SVENMG, AUGUST 291 A.D. 1944 AT nrE
CITY HALL AT 8 s00 P. 1"'I.
The meetin was called, order by Vice-Pros. Faust, with Mayor
Vanderboegh and Councilmen ?3ostwick, Barrow, Bennett and Faust,t and
Atty. '•411. G. and H. F Ward respoidii- to roll call. Also present
were Messrs. Fuchsq, Llewellyn and Gautier on behalf of the South
Miami Riding Club.
Vice -Pres. Faust read the notice for the meetingi which had been
called for the purpose of further considering the CAMB11IDCR LAWNS
deal and for the consideration of a Resolution favoring the closing °
of all bars and package stores in Dade County for a period of twenty
four hours immediately following the Armistiee� and for any other
emergency business that might come before the_meetin,g
Atty. W. G. Ward gave an - outline of the problem as lie saw its which
briefly was as follows;
CAMBRIDGJP T 4' INS is a platted subdivision, with streets, etc. and in
this transaction about 388 lots are involved. City taxes have been_
delinquent since 1927 and States County and Drainage since 1926.,,fjThe
principal amount held by the City is now over $8,000.002 plus interest
and in'1939 the City purchased the State and County certificates under
the Murphy act. This did not include the taxes for 1926 (County) held
by an individual (McDonald) which on a redemption basis would amount
to approximately 44500.00 plus redemption costs. To foreclose the
City certificates, joining McDonald ins would be dangerous because in
a foreclosure anyone cou1,.; come in and with the AIW)ama Realty Co.
as owner spot check one lot out of each block so that the subdivision
would have to be maintauzed as such and could not be reverted to
acreage The property involved is now in a County foreclosure which
has been brought to a point where only three accounts are outstanding,;
(1) the City (2) the =everglades Drainage district2 and (3) one in-
dividual owner. Under the new law2 after the County takes title un-
der final decreeg the Act says that privately owned state certificates
share pro rata but privately owned municipal certificates were not
mentioned and the property would be subject to all other taxing districts
and must be offered at public sale for not less than 50% of the last
state and county valuation. If ,these lots are carried on the County
books at $40.00 each this would mean a minimum of 220.00 per lot plus
Court costs, and a prospective buyer would have to bid at least >$$t000
$9,,000.009 payable in cash, and at that price the City would get its pro
rata share and might be able to buildup about a $159000.00 value to-
gether with the County certificates and interest. Either under a
foreclosure or on a City tax deed the cash outlay would be ,about
$9,000.00 • He also stated that it might be advisable to try to 'buy
the It;cDonald certificates.
The next question was that of a lease, at about $100.00 per month and
IM6 on shorts, etc. , and 5`6 on operation income. Following a discussion
on this matter, Councilman Bennett recommended that the committees get
together and work out a lease f:.7r the ,consideration of the Full Council.
Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Bostwickq :moved that Atty.
.,ard draw ua.., a resolution providing for the closing of all bars mid