1940-07-23 MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MTGPIITTUTES LF TT, SI "MIL P E 2I 1TG CF T.TL' CITY CL�Ul'TCIL C.F T1:1 C'ICY Cr, SCUT , I IAI1.c '° . :U TUESDAY L'V31?11'G9 JU wY 237 lo40 AT TIC CITY Kai-_L _ ,iT 8:aa P.r. The meeting was called to order by 1re•s. Vanderboegh with Maycr Glass, Councilman Gladden, Bostwick, Bryant, Core., Eex -mett, and %anderboegh and Atty. K. G. .yard present, Pre a. Vanderboogh read the notice for the meeting, which had been called for the purpose of taking final action on tide 1940 -1941 budget and on the plat of 12VIR NCE $t M,].';TTES and for any 'e,..ergency business that may arise Following consideration of the subriiitted plat of T- AI,iIiLP ?CE 11C,`,,E"'IT S and approval by the Attorney, as to dedications, Counci,.,an Gladden, seconded by Councilman Bennett, moved that Resolution x,'199 be read'. 1t.otion carried. Esc- , T'IC i;" 11C . 199 A RESOT_UM N Ai 7•mwuNG AND 1CCEPIP119CI A tom, T C F I ­%-M1,T ,, k a F,SITE EXECUTED BY LRS C., r'. IAC1 ti,Iti CE, A ;'l IDC ;J, MM DIRECTING THE Ii +_YCR :'_. T12 CITY C: "_._'R OF AND CIT BEE y.l: F L.F T! CITY" (.F . C.UTFi I.L1.1 'T'0 AFFIX UT 011 S JD 3 _AT T-EEIR IESS BCT'IVE SI'G,,ATi;.t2S ST IC CI FICL'I�a T4G, TTY;: I`v'T' TIC CITY'S SM71 , LE IT R2SLLV:]D DY T112 Pc i_'LR ;C1"i Ti,E CITY CLU71 -QI" C-F Tim CITY" 1. ?YTMM, AS, Pairs. C. W. Lawrence, a ividoy.i, is the title holder of the N of FQy of El of NIIZ, of ICvl of Sec. 36- 54 -40, and 2. WIEREAS, the sr,..id Lrs. C. W. Lawrence, a widow, has caused to be prepared a plat of :, ' MITCE %TL MITE:' the same being a sub- division of the said IVY of L.2 of E of DI;Ir of Iv -,, Sec. 36- 54 -40, and 3. the staid Mr& C. r'f. Lawrence,; a widowy has submitted said plat of Lk:rR2NC8, ;,u11231.�2 "Z' S3, properly executedg for the City's apj r'oval and acceptance and 4. 11 w:aS, the Advisory Committee fonds that said Flat con forms, to all requirer..ents of zoning and rriEht -of -way dedicat .ons and recon.kienas its acceptance, 0,11 T 71't, ,F ing "E IT :�; :-G LT 3) by the P.'ayor and the City; Council of the City of South LILW1 1ii, lorida, that the I'ayor and the City Clerk, respectively, be and they are hereby 'autho-- zed to a:'fix their_ sJf "Tlatur, ti s such officer's, tq- utiier with the seal h f the City of q� .r.�''outh Ff iar,,i o to said P.wa it,i Pri1s+"•" "J ,*ij ..A :1 8,D this 2') r��� oi.. i�u �.�,...t•� -I). 1S,1Q Councilman Gladden,g; seconded by Councilman Bennett, then moved that q Councilman Gl 99 be adopted as read. Motion carried . Is emergency business, the app-Acstion for a package liquor store license of Geo. 111. ,Foy was next cci sider•ed. Mr. Troy Davis, attorney for n:r. Foy, spoke on hid client's beha,l.f. Councilman. Bennett stated that another ap...lication had been turned down a week ago because the location was within 300 ft. of the playE;round, that the City had agreed six 'Weeps aE.o to purchase 1 roperty for an addition to the playground which Will be within 300 ft. of this new location, nand raised the question as tc rghet•ner the. ordinance settinL• this lir,titatiun ;aculd hold 'tty. :card str.ted tyiat in his 01:,iniun it .jcu.�d he Ld, anti accordingly the a _; lication was turned down and .r. F(.y tend_red the return of his p,or'ey.' Councilmen Gladder,, seconded by Council Bostwick, moved that Ordinance 125., caption of which fol.L.ows, be placed on third nd final reading in its entirety. Lotion carries. CtRD UL I CE U(. 125 _U'.(Px sTIC cj>>r-,z.e (F TIM CITY C Y . U L Ti? .79,.1 K-o TIE YE _R MGIDT1TIE -G JMY 17 A.D. 1940 <jTj) ..;_';h,G Jf -ME 309 ,".D. 1941. then Councilman Gladden, seconded by Councilman Bostwic;�, moved that Grdinance x#125 be adopted as read. i. ,'oticn carried by poll, as follows: Gladden yes Bostwick Sees Bryant yes Come yes Bennett yes Vanderboegh yes in accordance with the offer of a 5% discount for immediate payment of -the siren and motor, per letter from "oir S Timmerman, to Council- man ,BrowzI Councilman Bostwick, seconded by Councilman Gladden moved that check for $147.25 be issued to Roy S. Tiam,erman in full payment of siren and motor. P•_otion carried by poll, as follows: Gladden yes Bostwick yes Brytint yes . Core yes. Bennett yes Vanderboegh yes Councilman Bostvvickf seconded by Counciin,an Gladden, mov.:d that checks be inc�uded in the end of t..e ctonth payrclls, for V`irgir.ia Fleck. and Xavold wnelleyg Jr.9 at t..e rate old iq per hLur for time put in. Eotion carried by pollq 2s follovvs,e Gladden yes Bostwick yes Bryant yes Core yet; Bennett yes Vantrerboegh yep There being no further business, the u;eetinr was Ajc,urned at approxi- mately 9 CL PA".. : t�eLetY� by xnc� Cu; dWri