1947-02-04 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MTGId!INUT 3S OF TI -:I R'GUL , ,' I -3-TING t F THE, CITY COU?'ICIL c F a;i.;TH h' :K' I F. LID TU JS- DAY 2T'NIdG7 FEBRU.3`_fY 49 ;,.D. 1547 AT T11r:11 CITY MIL J AT 8 :00 P-101. The meeting was called to order by 'Pres. Barrow with Councilmen Gladden, Shafer, Sapos, 11.:aples, Brown and Barrow responding to roll call. Minutes of the regular,mecting of `anuary 21 were-approved as read. A. D. Coleman a,.pe -tired before the Ccunci.l with a request for permit to operate a colcreu ta.:i, stating that Coral Gables permit had been auth- orized as suon as he can install a meter in his cab. Following a dis- cussion, Councilman Zro,rn, seconded by Councilman Shafer, moved that Coleman be gr ;inted a permit upon presentation of insurance certificate and rate sche...ulcr lUotion carried Reports of standing committees were as follows: Finance: Chairman Gladden reported receipt of the semi- annual audit report which reflected an unusually good collection of delinquent taxes and Councilman I ^I:aples, seconded by Councilman Shafer, moved that credit and a vote of thanks be given the City Clerk and Tax Collector for these tax collections. Motion carried. Chairman Gladden etprosseu his thanks to the other members of the Cow•icil for keeping within the budget in their respective departments. Fire; Chairman Maples stated that at the recent, fire .,f the Miami; Con- tinental Products Company the reC.ular and volunteer firemen and police did an excellent job, that .in all the hose lines he fc,tu d only one leak. He also emrhasized that the fire well at N. 4th St. and N. Dixie Rd. held u{ oxceed ngly su,nplyinEi; without difficulty all the water necessary for the four lines of hose running from it. The need for rubber coats and boots for the men fighting such a fire was also brought out and it was agreed to look into the I:urchase of such equipment.', as well ras check into 'the muter of insurance cc ^veru[,e on the man. Chair- man aples suggestcg that he write an open letter of thanks to the volunteers and others met with universal approval. Police: Chairman Brown reported th=an University Motors had a new Ford sedan cou-e available and in line with budget a:•propriation and earlier discussions, urged its !)urchasc at this time. The following resolution prepared ',..y .I ty. `tard was read: =03OLUTION N . 257 .; 1330:,U` RIT ATYPIR R. I; 131IG OF A 1t,' i MLI C 'SIT, TL = 'dIT : A 1946 FORD ,jrU.`7:!R DiIPLU I G3D{Asir Cc-U -L, rAM.) !JRk Viz: I:TG F(Aa 'M3 I!T°'TH M A1-JD x .irilJ Jr�' r S�t1',ulliT tla 1:�J` VF• 1' -t, . _ w 1+ -..�-_ Y T,t r r a fit- w vt It+�T /'f 172X '� a.y f 7Yp + O T�� g� tt LLa:1 l�i�' .s.J �J4 aJ �o.iJ f.l .ia...l lar 7:.�,.1� Al'(.� CITY tY�.,�1.37�.xli�J. �.` .ta4;t �.✓.L1.L aPw MJ�i: sf�, x'1 1.� AVI: this City o£ Oouth Liatai is badly in naeu J:e a nail automobile tear the U.80 of the Polio Dc; urtr.aci:t, and it is ossc coal. to the saPuty and VIcILorc of the cc;r,etti3ii ty p and its citizens that adequate police protection be afforded, and 1=12,MS, the present police car now operated by the police department is now four years old and has served its usefulness and is no longer suitab_e for police ,vorlt, , and .�S9 it is impossible, due to the lack of available new .auto mobiles, to interest any uf the dealers in answering a call for bids,, and rl Ul ?LhS9 it as been determined that the issuance of a call for bids would,be a futile gesture,, and WHER ,ASS however, an offer to sell a 1946 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan Coupe has been received from University It:otors .for the price of G,ne Thousand rive- hundred Twenty -one and 24/100 ($1,521.24) Dollarst and ;TIl�BAS� no other dealer who handles ears of similar make or specifications had a 'car available] and all of said cars are on the same price levels and no bids are offered on a competitive basis NO II TI BF(IIE, BE IT that the Iu`ayor and City Clerk be authorized to consummate the purchase of said automobile without the necessity of calling for bids and to pay therefor the said price above' set forth. BE IT FURTMIM 23SOL,V -4D, That the said funds be drawn from the Treasury of the City of South i:aiami and ;aid out of the General Fund. PASSED n:) aDQ_T3D this 4th day of February, A. D. 1947. Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Gladden, moved that Resolution N,,6. 257 be adopted as read. IXtion carried by poll, as follows: Gladden yes Shafer yes Sapos yes IuIaples yes Brown yes - Barrow yes. The Clerk was also instructed to advortise for bids for the old police care said bids to be opened' and ;considered at the regular 'meeting. of February 18. c; Councilman Prow.n, seconded by Councili,,an Shafer, moved that the City take fall insurance covcrago on the new police car. ftiotion carried. In connection with the proposed pureliso of a station reeeivor, orig- inally authorized for w210.00, Councilman 12rounj socundod by Councilman P.1"a;les r:,oved that the City confirm the increase in price to a total of �280.vO. Motion carried. Street: & Parks: Chairman SGipos reported that considerable vcxk had been done with the new Huber L'aintainer in clearing alonf_r the streets and opening t- nd corners, and that scme patching had also boon d(no. Buildings: Throe applications kor '-Li lding portAt , were subc.aittoa for cunsidoratioizj as follows: `1.T. Tomlinsun icr s 16 x 18 guest house Joe 0. Ilo.joll :eor a one-family residence: ( 33 s(�. ft) acid Clyde t' ohnson a one-family residence (W7'8" x 334)• Councilman Shafor, seconded by Councilman Gladden, moved that all three applications be approved and-permits granted, subject to FF� „authorize tions. notion carried. Chairman Shafer a,-,so reported that Inspector J. V. Smith was laid up again and it was agreed that J. R. Collar be asked to check buildings and Geo. A'?. Hughes plumbing in his absence The question of ownership of sections of portable buildings stacked up on the edge of the H /W on N 3rd:-ve. at 1st St. was raised in response to complaints on the matter. It Was stated that it belonged to Geo. Ensey . and he was to be notified to move it,. In connectioi4 with the anniversary number of the South 1ciami TIIES City Councilman Gladden, `seconded by Councilman Shafer, moved that the place a congratulatory ad, 3 columns wide and 5 in. in length. Motion carried. The following bilis were sutmitted for approval and payment. BILLS PAYABL, - - - FEBRUARY 11 1947 Bailey's Lumber Yard 10.40 tools Bryant's Corner Service Sta. 84.32 gas, oil, tires, etc. Dodges, A. L 2.40 mops and coal oil ChiversI R. =:. 35.75 electrical inspections' Dunn-Rankin & Co . ,Frederic 150.00 semi - annual aoA t- Denning Seed Co. 2.05`'brush2 mineral spirits Dixie rig' 6.00 prisoners' meals Dorn - Martin Drug Co. .98 bulbs & fuses Eureka Fire Hose Div. 111.10 2 suction hose Foster Painting; Co. 14.50: requisitions, 2000' Haynie, H. 10400 lettering & signs Holsum_ Lunch 4.20 prisoners' meals r, Hoods Service Mlotor Vehicle Com. 1.87 gal. gas 3.25 car tag, now Ford : title; Kramer Top Shop 50.00 remake seat covers _ Horsley Ins. agency' 38.35 motorcycle PD & PL Petty Cash 17.40 per itemized list V. L. Pope 6.00 seat & labor Hailey -Milam Inc. 11.60 flashlights, batteriesq ammunition Standard,Lil Co. 6.85 gas & oil So.'IViami Cuff jervice _30.25 gasp oil, tube etc. Totaling 642.27 Sayable out of GMMORAL FUND Asphalt Paving Cc. 13.00 2 tons komix Bryant's Corner jervico 8ttWOn .32 tas, oil etc Totaling y 21.3?-Payaule but of it'IMMVL FUND Councilman Glnridenj socofi dod by Councilman Va. 10s9 moved that the tills be .paid F4a road, klution carrieu, by poy19 as - tollb:•t :