1948-05-04 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MTGMIDIUTES OF THE REGULAR 1,211 i'ING CF TH2 CITY cmmcIL OF OCUT:i IMil,:1, "MD TUESDAY 31T TiIDrj May 4, ii.D. 1948 iT THE CITY AT 8:00 PFD:. The meeting was called to order by Pros. Clark vith Mayor Thompson„ a and Councilmen Bryant, Shafer, Barrow, Pressley, i,:aple;s and Clark responding to roll call. Minutes of the regular meeting of 4pril 20 were approved as read'. Clayton Acker presented a plat of a new subdivision to be calk d COCOI M14 TER1MCE ADDITION for approval and acceptance. The following Resolution was read: RESCLUi IO1" NO. 273 A RESOLUTION AFMOVING rvF-j ACCEPTING A PLAT OF COCCiPLUIL TERRACE ADDITION EXEC`tJ','ED LY :.II iF i'1) �! lITT:G:'ij CHRISTIAN :ITTKO'.l2 O:1TtEF,87 AND EI.:IIX L. COTTGIT2 FRAN-K J. RIitOLDI AND VAN C. KUSSiCill TRUSTE;2S , AI'M DIR ECTIi+:G `M KnYGR AIM Ti-:L", CIT`f CILRK OF -AND CIS BIITLALs- CF TIG CITY GF SGUTf L'.IAIAT TO AFFL`. ` UPOBT SAID PLAT T14=1 RESPECTT1T SIGNAL TUBES AS SUCH CFFI0,MS T0& 1'Ti R 'IITIT TIM CITY'S ..ZEAL. BE IT RECOLVEM BY THE I'AY(,R AID TIM CITE' COTJIJCIL OF TH3 CITY OF SOUTH YIAMI1 FIyUnIDA: ' 1. V??MILEAS1 Winifred dittkow and Christian 'dittkovi are the title holders,, and Emile L. Cotton, Frank J. Rimoldi and Van C. Kussrot: are trustees of the 'ast 491 ft. of the N-E4 of the SVV of Section 25 Twp. 54 S., Range 40 A. Dade County Florida, and 2. ; ++ +IEREAS? the said Anifreca .:itt €�or�, Christian Jittkow, F Lmile L Cotton, Frank J. Rinioldi and Van C. Kussrow .have .caused to be prepared by 'J. C. Bliss registered engineer, a plat of COCOPLEW TERILICE ADDITICN, the salvo being a subdivision of the aforesaid East 491 ft. of the Na,', of the Sl'r,f, of Section 25, "Twp•' 54 S.1 Raise 40 B j Dade County, Florida and 3. :I- EREAS2 the said v/i.nifred riittkovi, Christian ''1ittkow, 4mile Ii. Cotton] Frank J. Rimoldi and Van C. Kussr ow have submitted said plat of COCOPLUL' T quZAC'u AiDDITIC111 properly e:te cuted, for the City's approval and acceptance, and 4. the gdvisory Conmiittee finds that said plat con- forms to all requirements of zoning and right -of -way dedications and recowiends its acceptance NOS T12R.3'Git21 BE IT I?E CV1 1) MY' TIC ;L,Yt,A .'� u'j CITY COUNCaL OF SOU"]': i I,:I:,I 'I That the saic plat of CLCLt LUL ' .i jJ:i.TIQT be and the same is hereLy approved and that the : `ayor and City Clark3reapectivoly, be and they are hereby authorized to aff=t their, sihnatuvau as auch officers, toy ctIlel' With CIO s0al��Of th this City of jouth l i.ami. to said plat. kAS.'.lJlJ Ai,M Y6�.a�i,Y _ Lhis 4th uay of _1.ay! +�.a�• ,LPL �o. Councilman Daaples, seconded by Councilman Shafer, moved that Resolution No'. 273 be adopted as read. li +otion carried,. A letter from the ianights of Pythias) Lod"c X153 asking; for a reduction in the rental charged them for the use of the Community Building for their meetings, - ".as read and the matter discussed with their representative, James B. Dowling. ` Councilman Pressley, seconded -by Councilman Bryant, moved that the Council suspend �payments for the regular mectinl;s for the months of April and Lay, for the iix ights of 1-ythias Lodge and rythian Sisters only, and withhold action on an;, change" in rental or fees until the return of Councilman Atwood, Chairman of Streets and Larks. Motion carried by poll, as follows;: Bryant yes Shafer yes Barrow ;yes, Pressley yes 2aples yep Clark yes 1 E. J. haGoy raised the ouc;ation of zoning on Lot 24 ',i. A. L- ARKEJS, 'which, had been zoned ;for, business together with. Lot 23 and other lots along 5. let St, in. connection r.ith its possible purchase by the K -P Lodge. B. L Cotton entered into the discussion and was told he could fil-, an application for a building permit. A letter was received from the Fuchs Baking Co. thanking the Mayor and members of the 'City CoLuzcil for their part in extending a welcome to the recent Soutliern 1�akers :association and to the police department for its efficient handlinG of the traffic at their party'. A letter from Dr. James F. Lyons requesting permission for the Consumers "later Co. to lay pipe along a South Ldami street to enable them to serve hiz tjith water in his home adjacent to the City, resulted in a motion by Councilman Shafer, seconded by Cowncilruan 1 iaples, that the City agree to' this request, subject to the- rights of any future franchise holders:. Motion carried. In this connection, Cowicilman Shufer, seeLnOod by Councilmnran Bryant moves' th�4t Consumor ;i a or Co., be asked to mark a City plan with 'their prevent installation, includiin& the size of the mains. lotion carried. rt this point Councslman Barrow asked to be excused There vas ,a general discuLsioii on .Iator7 but no action taken. 1toport6 of standing committaos wore as follows:. Police: Chairman Presley roporl ad tlxtt tic car in bl action rush was over with and that 10rancoz Vaplos would finish out her final weak on Thursday. Vinat`ice: U.K janitati,on The nead for ano thor 'track :;as diNcnLho;� and it Was ag-1 ood that a legal notitc be pbt into tho paptr, calling for sealod bids to be Vyi�i ."% u *C,11 YiC::t 3'ed ;E.dl ". r iii .v U .�K4i;. Fite: luLa ,ln,_mi �n.l oa rcrx� ;tad t, iat Vto 411 tua - 11md bcan dug but it h,diid Loon haceractrZ,. to er, +df,"71 4 rtctj 'u4zl Fi �.k i�.s�� ct� uld Y�'a t dt ontu, !h 4'1GS4J 1 �} l!r" Cii f+i3 r In C (X1rAd %YAe. ill t It L thO 'b 4trdL t w.� 1A (q.Uth; Aiia;!L (!d iDpri,L 6 ..� for the I':. 3rd Avc. and IT. ,2nd Gt intersection? Resolution. No. 274 was prosontcd, as follov,s; RE CLtU''It;I- 17C., 274 i RI;Q?UE STINC AND AU-TH.( :.tI "LNG FLCtI(IDA P01.1ER a- LIGN`I' COI!fPAN11Y TO I S-'L LL ONE 1) 1000 LU a'N OIIB TYr CC;A.7' NY- QJU -ED ST 11111.1"T LIU ?1'^ CI.•; TIM '.`Et;_' SIDE OF NORTH 3rd AVENUE JUS`1' SCUM l,F %Tt,_'t`='I•I 2nd STREET' AND THEEREAFT R SERVE T=,, Ss-d, 3 IN ACCCIRDAITCE' ;fITI TM) TIM TEI1?S A1,T3 CC1T.DITION;,; OF TIT.T CEIi`i': 11, 12Y?ICIPAL STIwJT LIM TING AGi;E 111,ENT I1C : IN 3FF2CT E- 3T.1 -7EI T=, CITY .'I;TD S'JD CCI; I }.:NI`r D ATED `4Tl , 7th DAY OF ,JANUARYi 19302 V %TD ALL SUPI?I312-NTARY AND UUI"PL:i,'I::ENIT.,L AGRE12i 2FITS TI ��;3T0: AUTHCI;IZING AND D'IR.",CTIITG TIE' CITY CL ,T's OF Al,,TD C.NT BEHALF OF 10- CITY OF SOUTH . IILkHI TC. DELILER A CERTII+ ILD CCPY OF TEAS I?BSC LU^lI IT TO FLvRIDA PO' MR & LICHT CC I„F_�NY AS "MITT217 N('TICE TO LITSTALL 1L; & ID AD.DITIO NAL ST2M, T LIGHT UNDER TIL SAID I,"Cfitl'CI:': L ST2.3 1,T LICT- ?TLITG nGRE.�I=2 .AN�7 SUPPLE- r; -' TT: I'Y �Na SU; FLJ y;IT`!'�,L G�t�EI'.ENIT,� �'FL�tETO. Be it resolved by the Mayor and City Oouncil of the City of South Mdami 7 Florida c 1. That the City of South T,;iami7 Florida, hereby requests and, auth- orizes Florida Power & Light Company to install aiid thereafter serve e following street light to be paid for by the City in accordance I w tr;ith, the terms and conditions of that certain Idunicipal. Street Light `iii Agreement dated the 7th day of aanuary, 1930, now 'iii effect bctvaeez the City and said Company and all Supplementary and supplemental Agreements thereto I - 1000 Lumen OI-IB Company -owned Street i:ig'ht on the 'Nest side of North 3rd :venue just south of North 2nd Street. .2.- That the City Clerk of and on behalf of the City of South Iliam bel and she is hereby7 authorized and directed to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to Florida, Poser ck: Light Company as written notice to install and thereafter serve the said street liht hereinabove described in section 1 hereof and thereafter serve the some in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said L'unicipal Street Lighting Agree - m�-n,tj Supplementary and Supplemental Agreements thereto. rassed and Adopted this 4tl1. flay of Yay, A.D. 1948. Councilman Shafer, seconded by Councilman k:aplcsq moved that ecsolution Noi 274 be adopted as read. Votion carried by poll, as follows: Bryant yes Shafer yes L-aples yes Ulark yes A price had been received for repairinL and refiin' 8hing the Venetian blinds at the C:oG2 =.'ty Buildint but it was agreed to leave this to Councilman aitwood's attention Co incilman chafer brought. up the need for settlii ; on a lodaticli for the new Boy Scout hut, yor 'ii:ich a space 50 by 50 fact is nooded It was aLread that this be warked out by him -, th Oouilcilf,a21 st��ood. Council-Malt Maples, S000n(10d by C:0tihci1rrW' B.rYWeL, ftcved that the City accept the KI'W deeds from E. U. Cotton and earl Huefftlein for South 2nd Street from S. !�udlum tioad to 6. 9th we. , which has already been put- is by these two ooners of the abutting property, and have them recorded.. Motion carried. Buildings: Chairman Shafer reported that Building Inspector�Canin� ton had called attention to the eed for re gulati ons for bottle as in- stallations in connection wits some work that had been undertaken at the- Jean Marie apartments. It was pointed out that the luiami code which is to be adooted as the Uniform Building Code, will include these regulations. Theodore Stadig, Chairman of the Board of electrical examiners, filed a written report, as follows: "We submit herewith the results of the examination for Iiaster ylectriciai and journeymen Electricians held itpril 24th at the City Hall 11t1f the nine applicants examined for Master Electrician, the following three passed;' 1. George S. Carfolite 2. 1tenne th Korko ian 3. Norman Benson "Off the ten applicants for Journeyman S'leetrician eight passed, as f ollow s c 1. Fred F. Sparks - 2 -. R. T. Cartledge 3. Paul T. Vann . 4. Z. S. Martin 5. C. E. Tieeks 6. J ohn Benison 7. Hugo L. Hansen $ J. L. Strickland "Certificates have been issued accordingly." Deports from the l;dvisory Zoning and Planning Board were next taken up'. Can the `!'ed Crockett property it was as follows> "The application of T. H Crockett requesting chaise of zoning; on his property described, by him as the ,Heim tract and properly described as Y&M 'COD PD 35 -72, from H -1. C -1 and C -2 use to C_3 and A use was taken under consideration. "The advisory Zoning and Planning i3oard feels that the requested changes should hot be made as the property to the north is zoned R -1 and a C3 zone across, from the new, proposed church Would probobly adversely affect the church property. The applicant requested the rezoning of certain of his property in 1946 and such requested change vas granted. Further, the applicant doce not appear to hold title to a portion of the property in the application. It is roomr.o �dod that the requested which isecov red. in the coutso of a discussion, Couhcilr.,a!-. Shafer stated that he would like to see the property otJner to the north alsc cork into the teal and suggested a C -1 or C -2 use for the 1�,ed road frontage and U -3 for the N. 4th St. side. Cowicilman uhaferj seconded by Cowxcilran Maples, moved Ted Crockett re-apply for the more restricted C uses, as suggested, together with Henry Stadler, if possible. Pvlotion carried. The Boards recommendations on the L. Cotton application was as follows "The application 'of W. L. Cotton recql�ue� ti a change of zoning; on Lots 10 and 111 Block , TO',;YJSIT,a O 1,21d LZTT I onx an R -3 use to C -1 use was taken wader consideration. "The Advisory Zoning and Planning Board feels that the'reauested change should not be granted as such change would be spot zoninj It is recommended that the application be deified." Councilman Shafer, seconded by Councilman Llaplesr moved that the Council accept the Board's recommendation. Motion carried. On the Fitzpatrick and `alters application, the Board made the following recommendation "The application of Messrs. D. C. Fitzpatrick and +1. T. Walters for a change of zoxl sxg on the NZ of .'.2 of Li of ml" of PTt'1��� Sec. 24 - 54 - 40 located on Bird Hoad� foci H -1 to C -3 use was taken under consideration. The Advisory Zoning and Planning Board feels that the requested change should not be granted as there are a number of residences in the area which would probably be adversely affected by a C -3 use of the property Under consideration. The area to the east and south of this property is zoned R. -1. It is recommended that the requested change be denied.1 Councilman Maplesl, seconded by Councilman Bryant, moved that the Council accept the Board's recommendations. Motion carried. Building Inspector: Can sigton reported that Ralph Helms had purchased the property at the corner of Si State highway and S. 8th St (Davis ha) and wanted to put up an office and shop and equipment yard for his land- clearing equipment. It eras suggested that he take this up with the Advisory Zoning; and Planning Board. The following bills were submitted, for approval and payment: BILLS PAYABLE, „ May 1' 1948 (1047 thru April '48) General Fund to 13esexue Fund 913.00hfor car inspections (Nov. Sylva G. Martin_ 2 .85h xpenses - Gainesville Acorn Refining Co. 3�.00�12 gal. traffic paint Hngermeaa - lectric 3.,0 starter Bailey's Lumber Yard 9.5741umber supplies Belcher Oil Co. 38.50�cut -back asphalt biscaynd rngiiaeerii� 8.26 "maps Bryalit's Corner bervice 24.591gas, oil ri.u. Caninj to n 10000 00, +) ii. i. Collar .00; )Parker appraise G. Ii.,. hughcs Ted Crockett 12.60# ice Abril Tod Crockett 43.00 ,t.haulin - .April Dennings, 9.67'Wvie supplies Dixie Pig .80,\prisoners' meals ";veaglade Paper Co. 23.10,Apaper towels ec tissue `j'heo.. E. atadig 4 .67A ) IN. �,Iallis 46,.67N) for examination con- R. C. Ganunage 46.66'+ ducted. April 24 Fla. ui vent Co. Equipment 5781^Ue'lt For Huger Foster Printing Co: 21.00,Atax rec .elec cards � po- lice reports R. C. Gammage 250.900inspectou fees Harley's Service gross 69.32vlgas, oily tires to Highviay Notor Service 2`� .05+battery, repair work' Holsum Lunch 1N.80,\prisoner meals Hood's Service Station 221.56,1gas 4- oil, April huskamp I;iotor Co. 1.75�+oil L'Ongoffice Supply 6.60tistationery supplies uoyd's Garage 4.10�\repairs I14iami Crushed atone 12.75yrock & screenings Miami Lune & Chemical Co 99.40"'pit- rock Petty Cash 16.30,�per itemized list Pi -Fir signs 55.30vsigns Ra iley- P;Iilam Inc. 8.10 v�ammunition So.Vrianii Atlantic Service 11. 7h Turner Bros. . 1. ''OM clamps TOTA'LDTG 2,� l�y payable out of Gr 1 ' L .. and RESERVE funds Councilman Alaples seconded by Councilman Bryant. moved that the 'bills be bard as read. ;,Motion carried by poll, as follows: .Bryant yes Shafer yes blaples yes Clark yes There being no further business,, the meeting was adjourned in regular order at approximately 11:15 P.M. ATTJ aT: Presideizto City Council City Clerk