Held at the City Iia:ll February 21 , 1933 at 4:00 O9 Clock P. ?'
The Meeting y ^president of the council, L:r.'Lindley. r d
Those” pre sent were: I'ayorF Foster and e.,ouncilmen An6erman, O'hubbuck, Schmseker,;
Smith, $urtashaw, Red, and Lindley.
The president instructed the clerk to read the minutes of the last
regular meeting of the council held February, 7th, 1933 and of the meeting of
February 20th, 1933 which was called fo • the purpose of canvassing the returns
of the municipal election held February 14, 1933. The minutes'iiere read and
approved as read.
The president then called for the report of the committee appointed
at the last regular meeting of the city council to investigate the reduction
of the number of street lights as proposed. The committee reported that there
was a need for the reduction of the number of lights in order to cut the costs of maintainance but that it was advisable to leave the matter in the hands of
the newly elected council:
Councilman -.led then made a motion_ which was seconded by councilman
Schmacker that the report of the committee be accepted and that the committee
be discharged. The motion carried.
At this time members of the retiring city council were asked to make
a few remarks concerning their association with the city government during the
past two years. Each expressed their satisfaction with the statid the council
had taken in the matters pertaining to the welfare of the city and that all
stood firmly behind the nm7 city council and in suprort of the city government
Councilman Chubbuck, after reviewing the work of the council and especially
the mayor and president of the council, asked for a rising vote of the council
in appreciation of the faithful service these 'officials'haA rendered. The vote
was unanimous.
The following bills were placed before the council by the clerk for
Election Board Administration; 16.00
(J. R. (:ollar, G. 7I. Shelley, I. C;. Henderson
and A. L. Bridges)
Southern Printers Administration 3.50,
Sinclair Oil Company Pollee dept 3.30'
7. A. roster Police Dept 21.00
Carl Helmer Jr. Administration 15.00:'
Jesse :led I`ire Dept 3.00
0ouncilrtm ?led moved that the above bills lie allowed and that the clerk
be instructed to issue checks in payment of :same. The motion was seconded by
councilman Scivnacker and the vote was polled as follows:-
Azngerrrnn yes Smith yes
Chubbuck yes Burtashaw yes
Bc4!t cker yes aed yes
Lindley yea
Councilman 'led moved that the clerk be instructed to inform the stete
road engineers that the City Council desires that the caution light pedestal
on the highway be replaced at such place as riiy be determined. The notion vras
seconded by councilman Smith ank -m.- carried.
Councilman ?led placed before the eit,y council for Ito first ro,dinr,
Ordinance s:o � 14 the caption of which is:-
An Ordinance defining what constitutes a resident of the lit.,,* bt louth
Florida and defining the qa llrlcati.ens of an elector of said ;ftkr and
prescribinh a rule to determine t7hether or not a person has surronderLid hAn