Regulars ineeting City C wait i.l,Gity Hall, Boutn Liami, Nay 5 1931.
(' Present,;
I „ayor vd.A.Ii'osyE?r>
Coiuicilman Robert J'. Li1.l.aley. Fires,
« John Bertashaw.
fl. C. Jgedemeyer;
W. . t.. ;Alxgr,: r;nan
B. J. Red.
City Atty. Uonala Iw. Pelson•,
City Clerk. A. Fl. bhubbuck.-
1.iinutes of hpril £1 ;931 read and approved.
Bills Pending;.
Florida 'Power & Lt.Co. March 208.43
.April 205.43
45_s 1o.86
Ordered to Pay luarch w 208.43
Board of County CoinnliSsio ers June 1930 575.00
Ito Diction.
The ilef i,y Press Inc:, Li,Mi A.pr.24.31
500 Ballots Perforated. yr 4.25
Order.ea to be payed.
Poll on above bills.
Com-icilman ingurnian Yes
it Be.rtashaw. Yes
it Lindley.
It Bed,
i� iieaemeyer.. h Yes.5.
Coh1t11unica ?; ons.,
American Ji,a ration & 1' iairi 1, Le Industrjes' 1110.
Letter in reguru Lk., mute: mr_tt tx,I..rU �i1X1P,
mad by Prtssiilent Lii7t ley.
_ E4
T,:eet ng of idle City C luncil. mouth I,. ami 1 ay 6 1331 COI1`i'I I L 2.
Re pc) rts.
Sanitary D'epartm {ttlt. Cowgcilman Ormsby-
Rattle Snakes &- hoG Pen. �
Police Department. Cow— icilman Bertaslxa%, Uo Report.
Finaiice Deparu*nwnt. iolmcil,fi u Wedetueyer,
Clerk read report fox* m l -L6Lof April.
Building ')epart.•�ent. Coune Llman ',az;3erman. No hep rt.
ire Department. Culwiciltra i iced, F-%o Report.
Unf inished Bus iness .
Light Discussi(,n,)zo actiun.
T:evt Business,
Predide?it Lindley read ,resol1ztiun presented by
rosolution,,unanimot soby acclimation. ji on file the
rr y
Motion made and seconder, that The City Clerk and
President prepare Ballot Sox for the copliiig election.
Carried by acclimal,iori.
Lotion made and sectinded that Cler'k be instructed to
pay on aemand,l'he Clerk,anu, each of the Ir_s,ectors in
the City Election of luray 12th the slim of Four Dollars
( 4.00) each for their services.
Councilman Angerman ' !T.es
it q
It Bertashaw.
Ormsby. ,T Yes,. 6,
At ?red.
i� rr e
Wedemeye r.
Motion made that resolution be prepared by the Mayor,..
City Atty. and City Clerk,protest ng against The cicls-
ing of The Vlovida East Co.zts begot, The Telegraph
Office, and the discl<<rpe �t l'he agent auci Oper;tt; r
in South Miami .Fla.
Carried urai2imously by accl:tr;ati =n.