1948-05-18 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MTGMII,TUMi�,S OF 7 E 171:]GULia p.l :"11TE G OF'
T;ny 187 A.D. 1; 48 aT TIE CITY IV L', � T
8;00 P.1141.
The meeting was ce.iled to order by Vice-Pros. Barro j, Frith Irayo °
Thom;�son and Cowicilrien Bryant, Barr°otir, _°res,} eye ilt !ood and LL hafcr
respondiq�;_ to roll call.
laiiiutes of the re!-;ul.a.�' meetin of 14y 4 !acre: approved as read.
Clayton :ick -or appeared before t _'iL Council to brin;; up the need for
meetir'1,,r place _"or tie Girl ScoutG and in the areal i`ahich no"' 1'
comprise 6 -troops totaling •114 girls ,,iith 14 adult leaders, in con
noction frith the proposed development of youth fac litiep at the Com-
mwiity hark. :En the course of disciission,, it vias brought out that t12e
Scout charter places responsibility for furnishing ,a mooting place on
the organization sponsoring a troop.
Ki:v. Frank .:organ reiaorted that t_ze Consumers ,later Co. had advised him
that it could not serve the Baptist pastox ium with viater, altho other
homes in the vicinity are on the line, and Councilman Shafer, seconded
by Councilman Pressley, movel that ho Clerk write a letter `to Consumers
.later, Co,. referring to their letter of -April 2 with referenco to such
situations. Lotion. carried
3. L. Co.tton advised twat he had two different pro3pectG for locations }
for Drive- -ln Theaters 7 one of whoia Game 5 a tract appro,.; uiately 400 by
Q` 500 fect, and the other spoke of lj acres. The Advisory 'Zoning and
Planning Board had already had a request for an interpretation of zoning
on such a project. and subriitted a written ruling that this Mould come
under special or unusual rises to be granted only upon Council approval.
L,r,. Cotto was asked to bring the applicw its to the next mectinL, so
that more detailed L- ifovmatio!i can be obtained on this ratter.
:ter orts of standing coin mittoea wore :a »r f ollovis"
Vinance Chairman Bryant realinded all pro :exit that the 1948 -49 budget
dust be gotten under way sooii, and to datch o }po.ad:i tures for the balance
of the fiscal ;dear.
Vivo: rlbsont.
Police Chairman Bro :slcy ropo:otod that 1�arllost Tatum had agreod to
titor-It. as substitute for the vacatiota ;,eriods of the police officers, and
mude V.ie motio.rij sccondod by Couu -ic'li:.ax, At.tood thtit .1io be taken oa for
that raurposo at .,)200.00 pox munth, as of i.ay IL I..otiori cap "r led by
1)01:11 as follows:
Bryant Jas I-arrow yc:i 1 -;reso oy yell .itw=6 ;,rates `ihafer :boo
tPC�� Gi5 1 ar m : G:Ila `Ci i;i �it- joo L 61jo: 'L j, i "�co! ..,t Of -rt letj:or from
Gloria - icavco 20V ; r SLL ..Lr '1laYL '.'0!t 1J J. b. Tic stated that the
zehool boar..: nau * >:o,,Ud b,� Chore fo.' U seeks I be? ::L-n no aL, -.,u . -July on
s'a full tuft: sclierialti but t.'�; : '.'aay gi+. .uu .,!A1'stC�!. " ,dJ "al�x tuxvo ft 'Ji" �a
to .S�i`,w�L�.a..l+�. °�ix.i r'a1��.1.iJ Sts,o = ,�s�tiaix'i yi7d«vir_A s ".iw9:: u �.".i51S:x4��y �% #��•.1
�� tiaea x... �.+t1l3,�1..u.�..�_� :'rL��.��.��;�`! S,y.�:�.5.;�'�a by Cu=_y...w :J3"yr:Btt.y 1,4,0+�'t3
that Gloria ReevG8 be aj.� ,oin ted fox" tae vacation period at X20.00 per
deck. :..ctiall cs�!'.Oiod by 1ao11,. as ,ollo s
Bryant y-es -s mar_ -oO,j yes Pressley yes Atwood es Shafer ye
Chairman Atwood also reporte:.i that 6. `.: 3haw had replaced `Lichard Kingg v
at the CoiLnurlity House at t' e old rate of Y15.00 Per vii -ek. for half -day
work but hoped to get a ;full time ;ob. i'ollorling discussion, Council
ma:1 hryant, seconded by Councilman T�,essleyj rtcvcd that J. '.:. Shari be
put on full time as of 1.7,ay 10, at X40.00 per week. Liotio,a carried by
P0117 as follows
$1 "ya ?lt yea i3ar1 °O'.1 ye;3,ressl'o�r yres Shafer j'8 i it',lOe �res
Chairma -i _ t Jood a';ain brought up the a_uestion of ownership to the
CAI.;B "IM0': ?.,e iITS canal, :ihich, according to City Atty. ''aid's opinion,
belornged to the adjoini -g lot owners the County, to
, and accordLin,
the original si,bdivision boners. The possibility of getting a quit-
claim deed frog the latter , '.. j. a resident of I omest,ead,
was discussed.
Chairman : t;."ood also reported oz a .meeting with property owners along;
N. Di:ie 2d.5 .statila he hac: obtained an estiriate both for widening;'
and for repaving from the Asphalt Waving Co.I but that the ol.ners wanted
addi- tional bids and it was decided to ask some of the ot-kzer paving compan-
ic;s for estimates;.
letter from the Florida Power C. Light Company was read, explaining, the
increase to 4i14.47 for the monthly traffic light bills, and CoivacilTian
> ressley� seconded, by Councilman Shafer, moved that the Cleric be author-
ized to pay this bill each month as received, without ha!jing to submit
it with the monthly 'bills,. J,.otion carried by poll, as follows':
3ryant yes Marrow yes Fresslo, yea Shafer yes . twood ife5
Building: Councilman !-�ressley, seconded byr COW ilra I, dhafer, Moved that
the Council approve the action of the "Ovisory Zoiiir �,. and 1,1anning Board
to require the pa�7,1e jt of a fee of .,510.00 fo cacri public hearing required
on an application for a ehanr•c of zolzi.l�, as set forth in their letter of
t.ay lt} 7 as follows:
".After careful consideration the Board establis".ied a fee of ,10.00 to be
paid to the City of South :.iarai for each public hoar ink; required on an
application: for a challgc -X zoniiIL;.
"It s, felt t:-1at this chart;; will help dcfo y the cost of mailin,, nxetices
which c4�sts have her toforc been %oz >1ie by tale ta;� :pagers as a Whole.
"",Je ask approval o,' til,is acti,::n arici ixe:,t that t,1050 fs�us 111he11 colluctcd�
ba pl�ce:i i=1 an ace,,.wit to r_ X" "r � °Oj— uj, -_,� �1`l1[tIG'ilt,i ";5:1i41 C;Ic'lyka.�i and
o 111'11'er apj.rovo I C z L-0 ,,,,'E i0O Y .51011iir' and 7 lcl1t113.1L 'noar d . "
l otiort ca,l i.:::d.
17 1;3.� . o s, to ,ject �l�c
.i ,, ,,ve���vtfi..`� syyycy2: is �5 i;,s °J...viYJy�" y�,Otll.'�•` �a1,.3 '�.� � �`' " * "ti .+ w
vf° Lity' Y] �1'.i Y aWi �a7Ya i;": 41' v /:.iJ ti.4`J aLV " %rI 1
110]1oG:',ar%inz are, .s als jo 4r '.1-le
E'1tl�Aona„:j1t a:t
Q) 'W business district and of o trorre importaxace in a 11i�,h1y competitive
° y is s t rocorLxcnd that t,ho '`ayor and Council lease fron
� L'ra'. �i"1� JOarC:c ,l�u 1e .a � .,
14 10 the 1orida A,ast Coast :.:air .a ✓n ejjou,�ii of its rit l t: -o -4-r;ay betaoon led
:3 F—toad a �tretilxaarl�ino 4th ".V(,., alorx i a2 °' :�outz �i,�c ? a;'h.,a�r to provide off
ay ax .
"It; is the thnu &lat of t tv' . oars t_` at a lease could possibly be negotiated
for a nominal ;nearly rental or might be secured by uavmcnt to the Rail
k ,H way or an arxount equal to a pro rata sham: of City taxes on its right -of
w $4 tivay.
o ;co In view of difficulty experienced Bevoral years in try 1- to negotiate
a lease with the j' C to provide - r a shelter for wai tire; bus passengers,
it was decided to withhold action on the roconmxendation at this time.
4� V Chairman Shafer led a discussion on the possi �ility of holding up any
+2 H new .requests for c rax�es in zoning for the next 60 days, to give the
,o Board an opportunity to Make recZimcndatilons on an over -all plan, but
4' no action etas taken at this time.
rd o
y r_1 A letter of appreciation of the Council's action on their rent- problera at
5 �° the Community louse was received from the secretary' of the South Liaifi
Knights of Pythias Lodge.
In accordance with 1e�a1 notice published in the i..iamir on May $
o the following bids for a ne;,t 1548 Ford lL Ton cab- and - chassis truck
w a were onenod c
1. All Miami I;.utors X1602.50 (6 cylinder)
j3 "d 2. Huskamp I; °otor Co. 161$.20 ($ cylinder„ with rear aLL:iliary'
s ..� springs)
ri H'
o Cd Vol'lovi.ng discussion, Cowic:i.lman Fressley, seconded by Councilman Shafer,
moved t_tat the Council accept the I uskamp bid as the best bid,, because
n° o of difference Lin equipment: and the n�:aniess for ser.�vice� .and subject -to
r4 reasonable tLW, for delivery.. I.action carried by poll, as follows
A Bryant yes Pressley* yes Barrow yes Shafer yes Avood yes
ow d he fo llo.•tinE; bills were submitted , T or a;.,raroval and pay: exit
N F'la`Fo ,eraC'ceLigizt Co. 9.92 �alance�duer figs
y 7 35
' or x'eb I;ar . traffic
42 04 lights.
gd aim " 2o6.631,streot lights fYr Lay
y, Coll,eiy PlunxbinE,' Co. 2.��vplumbin- rc,.a.i.rs Cor>uixunity llldg.
fn o N Total rg 22'6. 5 payablo 0tl.t of CL f.;� .E -"un(I
H `�Votu cil :taxi PrCailley, by Cou+ic:i.l:rran Ivooct, t.ovG 9 that the bills
OiWe paid as read. 3.z tiozr c =trricd by poll; as folio-,:s:
ttryant yes yoc kro ,, ;10, "yos x.: lur- O "' / "it tood Yes
O Cd
'Zher "c bai:k; no _AU7itl {er Wlic r.00U,,,U ',y-4 , aj: OL;"wd at ai,)prb .:lraa. tO1
pp yyyy++
fjoa a j l
�cizLi dkif Y