1941-12-30 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MTGI`IPJi iTES GF TIM SPF,CI_ L 12ETING bF T'r CITY COUNCIL OF TIT2 CITY CF SGITTH I�'IAIJ. ;LD TUESDAY S1EHING, DBC- ,b3-_;i 302 A.D. 1941 AT THE CITY HALL AT 8x:00 P. Ise.; The meeting was called to order by Pres. Vanderboegh, with Mayor Glass and Councilmen Gladden, Bost -wick, Brown, Faust, Beav1ett and Vanderboegh present Pres. Vanderboegh read the notice for the meeting which had been called for the purpose of transacting any business that might have come before the regular meeting of December lo, which was not held for lack of a quorum, and for the purpose of taking action on the December bills. I;ainutes of the regular meeting of December 2, of the special meeting of December 9, and report of lack of quorum on December 169 were respectively read and approved.. A,� iscussion regarding the informal action taken regarding the proposed air- port at Galloway and ?;,il"ler roads resulted in general agreement with the action taken in opposing that development at that location. 4i application for a beer license at 602 N. 2nd' Rd., by Ethel Curry, and endorsed by the police department, was presented and 'Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Bostwick2 moved that the license be granted. tfotion carried. )Councilman Bostwick, seconded by Councilman Brown, moved that the adjustment of taxes per Resol7tion xe190, be approved on Lots 12, 132 20 to 26 incl Blk 2 ZST. LKIN PARK. I7otion. carried by poll, as follows. Gladden yes Bostwick yes Brown yes Faust yes Bennett yes Vanderboegh yes Councilman Glad 'n, s co ,,V by Councilman.Bestwick, moved that `the City purchase a.194 d re cry for $21.00 end authorize the Cleric to send in the purchase order. lotion carried. Reports of standing corunittees were as follows Finance: G.K. Sanitation:- C.X. Fire: C.I. Police: Chairman Bennett stated that he would like to put on another man until Officer Roby is able to core backv and put L eltdn back on his regular job as fireman, and relieving his substitute, L. Ericson. He presented an ar'Plication frwii ;y. 1,7. LO:inney and f0110--ling a discussion, Councilman Bennett, seconded by Ccunciltt.an 130sttvidk, moved that 2o U. 37,0linney be appointed as OTAI Put -IRY police oi'ficer, at a salary of .;,100.000 effective d'snuary 1. Z.otion carried by poll, as follows: Gladden yes tustWick yes Brb::n yes I`'aust ;fie: Bentiett yes Vander- roo Vander- r boegh Yes - Munci. !an Betinett their repast-tied that nt rest once to a rdqucst from the �wltCfts iagit4j•;, CO' Vie" SISCLCia1 sz2'Viftj arr�" it et�,a:3rts :',Ld been Glade Uhereby the baker nn�! ayy yy�� a�y �+y^e y - y� p j a }�. //yy Y+{{ ({� / /� per} y y 'OYV I..4�y 't�'k4 brit y W.s iVd�P4'1 tiiVil4i`.� YwIl.L tt�3` t ttytrl r Osselman, i John Barrs7 and lfred Schulz had been appointed as special guards at a , salary of X100.00 per month and sworn in December 15. Councilman Gladdeniz� Aeconded by Councilman Bostwick] mo,ed that the action be approved and the arran`ement continued i.ndefinitely7 the Bakery to pay for this service ce one month in advance and give ,a month's notice for its discontinuance. lotion carried by ,polls as follOINS Gladden yes Bostwick yes Brown yes Faust _yes DernZett yes Vanderboe€h ye Streets &Parks': absent Councilman -Brown brought up the question of needs for first aid, bomb shelters, places for mapst etc.i suggesting that an adequate bomb shelter Miaht ''be m de out of the rock pit at the Community Par 14 was dec-c4eJ � F cast O% ;b- .'d:rq, tl�roo n sdj.cawf- •I. v(c jaa v3r a, chn�t room, The question of paper salvage had been raised and Mayor Glass reported that Coral Gables was netting around $10(1.60 per week from this source7 and that Levine $ at 3 -6159 would furnish the binder and wire and Thomas ,t at Ir iami 1'v:ills - -8 -2422 would buy the baked paper "I delivered at his plant. It was left up to Councilman Faust$ head of the Sanitary Dept. to look into this. yuildings O.K. The ouestion of additional liability ,insurance was held over: Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman ostvicl , r.ioved that the City set x pup a "50.00 credit for the Legion Pos`L' � in appi ec-D ation of the services it has rendered. i;ot on carried by pq'11, as c;1lo.rs Gladden yess Bosttnjick yes E.roxin yes Faust yeas Dennett yes IanderboeLst yes Gtunci titan Bennett reported p:Li bull w.�es aLai n the !i.o � - action taken subsequent to't i! last nt_etitIL2 tdlr ix a license had been regUe: stedI stati`n6 that he, as head Of the oolice de partment, and Fayor Glass had ,ointly instructed (,after coz7.iferritj with the City yttorneyr) the City Clerk not to issue any licenses fox, ,such riachines. it was agreed tijat the action taken be upheld and any applications fOr sucii licenses be turxietl down —1th the City tert.tinatinL the ;first 11,11, of its fiscal year on December 31 th4, f,ollovil"L bills to Jecomber- 30 Were submitted: Lryant's Corner Serv. Station 4.49 Biscayne r.I'ont a Awning Co. 3.50 The u. C. CLuk 'rrintin,.; Co. 12.50 J. P. Ci:niik•ton •75 '_. 0. Caning ton X1.15 Chamber of Coriaterce 375.20 Dt;= -* c31 tin Orin CO. • Virestwle Autp Supply svice. 16.07 lol,ida Po,vjev c, L-I t,lt Gtr. X5.16 _ G. & . CLaaners 20.00 C. 3. '.1arvey2 Jr. 16.,17 Iiubittti'u�r+rittli 5.00 xskwttt 1 Ciir(5r CCa 16.25 4 Hood's :3ervice Station 2.40 Kautzmami- Vernet Lumber Co,` 8.61 Hobart ;.tiller 7.15 City (.rf Yiami 50.00 Votor Vehicle Commissioner 11.25 Municipal Finance*,- Officers' Association 5.00 a. T. Price 15.30 Petty Cash 24.16 Riviera Service Station 4 70 Railey- Mlilam 6.98 S, P'. Reese 26.10 Saunders T (J:•te . and Paint Co. 21.75 Sinclair Refining Co. 8452u Seminole Paper Co. 16.99 Shuman I s 1.86 Universal Credit Co 223.88 Iix's. Geo. :ieoand, Sr., 101.70 ;,l iitley, *,.s Supply 15.00 ;. Totaling 11305.09' Councilman Gladden, seconded by 'Councilman Bosttv'icnj then moved that the b lls as read, to ;ether with additional amounts that may be incurred thru December 31, be approved and paid. Irotion; carried by poll, as follows: Gladden yes Bostwick yes Brown yes Faust yes Bennett ye Vandorbovgh yes 'Councilman Gladden, seconded by Councilman Bostl;)ick, moved that the $10.00 (checks for a Christm s bonus issued the City employeed be O.K.►d. Motion, carried by poll, as follovis Gladden yes BostiNick yes Brown yes Faust yes • Bennett yes Vanderboegh yes There veiny no further business the me;:ting was adjourned in regular order at approximately 10:0.5 P.M. resident -city oun 1 X., TEST city C r � _r