Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South P" iami, Vla..
at City Hall, South Miami, F'la. August 2nd, 1932 at 8, P.111
Present were R. J. Lindley president og the Council, and Councilmen, Peacock,
Shelley, Angermen, Burtashaw, Smith and Red.
The meeting was called to order by the President, after which the Clerk read the
minutes of the previous meeting, which were adopted as read.
The Clerk then ,presented the following bills;
Harleys Service Station " * * *' *' " * * * * * * * * *" $29.64 Supplies' Police &San. Dept
Jesse Red Garage 27.40 Fire '+
Supreme Service Station 35.23 San.
J. C. Sullivan 150.00 Accounts Payable
J. C. Sullivan 62.00 Attorneys Fees
Pe tty Cash 10.05
r'lorida, Power & Light Co. 48.O1 Caution Light to July 2nd
9.20 City Hall Lights to July 2
2924.14 Street lights
J.H. Ramsay and Sons Inc. 6.86 Street signs Pol. Dept
After some discussion councilman Shelley made motion which was seconded,by councilman Burt
aahaw, that the following bills be paid; to wit - -- Harleys Service Station, 29.64,
Supreme Service Station, 35.23, Jesse Red Garage, 27.40 Florida Power and Light Co.
city Hell lights, 9.20 and A. H. Ramsay and Sons Inc. '6.86, Street signs,* and that. the
OAkeas others be passed until next meeting. A poll ans taken on the above motion and
motion carried unanimously.
The Budget ordinance for the Fiscal year beginning July lst, 1932, and ending
June 30th, 1933, was then read by the clerk, for its third and final reading. The Ordinance
which is numbered 62 was reed by sections, after which councilman Shelley made motion
which was seconded by councilman Angerman that ordinance No. 68 be adopted as read:.
A poll on the above motion was taken and motion carried unanimously. 12he Caption o
this ordlwmce is as follows --- - --
Ordinance NO. 62
Appropriation ordinance of the City of--5outh Mani, Fla. for the Fiscal year Begin-
ning July 1st, 1932 and ending June, 30th, 19330
The council then discussed at length the assessment of taxes for the fiscal year
beginning July lst, 1932, and ending June 30th* 1933, after which councilmen Red presen-
ted the following Resolution,
Resolution No 76
Whereas the City of South Miami, has outstanding obligations amounting to about
five thousand dollars, and a budget schedule for the fiscal year of 1932 -33, amounting
to $7890.00, making in the aggregate the sun of 9"12890.00.
And Whereas, there Is due the City of South !..iami, on tax certificates the sum of
$32000.00 and on the Tax Rolls, for 1931, the sum;of 0232.00 aggregating' the sum of
„ 4402320000
And Whereas, it is the opinion of the City Council of South Miami, that the City
may reasonably be ;expected to collect sufficient funds, out of the several sums due it
to meet its outstanding indebtedness, and also to defray its current expense for the
fiscal year, of 1932-33, without the levy of an advalorem tax for its fiscal year of
1932 -33
Wherefore be it ,resolved, by the City council of South Uiami, Florida, that there
be no advalorem tax levied on the property of said City for the Fiscal year 1532 -33 and
j that the accrued indebtedness, of said City,.and the interest thereon be paid out of the
monies so collected agreeably with the Budget appropriations heretofore mEide for such
purposed; and that the current expenses of said City, for the year '1932 -33 be paid out
of said monies so collected in accordance with the Budget adopted for said year.
After reading the Resolution, councilman :Rod mane motion which was seconded by
councilman Smith, that Resolution Iso.''16'be adopted as read. A poll on the above motion
was taken and motion carried unanimously. -
'ALA Clerk then presented his roaignation, which wog rend bur the President, as
Honorable, Mayor, and City cil,City of 'South T.:iami, Fla,
I? J.i. Yarborough, City Clerk, City rlreasuree, 'Tex Assessor;, "Tax Collector,•
Building Inspector, Electrical Inspector, Sanitary Inspector, Police Officer and Clerk of
the ;municipal Coutt, do hereby tender my resignation from the above mentioned offices,
to'be effective Augusts 31, 1932. As soon as all my accounts are audited by an accredited
accountant, his 'report accepted and approved by ,you, I would 'like a formal release in the
form i of a Resolution to be spread upon,the Minutes of the City of South Miami, Florida,
releasing, me from the duties and liabilities of the above mentioned, offices.
I do this with real regret as my.assoc ation with my friends of the City Counci`1
has been very pleasant,. If in the future l.can be of any assistance please call on me.
Respecefully 'Yours
After some discussion councilman iced made motion which was seconded by councilman
Angermen, that the Clerks resignation be accepted. Lotion Carried.
There being no furthur business the council, adjourned in regular order.
eaident oY ,Counci
City Clerk