1931-01-20 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MTG^R January 20th, 1S u1 11inutes of the regular- meetiTE of the City Council hE d Tuesday evFn nu Jan-lary 2Dth, 14 '71 at 6:33 2.11. Presi •lent x rerr calle 1 the tmeetin,3 to ordex Counci7i,,an t-mith vva t r, D':;.,V ao entee. The .. ^.1'Y:itES tit Ccu..G nEet;2" of Jz- ,ir —a ry 6th,, T�71, were r,.a i a.,d a., ,prov el '_iueii Seaver ,o�.r�c�. lore an,: .3Eco..ieZ 5, r.,oti,azi $h".t 3 caYY h F "a]I_<ii t:. '',7 }.' �. 4: "l:.t J. ";. ci2i= 1c r;'�' uE:i t �crve T -i. , 7 , on ti_E ace a lc ot� r J. gay _ui! ..- t.L� .,.Y , �e S �:' sF:c:..decz 't�.0 >L �r ^;: erh c,a a:. I P o.`' tl' .' 10�', T L AT' / f_E ( 1" ,.4 y.i, '; ,'ca c cd on t., is lot o the election to b( 'it; ^e lo r', 10,th, 7 n a'.3habeVvi1 order• ,-,`. :L. k'oQtG•'Yr x 11 �1i,)c c lIta't'ES` °0Z "iilli.4im 1n._;cYLlp1'rs J. '3F,aVeT, TT' iennett, JID � Ttaa" rV, . Jadson C.;uosacn, J. —Z. Collar , A. 'I. roxe, T1. seiger, �. J. Ziknd- l msby, Z. J. Shelley, John n. )nith-, Thomason and !I. jedemEyer, c=in�rjid;ates foL co'-nc yy ^;er7; , Coµncil,,;F:n Core and - rhtllt.y seconded a motion that was earr`e i °wtlaniin;,u..7 y by poll that the s ; ary of the Chisf of Police be re3aced ,.o �,130.00 der :r,o.rtn Police Chicf Poe w• s -,oresent %nd after this motion carried,, tende=red x.::s resib.!Y tion verbaTl:y to the cot _,c Y.' ree.uestix� th-"t it tine effect at once. Cou.nciL-te:n. �-Ihellc-y and Core mode tni seconded a motion that was carried unanimously by poll that Chief Poe's res gnELt on be accepted. Council.mcn Jhellty and Geiger made and econded a motion that was carp r ie d u nan imour y car r4 e d b - salary r y 0011 that. tiro„ weexs adv�;nce be naid to ':r. roe, It was regularly L,n:ve i, seconded &ne,, unanimously carried by o' 1 that a c;oa,.,iittee of three be r, - ,nointe l to em'o'_,oy a temporary night - ooli.ceman at a sa<la.�y .i�,t to e teed YlJJ.00 per m:);.th C 'rcalmCn Core, 3e aver can; Shelley were f,bbointed on this eominIttee. life r"t.6 tint; t,as 1 —,n c ljj _T'f --1, in the reo,;ular f" )Xv . A,,,)rovel Pr( s c6-aft b