1947-03-11 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MTGLI?NUT2�, Or r'Ii.I C 11Y Cct?ITC_[ o- St r: H .?a : I: LD TU ~1 7v.lY' VjAJICH 11, A. D. 1047 ''.T THE, CTTY I U AT 8 :oo r.1'.; The meeting was called to order by "Tres. Clark, with I,!uyor Thompson, and Councilmon Eryant, .�twood, Shafer, Pressley, TLaples and Clark resr,onuii� to roll call. Pres. Clark read the notice for the meeting which had been cal�edlfor the cur; ose of taking action _ri ap,, ointr.,cnts for building and plumbing inspector:, Community House caretaker and such other business as may come beftre the meeting. A written report from D. Kononoff, consu -ting engineer, preparedr at the request of Caryl H. Stern, prospective purchaser of the property at 16 X. 4th :street - -,I formerly occur iecl by the I *iami Ccntinental products Co,, and gutted by fire on February 21 -4as presented, giving a detailed statement of what it would require to rehabi itate this building and make it fit and safe for use. This was in line with the recommendations of temporary inspector '�I. O. Canington and folhc;wing a discussicn, Councilman Ie:aples seconded by Councilman Pressley, moved that the Council approve L ".r. Sterns proposed rehabilitation of the building suboect to 'plans being submitted, to be carried out wider the supervision of the City building inspector and Mr. Stern's engincer. Motion carried. A letter dated March „ addressud to I4 =ayyor Thoppson and members of the City Council , by L. Glasel, cues read, conf,•ratulating them on their r election to office, commenting on the election campaign activities as well as the apparent indifference of registered voters to take part in the election, urging the newly elected officials ` to -rdcognize South Yiami's :op,portunity for business., and home expansion, and closing _ with a hearty endorsement of the City's attorney, ;Y. G. ;lard. Cow ci].man Atwood arose to thank 14r. Gla'sel for his kind vrc,rds and to assure him on behalf' of the entire Council that all of them wi.i'1 do their utmost to carry on to the best interests of the City. Councilman Bryant took the floor tc rccocimond that the work rf the building and plumb r�G inspector ° and Community House caretaker be com- bined in one person -at a salary of t$20U.0O per month, the same employee to have supervision of the Community House growids with labor to be j,rovidod either by prisoners c.r hired, and recurmt!e hied I. t Carrington fur the job, or dalter 11 c)onalu or any other r.yualified 1 erson, in the evorzt ='r. Cani;gt011 was nut intere_stud. Couircilmem Ch4fer raised the question as to last week's action] and requested clariiicatirri. Council- man Atwood stated that the I' „Uyor's roL;ul�r services were to Lo oil a $1 per year basis, but sgZestcd that I,.ayor Yhomj,son bo given the post of playground supervisor during thy; vacation months of � unc, July and cuGust at . 2U.l3CI per week. o1olloviing further discussian by all member s present] Councilman Llayles, seconded by Counc lumi Brya nt, moveca that the Council ro. ;cind its motions made J "'arch 4 designating the 1,ayor as s,,gerviaor of the Playground, %arkm al d municipal bui.Lair,f;z; at a monthly salary Cf, $20O.W. 14v- arrit d b+y, 1,.s 1, as All.ovx Bryant ,,Oa Atwood yos ;h;i%S" yes iresslay yus 1�btilvs yet Clunk yes 1 Councilman Dha fern secc, ded by Cou cilq+an iktviood, then moved that W. 0.. Caningtort be arpointed as bui_ding' and plumbing inspector and Community House ca °etaker, �_s outlia-ied, and su; crviscr of the Community House grounds at a salary of $200.00 per month. 1.1otion carried by poll, as follows: Bryant yes Atwood yes Shafer yes Pressley yes I411aple,s yes Clark yes Chairman Atwood led a discussion on playground activities in which the needs for a summer supervisor, the possible development of a playground in the CAMB2IDG2 LAMS area and other development of the County dedicated. lands were taken up and Mayor Thompson delegated to see 'what could be worked out with the riding: Club to square, out a tract for ball diamond, etc. T1h6 Council agreed to foot the bill for official stars for their cars, at $2.00 per star, payment to be authorized when statement i, s sub- mitted. Chairman Shafer asked that it be mutually agreed and understood that no changes are to be made in the municipal building without the ap- proval of the Council as a group. ',lith an application for appraisal on file from G. ,% Larkins;, to move a building into the colored section, it was agreed to let Chair- man Shafer appoint two competent moil to serve with the Wilding In- spector as a Committee of three and report back their findings at the next meeting. A plat for the subdivision of part of the imerican Legion Post's acreage in Sec 30 - 54 - 40 south of S 4th Street, was 'referred back to the applicants for correction in designation of the two streets, t, conform to the City's map.; Following a, report by Chairman Atwood on the street work being donee the meeting was adjourned in regular older at approximately 10:10 P.Vi. � -, President City council �TTi ,' T qty lcrk J