1943-12-21 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MTGMIIRJ`1' j Uri TIL CF `t I C!'f'Y C(.t�I'TCIL C.%Y SL 'T'11 I.:I.iI.I )ivLD TU11,11" ,�y „ I �T.FING, DiM, ' L a3:;:i 21, A.D. 1943 AT 'TE CITY rTAL' , X .00 F'.L. The meoting vas called to order by F res. BruV1n vith Councilmon Barrow, Faust, Bennett and Drcwn respondinZt, to roll call. Minutes of the rel ulfar meeting of December 7 were approved as read. At this point Councilman Bostwick: joine,6 the meeting. :Minutes of the special Meeting of December ,13 were al proved as read. ' I?eports of standiu ' c- ommitteos were as follows Finance .absent: Sanitation: Chairman Faust reported that the change in trash truck: drivers had Neon made effective December 16 and that I. C. Ogden was nOV on that job. Fire; Chairman Barrow warned that with the present cold, dry weather there are likely to be grass fires. Police 0. r.. 5tre,ts Sk Parks: "bsent. Councilman Faust reported that he had spoken with County Commissioner ? axson regardili ; the rorrid rej;air work discussed at the last t °ao meetings, and had been assured of favorable action if .' the City wi'l:i_ place its rec,uest in writing. Buildings. ifothi:i sr ocial to report. ` Councili €an Bost,.,iick called the Council's attention to the annual custorsi of giving the City employees a Christ=s bonus of , 10.00 each, and Council i -man Bennett, seconded by Council an Faust, moved that the City again give each employee the $10.00 Christmas check (less the withholdinL.' tax) , ° as heretofore. I,.otion carried by moll, as follst'rs Bostwick yes Bavrow yes Faust yes Bennett yes Brown ye The queation of the road repairs was again discussod, and the Clerk in- structod to see that a letter was written Commissioner Paxson, requesting the repairs. The following; bills wo o submitted for approval arid paywont c C. 3'. P.,cDc nald 20.00 paint and letter i-LL� honor roll with y6 names i �+ a.Po %jer o:. ',IrhtC-- 166.37 Dec. Strout I ectiorz records. Foster `s riaitint, Co. 12.00 000 car ins �l 'Ii� :iit bill City of I4.iami,.00 Uo1ic�V radio, Dec;. Totaliizg 251..37 payable out of T., F *2M Councilman Bc st.rickj socouded by Councils.,:.n r3ennatt, moved that the bills be , .aiu as read. Lotion carried by poll as fallo-, s �� Boss., °aick yeas r;arrcrtt yes � ixust yes Bi.:tuYC,tL yos Brc,wn yc,s