1949-04-26 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MTGAuOlilTv ur' 1'tL, a1 ��.! -.t i,;t..,'i.,'!a G utl, x!LAI ' yffs. I:GUIJ(.` � �, l t' W't`,1 hr�ru,a zu".LJ TUt�'i.)l1_yi 1 ] , A.D. 1949 za TtLHI ► ( UL- ilVUiTl'1'Y b'U.Luij -U'IU -WX 0.00 P.lu. The meeting was called to order by Pres. Van i)usen, with I. ayor Acl erg all members of the Council and City Atty. xates responding to roll call. Tres. Van Dusen read the notice for the meeting which had been called for the purpose of fi fli g the vacancies oft, the advisory zoning and Planning Board and to conduct a hearing on the charges preferred against the City Building JnsUector. kinutes of the Regular meeting were read. Councilman Carballo called for a correction oil page 4 in the 9th paragraph, to read 114 in. nipples', and the minutes z ^Jere approved as corrected. hayor Council'snapprovahe. Advisor honing ]For 2 year terms, from April 20: Dr. Chas. D. Tharp, H. SJl. 1 Vanderboe -gh, and Clayton Collins Fora l year term, from April 20r George Brewer. r The above were all incumbents whose terms had expired. , Councilman Greshatr., seconded by Councilman Preble, moved that the appointments be approved as presented. Following discussion, the motion was withdrailm, and following further dis- ' cussio112 the appointments were :individually approved as follows; Councilman Gresham, seconded by Councilman Andrews, moved that yr. Chan. L. Tharp be appointed for two years. Motion carried. UOUYIcilffJan Carballo, seconded by Counci.lji:alz l7rcbl.e moved that 1.1. V`anderboeL.;h be appointed for two 'years. y;otion carried,. ` re '2 t years. ;an Gresham moved that Clayton t:01,1J.1Cllnlall %i'eblc SCCC1idCd b Councilman Coliins be appointed for two lotion. carried. Coancilnian Preble, seconded by CoUnc:iinan Carballo, moved that George Brewer be appointed eor one year. it otion carried. The .iuilding' Chaivman was then asked to road his charges. Chairman xndrovts stated that before L oing 11-to the chari;es he fools that this is a mattor vilthiil ttxt province of the t;ity uotuyc l anti that the charges affect Ls. Canin ;torn, that he is reluctant to calve a spectacle Of this matter and therefore I, 41>s t Iat it should be conta ned vithln the City CoCuioil and requests that it be kopt that way. Tres. van 1)uson az ed that the CoUnci,l WoiLh both sides linpartially, without blast, consider all factove themacsvo. , the building inspector, tho builtilnt chaff nian Under whenj . lie rttor.ts, al..t To'ctor's : ror,J the stand- pollit at; reprozematives of tho Cityq With the vote to die taken at the clone on the, off' charLps mado Jl.taYor 'ticker "'iCed the tiuo Of :;i1��11i*�.°r ,.r. Cat'1iY tori and the Coutsn 1. _2.. should have the right to call witnesses, and there was no objection. Chairman .Andrews, explained that in checking a violation, one thing led to "larocher and to the cdr_clusion of charges based so -lely on incompentency and neglect of duty, and that certain duties paid responsibilities delegated to an official identified as the Building .inspector had not been properly fulfilled and he maintains that the City should get a man who can properly fill the position. His charges l�iere as follows' I. hmistence of wooden building ua rear or ' helms; restaurant, a violation of zoning and fire ordinances. Z.. Existence of two wooden buildings attached to P=ullman's i'urn3tuve Store, erected without application for building permit; 3. Existence of wooden_ building in rear of fUiler Associates store. 4. Hxistence of wooden shed attached to west side of crone's rioa;taurant. 5. I�riangle Building: safety on, stairway, plumbi — installations un- satisfactory, building occupied prior to construc?l6f vent] electrical, etc. 6. Bus station: Final approval for occupancy in violation of plans; re toilets. ��. U"loria .0auio property occupied by �jpecls. Remodeled, whereas some con-sideration should have been taken on set backs, 6. s. L,. Latthews, 60£ AT. Red Court. Application approved in error to build addition over old septic tank, in violation of State Board of health ' g. 4arehouse built by Pred Acker at 306 - 312 Eiailroad i.,ana. Does not conform to the plans and specifications placed on file at time permit was reauested. 10 Buildings constructed on lur. Cani.i gtoni s property now occupied by Vann Septic Tank Company. 11. tiegal ,Building at Red goad and Bird Road, permitting sub - contractors to operate without occupational licenses. ur. Cal ington replied to the charges, as follovrs 1s2f3• Letters were written April 13 to each of the violators, giving them 30 days in which to correct the situation. 4 .'old LIr. Cone he would have to build CBS shedI Cone agreed to build of - adobe, but went "broke" and has disappeared. j. 'Triangle build lar, iro hand raj shomi on plan] plumbing :L-istallati.ons put in by U. r;. mope according; to plans mid passed inspection; vent Omitted at request of owner, but condition corrected later by r'red Acker vY,Cbuilc er) vi o assumed responsibility for this, 6o Bus Stations Re. 4 toileto, question raised at least half a. dozen ',1 - tii ses. Building at lest t; o -aril Cs dome be ore final plans ever . filed. ,;;as told it i,,ias an emergency fob .ana uowicil said not to hold it up. (confixned by Pat w;rya t) 7. Dair_o ,job; Question of alterations vs. remodelirg. vrame stucco permitted to be replaced with bloc!,, columns and steel beam. d. (Ai A. L,. iv.atthews job new septic tank has been installed outside of proposed, new addition. 9. Acker wareYaou.se exac -t!y as stated,. xckei built front part ctith perrait, back part without permit. bubstantiated by- vred Acker. 10. rte his own building• Not _ building ia.spector at that time and presczt ed plans and application for permI.t, approved with 'understanding that all tin tie nailed to 2 x 6 put edgewise. ii. Re permitting sub-contractors to Cork zithout occupational licenses: .rent to foremen on job and told them necessary to get occupational li- censes ('Tropical. Glass Co. and Gilbreath Painting Co.) Discussion on question of vho is charged rrith responsibility of collecting occupational licenses with Ltty. Yates ruling collection is duty of tax collector. Considerable audience participation in discussion, on all charges, both i.n rebattal of Chairman ?;ndrevs and follow,'Lng sante-, including endorse- ments of Maspector Cani L -ton by various builders, contractors and citizen- builders. bummation by 1res. Van Dusen:; 12293: Built at various times, letters sent April 13 to each by Inspector Caniigtor_, giving them 30 days to correct. 4. Cones: Different matter. iooden building y,,ith electrical: equipment placedy ordered to build concrete structure anti ovg,�or Vtent broke and was unable to complete job. 5. `Triangle Building: (1) Hand rail not included in plans. (2) Plumbing changed by builder. (3) Vent ch.anLod by builder, attempt made to correct problem by building inspector. b. bus Station: Confessed matter dire to difficulty with set -back and as a result of changes it the build : rtg - 7 toilets originally plainled but reduces to 4. luildil� inspector proceeded with this matter at the instruction of the Council in office at that time and procooded; to the best of his ability under tite ci°cum Stay, Cos. 7. Uai.nG job: set- back matter discussed and rja:i.vcr iIdicat- d but never made of public record;. rernfit granted in spite Of tact that there was lezorrl cdc;a that the buildin•, was too closo to the highway. 6. L:atthews job: septic tani. replaced to permit addition to house- Euildilk; peltlit kLprovec, on basis ;f oriL:!xt-,II plans. 9. ideer permit issued for oriL,iiial front along, _tailroad l ie but add' tions made aftortjavd without applyinZ,, .i or poi' it but building builder adi,iitted he ,1as trroll allu itaepoctor admitted th n via:; aor.;ething he had overlooked. 0. Bui.Wir4 art h!SPector +s awil lot: buiLi6i-rL, IYomi.t L;rantoc by Tormo Y ir_sractor o. .r. '-mith. L.L. pub- aontrac i.ora occtti�ation l lidolizu"i or. wt;al %uilr xL. "uestion as to Qlcthor tile 1118,pcctoX.+ had the ie.'potit;iLil.itY & :;edint that those obtaiilod these li,eeiasLIC or hot. $.eue,ticti as to whethol. t4;at ,;as his rCr:rom- .ibiii.ty. i MIT Eros. Van Susan further stated that for the people in tie audience it seeds to be the consensus that the L- 'uiIdizg Inspector has too much vor1: to do, that he has been helpful in assisting builders and people irho wanted to get their home;; built and it seeps they very much favor the work he has done in the past. ,it Chairman Andraws ( suggestion, .tomes Van Dusen invited the attention of the public and i:s. Canas�;ton to Building Urdi.nances 00 and 104 and Zoninio urdinance a�9d which delegate cep- Lain duties, and obligations to the building inspector. t� r'ollo%5iing discussion as to whether chairman Andrews should disqualify hits: self in the voting, c o�uzc loran treble, seconded by Councilman Gresham, moved that the entire charges be dropped and ,r Q. ianington exonerated due to the f act that the larEos;t percentage of charges took place in a period of time during which previous Council way involved and there has been no justification in any one charge. ui discussion suggestions were made for amendments, and Councilman Yrebish„ an attorney, by profession, made the follolving brief sLmnnation 1. 1-elms case Not guilty 2. Pullman case: Guilty. 3. killer Associates case: derelict in duty. 4. Cone job: not to be considered. YTithi,n scope of the electrical inspecto'n j. 'mangle building; All matters taken care of. Not guilty. 6. Bus station; Not guilty there. 7. Daino job: No responsibility, but shows tendency not to co- operate. 6. u' ?atthews job. Permit was approved, guilty. 9. xcker building. uuilty by his own admission. 10. Canington's own building: Not guilty. ll. uicense fees: Not guilty, but indication not to cooperate. 1'hcre ore, ;guilty on 4 courts, not guilty on 4 counts, not chargeable on 3. Recommends that mr. Carrington be allowed to retain his position. Vollowing re- reading of original motion, c oturci loran ,mdrews, seconded 121 by Councilman t orley, moved that it 'be amended by deleting "and i'l. 0 Canington exonerated' and "and there has been no justification in any one char6e.11 Notion carried by a raising of hands, by Councilmen Corley Carballo, .andrsws, rrebish and Van Dusen. ' boollowing further discussion, kres. Van �uascn called for a vote on the motion as amended, to -wit: That the entire char6ob be dropped, due to the -fact that the largest percentage or" charges took place in, a period of time during which previous Council. v.as involved. toti.on carried by acs a raising of hands by CoLulcilmen Corley, carball.o, And- re;;s rebi h and Van Lju so . tpposcd Cowici.Ureii Freb.[c and Qreshatri. , rres Van nusen dircctLd 1115pectOr uani.nt;ton that all ord ianco arc to be enforced rcgardingf cvcr;r aspact of the City and the Cotuncil desires to have hint on force, them oonto-ILtelitly, and told Mist that in the matter of transporta tion, ho should aomo to the cowicil. who moctih, :7a1j adjotivilt:u Gb appro:i=atal �kvlr.il. 271 + J, d y M q y: Clam �r