1943-11-16 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MTGI' :IIn7T,�S CAF Trig 12. CIIL.,It ?' �TIIfO CF ^1?
C.;.`. Y Ct UNCIL (•F 'S,
UPD11 I '" 3I'I ii.JL) TLry Y
AV; 3'17I1 162 'A D. 1043 ,T Tim
C.I Y IIALL AT & : 00 F . M .
The meeting :das called to (.rdor by 'res. Brown ulith Councilman
Bostwick, Barrow, Chitin and Brown resp6xidil -ig to roll call.
The minutes of the regular meeting of IJovember 2 'were ;approved
as read..
Reports of standing; committees were as follol.�Is
Finance. Absent
Sanitation: Absent
Fire-. Averythine in rrood shape.
Police: Absent
Stregts & Parks. Chairman Chinn br,)uLht u,, the matter of the street
light bill, reading tho letter 'bitten by �tty. '. and to the Fla.'
Folder e. Light Co., regarding; the dim -out schedule on street lights
?,:r. Fuller, of the Fla. "Lower e,: Light Co. 'vas present and stated. that
the street lights had been changed back to full sti enE. th befOre. re-
ceipt of 3tty. 'lard's letter, but if the Council desires, the Company
change tho .li €fhts back: tc the dim -out schedule until such time
as the dim -out regulations are officially lifted, and should this
take place before the end of the City's fiscal year, stated it woul,,
also be agreeable to them, to hold over payment of any amount due
over the budirot allotment.
Buildings. hairnlan Bost,aicli reportcO ' he 'dal stiff looking for a
car crater to builO and hang the bulletin board next to the drug,- store.
Councilman Chinn rreportod on the 'meeting; of the Dade County Health
Unit, ; ,Ahich held adopted as its project for the ensuing mont;rs the
control of rats, mrsquitoe;3 and gax,bage disposal. lie also stated
that Dr. Cato had giveii a report of his acidivities.
The Cleri: reported that a ro,,roscnt;itive of the R.L. Polk Co. had
visited the City Eall t�.s mako arrangements ftr the 1944 directory
workers, and Councilman Busttwick, seconded by Councilman Barrow,
moved that the City order a directory at a cost of X24.00. Motion
There was a discussion ret;ar:ding'a newspaper article in which an air-
port in ;3outh Liami was r,ientionud, and question raised as to the
speci?'ic location, but no definit,: iii crr.iat:ion or knowledgo vas
Councilmm-1 Mstwick, secon,.e z by Councilman Chitin, moved that the
folluving bill be approved and paid:
Florid; k otrer =-irht Cog' any 166.37 Street: lights fox- Nov.
Motion carried by poll., as follor..is
• Bost 7y f z yc;s i'%.wrow ytss Chinn yof; €1rotwn yes
Th%a a u-itVr no furt.ver 1 utititczog the utI11r 'waab adjotu'1'ud in rogul.ar
y r�'osid .at, yCYty Ct�ltriC�.l.
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