L.UTUT S (,F 'AIL R:]GUT,. 1 :;::,79W lF T' E
CITE Ct L S(UTTt T 'd,'I I,y LB TU`" )D1Z
��T.:ITI .G F.,T3?xTr:�'Y 2, A.D. 194 AT T ,a
CITY HALL AT 8:00 M. .
The meet iq.:, was called to order by Z✓re::.' Faust with L'c -yor V „nderboe��"e”
w-id Councilmen Gladden, hrc,an,, Bostuick, Chinn, Fei�uiett arid'' :must
responding to roll call.
L;inutes of the regular, muetiraj• of «anuary�.1J'_were apprcved as read.
n card of thanks from L:rs. Emma L.(--.eks, mother of kugh ;'; r;, ins, rotas
Councilman Bennett stated that military services were held at the
grave; for .' ugh ;tig�rIns, °and that his mother had asked him to turn
ever to the City the casket fl,jk; in memory of her son. Councilman
Bostwick, seconded by Councilman Brown,, moved that thu flag be ac-
cepted, to be flown on, special occasions, and a letter of thanks
viritten Tors. Leeks.. Motion carried.
The letter from _.tty. ;lard re�,.ardi.nr the realignment of the City's
boundaries in the next session of the ''Lepislature was tabled until
Atty. "'Ord could be present.
Mayor VanderboeEh broa(r :h.t ur, the matter of the book carnj aign being
sponsored by the Red Cross and it was decided to ask the Boy Scouts
and other local organizE `t,ions to take p.tr t in it.:
The Clerk reported that �atty Adams for the bus com; any had called
to rer ort that the mileage limitation on the new buses had been cut,
and permission given to run an additiwial 1000 miles per month, each.
.Lieports of standing; committees -..ere as follows:
Finance: U.K.
;�anitat roil : (r . t.
Fire. C.r.K.
Police. Everything under control
Streets & !?arks: L.K.
Bu ldin ,s: Uno permit issued for a chicken house.
Courcir.man Brocn7 statud hat it was time fors the Boy Scout troop-to
renew its charter and ma&e the mct, on, seconded by Counciimaia BostvAc , _
thL: t the Council again sponsor the Troop for the ccminjj yt -,tx. Lotion
Mayor Vtinderbough b,- ouilit ut the i u:,�sti n of a curfew for the younger
girls, but it dcciued t6 think: the MZ1 ;tt,Ur ovor hefcre taking any
Gel inite, , c t- on .
The fc llowin, r bill.,; were SUbLyi ttud fc r 4x 1 r , val ::.tata
J'a1 W-1',* 319 1�4
Aiu I s Lunch 36.6U I rise riers' T:7uals, .' at
Bryant c fficc 3sa .p iii:, 7-15 j "Ot:Aic. ery Sul, plies
CEaniriz.t4n's Service Sta. 6.,05 Repairs - S�nitr:ry Truck -
Clark's Standard Service Sta..
(gross) " -- 72.50 gas and c.il, January
Firestone t*utr) Supply 20.2; repairs - School Bus
I�armon' s Inc. . c'7 riaps
huskam$ Lotor Cc: 8.30 Repa .is - Police car
City of i ianii 53.00 tolice Rad o, Jan.
II. Covens 4.'j0 ltadio Repairs, Folice
Petty Cash_
Rails T -Elam - x-7.69 per itemizeci statement
S -- - 41.69 fla
221.70 - pay,;ble out of G3151RAL FUND
Councilman Gladden, seconded by Councilman Bostwick, moved th ,,:t the
bills be paid as read, 110tion carried by poll, as fc ljows
Gladden yes Brown yes Bostwick ,yes Chinn yes Bennett yes Faust yes.
There beinE no further business, the meeting was adjourned in regular
—%P, dent Sit Council