cone act hire ,t'nat on Vri daV ho i s -riod to Z;th Attorney i:ehoe
The Christenson Salt. Attorno 1`ufi 1•o- portua Ito' lir,�
today � �' , iterated ;Ito sarto s;;ato-
monts Made before tho Council, th,, Igo vior,14 bo ha_;zy to r. Wiyulato nor di:=..issel
of the zu l� by a;rrnt].te or the V rlatiao by tho 'Council Sad -roof' not. tta%o a ro-
:uost .i'or any ;,a ll vh!z vaoo 6r. 'a1s;,tornoy:`1 AI- =swill�draw�tt� a writ '.011 - .U,
a" µ�- r L
to that of,� od.!'.,_ rind V10141 � ta!tC1 0 11.1`. Ljr . Attvrno; ,'$IW�W JtLI'uod�
a Co -,i. f of a lotvor from .4j ClurlP ills, :#oo —.. ?md f3nwa%� do . J;G '..r* `"OhoO4
w—it. "ilmdliz t:tU o.iad:llb ::t« >ioix. a:5 dill d::del: vo=orrowp 'diatl '.40 ,tr 3"'lor Li 009
" wd %W37 esiuiil �� «r . r isu ;tl;tov, of jr1 ti; ta,vtl n 'lw'l e.; I r .0 ta."`.<7
t"irE7., tlLN .fa.. �d:iC;i L`.;1'.G:� # -
3. Ordin,anco ;1202. Ootmcilman Androwoo seconded by Councilman Preble, moved ti:a:S
Ordinance, 202, ca ?tion e2 Whlch follows, be placed on third and fitial rev.. in
in 1's entirety. Lotion Lotion Carried.. -
'; 02DI1, 1,'CD :i0. 202>
A3i 0. .All D F2C, T2_:I` I�, 0 1.'11,:5, 3ID-e � "_;U.'.5`, 9TREL
ti ^ON IU'1L`u OR
.,1.,c „J G:� i P' >v..'- CT"•i.i I'?ti,� c.0 c`Ii: '�.iti'.L'.3•,'
utE`lFlr"u COVE',ijD 01Z 12rCO. EZED, UIZI, JUO'18 G?i
CL(5i; t 2 CGi 7`., CTD11 C7 P26—i T
BY of -31lil THE CITY 1,11ZIT6 G: i° .E CI 'Ty
il" S m,.
moved that read in iCs entirety, Councilman Andrwus, seconded by Councilman Ptobish,
mov r. boo, Ordinance ;x202 be adoeted as ,read. '...onion carried by ,,oll, Aa olio Is;
Preble yes Carbtllo yes Gresham gyres Probisa yes Androtrs yes Van Du on yes
tIATM: Councilmen Carballo raportcd that Constnrters 'later Coiapany had atread to meet
conditions to increase the mains for fire Prouuc. ion, and a.ztond the main on Sunset
as originally proposed
President Van Dusen stated the Council wants to act on the entire problen and not
just rdteto, to start.
Councilman Gresham suggested JAzrting on Suns-4 because they cannot start in the
colored section until they knows ,There thu R# are. iio suggested accepting tiro plan
of the Water Board and start on Sunsut and in the ,meanwhile make a >3urv3y in the
colored section.
President 'Tan Dusen asked uho desires of the Council re: the overall plan by
Consumers Water Company.
Councilman Andrevis askod if the matter of fire hydrants is in - the overall plan.
i,iayor Acker stated tho Consumers 'Mater Oompany stipulated with. this plan tltrt Micro
the plan failed to come up the tequiromonts of the insttranco undorwritars they
would bring any main up t; fire insurance underwriters' requirements. Tha-� was
the reason for considorin`; on ineuring services.
George Coffin, a: property otimor in tho colorod section stated :ll are awaro of ti-to'
health nenaco in .bite colored ruction. A few weeks a-o' ho had a discussion .-ritit
i.:r. KeatinG and ;made a• +plication at thilt l --1J to s :rvO his 'Irmio.•t es, thaa.; u
month' a-;o ho had docidod there is only ono aolu1 -lon atarl th t :, ye proeoe6 t +rith .
sanitary tacilitius hopin;; `M net tho a ^ter by t.te t-itio ho iy ready. Dr. 'Cute,
of tho Dado County I:oalth Department is also koonly intero;tod to have bho si'�aziticsn
corrected, and asko1 hi it to wait with nutting in .hi- 0= orator system.
Councilman Carballo stalled a ;.lotion was tzlo lap W ;m* which. cmondod vhat vr.o
elan of rho ',7ator ,oard be approved
Couneiltt.an Carballo, aocondol by Cos -_ytcilL=i An re:m, ;ito ad tlrrt ahoy x,ut 1.11 a •.o
ori„irwl voltion (of llarcl- lIy of Uo,_ncilv.!U1 Ar conwiLJra ~,sign. wt)tion wTrion.
na .+'O lavlg l y �n1iU'•..`1cil -AU • i' d ^ds� S"iCiil' a "s+ it id'i11e "iRi: v $r $"� i5, �l fi' efa
r:�a'�, v'llYy E CC)�iW "wi »J 7sLtii 1�4" +ei:i�w,itrt` sic; :• �ri5.'usafP'y� �i`rS.SfJi.'i+u no 'J%o a40M.6
and ndblly tilom .-0 atnrt eona r1je,;1on us oocn A.,1 :Oj;iAO ue- iltnin on Staao
rnd Z'+a' ziiti ,, '+: 1J .6 '.'Aa :+gu:,tuan ,!rook."
:I0.yor Acker ats..ed 1•rhother Councilman '.rrOS11atj1 vro:11..' i %;; ,.mrd his motion and tint but
in the stioulaation to' be „ -In on sunN.t.,. .. '.
Councilman 1,res'aam replied lie was .,rillin„ t o lrithdrasr that ci?ul lion.
Mr. i,'rcConnell asked if `rho Council af;r,os :.o accept the Con. - rumors `„ ator Companur
proposal could tho Council ro- affirm tiro franchise,
Councilman Ai.-idrews started discussion ro: fire hydrtn.ts aein+” installed the Same
time as the :Valor mains.
Councilman Gro.sham, re: f'_rJ hydr=ts, stated he had ackod i.`_r. i:O:ainc for 'he arise'.
they will install the hydrants a;; 'hey install tiro pipes -the City buys the hydrants
they install `25.00
and��302.50 aor month hydrant rental. 'hero is a charge to
Councilman Cerballo statod he eras in touch with 3.A.L , they are moving their
facilities and some hydrants that can be Uou;;ht very cheap.; also, he spoke with
a man of the F.D.C. re: ; fire hydrants. Thoy can probably c` bhen for half price.
They should bb boa ft,, a?art to of full covora;;e.
Councilman Andrews asked whethor installation of hydrants is part of, rho construction
pro:Gram.. He is reluctant to altithorize gain- mhoaC with ai Ater and ouddonly find the
problem of fire hydrant install,tion.
_u yor Acker stated that fire hydrants, t -PPin" 2000 an,. rates are not a part OR this
proposal. !'hey have been mentioned but have boon subordinated -to the clan for in-
stall at ion of :'rator lines. ;.... -
Councilman Andre-as sur 'osterc the lap a ^roao d for i11�ti•.
r;� p- s _ , s' . ' allatior of 1•ra-t;;r lines
should approved.
Councilman. Probish stAtod he 1;as under tho impression that Y;,he reason for ;ottiny;
water down aonset i•1 ,. �,
^t ittly 2or roducti.on of insurance rates.
Councilman 0aroallo s t;^.t�id no, tho reason is to ;;et rrator.
Councilman Prebish referred to the overall elan, t11at It is 2:ot a question of dust
t-ow but 5 -- 10 years Zrom now. iiYe point is to look i4hother the ovorall.. elan is
pt actieal, is this a s•t;om �o be approved adequato for •the entire � ,,ityY Is i
join- to ontai.l a trz)mondous coat for the City for hydrants, etc.?
Mr. I,cConnell aGroed with Councilman Probish to „o furU -Lor, but ITUnt Got the Council
-to mako the decision.
called a„ontion to ibt:o heatilih menRCo aYtd ur�;oa loin ahead Brit11
tlton7atorn oard.11o
1. ai. Barroa, OR -Ijho former Council and stat,ju 11l�3 1t 1:A., the
lnsi„tCricO O-e 4.110 0011114,f onl'tJ1 Dgmrtimonb a year a ;o 'What 1.'otio11' .nod tho ;r2?ntinj;
oP tho franchiz;O, that t110 lonl' ;h TWO%0r 06MOli 11`;v and f1ri lvotoetiot :5000nd.
t.ayor Ac.=or stabou tlto .!%tot: oa :t nr n4se.u3d :, 4.a r�Ojai f- roze -onsu�ols ;ator
ry afiorart !to L,
, :izoc :1iat ;. , zW 5 os* ';la boruY Or
a;oxtt�onr toraptir ho-v to nor rn. 4.: %o Q o;.1toil shot.lo yii iu.; akili; Wo ttcoo2+; or
:eject ant„' instruct t }to ,rater «ems .0 o ooYa itlara .. c� 1: Su ai�.etl :i cn ',o
'."l. w,jn',. '110 Iftolhon dt% 1..rw i, 1°1 LSCCOJ 11= v ,a `rfi', ➢.r*1 .: "*M `T' ti:lW 0.1 y::4 Mitt!•
a h t, call nor !•a.1 r� y: >, : o';fo: , ;r crr3'icld•
Pao - -S
At this t oD -- 10:20 P.a'. a 5 tiiliuto rococo was cared,
. i23' rOuL2Jt]O Of bilnei ; °vit I uncilTian
. �r. zhr:,.i, seconded by GoU, cilYman. #Table.,
moved 'ghat rie ,ntor Loard eo not7..11,ied thau vh0 '_)late !laz been accep`ued any; for
them to nottxfy tho GOnsuners + ator Com9rny, ai:d to continue nolot:i c�tionc %Ai h
Consumers oater t!om; any r)};c.L' %c'n.�, fire ?".; dr!1 nts,- ratoa and 'ut[J^.'+71' fees.
: :ution carried.
3 out,.'
L "ouncilman Proi�lo,, svoondod 7�;� vou�lei�.:�an - reslla::l, moved t }l�l,t -�� i..iara ytln:n'tic
Service nation be Given tha Ci.tyl r uas, • l p• • n F .} n
view of the fact that t>iey have had all n ht luork,to 'ro nxz ottszioss for April x,
Following discussion, on a call for a poll, the motion was curried by poll, .i to 2,
as follows
Preble yes Carballa no Gresham yes Probish no findre is yen Van Duson_yes
In connection with the ',?reeno property, Councilman Andreas, seconded by Councilman
Preble, moved that Ordinance ;r203, caption of -which follows, be placed on first
reading in its-entirety. F:Ioti on carried.
Or ; 0O ? IiIL:I i0 J17_,M" lri� of S 5/4 of E of S 4
Or SlY , loss roads, SECTION 2,1, T07ETS;?1P 54-S,
iiAI;GE 40 -E, O:P MDE' COL:I`fY, ,LWIDA
rollowing the rending; in entirety, Councilman �rosham, seconded by 'councilman Carballo,
moved that Ordinance ;r�1203 be placod on second roa:lir. , by ca,,i on only. notion carried
and Ordinanco �,j =203 road by caption on1y.
Councilman Ccrballo, socoadad by Councillun Preblo, moved that '- tosolut or. „;Z31 be read,
i.otion carried.
ri I:ESOLI;TION 02 2'M 'JITY ; GM:CIL 0. 2 E CIT' OF
SO iTF I;iT_'L.:I Z1a :iE`r3s 1FQE 'i'0 IT tCI x ''FfU uloruc.TCES
C_ _':IL CITY OF SOL ^, ? ; TIIC,iI.
FLOR1 11 s
';.'hnt the Policy Ue pary ".noni; is horoisy insta•:zcte3 by the ui•ay .Council to
forthwith take who0bovar s'topo are necessary to onforeo all of the Crdinalices of
tho City of Soa-Ui l laT:Liy and to nial o' arrdztd for violai: ions of any of the Orainances
of tho City of Soutli lsiami.
Councilman Problo socoldod by Counell -man darbcllo, ;roved that 'l osolrtion l;o. 334
be adopted as r3ad. "otion carried.
CovrAc .linon Carball.o, soeond id by .;o : *icil rn, `Pa• ro3 0, : +ov+� 3 -t ra.d t.j%M j i.�nro ,'11204,
Ca y�ion of vhioh ol1at'rs, bo _` 1acid on Pir ;t o ^.pit, !it i'.s or ir�tkt. . :nta ion
Pa o °7
11iT O "I)r.- xti GL e? ..::DL.: j E0,210i :.0 : t Gi' .vi)l. Ki CE .:U . Ja
;LII.D2D*$ Ol _ ',t, 0I..: 0_ Sc.127 III .I, Car.,.,.cM;LY KNOT +; AS
GOiTTII U,'i)i.1? SCT OF ZtD, CI' ^Y 01, 5O'U !I ...I;u_I 3Y ti" L iTiTx,
A V-10,UZ4 CE ' O IM. ;i. LLOYD S.n.M.3 R"2t A 0-2 20 0-5 11�02 ,`HE
DT"uCi? i >? 1} , PE- 4:.'Yt.
LOT 5 AND LOT 4 LES,3 THE S.J. 15 11"31ri TIiMEO , AIM WT 8
1285 :dTE B. 10 !rEE'_' ATIMi.'OF ACM LESS TIM STAID 15 MET' IT! DE
AUD 110 IEE12 LC! �r ADJQT ,II`. Tf. T 5, O ' .LOCI^_ 2 07 SCLO "3OF??5
SLtBDI7ISI0 T, PLAT DOGK 7, PAUL 11, t`_ -ITE s7:. ^MO 1 COi D5 OF,
Bavi21 been road in its entirety, Councilman Oarbullo, secoadod by Uouneilmar_ 1ndrows,
- -
moved that Ordinance 7''204 be placed on.oecond. reauin,3 by 0 ^.Jti.on. only.. :�otion
carried, and Ordinance, 'tr204 read. Eby caption only.
L' yor Aci:er brou;�l1t up the, .mtZor of civ.ttorinr, up the Ordinances by auund -in.G the
zoninn- ordinance so many times.
Attorney Ruff w,batad he has provided in a -roposed Ordina:r_co to iarLe minor chances;
by resolution.
Councilman Carballo brou&ht up the question of Lho goring ordinance of the 2o-=
of North 11liani as boin5 very completes proviousl;r discossod and asked Mhat had
'happened to it.
Councilman ttndrehrs stated i', had been tut before the Council to consider revision
r ?TDrt ".J Ta
of the "L:on2n� Ordinance ba..ed on the h sa_aml. ordinance. � was his e-,moctatior
that t,xo natter would como up in the Advisory Flannin„ alld Eoninr Doard but they
probably havo been too Nisy :rith other aroblams to t1:o it up and he will consider'
the possibility of doin- sonothinL; rnth -that. ,
Councilman i'robish, second,_-d by Councilman ureshmn, mov,A -that UrLinanca X205,
caption of which follows, he ?lacad on firot readinn in its entirety. i:.otion carried.
UADINIM M. 205' _
4 OF O.MI:T1..rCL !,O. :13 BY ADDTai: 'x`��E:L,.TO '� il3 ;;Tli.i.,�.,�'I:SS: ;1!C
C.i�tlti'E3 XID :r,UI,�'T� ' W iDM'IAT"i0IT3 .I:. 1'MI Q ZaItr?r5 AITD
H :; been read it its ontire�ty, Cotincillran Iresham, socor.dod by Councilman ndro,"rs,
movid that Ordinanco ; 205 be ; lacod on cocond rovdi.n;; b,r ca;,i tion onlys iuo'ti.on carried,
,aid Ordinance To. 205 road �, r cax';ioi only."
':aports of Stiandin- col:>ixi'ttoos yore as ollaa3:
sls:. :12A'IIL':I: X)!,wn
.70E& Maoa.rman 'roblo ro;,)orvod t:.e :%_tljls collections to !'.•vm ?;he cigarette
tax, choc'_As rocolved J.,j Doco,:,)or, Jana ry a:., -obr r,r;; toy ^lava ,372.33 n."A :;I:at
the money ij boi% olacod ,o one Ado until ;ro can rocoi;ro from e:lla`1as:.oa rrliras
on disno,,;Won and ;4w.t c,11 .Io dnio ,n. t tha;, montitr. .:v fc1^,o rJyortoi rocri')t
of fran`blliso tax fro-m ' ;ho Jot:,,. -1t ,ti ohc'.x Lino Po • Jnwt- vfr tangyi !y, otalin
202.21. s
FIRE: Chairman Carballo rvpor!;od dint tno jzruec tank had been ropairod in South
lJiami, bhat this is 'he last urao ib can be rep. airod, ' iii ^;tJ next t m t?te i:dnl:, 1nli5t:
berlop_ aced Zu Ile hopes it r „l !as” _, L loa ii i1 monl,;h3. _..e 11'1a;i ha- 'o order
3/4 in. hose, Ll_•tL only 2 cor+x iies ua)'ly this, boti a`� b::le samo price and he
pn.c!ased �iis frm "le nearest ono. �,oe fho fire wells, he does not want ,-a
make an expense if w ,
_ water is to com in. ,:e inwsnds to have nnoa-hr tall;:.: ;riti'i
Consimer;s '"titer Cot,,J vxiy before aF.kin,; 2or bids . i0T' yells. `rho ..'ire De2Arunen`{;
is making ovary effort to clean ui 0=00s of wo6d and debris in 'zhe colored
section th- it is a Piro hazard 011-13 0f ;:ol'on is cluacicin°; am! they are living
people 72 !lours to correct the hazard. (Per section 101, of Urd. 1)
POLICE: Chairman Probi h reported that 02-icer'o Pressley and inch vrlll have
com7letod their probationer; periods on April 1, and rocommands their s;al.arios'be .
increased to ';180.00 per month.
Councilman Prebish, secondod by Councilman Andreas, ;moved that tine salarl3s of
Officers Pressley and 2inch be increased to !.,UO.00 p.er month, each, effective April L
Counci lmon Preble asked i2- this could hold w t l the need: meeti-L13.
1-otion carried by poll, as follo•,•,rs;;
Preble no Carballo yes �:rosham yes Nrebish yes Andrews yo^, ,Ian Dusan ye
iAayor Aokox asked it the probatioiery period is up Ap
Following discussion, Councilman Andrews, seconded by Council,;= Ciarballo, moved
that Attorney huff be rstrnctad to propare an orditianco :•thich takes care of the
matter of permanent employmont•of emiloyeos. J.iotion carried', and .Attorney . tuff
stated he will aubmit a draft for coil side anon.
STIREETS t: PARKS: Chairman =reshom ronorted that ono of }lie iron h4 z. Taft ("uster ..untor)'
and do had to put another one on, 3blui Shiic'_, Jr., and if the Personnel Department
it'otrb,vo hi= a cony Of •.-h+a note a_�r'lication to tie fiii o +at r.o ,rill. ha:�a ;Zim fill
Councilman 'Grosi aln, secendvd by Councilman Probish, moved that; John Shuck., Jr , be
appoa.ntod toniporarily at .41130.00 )or month to carve on S-1 ;roots and <P. ^,r?�s ns of
l,iarch 20. 1 :otion carried by poll, a: follows:
Proble yes Carballo yes uresltain ;yes Probish yes Androvis; you an Dusan yoy
BUILDI:t�S: Chairman Andre;•rs, accolided by'r ounoilmr,•n Probi h, :novad t1mi, Don 1110xol-l's
tenoorary a', ointment as building; incpoctor be o :tone 3d to Jeiml 15. J:otion carried
by poll, as follows;
Proble yes Carbtillo yes ures:.am ;so 'rvoia;i +o: hn,ro:rc YOZ :'an Dusan yid
Ao: thu now buildi.n;; i.nW,10abo:, Uouncil,,vm j &.1drarrs .00a not; intind i,o va',ki an
a_apoin- b""Iant bu'; ho is under ;ao : pro:sion .1v* t;.ro soi�sonnol "Onrd .rill JO Pmc'.- ioning
and tiro a „);ilications Ill �,o _trnvd o -or o tiro j or ritilol _.oai'd for raoo�,t.,=Ittione
:SCI tit i0 1' ilor lU e d Cn a 1) 71:3 wo vjijo ,rjj i l�rs i 0” w 19 L cur'?'_ « +�+1 V-1 I
Vi10 ylcto ti ldjd -windows in it ,
v 7,` ur trwJ. ia°.�d1�4yv;dl"!1S
fi31c: 1i 11 VSi'1:1 � d Or«S `::: ^:s ui,n it 'r" tlil ,jrly tdtoj Y �
Pale - -?
SPACIAL COU-3, BES Gbuncilman Pr.)blsh s"abmitl,;'od a lmlt'Len raport o_," i;:ro s�recial
committee on Police activities, vrith 'ckao follov:in� reco non,', °tionss
I. Provisions for increaso of qualifico:L-ioas o= personnel and
increase in saIrry for such - personnel,.
2. Additional. officer or officers', mad more equipment.
S. Appointment of a- fact- findin- 2oard to n2a;?ce inveSU7,atien of
Police lie )artmon t and re*port to Council.
4. Removal of pool table novr in the City -Tell.
Councilman Carbal'lo stated t: e number of police now employed ,rill stop -ghlat is Going
on if given orders to do it, that bolita is ,;oinG evorj-vfhere, just for '.he furl of
it he bfouSht some yosterday and here it is. The aherron T_nn .sold liquor on Sunday
and the , unday before last. -7ar.°,ison (Constable) cmge and rnade an arrest. All
the Policy e� 4xt^eut needs iu ;ivan order . to do.
taecAvac 0. i•VA nn s�S �a.t wYLGYWk�N- v.�:'t�Y1 trr�+afiv Sfii;Y Yc :a nrs2c Oaf of
"Councilman Carb:llo mov.,d that Chief of Police be romovod from his job. 1,_otion last
for want of a second.
Chief UcIGinney a-,kod Councilman. Carba.11o if he Purchazed those bolita nunbero
Loo Glasel stated no ^.^ sur_orx od at Councilman -Probi h's report sayin: ^th ^t if
t'r_ey had all increase of police no. �onnel btc. at he 1- was could be enforced. Ite
maintains that the Police chief ),s inofl:'iclont incompentont to hold the. job.
They have had around G or Q 1rur;;laries in South +..iami, none of tllota solved fin••or
prints not t a-zon off. lie dhnr,;os tnie Police chid' jtri4�'1 misfoasanco, e
Counciltian Probish stated the men's starting salarios should' be at loast 0'21}0.00,
por month and thoy can't send a man to school ',moss troy have a roolacottient. It
talces 6 weeks or more. Salaries in ilia depart -rent are beluw -rrha't I-hey should be.
III' they CO'!,'er Cn3 .leof.;•- -;`.silent cover '.;l.l itF3:):';2 c.:il;irru.i, tlnt :1(�.�:t)'Ll#.t,j�i5?u- =:bnL$ all 'rvY10
,way Viru.
Attorney .lalf Ntated ma.i.zuln salaries should be oN :ablia'lo1 bltt no increase ,;ranted
until an onployeo has earned Lhct promotion by vreaLor of.'icio,ncy.
Aa to the roco ..ontlations bein„ accep:;od, Counclljan Jarbsllo rtat�d thoof had a
!, .dlar thin i. months a,,o and ;iicroo,o6 1,;ro forco by 2 4)olioo;:ren, and have not
Gained wwrthln�. Thai; io no 0.'n:, so ')a '-he solution oX vlru - )roblema
,..ro s'al rie c
Prnsdotrt "Tan Jusen a;I "'0(T �r0V7 '�': r r' :� in, .70:111. i:5.£:mi CO11)�^„To llM ".1 sl33ariCIL' irl
pi;;YOr t1Nt1:CY�'11ia,lOC•
IiClUncil'idln?robiah iii ...1i 1tofr Ark: °ir+5'l'nr ', r i ,N. v3 M)O r or q-.It '}) � ;o 0
ilia `0n*v, :r omotioal in "nt -. ..0 r aco1 "7irtd3 e*'.ArI`yia,,i Ottt ruoorx -,iu d . Io.1 "30
n .r;,70r Jo ro- L.tortl;oy tv-ft ";arOLbd a0dtiar , 67 re -, s;cavxOS rxo ^'s r'
V o7 .0, to '..',1rS3v ti w)3"!`%. ,3 JJ di-d": L� to 1<i.udr Sd o.1 ..� 1 J.o3 U`i .Y Yi --
0 C).re1 ".G.S tl)�t ilt'J.:.: iiYi'Y C;lln.,l" O r 4
„'v a`YEd'.''i
• a 1 x
;i17J� JdJ . bazar ! iJLJ .'wr:4 Y o.
Yltl.i.+sar.i s'9.ry rC$ir ir�li3 '1 ivr"» ,bui +✓ * .'.i•8A :;tw�J'''ili ,{a_ 1ua LI poor "t'• "t',i,v.i• �. V70 "�.. IV.:ti:
1.A-r(r JO Y: ItlirrJ.�w.d.a "0 'ce.w.J. _.ui- .i.'.: iti: .♦�'�: r±rr Pr.' ^;,r's..�uS"''v" OY ��r0
- 00 ) e' .lie xJ'isw`db.3 �a' 13$�✓ �J0
'it) � :. r ova (Zi)"_'i41 ..1 wil, ..3 w:1%.i'1 7 1111:c r m, : .. s r.. .
. +a. vd: I'.D�.O.m,."9:3w yds :..9 0_fi r li�r�i3 .ir:�i' '%.vrs .ta�
. a
pale __10
Iriayor Acicer celled at::ention to the fact that Sectior 67 talces in nuaboro as tivell
as salaries.
Prosident Ian Ihison asked t la', ho consider '-lie entire mat or and brin;; back a re-
!Aayor Acker stated lie : ^rill e,ot with Attorney i vff and Councilman Preble and renort
for the nest naotin,
President "tan Dusen, ra: recorraendetion `43 stated he -nould check and see -chat other
tovins are doing alone; thc�t lido, after Councilman Probish oLsked in.eth;r that should
bn, a secret board or a publicly announced board.
T.o tho pool "table, it' was nointad out that this belongs to tho Volunteer Firemen. ;
Councilman Carballo stated if they want it removed,, lco have it in tho form of 'a
Councilman Prabish, seconded by Councilman Andrews, moved that the pool table
located at the City 'r;.all be returned to the riwhbAil oinor.
Mayor Acker pointed out that the City is very dependent oil tho `: olunteer Depart lent
and that is the reason the pool table was Lout there,, to enco-tra -o the men to be
around in case of a tire. lie would like the Cour_cil to be at least tactful 'in-
stead of blunt in doalin;; about this.
The motion aas iithdrat:m and }'resident 'Ian Duren appointed a comanittee to talk
the matter of the pool table over rrith the ', olunteer :'ire DoLn rtment, naninS Cognail
men Carballo and Andrews. They were to ropoi t back.
Councilman Andrews, seconded by Councilmen Preble, moved that the msetitir, adjourn.
Motion carried and neetin., aajotirn;ed at 12:10 A.14., ;7adnesday, Uarch 22, 1950.
edi Cilgr Council
AT',nj ST
City ^C ark