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t; millUTDs Or, _IM _, i'GTjLAR ,'Mi T i;G OF iM CI'TY COLUCIL OF SOC-11 ld- AM 1MLD TCESMY DT::?JI:u�',s XIRCH 7, A. D. 1950 AT TI'M C012 ,tir;ITY LUTLDI " AT 8:00 P,1i. The meeting was called to order by President °an Dtaon, vri.tli i;ayor Ac1:er, Attorney Ruff and Councilmen Vail D sen, Corloy, Froble, Carballo, Gresham, Prebish and Andre-via ondir to roll call* l,.irutebl of tho. regular =iaeatinv of February 21St:. Vrere read and apprOVed as corrected.,. P. E. Jacobs raised the questioli of hours for the sale of beer and wine, Der Ordinance 1,67 and lack of onforcenpiat tlhoreof on Sundays ' at the Sherron inn, and the matter of bolita sales around the Diyie Pio, anid asked 1^lhet the Police Chairman was Going to do about that. Follo;•nnr discussion, Councilman Probish stated he had tall_.od rrith Urifef "idKinney in :'the afternoon, who adirised he would be at the meetin, later in the e- lnin;;, and asked that the cutter be held until he comes in. President 7aa] Dusen rae,`.ed that Council-non Prebish lock into bhe,,o mattU'rs end ooze back 7r th a report. Follo•rrin ±urt;ter discussion, Councilman lroble, seconded by �"ounoilman arbal'_o, *similar moved that a resolution be drama up to the one ro= ]nasts, in that it shall ' b© z•egui red to enforce lair w . nd �n all ::. rasnects as outlined in she Charter• and the Ordinances. FolloarinZ discussion, r.otion carr9od by Poll, al vet l]� yes. Ilayor Acl:or stated he still wants to „o on record that he does not believe t eio is any, instrument that viould ch:.XSe anyone vrith r_13nonsibility without giving them authority and lie s L _1 Lays it is w usur�atcn ay t]o authority 07' t h o i.a,ror by denyilil him the right be uao ;'ae Police relaar'.rent in anfoz ein:; the cr;lincnoea- ;l. S. Boyden stated that ahoy ":r nll in •fa7or of onforGinr, 'the ordi su]cns, ti %�y not tal-re thn bull by'tho boons sLn,, +- %ira 't!10 .olico Doyir " ^t Ov+ar to 'r,hj 'rk,', ror, if tliey are =n ea7or of onforc,inr the ord'iannee n then tdolot,ato one ]tar] to Go that ana give it to bho 1*vZ'or. In the couroo of discussion, Ommciliiian iribish S4 ;0:Vad he liho,� ."X. woydon's sugtoation snd if :.hey tLinls Vh nrorthuililo, 11e ;aL,,o.t3 jiviii� it to the :xayor. Councilmai Andi•evis�ox -pi-o od xiiml on ',lie x= su"-o•t,ion, agreor, �ajtyvorCorosu with 1!r. 'Leyden Gn, also rec,oit:,onds �.... ponsibility be turned over to the Mayor. Prosident "an Dmsen aal:od rdi©ther lie ;,c*,.:1," =ko ;,.f• lxto a °motion. Counoilmtf:n Androws, usli ^:r3s Uiorj shotil.: bo ^ rulial; on Cora" ou,,ws oil o�)inlon• President '," aa Iun o n �.' thO 1...'011co`1aLz o: ',.,a t, rot"1 1S the, , . ,t r: a tie xosporn woiliLLy ;:or 1 .7 oi#ai urw .L a� " L .ho 1 it v 'io,r miry uv l ivu that i :1 aatld go into :3 :wzdo of 1.; :- fj : l or? 'd us�;r 1.�� + >•ria Ceti +,:sill �n v. rLax n,'.� a ;, ,- Y.;� .. �t y •;!►• •is.;ts :....�•' d_.tr ,'.,•..,�.li. ^.ti .:�:`�i;,i %ist, ��:o P}}c��l.n:ryy�zptl:�, uisyyS, M I," trio ri�� JWIr4 --n o'i."" „�.� ` �� WV Ltf ii e i i�♦ Pae -'2 u Gilbert 37. Clifford ti' ~ou to a ,. ,w ono.aw in r.:lr.;:iar �o „1l servlco:., API-Ch Councilman Caraallo lio is :t 3 grj)or of it1iat com;,4ttoo, i h lead a sindlar .)rw)OSal last wool: v.`:w Vioula 1'i1,r t0 stltdy „' „j„i 01'1c, fl.>:,. '.nC: a.a>c.9d i.t e 4- rued over to done. The foll.owin�; Cora urications Wor”' nrosoYitUd.: .. - 1. FrOn ay -0zl Prodiie.a, r,i• refund on 1l util y v on 1' 1 e( i Ia3 ._, turned ov;yr '1:.o Att— ornP,y 11or COi:.>3.C.C:Y'n_�a- f1.1.,� ;,he !, %t:r Y•1'.con. » tided 1- ?i ♦.)qi. Ost be ,granted o per ,11ol,r lot'rer. 2. Philip Dorfmn bond, sl i ,. li' d fr'3re;::t it �" ^riaciSiod in Ithe Original re aoml :.end''. ion. Attorn.5y l uff Gu."Oested rotrrnin,� the bond ai:c holnin,� .a . ,. lawej. Council -lan Corlb r, s3C:on" -'od by v`ounc].111ai Prabiuii, ;:ovrjd, ui:a+, 1-hey accJ")t the bond _ naD is." notion carried. Covncilr.ktn Andreas a Lod that the Cb rlr be inst_'wcted to write a lol".u, L•o :.:r. ;,or*mn statinv Lhe bone: rouail, d raid hccoa',.ed but that, ,<. - ;,orr.Gil still insist that `the conditions -Miich :,era in tkie oribinal ;lotion :ie adlvgrud to. Preriuent Fan Duo= so instritatud the Clerk. , A letter from P.' 1. Snyder, Ass It : iiperintendent oz' t•xo 3P1, aslciny the Jity -to condider tho sale of 10 acres of its land in acc. 2E- 54 -40, Wac read. Councilman Carbrllo ref orrod to tho, moeti.r,6 of t7ho uviou ; Council on this matter a and the ilerk as ached to „ivo P. ronort or_ that. Attorney muff stotod that .7. 1. Brown, oil trig Zonin4; : oard, ad also tnl Wd rrirh him on this and that ? r ✓ro % =,!M Yiamo ire con]w,iecmud Per':1tis eo.TaIttoQ as he is al.reauy.mcuniY�tod girth lihe rat or. Comcilman Androws eug„osted' that the c6"mittoo in addition to prico and valuation also con sidor , at that •timo a xo f oasibili•t;y and advantaSes of oarryinG on a pro-rest as discussed, that there is need t'or a school in that area and if the BPI buy the back 10 acres the City aovelop With the money derived from that sale the 10 acres in 'ront. 110 would like to recomn.ond t-lutt to be co q t t oe., Mayor Actor otatod thoro aro no "strin„;" :at;,achad -be this request for a price on the `Hack 10 acres and thorafor3 4i —e ^vs °1111;* ut ? or 3 appraisals from co;lnotont 'man -R.-: thoitt cot and :su roosted not tyimg in dove of the front acroa.-a vt th the srlee fs In the narung of -'Lho corr,ahur., Coutirnilman Andrews aag ostai that ,Pros;!O at Van Di.ison Sao a moribor thor -5of", in whieh 4ounc lmgn Cariyollo concurrod, and t1 o eormi� Voo 1,-tan nariod as i "o1l�rrrss Councilzmn P1•(3bla, whilrlt in, i't1viY -omcil #ton jilanham ^u,! Van 13S,Lan 3tn:a +r• ti• �1. Brown. 04he ra ,".uoat of ?, ti. ?:nlly for vl ".9 f'kot� rio:l o Joii711Yi ai� oas : Pro; 3 �Gnin�S L-rb ndpoilit tiro ro4orro 1-0 i?'to �r� t3a�irr. Zoni.n 7oar "t�• !A m- mItiti on fro:1 nit@ -Mio ro +:,, %�r °' ". i i .:wsoY3 .. we t�;t'$ +. k�iLbrlt�' �l�l."`,'v$ciG °,�S u" ir��. "; Jkes'u�i� pan n A letter it om the Dixie Tire Com ccuay subirn ttiny a .)rw3osal for in3L-aal"rten of ,. Zas and oil tank. j for th. .oquipmont,, ;das -lurr d ovar to Joilncilman Qor.;ey /.. Chairman of that co.,,mttee. A proposed plat; of the = ra. o. _ y, '� -- u 'by =rin Carballo, ies reforrod to the Advisory Bonin;; board. :��. sr,�one �ron3rt o,�l�ined o Council ar , A recor aondation front the vhartor uoard ro: tho Police De artment and other matters that are in the oriCinal' Coda or Ordinance 1 vms discussed, includinv the possible codification of the crir:iinal ordinance: It was pointed wat that al>ou•t UP -be Suction 48 the Code should be repealed and that the balance may fro O. K. Attorney Puff rocom�iended that a coimnit;;eo ie appointed. 2Jayor Ao} or called at•tontion to the FoseFxch Foundation sot up in Dade County for just such Purposes. President Van i us en as'.:od whether it mi, ht not be a good idea to check into that, and Councilman Carballo stated he vmuld oDori this to the Charter Board at the Friday inebtint, and that it `•night be a matter o2 con ideration. President Van Duson `arned -the in-tittor over to Councilman Carballo and Attorney 12uff. Tho' Joe Gong deed for ?2/l: from =:is lots on ?io 6th. Strect and lie. 2nd. -Road was Presented. Councilman Carballo, seconded by Councilman Proble,, moved the City accept the Deed and Put it on rocord. lotion carried. Following dis.ct ssion resultinv from the ?revisions in the first parac-raphs o£ an Ordinance' on Liquor yonin;,• aubumi•tted by Councilman Probish, and the report by Attorney Ruff that he has another tentative draft taken from , iti.m 's; President Van Dusen turned the entire matter over to the committee fo • Itironin�- out" all difficulties and also urged tliem to consider the advisability Lof havinG a public hoarinr, on ity. Councilman Andiovis as hod for a definito designation of the covmit•tee, Which tPresident ;Tan Duzen ;avo, as follows: Councilman Probish as chairman, with Attorney Ruff and ;:lay or Acker. Councilman Y rosham brought up the aitwer of additional street lights in the business area, as outlined at fa provious _meotinS Councilxa= Grosbam, seconded by Councilman Carballo, ;,iovad that the stmt li -ltts' as shown on the chart be installed. The proposed changes voro road. i r. Peeples of the Florida Power and Li„ht Company staved that -the intersection of Sunset and U.S. ;;11 nrosonts quite n ;areblem and :}fated he will look into that to see what can be done about those roles. Councilman Andrevis aslced the reason for tho giro •osed shines and UounclInan wcrballo statod that the Retail Merchants W7.—is on of the Chamber of Jommerre had roquc ted the li nts in fate belief that 1;1zoy z'rsll }rondo a bettor e�.rart tnity to di; play and also diminish snoodin• " 11otion car `1 od ?ay poll, a3 eollowst Corley yes Proble Lres Jarballo yos .,ro,hnra ;;rtes Prebish yes hnirvvis :.o " n ,ilnon3ns 0 Page Councilman Prebi..h a_,Icou Chief t0 rOAOrt Y e al'dintj "he jtlnL yards, 0'MC • Chief »ici,in ey stated that ir. (;mill -:ton t South —iarli htl.antio soi vice) t:antod 1 to know ju Ot unac it sro; the Ga4 * rr tad h7m'co 110vO - if it is the automobile. around the oviildin.,s and on --lie SiCiQ1YC1)C,. .L' -'rill Iro,,. ut..e:il:, Jilt i.f• Qn rii urorierty, he Wants the City to snow iia:m tray he must move t'r_en• Attorney guff had ju:;t givon .� him sections of :Ordinances Im cho:cl: Go sv^J 101,1 fax 110 cull '. �, �. .•o tirith L�xo man on .1xs ovn propeI'ty. T11e oarkin" ord'ntwc0 refers pri:Aaril3, t0 the s•tre�ts• Ca11iuL; bon Is - problem is cars pttrr:od on the lot, a question whe•tlior the _aroaerty i„ Q nod :ior the use lie iS.` making ! Of it•. - Councilman, .Andre:"rs brou,.ht up the rl8.t:,er of the acting buildin; inspector, vrilo wao temporarily appointed 'to the and of i arch, and asked V.at the plans are foi' the future. Councilman Proble jtatud this is Councilmen :findrovrs'' 'deprrtment. President Van Dusen asked that tie make recomrronda,t;ions i'or the tie :-.t meetin6. Councilmov tndrevis asked ;rltether he shoulek ail, for nY "�llcations or come in -with a recomiondation• Councilman Carballo brot ht up the quoationdo2 hl riai; people . '` to work for the Ct;fr that thoy should have an B wdninG ;Board ns for elaploynent for all departments,, that they should be considered from all anr,les. °liat '.:Iley 's auo not been hiring like `.Itat and '.:hat it is t i;1 -! that, tho Ci:by did that, that they should have personal records in detail. iollovrin, discussion, President ?an r.len cl;od ilouncil;nn Carballo to "ai"opare an application form to be used it Une City for the purpose of oniployin7 City employees and recommended a Board to rocolve applications, on thet;o forms -to invv„ti�;ata Credentials, habit, Of P.J licants, it'.t,,rviOir a yli�,allts and molva recoIDI on—dationS t0 the Council. Councilmani Proble „ tatad lie wants records 01' those already with the City. Iie does not see Any Councilman Ancle: shottld not receive Applications and :aa.I', roco=.endations. (�aai o as Councilmen Prebish did vAth ;.he Police Dopwrtmaent song tir,.o av). President Wan Duren asl.od CoancillPan dndro:,s 'ao at!.-- txp�slicttiorc that toga III and bring recorlinGndxbiono 00 the Council. Counoilrl)n lindro rs agrood to this, s•tatod he i.wroly amited clarification• Councilman Jtlldrevis asked poriai.%;ion 1'Or :112 exponk iture O:C motay for advorti :ing that coach a position vr111 be opon. ;7 Councilman Crriz. _am asked W-wluhor 110 l.-i�3tr �sil b :.:r. 0�111415 ton is not comifijr bath. Councilman ndrotrs sta`�;od lie 71A.^. 110 knovrlodrr o of any factor to c11tn o ti?e of l,ir. Canin tell ua ±n;; it , tltxt he is reaehill t?7o zx,o vrhore 110 ,711.,. cone "antly bo ill and mu:;}; azzu;rie that by ;al:o and 0 tho mo11t'1 lie will nob ii..vo a bui ldinu in boctor for Purposos neca „.- try 110 Wants tO be prepared in that o,to:tt Pra:ii dorit Pan Dujon, ro3 t rclin� i;ho L''Xamill'' r— ✓r ,-.`d 5tat 71.1 lieu 14”, X113 A. t1Yi:.lr about Lho idea o 1" *ins 014--1 11 on ,;I, v• Councilman Carballo, ndrondod by Councilrtnn Ucrl iy, 1 ovau ;.ltn,. :n co capti,cll 01' ;'hicll t`Ol rav;�, bo plated on Lhiri emd 11r:rl r +3t:L t !-I 1'... �:ots�rn ctia +3.eii. Pare -5 L RDIsi 1,i "TC!s ITO. 200 ! i IC Dz Y:a.' C A. _..'TDITi a <rl_....,cu l;p, 1.D7 :n TT zxL,D A e AIM jTO ITS o il,a CCFSSO �y x'iDL ASJILIS , T TE L 177 0�LtDL ft LL 6 I: Mi 32S AVEiTu"DS �'1ir OTIFT , ' LIt 1 I... LLY3 IN THw CITY OF JO I T : __ AlTD DIMING P' IUD O i M: (10) Y W�il rO:: IL iT �;PO�,'; fi' _ i 3Tn LTS1 IZT(r, OPMATIN G Li D3 !_IlP,'_' :iI11C it LUS jL3T 11 P.+iasain:'3 1O2 CO Pm aL" IC:T IIT C01 0 u`IiY +ill. :t_= 3'::7JECT TO I'LL I:10:"ISIOITS, TLt��,M K D C01MI'_'IO1Ta lm: nIT R:,CITBD. ; Having been read in euti.roty, Councilman Carballo, seconded by Counc ilhan Corley, moved that Ordinance -„200 be adopted as read. i,cotiori carried, all votin; yes. Councilman Corley, seconded by Councilman Carballo, :;tovod that Crdinance ,x201 ; caption ci which follows, be 'dlaced on third and �'i al readi - in i s on•L'areiy. K ot „ion carried. ai OiDII, ITCE 1'"0. 201 lal O:.DINA TCE : °W TDIT,s 'SECTIONIS 110. 4 i,21D 5 OIL 01MITAZICIE NO. 98 AS AKEUDi.L, OF '"t ]"., CITY 01 SOiIT:: MALI, CO_. OT: ,Y Y.STO';U AS ZONING OFDIULA CE Or 'ham OITY 02 . WTH ,.III :I 73 Ci I T THU] GROUND AREA i BXj1 %71'L iTS TO:. !L -1 D""T�'LO? SM;T PROPERTY LOCATED 011M QUA MIM 0;' A UIL- IL. B""Cllf DIRE C'Tio ALCi;G Si!,u.sY 71.T ; E .t1 ; D L'JDLI?.: ROATE, _iRCtl`, lE I NTERSECTID T Ct; • 'T.MS ~, 71OA93 iiaving been road in i`.3 entirety, Councilman Carballo, seconded by Zouncil:ian = 'reblo rt' T' Ol be 'adopted as real. l.lotion carried by poll, all voting ed t.l�,t Ordinance ;2 Itith the hour ,u-e v-inr, late, Pr.sia3uz Van Dusen sut;„e;,tod that a spocial ireeting be called S.`or a vrdolc from tonight and, carry on from ry ,'5 in the schedule /r _ Councilman Carballo statod Lilo old fire truck has uovelop'ed a loaIr in the water tank, that he has hac: opportunity in the 1`aj't err aroe'c; uo use tl,,3 LrL.c.., that the citizens are btiyi i,; for 3otrbh i=iami, that it G zi be ?iold hore while the City truck is being, repaired. I_o -wants v”- hority to +_ omove ;;ho 'tract_ to :..imii for repair and use tl o truck bAn6 bou, -1i", t1wit the County tri,.cicz. ::'rill hole. President Van lhrcon told Coimcilm n Carballo to j go a}load. Council in Corley, re: she „art wid oil, sta;,ed he has two one from Sinclair, the other i'rom :.'tie Company, t.:nd the 31rclair is the Jost offer. Councils, .n Androvia a::,od Lo be axcG sod at 12 ::;0 mi in5,f-ht, as lie has an appointment or 12:x0. 00uncilt4n Ucrballo, .,ocondo'; 1)y 0011nell:To1► Jurlor, t.o°vor' t ". 'r, the lotLers frwii the gas comps io.e be roar. ; ".otion carviod, rn.1 ti,o 'lot'.or road. ::cyor Acl :or it v;aq ^, qqe rbion" ei On :n ;, for Fist t'r , . o':r : a "ll io, -;;he i'rll I?U Dtt31i i¢,.':)o;13i�1A i0r 0`.: ^. C]T. 4Li t�l 'u 12 "Di sac, 01 -t� Comicilmn. rroblo jtm,uu', 1;1w e•QY.�1,boa rac1mm,,endti -,iot, i.", oink;° tI.'iy . inol:'% iJ the "Ss't3'rnei71:' n rvrlU:r sltlCb � "3.I ' �;t vii ;� 1 3. r :b:' 1 a � o ` : °6ho W �'� JICMa::fiSJv a.jy u ". i',:3. C'Jv3' .o r.r1"v' j 50'rvico ots;,Uol'I ;::Ql' "'` 7'.'..''o Of 4'.its i V �;ouncilman Prebish as? ad whethor' . �7lofr+ a oan vivo all rho w srv�� cos. J L'hi:e{' ;..Cili:ll;Oy. Si..^..'�i1d t ^w ,£i Tr08k au0 a- 2 1i.,..• _ie titrd 'to ,1t x) -It o C'.'.I^..IIe',;d b: '11It tire on -the police car, Ifnat 0anin -Zbn did not food like tacitu;; the r_i °ht wor'._ and �1 someone also gets the bal.;,loe. Kotion .carried.- The follovrinc bills woro mbAJI -od for a r ova I and Sanymontf: 47LiaS i, 1950 ;ron'sDept. Store - 14.3r =H sheets and pillow cases Brower Co. of Florida V.UOIs asphalt Crandon VA- iolesa.e Dmg Co;. 8.00'` soda Ted Crockett 10.31., ice Donning's,, Inc. 27.56 + hardvare supplies Everglades Paper Co, 13. n•0 ,,,paper towels a toilet i+assue 1.1argaret ".A. Edwards 19.20,', 0harter Board stenographer Florida Equipment Co. of Y<iami 3.75' repair Foster Printing Company 39.00-, L)rir_tin - T iro -Plea Company 131.43 \ si�,ns L. standards R. C. GWwmage 203.70°. Lloc. incpections E II. Iiayn,e 20.00,° road check IIigli}iaty rotor Service 343.14A gas, oil, tires, ropairs Ilolsum Lunch 16. DO N\ prisoners' meals Long Office Supply Co 7.80x\ stationery c" d,.iami '!'ire Retreading Company 93.40* tires L.iami Uniform 30.00N� pants L: shirt ' Oolito Rock Company 1136.15 v pit rock Lliami Daily :ie-rs 315,12,\& election, legal notice Potty Cash 12.30 per itemized list Railey= l.ilara 118.23 w handcuffs I'.: cases Skagseth'Stationery Co., Inc. 13.801\ stationery . . ` South Micnii .Atlantic. Servicr0. 33.04'4. gas, oil, _ - repairs . Wooster Brass Company 7.11\4 nozzle John ruff 150.00h local service$ Ra;nnond Turner 107.30 e, change of ched, :s Totaling 1,634.38 payable out of "E ZAL RRIDS Potty Lash 10.50,�Jpo3tage on 'Imp :'�-15, 16, 17 pay t Flo out of l EiLRVE U:, DS Councilman Proble, seconded by Com cil=n Caronllo, moved that the bills he ?aid as read. ;.notion curried by poll, aw follom; Corloy y is Proalo yon Carballo ;hoc rsi;k ±nr1 yon 'rob.1sh you r :rt ikisen yo:~, AtL•or no,y ': uff '. rov ht up tho imt:;o + o' '� t� CI.ris t!wma —. <or, .;uil; on *m, bean a hoari: r 1`or a tem orary n;jt ;nc'�itln. ai0 ni,%OC t',u wollmcill z ocirei an` l in.toul 1n56f'.,1` a> '3,1't(3 .atilt :., COS.cYi"netc,, .tit;, "it'"' 'u y.n .:'l:. ui`1,`.' ?Z.'sSEl4 .i1:z7h A"!Lernf?y 11,0:1e(/ ' .hat Ira would not "1rococubu , -h• `irl.S''anjon unt,:U i. ".ic ii,junation 11 of. .:a otctnd '4,o could, bo it6)lu amtl.l '.—ho a;.�Zo'irno �J k:7fiv• �:Ot+t�rcil,:an v,li•�r ":110, „oC•?uk'ii: i,�° t:�t ?nc11 Ott eit.Y'�.t7�� l;:Ci;�f.�e '� » °! 3 i� :�r3.YiJ 1;:�A s►.,.. i. 40, 1- Pon,. .' �0 .,,. 01, r..^ C�1 1,4 -n a. an! iod ;.t7. "'Ll alSt3ttr"OJ • tai is City"'Counell