1.41 ��, ,2i 6 Ur Tn.: iiJJ IJU� �H u�) ac i i lill l (l i' TrI
ij ?o IH(4 )uIa 2f,A D..15149 At b:00 Y.Ii.
The meeting was called to order by ices. Van uus,en with Mayor Acker,
councilmen Freb5e� Corley? Carballo, Uresham3 trebish and Van Dusen
y sp •
and Atty. .Yates ,:rep ondii �,o roll call,.,
, t { 0'T6 & P.Lt I report, continued:. Chairman Gresham reported receipt
of a request fQr permit From Consumers .later Co. for an extension at
Red Rd.. and Blue itd. it was decided to get more information from Con-
sumers .eater Co -
Regarding the request for street signs in the southern part of town
in connection with proposed house to house mail delivery, it was de-
cided to make concrete posts with proper stee.L re- i.nforcinS.
z, 9airman Gresham reported V.Lorida equipment had made an offer of $14 50
in equipment in exchange for the distributor, and offered the patch
wagon at z0690.00 and a. letter of credit for the balances payable of
such time as the distributor is sold.
special committees:
Re the salvage offer of Bailie, Chairman Corley reported that YWO Bailie
was s'ti'll out of town. The question of advertising for bids was raised
but decided againstg and Chairman Corley was asked to bring Mr. Bailie
to the nest regular. meeting.
Councilman irebish (oi' the Committee of iviayor Ackerg Atty. Yates and
himself on squaring up the City) said he will report at the next meeting.
Mayor Acker expected to have his report on the Girl Scout matter for
the next meeting.
Councilman kreble reported that Diiami had been chosen for next 'year Is
meeting at which approximately 7000 Girl Scouts were expected.
Mayor Acker reported that the Planting Board was vjorking2 getting plants
started in cans, and; had used two loads of dirt and one sack of
_ fertilizer' so far.
Mayor Acker reported his inability to date to get all members of the
University Relations Board together in town at the same time but hoped
to have a meeting soon. lie discussed the importance of stimulating
good will between the University of piami student body, and South Miami
and called attention to the work of finishing the srskeleton building', in
which rooms could be subscribed for over a 3 year basis from i�1250,Up.
lie suggested that the City as a whole might buy one of those rooms)
with the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations taking part.
Atty. Yates was to look into it insofar as a donation from,�the Uity of
6outh Eiiami officially is concerned, and Dayor .Acker Was to take the
matter up with the South kiami part of the University Relations Board.
I. S. Boyden stated a 5 -page list of firms willing to give discounts to
:?pAA workers had 'been distributed, mid how about merchants in aouth
Miami doing something similar to the University of Miami students and
Pres. `Jan Duren turned that suggestion over to the 'University of taam
relations committee.
Mayor Acker reported on the conference of the representative_ of the safe -
ty department of the gardvvare Liutual Casualty Co. with the City's depart-
ment heads.
�A re- consideration -of the request of Dr.`Repp (taken up under communicatians
in the original meeting on tune 7) resulted in the decision to send ium a
copy ,of ordinance #98 in., toad of ref is request for same to the
r erring,
Loning Board. h
Councilman Treble, seconded by Councilman Carballo, moved that ordinance,
#l$5, caption. of which foflo::s, be placed on third and final reading in
its entirety. Motion carried.
vttuTNxlVt;� r�185
jYyyNJ1TN�NC COV_iiITUG Triz' r . Lij
��J u
T 's LF. %iCaLM,. V:!;ti1CIz6 i1'I'1ILW trw' 1:11 Y OF
`` SOtilTri ivlAiltl._
Councilman Prebish, seconded by Councilman lrebl.e, moved that Urdinancc
X185 be adopted as read. Motion carried by poll, as follows::
Treble yes Corley yes Carbal"lo yes Gresham yes, i'reb"ish yes Van Dusen yes
Councilman Carballog seconded by Councilman Corley, moved that Urdinance
#187, caption of which Follows, be placed on third and final reading in
its entirety. motion carried.
v &DINI -aTCL rr187
AN ORDINANCE TK) hMI -M SLOf_0 -U 200 :sti`1�ICt
XMC2 CiiW321AffCi 7714 YAuS'�j 'Uii7 .uk ri'i "Y
25, 1926, AND 22NTII.Vi IU "a URDIlV.yNCL !UAi iI iUJWG
7T1 L71S`L'.yLrr. "1'iti d OF I-IL-k-liliqu Ga IiQw s 1ALk '..ui+'
ill 'tom 12U41 OF 13UU111a m.L.UL.L, iIM "iPLI. -j ING YlSdr lr
Councilman Prebish, seconded by Councilman Carballo, moved that Ordinance
JA18'1' be adopted as read. Liotion carried by poll, as follows:
Preble yes Corley yes Carballo yes tiresham yes Prebish yes Van Dusen
Councilman Corley, seconded by Councilman Carballo, moved that Earnest 'Tatum
be paid $20.00 for the two weans period he supervised the sanitary depart-
ment crews in the absence of i . ii. Rogero. lotion carried by poll, as
Preble yes Corley yes Carballo yes Gresham yes Prebish yes Van Dusen yea
Councilman Gresham, seconded by Councilman Carbalo, moved that the City
attorney be instructed to dravi up an ordinance as emergency measure, covering
the zoning Board's recottmendation of beet. 131 1943, accepted by the Council,
on Sept. 71 1948, : or the rep- zoning to C -1 of sunset 'Drive !from Red road
v lz,;�O°%o the Railroad. lr otion carried.
is connection with the Fdchs Baking Co. acquisition of the Lethodi st Church
property, Chief ivicl.inney reported that the stitches were being dug for drain-
age purposes but being covered with concrete and he believed an inspection
� Councilman Carballo raised the question of salesmen selling different articles
in town without a license, and Atty. Yates was to investigate The question
of laterta.te Commerce regulations also enter into this.
Cal the matter of waivers, tr ayor esker had stated that Umar Stang had, agreed �
to sign a waiver when his building 'loan for the new post office had
been approved and it was decided to mail It to him..0 yn the Daino matter,
it was decided to hold until a building permit is applied fork
'Znere was a discussion of proposed charter changes and the advisability of
starting to work on them now, for the next legislature.
The possibility of legislative action to include changing election time
was discussed, inasmuch as it always conflicts with the legislative year
and time.
Changing the basis of assessment to increase taxes was also discussed;,
and it was suLgested that a Charter note book be kept.
Councilman Carballo stk;gested getting some of the other office workers to
mow* t the i 'ht meetings to Get familiar with the works ILA c.�
Councilman ,Preble brought up the matter of change of signatures on the v
checks' during the absence of President Van `Dusen and Councilman Carballo;,
seconded by Councilman Preble moved that 'Resolution ,295 be read. Motion
ru!;a0LUT1u1V NU. 2-95
r it�SuLU�TuIJ dliTilUa ;ic;TtdG 3 °riu ,3iC1V'1i`1'Ut;.i U "r'r1.�ltitY: Y�.
P-RLebl6ii, A6 i i,' TiilJ UlTY (:UliI1C" uX jiii ,
G., .-OCi1S Utz" IYi + 'CITY UP lul Uil AIM (i OCI' L"l T
U2 U. ntixtiUND Vain LU rY rr LC?N.
Be LT itw.�U1,VH) BI Tl"M: kiAlU I XTI) C t'1'x (WNC1L OF ` °iiiG uiley UI' ;SuUUl
;ifFii+3RW.tio, President C. gaymond Van Dusen has been granted leave of
absence by the Council for the summer months to permit him to take a
post graduate course and fulfill his period of active duty as a) officer
in the reserge corps , and
Wk!?W "182 in his absence Vice - President Harry ,d. rrebish will serve as
President of the City Council,
Nv1'/2 '1'xai&11'u & 1 Bt; VT Lt 0ULU1:ij that the signature of C rtaymond" Van
Duscn as Resident of 'thc City Council on the checks of the City of South
IFiami2 :Florida be cal cel.'led as of the close of business on 4une 189 1949,
and the signature of marry W. prebish as iresident of the City Council
of the City of ,south Iliamil Florida be honored as of ,;dune 20, 1949 and
until further notice.
kab"J iM tWUP'";U this 8th day of ciune , A.D. 1949.
Councilman Carballo, seconded
by uouncilman Corley, moved that ties. 295
be adopted as read. ltiiotion.
carried by pol.L, as follows,;
Treble yes Corley yes Carbalao
yes Gresham yes rrebi'sh no vote
Van Dusen yes
The Clerk reported that the
aiu,ual tax sale had been held ,on ,june 6
with a total of 29 items and
representing; X282.80 unpaid taxes on a
total roll of $27,648.20.
ditty. 'Yates submitted a bill
of ;110.00 _r or services to tune '1.
Councilman - Prebish, seconded
by Councilman,Carballoj moved t hat the bill
as rendered be paid, and included Li the list of bills as of dune 1.
iuotion carried.
The following bills were submitted for approval and payment:
FAY.rs&L - JUM, 11 1949
Bailey's iaw ber 'fard
43.26'�lumber supplies
Brewer Co. of Fla.
Bryant's Corn.Serv.Sta, (Boone) 243.62 +gas & oil - hfay
Bryant's Corn.Serv.Sta.(Attvood) 7b.44igas & oil -May
Belcher Oil Co
109.38:road oil
Cauley 6x Martin
2.004police car insp. 'correction
Coker Plumbing
5.45Ap1bg.repairs tom. Bldg.
,Central Press, Inc.
66.30 x1000 car inspection stickers
r s Inc,
14.181 \hardware supplies
Dorn Martin Drug Co
3 71� bulbs
vla. equipment Co.
4.02,repair parts - mower
r'la. east Coast Hy.,
1.00 ^+annual rental
b'oster Printing Co.
17.00 ,"1000 Bldg. permit, cards
H. C. Uammage
202.40Nielectrical inspection
11.66 %repairs
rHolsum lAinch
31.60�`prisoners meals
Hale Fire rump Co.
lbb3.l2+fire truck repairs & parts
D. S. Berry (labor)
12 .644 +1abc4
itong Office Supply
24.554 ^stationery supplies
'bodello Well Drillers
It311.7Vfire wells, fittings & plugs
Material Sales Corp.
Yliami Lime & Chemical Co
b0.75\tpit' rock
Miami Uniforms
75.00,Nwiforms) police & fire,
Peter Pirsch & Sons Co.
4.95 ,1pump packing
Petty Cash
29.61 %per itemized statement
.Raile .lr- faiiam Co.
17:33 wiroil bars or trash truck
So.Uiami Atlantic
29 �.v �rX*tNM XRdXitR .R-XX� grt:a, Ol l
iiaymond `1'urnef
75.80da_ne&. fire equipment
Um. Yates
110.00stlegal fees
.2,9 4.44 paaJrable out of GLAZLLUiL A11D
4buncilman Gresham seconded by,Councilman Carballo,, moved that the
'bills be paid as, read.
' s n the cost of the vlel: s. ounc lmanorreble stated
There ti•�as 'a discussion o
that the wells had 'to be dropped to get water and there had been an added
expense of fittings, and urged that all be more careful about increasing
expenses.: in the matter of service stations, he suggested that the City
either contract or let out on bid for gas, oil and services, that it
is large enough, now to demand fleet operation consideration.;
Iuoton to pay the bills vas carried as follows:
Preble yes Corley yes Carballo yes Gresham yes Prebish yes Van
Dusen yes
Mayor rocker stated he felt the Council should hake some action, on securing
payment of 45133.26 for the nipples.
Councilman Corley stated that Councilman Carballo had brought the matter
up as an emergency measure at a special meeting for fire protection.
mayor Acker stated he had no objection to the purchase of the nipples
but only asks for justification for 'the action of the council to avoid
The next matter of business was the I4tayor's proposed budget f or tine 1949-
50 fiscal year.
Under Administrations Councilman Prebish asked what he meant by (Adminis-
trative Kcad.11 Flayor Acker replied that that had ,been inserted as an
emergency measure, and Counci,Iman Prebish recommended that the amount
# be $4500. -
Councilman Carballo brought up the matter of the proposed, referendum,
stating that he does not believe the X2400. set up necessary in this
The question of resolutions unsigned by Y.ayor Acker was raised. Atty.
Yates ruled that under sec. 23 of the torn code, Resolutions ,{287 and 292
are in effect, i mt this fact should be certified to by the President of
the Councils attested by the Clerk and endorsed thereon.
kayos Acker stated he would be glad at any time (it was too late tonight)
to justify his point of view for not siGning them. he felt more could
be incorporated :Ln the referendum than was, and that he ranted to save
the City money.
Councilman. Gresham, seconded by Councilman Preble, ;moved that they leave
the first item of 412400 in the ;proposed budget.
Vollowing discussion, Councilman Prebish, seconded by Councilman Carballo,
moved that the motion be gabled. laotion carri.ed, with Councilman Preble
voting against.
mayor Acker stated he was trying to get a balanced budget, making the
expenditurea and anticipated income corde out so that mi.11age would not
have to be raised that he had discussed it with 3 ai" the Counci5.
that the necessities lead been provided for (Sanitary Dept., eta.)