1947-12-02 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MTGIvffilUT21S OF TIM R' :.GULi'� LB ,TIIIC or THE, CITY COUNCIL GF COUTi I..L� 1l 1 Ti LD MUMS DAY n"V3 TIP G DECBL'BDR 2, A.D. 1947 AT TITS CITE.'' DAL AT 8:00 P.L., The meeting }ras called to order by Pres. Clark c:ith. L;ayor Thompson, Councilmen Bryant, Atwood, Barrow, Pressley and Clark responding to roll call. Councilman ?hafer joined the moeting during the reading of the minutes. Minutes of the regular meeting of .ITovember 1-8 were approved as read. Regular order of business was suspended to take up the 1'equests of visitors. H A. Fox asked for an extension of closing time for their now cocktail lounge, which was now being held to the midni ht closing schedule of beer and wine establishments. Following a discussion, Councilman Barrow, seconded by At%,iood, moved that the Council set the closing hours in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of Ordinance #128, and that this place of business be closed between 2 A.L.'. and 8 A.M. on week days and between 2 A.M. and 1 P.M. on Sundays. Lotion carried. R. C. Traster presented a guide map of the section on which he offered space on the front cover• to the City at a cost of $250.00 for 11000 maps at 250. ITe anticipated a distribution of approximately 32,000 maps. COUncilMan BarroW suggested; that the matter- be looked into and Mr. Traster given an answer at the next meeting. E ' '. letter' from 12. A. Masco, Atty., was read, offor n` to furnish the City of South ';r,:iami with a water distribution system and asking for a letter to the effect that the City would grant his group alz exclusive franchise at such time that they present evidence that they are pre parer to begin con truction. Councilman Bryant reported that 11. A. Keatin8 of the Consumers rater Co. had stated that he .Mould not have an answer from the Water Board before next Thursday. Following, a discussion, Councilman Barrow,j seconded by Couneilnlai Pressley, moved that- -atty. a;ard draw up a letter to Mr., hasco, advis- LIg hint that the City will consider a franchise: as per their Letter of 7ecember 2 if they can give acsuvance wit�iin 60 clays of getting financed, and the final draft of plans to be subject to the approval of the ; t G. L1otion carrigid. A letter from, T. Lursmus for his clicnt, ilatherine I:cl�y, requesting a change in zoning, of lots ire i:-lock 2 etas referred to the Advisory voicing, Poard for action:. A letter was read from the elorida Statc Irg.)1v0 ;ot:,ei t Comr:ission ad- vioinb of the P,ostponGmciiL of thya cLrifereilce Oil planning and zoning which ha6 been schaLulod nor if ;vember or Decor. Lor, and callinj atten- tion to the Bade Couirt.* ixegional Plawiin1 roard nicotine on Docomber 13 in :.. ami. The need for a local plxaiiiiiiq, Loard ,,as ag -1,0UL ht up by Councilman Shafer and scvetral rooidents sued :c*stcd as possible rnem- borz q °b0to no action taken at this timic. i+eporta of stanulliib eoftj.*<.'JtLour,, -,,joro a,_ :eojlo;.7z: Police Chairmani Pressley brought up the matter of enforcing the ordinances against gamblii-4;, bolita, juke boos and dance halls, stating that he had instructed his men to go after it continually. He also stated that he wants to take the punch boards out of town. i At this point Councilman Barrow was excused, Chairman Pressley stated that he.rants the juke boxes cut. off at 11 P.L1. and was against daneinE, in the colored sect-on without a li ccnse. In the course of discussion, iii ;rhich the Council agreed to go with him on the full enforcement of the ordinances) but in which he was criticized for undertaking the enforcement in persoill Chairman Pressley tendered his resignation and Officer Tatum, who was a spec tator�; also offered to resign and both loft the room. No immediate action was taken on the resignation, and when Mr. Pressley returned the differences were adjusted and his resignation eiithdr -awn. StreetsC Parks: The question of >7akin the regular charge ,for the use of the Community Bldg. for a party by the Variety Group was brought u as the Council's opinion that inasmuch as the group gets up it w the free use of the building evening was L-1 order. for its regular crork,; the charge for this Buildings: Councilman Shafer2 seconded by Councilman Pressley, moved that Crainance #164, caption of which follows, be placed on third and final reading in its entirety. Motion carried. ORDIN ANC2 NO. 164 AN ORDINA C3 A1,211DIN( SBCTICIT 17 OF OIZDE- TANCF, 110. 98 BY ADDING 1THEI FROV.ISO TILT ' ZTI-E SET BACK VIITH REFET IEWME TO PROPERTY ZCIdED 1 ~G APA1'tiTL :JfT OR BUSIMASa USE AWING SAID TIIC L ]AY3 ;SHALL D-7 50 FEET F0,11"' SECTION LINE o4 —Z ti ^lITr1iI 65 F1�,_1^ Thereupon Councilman Pressley, seconded by Councilman Bryant, moved that Ordinance #164 be adopted as read.. lotion carried by poll,, as follows: Bryant yes --itwood yes Pressley yes Shafer yes Clark yes Councilman Shaferq scconded by Councilman Pressley, moved that Ordi- iiance No. 165, caption of trhich follows, be p1ticed on third and final reading in its entiroty. Motion carried. OI�DIli.' l;C No. 165 :•1N ORDI111:uiC^ P.Il' E1TDIT3G 5.]C IC.II 14 OF Oi3LIBt UTCE4 NO. 9,62 by ITiC1{ r"i, MTC TIL' FEAL IT F : „s 3310 FOI,tTIJ T12j?ETId VOR INSPECTIC- 1- U.LiPOS.�a. Thereupon COUnci2nan Iressley, seconded by Councilman hryautt moved that Ordinance tic. "_165 bo adapted as read. Lotion carried by poll as follows: Bryant yes .it woor3 yos Fros:rloy fires - af'el, yQ,5 C1ar� yep Tile plat` of SUITSET MIME, -i subdivision in the S` 1t� of 26 - 54 - 40 tentatively approved in rough draft on October 7, vas submitted for final approval and acceptance, toget' er with = Resolution No. 269, as f o llov sc RESOLUTION NO. 269 A RESOLUTION yPI tiOTJIIaG ATM ACC;J 'TII C= A PL-,T OF SUNS.-,T GIhCLr', EMLCUT:11) BY JOI��' V. IULSON AATD Uk_�Y iILIvIT "�LSOII, HIS JIFB, yWIJ."i a, �=�TdD , DIP1 CTIITGI TIL, ILiYOit�,)UD THE, C ITY CLI;I,1, OI IT OJT O T.ID CIS OF SUTT11 IZAI,.I TL AFFIX UPON S::ID FIL:T TII'JIIt :ZL?,3z -' CTIVi2 SIGJTIWItlti AS SUCH OF, FICERS3 TCG -'T= :11{ ':ITII TIC; CITY''S SML. BE I`1" i MOLV � BY TI S I1,1AYU TILE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF SOUTH 11,I_AL" i ELG:. ",IDA 1. S'.�IEL3Bt_S7 John V. Nelson and h:ary Rlleri Nelson, his wife, are the title. holders of the following: Begin at a point locates; a distance of 250 ft Bast of SW Corner of S�� of S,2 of Section 26, Township 54 South, range 40 East', Dade Cowxty, Florida;, run north 871.2 ft., Bast 410 ft.;, South 500.2 ft., Nest 176 ft. south 371 ft., thence west a distance of 234 ft. 'to point of beginning and 2 WHERBASI the said John V. Nelson and Mary 'Men Velson, his wife, have caused to be prepared by .1. C. Bliss, roLristered ebgi.neer,,' a plat of SUNSBT CIRCLE, the same being ;a subdivision of the afore- said: Begin at a point located a distance of 250 ft. Bast of Ski cornor of SBz of S„4, of Section 26 To,.rnship 54 South, raia�;e 40 Jost, Dade County, Florida, run north 71.2, ft., 3ast 410 ft. South 5007.2 ft., Oest 176 ft., south 371 ft., thence ricst a distance of 23.4 ft to " point of beginnAng, and 3. ;> M ^HS, the said John V. Nelson and Iv;ary Ellen Nelson, his erie, live submitted said pmt of SUIIS:,T CiiCLW' properly= executed, for the City's approval. and accoptance,,and 4. ,1I- MERLAS2 the Advisory ConYAittec finds that said plat con (orris to all requirements of zoning, and right -of -way dedications and rocomnends its accel:tance, NUJI T13i1I ,'FGR8j BE IT REO'OLV3:,) BY 113, I."'Iy I4 AI'M CITY CGI ICIL Cr SOUTH That the said plat of ST7PiJ2T CII,C-TL-,,' B:.: AND TIM, $.4,2 Iii Ml.x-y A1-,FIG0V7, and that the I.`ayor and City Clerk, vc,;poot'ively, be and they are hereby authorized to a2fix their ciglatwves as such officers, t,ogethgr with the seal of the City of South Mliami to said plat. PASSED PdTD nD02 =T D this 2nd days of December A.v, 1947. Cotuicilma i Pry-alit, seconded b y Cowleilmon 1ressleyj t,oved that Ordinance No. 269 be a&piced aL ream. 110tion canned. The followii4� 'bills wera, sell. tittt!d t"cr atia pay aiat° s BILLS PAY BILE - DEC T.`I31,IR 1, 1947' BAI EY's Lumber Yard 50.56 dumber supplies -^k Belcher Oil Co. 35.20+cutback asphalt Bryant's Office Supply _ 4. legal l pads Bryant's'Corner Service � ' p 51.205�tire, repairs,' Central Press? Inc. 46.20,,500 car inspection stickers o. Canington 23.501: cash purchases R. H. Coker 40.9 plumbing repairs Ted Crockett Denning Seed Co. 37. r8Ice�1Sept.thru Nov. A Dixie Pig 11. 0 paint brush,latches7bolts 4.40`�Prisoners meals F1a.Power « Light Co. 367.17,street lights (spections. Foster Printing Co. 54.00�;qvar-rantsjrecord cards, in- R. C. Gammage 7 .75,,electric permits Glidden Co. .50Vpai.nt Harley's Service Station. 171.- 54�,gas, oil Highway 1,16tor Service 2.00ykeys Holsum Lunch 10.80.prisoners meals Horsley Insurance 22.75Ainsurance - V T track'' Long Office Supply Co. 2. OwAruled cards ;� City of Itiami 50.00NNpolice radio, Nov. Uiami Crushed Stone 6.40 rock Miami Lime & Chemical 25.90��partition blocks,rock Municipal Finance Officers Assn, A. C. McGarey 10.00,member ship & service fee Oolite Rock Co. 7.204abstract service 2.55:3 cue yds. root; Patter Cash 36.20�`per itemized list Bailey- lt4ilam Inc. S. H. , Reese 7.95,caY ti °idges;)bulbs,batteries So.Lliami Gulf Service 4.03abadgc 5.79 -Agas, °oil S. E. Vaiu1 7.00,+cement E. L. Thompson Jo 0. Canington 5.00rtbldg- permit inspection J. Re Collar 5.000 bldg isispection 5.0OAbldg. inspection Totaling 12194.77 payable out of - GMTERAL AIM RESERVE FUNDS,,, Councilman Pressley, seconded by Councilman Bryant, moved that the bills be paid as rued. Alotion carried by poll, as follo4vs Bryant yes Atwood yes Pressley yes Shafer yes Clark yes` There being no other business the order at approximately Me meeting was adjourned in regular: 11:35 4;.TT -'u5T President, City Council T City Clerk