1933-05-06 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MTG(Jo 6 SPECIAL I.MC di G of the City Council of the City of South ;,,iami -, held at the City Hall I: ay dth, 1 933 at S.00 of clock P.3.:. The Meeting was called at the instance of ;ayor George L. Peacock for the purpose of taking action on (ordinance I)o 64 pertaining to the !'ualifications of electors, and other business mattersg3vhichfray arise» The meeting was called to order by the .nresi.dent of the council,;' Iir. Beavers those present being Yayor Peacock said Councilmen Yarborough, Chubbuck, Schmacker, :'lest, Eetger and Beaver. Councilman Metger presented to the council Reso3:uti6n 17o 86, a copy of which follows, and moved for its adoption. Councilman Yarborough" u seconded the motion and the vote being in the affirmative the said Resolution I3o 86 was adopted the vote being as follms; Yarborough yes ,7est yes Chubbuck no I9etger Yes Sclnnacker yes Beaver yes Resolution °Iio 85 Y Where as at the instance of this Council there is now pending an the Legislature of the State of Florida, 'a bill known as Izouse Bill No. _ , proposing to c retract the limits Of the City of ;ouch T„ ami and after further consideration it is deemed advisable anO desirous to so amend said bill so that the Corporate bouix1ary of sail: city stall be as follon,-s- ` To .'it. Begin at the SO Corner of the I11-2j' of Section 36, Tovrnship 54 South, ` Range 40 L. thence '.'West with- the center line of said section 36 to the South: west corner of the North-west s of said Section 36, then follar the calls in the Bill 'as fo1'laas And ;West 'aloil�; the South lire (if the D.. of the N!1 of Section 35 Tovazshi 54 oath i ffe 40 :±ast to the corner o the s f S £ e t .� o • P • � ask., , o , �. the NE of said Secti on 35, thence North along, the West line of the :ast of the NE : of the said Sect ini 35, and along the "lest 'line of the East of the ;E 'i of Section 26, Tmms)tip 54 0outh, Range 40 , Wa st, and the i',est line o. tho lAst of the 1 ?L-,I, of said ,,ection 26 to thy North -west corner of the aforesaid East Ir'o£ the I;1, of said erection 1&, thence Past along the North line of the ..ast * of the 17 , o P- -.aid lect ion 26 to tl'e I orth east corner thereof- Beim also described as the 3out1v;est corner of .,eet ion 24, Township 54 South, ,Ian1^o 40 'Writ, thence 14orth alon {e the "lest line of Section ?.?r, Toannshiv 54 South, itani� °c 40 ';ast, to the Itorthnvest corner or' sai,. Sect ir'n 24, thence &st a.lonf^ the North line o said Sect ion 24 to its irnters eat ion with the 'West IIre o f Red ',oad (as now laic( out and e- onstructed) , °', a.ce South; a;lo.nl tl,* ',,:"est 11.,,e cf fed ;1md to Its , ;tersectl,:nwi.th the .oath line o.` .:inset :w-d, vnence easterly along and vr'th the soutli lire of sunset :load to the intersection thereof wit., tho :.fist li-,e f, a ! 3ecti -A 369 TTwnst, =,1i 54 south, laYg -e 40 '-Ast, thence son:tn alonf- t.:e hst li?'nA of salC Sect ion 36, to th "ad corner of the ,y ; of the said 3ootl ^n "u6.; Thereforkr o ~t resolved by t: -Jz 111ruicil that :*r. ♦+ - 04 Bnav6r, 5;,u t », and :;t 's hiur`t:by authorizf :d, Old ,sroctOd to regl;nst tl,o ,ovislators ba.viii sr_io Bill in IU1xt'01 to :b any::. ;; oa.W ltmj:e Bill ylo. _. , so t }mot it ui }lei, AL * e : °ty'rpo,nte t rutAttr,- ce ti,e AMtj ei' 3�antis :. at�i its f�.erein A o sal. Vi .- -Uh• , Councilmen Yarborough xaoved that ,Ordinance ITo. 64, the caption of fn is: t +Psi Ordinance definiYC what constitutes a resident of the City of outh B'iami, xlorid'a, and defining the qualifications of an elector of said ;ity, and nrescrib irg a male to determine whether- or not a person has surrendered his or k-,er citizenship? " be placed upon third reading. TIC r.otion was s y T carried unanimously. seconded b �' oiuicilmau �.etger, an The o,ctuiance we then given its third reading. ;;ouncilman I�etger; offered the r;oti n, vilach rras seconded by Councilman ''arborough that Ordinance I3o. 64 be adopted as read. The motion was carried by a poll o_' the vote as follows; Yarborou0i yes West yes Chuobuck yes Yet er yes achmacker yes ldhma6zer yes There being no further business the meeting adjnurned in regular order. b� P es del of the City •;ounc110 Attest ; V City Glerk. it