7,". 01'
1543 _'.T =,,
The moctinL was calluJ tt,,�`'' cr by Free. �r4 -yin with 1,' nor Varluerboeglz
and Councilman Gladdaiz, EI I-- 1,i 2 gust, Belv ett, '_ost;r clt X116 Er
ie;.�ponuirit to roll Cali.
Tres., Br own °road the notice for 't,st meeting; which had been called
fc,r the purpusu of taking action on the December bills.
'I "rle foll vrin ۥ, bills, accounts payuble to December 28, were
Bills, as of ire- cember 28'
abie's Lunch 30.60 prisoners' meals,
Collector of Internal Reven-
ue 119.10 uithholdinE tax for December
D. III. Grimes 25.00 25 health exams
Hicks ,:service a`ta,tion 3-50 oil, lubrici tioi s
Flood's aer'vice Otation 61 .14 oil, gas for :Dec.
Huskamp Mlotor Co. 2.25 repairs
nautzmanl - vernet Lumber Co. 1.99 lumber supplies
Pet-t,y Cash 18.57 petty cash expenditures for Itec
bailey- Viilam Co 4.60 flags
-•. Totaling 274.00' payable cut of GI2TZ: :;r, FUND
q 1nd 29.95 p aJ ' + ble �;ut Cf EIRI! FTJITD To General 7
for Civilian Defense expenditures
Councilman Gladden, secoliued by Councilman Barvow, moved that the bills
be pair as read, totother ,tit:. leE;itimatc iucrcases to :December 31,
as of -�)ecomber 31, "a Ovaer to ciosu "the boobs f,.r the semi - annul
audit. . ;:w,tion carried by poll, as folicrrs:
Gladuen yes Darrow yes Faust yes Bennett yes Dostwick yes Brown
Chuirm2n Faust repGrtud that I. C. (Cdo l 114d Liven notice tc; quit on
:)ecur,tbur- 31 in 6ruer to Lv to w,,rk for tl-w bal.ery. .It this point Coun-
cl3JI;un Chinn join,-6 thu racutini,,;. Follc.trinl a discussion as tc, s pos-
siblu sucejkUOr tc Ogaen oil t1jo trash truck the mecti k- was adjourned
in rc:gulur or6ur• :At af,l >r,xiawtuly t3:3O P -14.
F:600uant, Clty Launc'11
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