1933-03-07 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MTG•r Cr' ^:7x ^1^Y aCll:i T,1i�,? "'I . "; 'IT" C1TY arA7T. mTxrb"�sV, !.A_11011: 7, 1933 6:CO p r= The meeting; was called to order I,;r t?iE: pies tint c" the coi,ncil, 7,r. Beaver. Those present were I..ayor PeacocX and Councilmen Yarborouch "Chubbucls, ^chmacker, ';'est, Oordell, , ;_et -er and ;,eaver' The 'city Cleric read the minutes of the last re €:uler neetin €; of the City council held February 21st, 1933 and of the organization meeting of the newly elected council held '..;arch 1 st at 12:00 o� clock Moon, and of thr-- adjourned meeting held ?,arch 1 st at ©-00 O'clock P.':'.. councilman Yarborou €;h moved that the minutes be adopted as read. 'ouncllman ;.:et €;er seconded the motion which was carried with no dissenting votes. T;non the snzg€;esticn of the presi6ent of the council, ,.:r. Beever, that the council should elect a -Vice president of the council as provided by a provision of the City Charter to that effect, 7ouncilman •9est r:^oved that Yarborough be elected Vice president of the council. The motion was seconded by councilman Cordell and upon being nut to vote carried unanimously. The following resolution wr.s presented to the council and reed by councilmaan Yarborough:- gAf Resolution ilo Whereas, This council was elected with the tentative understanding that it would seek a contraction of the present 01t;t limit's; and., whereas;, this council is desirous of complying with the wishes of the citizens of the City of South Miami as expressed by their votes at the polls; and, whereas,, it is the opinion of this council that the territorial boundary of said City should be reduced or contracted to that the smith half of section 36, all of sections 35 and 26, all in township 54 S of range 40 7., and all of Section 1 of Tvm 55 3 of 71ange 40 T,,,. all of which said tracts are''included in and comprise a, part of the corporate limits of South ,'.iami, should be eliminated thero,irom; No N7, therefore;, b6 it resolved by the City council of the City of South Iliami Florida that the City Clergy be and he is hereby directed to have inserted in the 1!iami herald, a Yews paper published in. Dade County, Florida, for the time recuired by lain, notice that it is the intention of this council to petition, the Legislature of the State of Florida at its 1933 session for the enactment of a late contracting- the territorial limits of said Oity of South l:iami Florida by eliminatin€' therefrom said above described tracts of land, or along other lines, if deemed to be more equitable or desirable. r' {° Following; the reading of the above resolution, ;7auncilnan Yarborough moved that the said .resolution be ndonted. The motion was sr;condod by councilman I.etger and was carried. Councilman Chubbuc% moved that the City lerk be instructed to vritethe County commission requesting that the road Imown as Burtashary street be extended across the Canbrid;;e I.at;ms canal by fillint* in the canal at that point sufficiently wide for 'the road wary using; a system of culverts for x.eepiil the east end of the cainal open. The motion wP.s seconded by rouncilran Yarborough and was carried unanimously. Councilman Yarborough IwAde the motion that the City ' lerir be authorized to pay salaries of :ity employees 'e.s they come dtie withczt other action by the council. Shp motion was seconded by councilman ' eot and was carried unanimously by a poll of t}:e vote as follOWS Yarborough yes �,*lubbuck yes ;ord ll yea ebmacter yea ;:e g or yez `leaver ..es A ,:otion 'vas made by couiloiliran lchi.Acker that the ^lerk be in structed -'to have prepared an indexed book of ordinances of the :ity of South 'Mami, Florida to be kept with the records of the r;ity;. The motion was.seconded by councilman Yarborough and was carried unanimously. I..ayor Peacock read the traffic ref_ulations ordinance to the council and urged that the police department *rake necessary effort to curb speed- -ing and reckless driving of rotor vehicles on the streets of the city. He also arniounced that he had instructed the CJ Ief of Police to have two signs t� painted to be placed at each end of Red road at the dity Limits to warm against violation of the speed lags Councilman "lest moved that the, said signs be painted under the direction of the I,:ayorq The motion was seconded by councilman Schrracker and. was carried. Councilran Oordell made a motion which was seconded by councilman y Sc]=Acker, that the propesit on of .-:r Sherley that the amity council permit him to inaintain his hog ranch at 4�ts present location. be tabled until the next meeting of the Council. The motion was carried.- There being no further business the meeting adjourned in regular order. rrbsiCPnt of the 9cuncil ATTEST • ^ity „t.1prIG