I13NiU2i3 01? TI'LJ .LM TL IR 1:]�TII1G. t.F 7I2 CITY
C0TTCIL C.i' ;S(17I1 sIAEI HELD TU JD7 Y 13V °.:;Id1RTG7
Jf TA 20, A. D. 1944 AT TIE- CITY TL�L: ;�T 8:00 P.II
The meeting; was called to order by I'res. .Brown] with Layor Vanderboeh
and Councilmen BarroW, Faust, nei -nlett and Z own and .,.tty. Ii. F. arc3
responding to roll call.
T.:inutes of the regular Meeting; of June 'b were approved as read.
L:r. . 1). Fuller of the F.P. L L Co. appear eid bef Ure the Council to
call attention to the fact that tie present c:,ntract fcr street lights
expires in July and suggested that the new cc.ntract be made to termin-
ate with the franchise in 1956, It was suggested. that he present a
new contract for ct,nsidcration,
At this point Councilman Bostwick joined the meeting.
A framed I icture together with short biographical sketch of 7. r. `.'. A.
Larkins, the ori- .`.nal settler of what is nog South ITiami, was presented
and Councilman Bost #.ric :, sec,,nded by Gouncilman Barrow, moved that the
picture be pro,_ er1.y hwii.; in the City ?Mall and a (letter of acceptance
and thanks -written to Fr. Larkins,. TJ. tion carriled.
Reports of standing ctmmittees .sere as fol1o;•ts
Finance: 'Absent
Sanitation: O.K. ,
Fire: Chairman Barrow st.ztod that they were still experiencing diffi-
culty v, its the , ump on the trailer. .
Police. Chairman Bennett reported that the nai, police car was about
ready to be pout into sorvice, so that the old one could be sold. He
State] that in accord.tnce with instructions given at the preceding
meeting;, the Cleric hud vrituon to three different firms asking for
bids or appraisal 'figurest to which no rusponscs were received.
Thereupon the Clerk followed up the letters with phone calls., only
to be told that the prospective ceiling price; to be effective July 10
were holding thorn all off and Huskamp Motor Co. wa- s the only one who
even ventured n lwricc, �750.00 as the best offer under the
circumstances. A representativo of Cunio I1 tors, of I.iami appeared
before the Council. at t41i.s point and of forod X755.00. Co�tYlcilman
Bost',1ick, sec .nded by Counci1nan Faust] moved that the City sell the
cur , stril j. ed of police cquil moat, to Cunio I°c,tors for -3755.009 the
City to have use : t` the cur until the new car is available t`cr service.
. otiott c :.mud by polyq as f(Alows:
Dostwi clr Je�u 'utar;rt,,w ye ; ?.'cant yes 71.onttett yes B1rc tin yGs
erects a aar ,s: Couttaiii,1211 Occoaaded by Uoancilr:: n Farrov,
moved that ran the racommeriJatioij ni." Chintio I r6. JlizaLcth . .
Je att ..e ,,ut on t:a�, payrol.L at ;60.00 per im_,nt:t �b of ( tine 21 as
Krtion c :Wrriuci POLL, as fo .-lo.Is:
. C
Bostwick yes Barrow yes Foust yes henn(AL yes Broun yes
'ith N. 2nd -Wad completed, Councilman Bostvick, seconded by Council;-
man Faust, fm vea that the City pay them i, 1500.00 on acc(.unt of the
contract total of yJ885.0u, hr.ldinL; back ..�385.00 pendin;•, final acceptance
of the job, and pay then •,175.00 for the pavinS jeb of the inLersectior
across fr�,m the Baker' . (N. 2nd 3t. cc Railroad), all out of the Reserve
Fund. Lotion carried by poll, as follows:
Bostilick yes Barrov yes Faust yes Bexu-iett yes Brown yes
Buildings: Nothii4; special to report.
Councilman Faust presented the reque,%A 02 gyred Grifia?7, who collects
� frC,l'i`1 County residents for a cilar"c, f,,;r i'ermiuuion to use the
a ���rbage
South i~,iami dump at a fee,, and offerin5i; tip put in a tractor to help
keep the pit in order. Considerable discussion followed and Coiu-icil
earl Bostidicn made the, motion that the City nut make any deal with
anyone to dump and, riore ;arbuLo into the pit at preseiA. There was
-no second to the motion but fUlowing further uiscussion on the matter,
Councilman Bostd +rick stated that he •,-wished it to remaalll a matter of
record and did nut care to withdraw his motion. Councilman Faust stated
that he vouid also like: to i:nves,tigAte furtaer before talon *, any action.
IWr. Johtl ;'J. Sapos appeared bef6re the Council regarding the road that
leads it'rt,- his ; lace from Ludlam Road. There is a 50 -ft. right -of -away
dedicated from Ludlam ?load for dist,51zice of 660 ft. east which at
present is a rocky ti-ail. -tn estimate, from Troup Brothers to clear
an It or 20 ft. road, grade and roll same, on 'a basis of l .bor and
equip:r ent, guaranteed the cost not to exceed ,11501.00, of which the
City, as owner of the north ;side of the R / ".' would have to bear half
the cost, and the property ovrners on the south would bear the other
half. Is the City has agreed to let the 80y Scouts use a portion of
the acreage adjoining this road, it w; s folt that this expenditure
Y;:� a1d be ��arrantcd at this tine, and Council lman naar rota, seconued by
Councilman. 'Denritott;, moved that the City go ahead ,with the project on
t-h ,t basis. :,.cation carried.
It was also agreed that the City sell 11. B. 8locomb the cast half
aac,, -e of that some tal,.�ct, on which ,a pax'L of his b,4rn rusts, but no
price was sot at this time It was suggested that the proceeds of
that sale be used `for the much - needed ,Boy Scout hut.
Thy follotaiii ; bikes wore submitted fur upprov:al and ptyr,ie.rats
Florida 'r'onrcr ., *,A ht Co. 166. X74 stVuot lights for ,,,Una
L. a L.1.:cn's ,;,ht ;p 9.95 '11 pr plants - A%ogcrs
C.F. i cBonald 6.00' lettari3v, new police C'X
City i" ::'arti ;
y � 53-00 "Police ac3i,, service, rune
A. C. ..cGaVOy 2.40 �abatr,Adt surfa ce
:tiewilanI a lo.r 5.1 pr. pants 1 eltoia
J. �0. yard y �f250.60 �att(,ruuyls i'eus for
bills CoL111Ci�„LcPi :r a3Ci wr,.L"�is1�., l50c. iuod by ouacilx,un .�w t, rc G- v'od tho bills be
, aiu as read. ; ..Aio-i carried by ,,ollt as f 1o1.;z