1947-07-22 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MTGMUM ES OF THE SP3CD.L I,2EETINIG OF TM CITY COUNCIL OF SCUTH IkiIAI'.:I =D TUE8Dr Y EV3IIIIIGg JULY 22, A.D. 1947 AT TM CITY HALL ?.T 8:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order I;,y Tres Clark with I:Iayor Thompson -, and Councilmen Eryant, Atwood, Barrow, Shafer, IJaples and Clark responding to roll call. Pies. Clark read the notice for the meeting which had neon called for the. purpose 'of taking final action on the 1947 -48 budget, for conducting a hearing on the .:ilson Goat Farm violation, and for any emerge ncy business that may come before the meeting., At the request of the Council M. . "3ilson taas present to discuss the problem which has arisen out of his tripling his flock over the number originally agreed upon in the; sufferance permit issued in January of 1045 and'resultinE in complaints from his neighbor. He admitted that , he had bought a good many of his animals as zoning laels in neighboring areas and towns had made it necessary for their own ers to dispose of them, but stated that he had also exhausted all possibilities of moving then; with the exception of I.rs. haecher's up at Bird and Ludlum, and realized it was a bad situation. Ic stated that he was doing an average of 1,000 qts. of milk per week and has to hire a good deal of the.wrork done because of his health. Foillowing detailed discussion, in which it became apparent that the situation was narrowed down to a question of either changing the ordinance or making Iar. ,`.Jilson move his goats, Councilman Barrow, seconded by Councilman I:Iaples, ; moved that a letter be written to,the Dade County Bard of Health, asking them to send a representative to the next Council Meeting to help work out a solution to this problem, also to ask the complaining neighbor, B. Vazquez to come to the meeting,. Yotion carried. Ralph Edwards' request for use of the Community Building by the Baptist Church for Sunday School purposes for the time being to take care of their overflow! was 'next considered, and raised tuo questions. (1) that of letting any one organization have the use of the building for an indefinite time on Sunday mornings, and (2) whether the building would -be � in condition for such use in the event of a tarty held there the preced- ing Saturday night. Following further discussion and recommendation by Councilman Darrow,, Councilman ntvood, seconded by Councilman Maples, moved that he be authorized to contact the other churches in tat °rn first before coming to any decision and report back at the next meeting. L3otion carried. Omar E. Stan; stated he had no problem but merely wished to report that he had obtained the State Board of Iloalth O.K. on the plans for a self- ccrvice laundry which he is going to build for a lessee, and that he hopes to be able to put up some other now buildia4,e in the hear future on the old Southern Pines property. Cowicilman Barrow, seconded by Councilman Iraplos, moved that Ordinance „1629 caption of which - ollows, be placed on third and final rouding in its entirety. Motion carried.' d c, ORDRT? ?CIp; #162` APPROPIRIATIOIT 0RMIP ?xll ?C2, OF TIT.3 CITY OF SOIJ'M I:,I_AI.:I Kl� TY Y_;. i L2,GEUNING JULY 1 A.D. 1c,,47 AND DlJ dG JITM3 30, A.D. 1948. � Thereupon Councilman Eaples, seconded by Councilman Barrow, moved that Ordinance x'162 be. adopted as read. Yot on carried by poll7 as follows Bryant yes Atwood yes Barrow ye -s Shafer yes Naples yes Clark ;yes Mayor Thompson) asked whether the Ordinance met with his approval, replied "Po", and presented the following written statement -: South I.Iiamil Florida To the members of the July 22, 1947 City Council South Miami, Fla., Gentlemen:' Inasmuch as the I udget Ordinance 67162 provides for the increase of salaries in some departments and cuts in the original proposed budget in the Streets & Parks, contrary to my recommendations and policy, I find it necessary to veto the said Lrdi.nance #162. (signed), E. L. Thompson2 Nayor f Thereu on Councilman Barrocw2 seconded by Councilman 11aples, moved that Ordinance , "162 be adopted over' the veto of Mayor .Thompson. Motion carried by poll, as follows: K Bryant yes ,Atwood yes , ?arro i yes Shafer yea L:aples yes Clark yes Councilman Barron2 seconded by Councilman Maples moved that with the adoption of O ; rdinance '162 the pay increase of 020.00 per month for all regular., City employees and �15.00 per month for I trash truck helper, be made as of July 1. Motion carried by poll, as Ib follows: Bryant yes Atlaood yes Barrow yes Shafer yes Eaples yes Clark yes There being no further business, the meeting; was adjourned in regular order. Y A, President, City Council Je TT�33 T: :,„, ity Clerk 1