1942-12-29 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MTG4Q' MINUTE OF TM sFLCI z, r.33TI G CF THE CITY CGLWCIL OF SWTH I01Mf.I HELD TT:rS- DAY WBUING1. DI CLIIEER 29, A.D. 1942 AT TIE CITY HALL T 8 :o0 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Pres. Faust, with Mayor Vander boegh and Councilmen Bostwick, Brown, Bennett, Chinn and Faust responding to roll call. Pres. Faust ,read the notice for the meeting which had been called for the purpose of taking action on the. December bills and to con- sider extension of the 'curfew for one hour on December 31 Idinutes`of the regular meeting of December 15 were approved as read. , The following bills for purchases through December. 28 were read:- Abie's Lunch Room 11.10 prisoners' meals Community Market 4.87 wash tubs and soap Dorn - Martin Drug Co. .j0 light bulbs Firestone Supply & Service 19.25 repairs to trash truck D. H. Grimes,'M.D. 19.00 19 health exams Hicks Service Station 1.25;lubrication & grease Huskamp Motor Co 16.80 brake job on police car Huskamp Motor Co. not over 100.00 for viork to police car being done Hood's Service Station 64.80 gas & oil L. & L. M-en's Shop, 35.80 4 pr. pants (police) C. P. McDonald 6.00 two traffic signs Multiflora Gardens '5.00 flowers, Dutcher funeral Petty Cash - 16.26 December items Railey- Mli'lam Co. 8.64 wash tubs Shuman's .15 crust pan In addition to the above, Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Bostwick moved that the usual Christmas bonus of $10.00 be paid the City empioyees, as in past years, and added 'to the above bills, for C.K. Motion carried. Councilman Bostwick, seconded by Councilman Brown, moved that the bills as read, together faith any legitimate increases for the bal- ance of the month, and as amended, be paid. I1.1otion carried by poll, as follows: Bostwick yep Brown yes Bennett yes China yes Faust yes The letter from Admiral Kauffman, authorizing extension of the .curfew for one hour only on Neva Year's eve, was read, and Councilman Bost wick,seconded by 6ouncilman Bennett, moved that the City agree to the extension, as per the letter. Mloton carried. There being no further business, the meeting wtis adjourned in regular order at approximately 8:30 P.r:o Prtideat, City Council