MIIM3`3 OF T'=-EE 1XJ'GUL:�z; P,.ti'ETIT C F
TIC CITY Cc TTJC .T_ (F C( ATP? I l sIt'T,,}}
HM:) T1T20') y i'nIIING, ITt V-12
t b
A.D. 10,,45 AT _, , CITY _L,�r ,
r.T g.:oo
P. L".
The meeting .v,�.s called t�., order by Vice- Fresildent Bro; rin, �,,ith Mayor
Vanderboeg'h and Councinien Gladden, aspos, Faust and Brown respond-
ing t6 roll call.
M nutes of the regul r meeting; of Lctober 16 5,;lere approved as read.
Roeul_r order of business v :s susl ended at this point to consider
_ the application of I;x. Brintcn and Lx Durden representing the
Brook Gas Co., distri -utors of Green's Fuel Gas., ;for a location in this area, stating th- t it .could require the installation of
storage tanks. They have a possible chance of acquiring several
lots along the ilailrwau betmeen the ceriont block slant and the
Yoscley Canning Factory. in order that the Council might be better
able to judge the matter, they hai taken Councilman Gladden to
their 8th Ave. and N-`' 72nd Gt. plant: to shoes him just what such
an itist_kll Ation would be like, stating that the;; are all put in
under their supervision. It is a necr fuel for thik va, area, strictly a
gas. a
gs ; delivered in liquid form. Vice-Pro's. Bron stated that
it would be just about the same fire risk as �,Ath gasoline ; - once it
gets afire it is a terrible fire. Mr. Durden stated that the
storage tanks are constructer. to 'take 200 lb. pressure while the
gas rarely gets over 80 lbs. pressure. Vicc -Tres. Lrown said that
his own experience wit:;z it had shown a variation of pressure from
40 or ' 0 lbs to 100 lbs. LIr'. Brintan stated that it is a ncn
poisonous and od,'rless g�.,s._ Cow- icilm3n Gladden, seconded by Council - 1
man, Faust, sty tea th't he believed it ;oul Le C:.;�. P4 d would be in
favor of pormittinr,, the installation subject to approval of the
zcninE, board;. L. tign :carried.
Mr. W. 111. ;:ngerman came before the Council with a ret uest ft ,r per-
mission to dose, in the porte- coch.ero on the service st tion at
Sunset and sled Roar', as per plans already submitted severa- months
ago. It was pointed out that in accordance with the provisions of
urd.c1i8,setnsct Dri e VMts designated an, arterial hiEhr;t•,y tfrith
certain Y ice -Prey. Brown suLL,' stcd' that Mr. Angerman
r,grce to remove at no e.gpons.. to the City ?;hat he now proposes to
build ins at such time a- the R/1,1 is actutilly Wantud. Lx. ; >tige:ri(an
was n,-t willin,6 to dc this, anu aftor a discussion, Councilrtan Faust,
seconood by Councilman Sapos, moved thst Mr:. "11gormun be per. itted
to close in thu builditrr, . :s per his duns. T,:otisn carried.
At this point Coi.uicilaixn I „splo jcit:iod the toeting.
L "r. Prank Vilk afJpv rod be;._`uvo the Council with a re(,uost for permit
to build a duplo :c en the lot at the back. of his homeo ln..smuch as this is
it2 an zone.? _ %,r one;- f- .1wily resi6et.ces, thy: tic ttar r: s referred to
the Advisi py voninL po x,3 for considerfition.
E ,t this tioint Cowtci2i_ai = -,ust ; s excaGed.
0. ' iss l vita; 3 set sUe1' -.°"-'V- t# c Council try; post-1vaar
plri rle" for tilit ct ru„ utxit ', sill- '' m-te” tAh.'A i..iJy de teria ' I o aynt t`?11"t is
iteC Cd t 3"c L' 1. ' i. Vii: ' sltt Oil str acta t� IOl .. ; �Ju Lugs t i&ft
y '
16 f wide that the City ccncentrate on a program for streets and
sidewalks, ,cuter and an inciner t, Ly putting in the t,aater lines
at the same time or before the street and sidewall. viork is under-
taken, much urn-iocossary duplication can i;e avcit ed,. 1x. Bliss ad-
vised a l in fur then money pp y � � y first, . st�tte.a th:A the pltauin�g oxpenses
usually run abe at 4!,a of the entire cost and that the City should put`
in for :12 000.00, out of which the government would furnish one-half
Councilman 1-6aple,s, seconded by Councilman Sapos, roved that the City make
ap; lic -).lion ::or post-oar pl:-n:ning fluids, as outlined: above. Motion
. letter from they P.)y Sc;.0 : headc u.urters re- _nesting financial assistance
for storm repairs at the camp -on anal per Creek was helc. until Fres ,
B.aarr( -,;, who is also :4cc,utais.itcr, could be present.!
A letter from the I:iami ":r. Chamber of Commerce, enclosing a copy of
their restlution favoring; the ;:1. citIE; of utility systems underground`
wherever pr;:ctical, ,O,,s read.
The Council decided that galapagos turtles2 crocodiles and alligators
wn ,uld not be desirable at a lucuti n on the highway just north ,af
Blue `Mater aanu turnei do% „rn a request for permission for such a farm
Reports of standing commit .ees were Lis follows:
Finance. G.K.
Suni.tati.on Trash pit gettin_r- strai_.htened taut.
Fire The question of ins,Iiectitzg service stations =or fire hazards
vas raised but it w. ;s pointed out that this is taken care of by
the state and country fire underwriters.
Police. Chief LcKinney reliortod that he is having; trouble with
the 600 Club in colored tG. ,in, selling to minors and probably also
selling 4hiskey but so f .,r t_Ley couldn't c:;teh them �Ati it They
also h-vc a Lunch '` young ' irl:, ht.;rl in,g; aroeaau thj } lz4ce , and all
the trouble in the l xst yic:. r has coi7c out cai that place. Zt was
l o; ed th'xt the pL ce ALht be closed on the grounds thc:t it is _a
nuisance, but ',`Jas decided to check, faith tty. "card on the matter
e.,nd act accordingly.
Chief L.cKinnoy also rai.iod the e uestion of the c:i osing: hours f r
the sale ,.f beer- and wines as set by the war emcrt;ency ordinanec
QMI U, s believo.., best to leave L;iem :.tit th..t.
truet:; G. F;arks Chairrilan Car os reporLeC. that quitc a bit of rill
had been given tho City Ax the Male., in star „e f the celorod tovin
streets any; th -.A it 1w s now being bou ht for 400 per yd, loaded on
thy; City's trat�h truck necir L. e twit.
Vice: -Frey. Crown led a discust:ion on then �aocwilUlit.” oil get'ting a
�ulldm,er from t4a .Army, and ,:heati«r n D -b v), uld ba large: amugh
tuilc nLs, .i, bruktun bca 1 it, t. ai,l -.wo ILL tIU' Tho
'UL'utio,x el` t!t, -ioot pl_.c . :� b �� tit , t a .exnu ii,x to be chackoti.
A Y. / "! CiecLI prepta*,1 ay tii:: C(,_i 3t;,' ainLlixur 'o o yicc -I for the cast
35 ft. 0.0 the." ltd € elles L`WI, u.hCt City tr,.,, ,'”, i. ir, Occ. 26
54 - 407 was presented. It vv .s- stated that -as soon as the necessary,
R /'" could be obtained, the 'Count— would extend Black Road south
from Miller. Councilr_ uzi Gladden7 seconded by Councilman Sapos,
Moved that the amity give the "'; /.,'. I?Totion carried by poll, as fc'llovis
Gladden yes Capos yes 1,1aples yo s, 13ro,rn yes
With a hearing, scheduled at "est Palm Beach on Tuesday, November 13
on the prop6sed merger of the F']C Ry. with the 'CT-, eltho the Du-
Pont interests hold 521") of the s'toc:r, Councilman. Gladden, seccnded
by Councilman ;')apos, moved 'th_ t the City go on record in favor of
the DuPont. interests getting control of the FEC'and that Resolution
#244, prepared by _;tty. Ward, as follows, be adopted. Motion carried.
RE SOLL 11C 1%T r#244
T112 CI'1Y tF St-UT-1 J°I.V'I..
I' J 'I� FL(1ZIJ: -:
THE.T, "1MMkS, •:c h,.ve been advised that there are now
pending be Fore the Interstate Commerce Comr ision applications by
several restective interests, one known as the DuPont inteiest
and the other known as the Atlantic Coa ,t line interest, for the
re- organization and acquisition of the control of the Florida
East Cost Razlaay, and
`}M,'.R . ?S, the effect of the control operation has been
considered by the City of South 1riami through its Commission and
Vayor, and
; ll'TtC h;3, this community, situated in the agricultural
region of Dude County, Florida, and served only by the Florida;
iAst Coast Railway, has a vital interest in the fait, and impartial
distribution of its products thl ough rail transportation vrith
diversion points to various parts of the United States vihere the
market is act.lve from time t. tircTo, and
. E, S, it is felt that, the best in-terec,ts of this ccm-
munity will be served if the contr Gl of the l.+lor ida Nast Coast
Rail,; �y is Cep-6 indeq?enti(:nt an(, seli:ar %.tc and apart fI'om any main .
line reilkia s such �. :.s atlantic Coact Line;.
N', ' V: 113?(1M, D IT 'a: C LzJ ;17 by the I',ayor and City
council h os ti htu
ithe legalrecuirorcnt,t.icIntorstteCommerce Co3isioll favr
the potitiOn o:` the DuPont plar� over th-A -t of the -atlantic Coast
�ifie to the and that the a�.iltrol ..f "ho 14ist :oast Railway
rtl..i;,' be iCCwy, -t in inclop- ardent hiAnds.
Lett ;jr front t.TG Cour t�.r :X:Vicc tL install
'lstop'0 si,, az at t.li# 4*Unset Drive intersoctiono ..fie 4th ..ve. alit%
The traffic light at Sunset and Red, which had been put an a blinker
basis during the war, as also t(, be checked for possibility of
putting bac, *_ on regular traffic signal basis.
It vans reporte6 th ;t tires from the surd :.lus governme nt stock had been
orderer?. This net with general approval.
The follo:°aing bills r% ;ere submitted for approval and payrile nt
BIL:,S , F.= Y.aFLT
November 1,_1945
'd. H. , .nge rman 1.50 elec . insp. #670
Biscayne Chemical L.b. 4. 00 100 soda
'Blue heaven 19.20 prisoners' meals 10 -1 to 10 -4
R. Chivers -
5 5 elec. insp. Dixie �-ig 4. 0 prisoners' meals 10 -7 -45'
Denning Seed Co. 7.36 hardware sul'.plies
Dorn - Martin Drug Co. 2. .30 light bulbs
Firestone Stores 1.48 gas cc mower belt
Fla-Power & Light Co street light bill for Oct. to
Foster Printing Co. be adjusted.
44.75 envelopes tax notices, re-
ceipts. car insp. records
Hector Supply Co. 23.26 latitin m6iier repairs
Holsum Lunch 54.00 prisoners' meals 10 -5 to 10 -31
Mood's Service net 103.11 gas & oil - Oct.
JL:A Kee -Lox 3.00 typewriter ribbon L cleanser
City of Miami 50.00 police radio - t et.
19ultiflora 'Gardens 5 -"00 flowers ".ard funeral.
A. C. Ia'cGarey 0 6.00 40 title transfers
Petty Cash 26.40 per itemized statement
0outhlri %mi Service Station 4;x.75 repairs,
So. Yiami gulf Service 33.90 repairs
Turner',; 4100 ft rope
'Totaling 450.21 payable out of GIE742R ,L 17114D
Councilman Gladdens seconded by Councilman Sapos7 moved that the
bills be paid as read. i.r tion carried by poll, as ff,llot7s
Gladden yes Sapos yes ISaples yei� Brown yes
There i.o ing no further business, the sue eting au j ourneu in rebulav
order at approximately 10 3u 1 .L.
Vice esdort ,Ci ty COW-1Cl
� :_ -� 0.., clerk