1945-11-27 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MTGI.'.I1!RJT'T :. n 17E] ;;; 7,CI ,L T'_; :•1TITIG t 2 "-'!I ; ;Try `mot I TT ;I. -77T ti.,,J -„- , T'IG � ?Tc < J'I c ,i 27 � A.D. 1;4� t.t TH.' C7— II 1J J 3:00 P.Ia.• The rkeetin� ;�..,s called t6 order 1,y Pres. 3avrov, ;•kith Yayor Vanderboogh and Cbun,,Almon Glad,<en, .Japes, i•'auut, and Barrkivv responding to roll call. Pres. Barrov read the notice the meeting �whic,h had been called for the ,)ur,:us D f transacting any busineNs thtit might have come before the regular meetin , of N,- .verii;aer 20th, 1 45y which was nr�t held because: of lack of a � ucru`t. I::iuute., _f the rO ular meeting of Id; vember J: were 'a?iproved as read;. 'r. Ch:7..s 2r ;oks, ",oath I'i.ami resident and employee of the Florida Power Lig>1t Company, took pant in a discussion'c:f the problems pre sented :,by putting electric service underground q stating that this is not practical dawn here and that it would cause, more trouble and service interru,;tions than the _rrosent ovcncoad insta:;,llations. In respunse to a request from the; sister Uizabeth Karaiy Foundation f�.r �-ermission t, conduct Tag* Day on December 8 in .youth I.Tiami, Coancil_mun Gladden, seconded by Councilman Faples, moved that the de- sired , -ermit bc; sent. I °otion carried. ,c'tion Ura a letter from the inance Chairi.rara f the I once PV, reciuest- inc, financial as; istance to obtain new uniforms f r the 11c ;ice band, was held fur further details. Chairmtin 34pos of :;uiluinj s ,a:,s instructed t- clod, the cc'nstruction on tho I.;c on ld h., us c; on J. ls?t .vc :sue . In response to :a re,,lleSt f.M(11 ±ic11; h l alms f r i,urLiismsion to make a rGCI: pit .,ut f thu ldst black in L %BT :D P ,,CE, a SULdivision off of Bird !Load, ,;ayor Vandar:.aoui;h had —oIced a grouw of the Councilmen- to chock the matter with him. Couzzc ' man Madden, seconded by Cc,uncilrrlan Faust, moved thAt no i errmission for a r,t ck pit for th,,,:t locx.atioa be, granted, It ,a „s deci�Jod t, .isk ..tty. '•are rogard.JnG valive c.ntwitioi'r Oct the forth- cor „in,- cola Qrelice at t7ack:s,,,,tvi1 Lo Gf t.7L Florida t.Jca�;lto of k`unicipalities - oports Of 8twld 1z Colzittces Caere as follows; Ii in�2'1cc : Li_. . Tax colloctions L:Lod. �s;tiition• Char °,a.i `' .�a5t •rs:�'ta1�tM i th =�t ht krai c�si�:•c� 011, oo Y ;�C� d z i l; .t,noS i db e t , s11 is expeci ed.`d , cldhelph m h--'z Xt vaas attreed that the hot; tea' oil the trash truck ba. ft r 'i lie 4 d"yss ho :i .i W- L44j 022 on aC„ culit' t,:C calf injury tZ, h..i -LvOt inclrre l Gift J1JrwT, -AS 'COM4 11u•AtiOn 61,05 n, t t:A.0 Care 0'r t:�at irf'i= j. +t F; ” ' :t . - -a:.i izc.dtlLl.. to h. lit t <YL Lf `u• a".r'`G'i' aY..:i4+ �. ":...f.' y C7£t,:1.�3,E dod 0: lr't V aL1.1A`Cry Streets & Parks - '7ith the, condition of streets, all over town getting I'llorse it wv s agreed th =t effodtive p: tchin shl,tAd be undertaken _�fdlrbiolved, itself to the probloni of finding somec ile to do the work, as m_ 'zteri is are available ani the: :dodge pick-u, truck had been pur ch�aso ,rincipally for that work,. 3uildirt; =s: ': it; -, re_,,ucst m,de by r';;Jul Roby for an appraisal of a . building t � be moved, Vayor Arai dcr� oe,gh appointed J• J,2. Collar and Ares Barro n:,med ,y 0. Caningto.n to serve with the building in- spector on the committee to chock the building. The Clerk re,,. rte.: i to at :tty. :ard had advised th:.it ''Udgo Moss Williams h, kJ held the ,, Cit;,r' s Liquor Zoning L rdinance reasonable' and valid, in thy-: case of the :)i :ie r'ib vs the City, and that said ordinance shall be enforced. it w" s also repo *tail that the County hau granted the I.;iami :_ime & Chemical Com, any pertission to convert its plant intc, an oil re claiu�-no F;ldiat _ Thy: ,uestion of existing zoning regulations on horses, v rith particular reference to those being kc ,t by Fred .�cker in LAUNTS, was thoroly discussed. It was brought out that he has 8' horses on his prop,�rt��, ,Ath a 'riding ring backed ur) against severvGl of the lots facing J.iller (toad, on which he head also installed posts ,,,ith flood lights. :hile nonc of the com. lainants were 7.,r(,,, sti,nt to argue their side, I.r. Drooks spoke for these in favor of the arrangements and alsc, st,:,ted that as soon as he could obtain title: to the tract across tho canal, it -4as I.'r. %ckor's intention to mc•ve the horses across there. No action :ras taken Lit this time. The bills were , resentod for _,j. pr val -ind ptayr ont s "'Ult flora Pardens 5.00 F'1o,,)ers for :Idgar funeral �iyla Bowcr t ight C; 300.94 Oct. (adj.) and TSr,v. lights (st.)' City of L:iami 50.00 Police radio - T'lov. Hobart I,lillur 15.7 plumbLn4.; repairs — jail Totaling 371.69 payable out of CUMM AL MUD Counciiiiian Gluddon, secoIijod by Council ;Bail Su. os , me ved the bills be p,Ad .; s re,,d. 1:,Aion carric J by poll, Ls follows G1 iddo., yes uapos yes -,Iust yes I..aples yes BLArro;r yos `I'hero _ainjj n1, fartaur } uaiilt o.: the mautinL3- ','i :S adjourilod in ruLulur ordt,r at ... pr'o rim"ttely 1.:45 P.1,*.4, Fre.; rtt� Ci.,,, C o W I c I *t