June 18, 1 � 2
"inutes of the rE� l ,,.eting of the City Uouncil of �o,th
- ,E;F�day evening June 18, 1529 .
President Dyers called the meeting to order. All member
were pr es eat.
The minutes of the Council Yeeting of June b, 1929 were read
and approved.
Councilmen Shelley and yore ° made and seconded a motion that
Street Committeeman Bryant be akthorized to soend not to exceed
X100.00 to drain the 'water from the intersection of the pixie High-
way and Sunset Drive, Councilmen 3ryant, Core,: ,':anship, SlAith,
Shelley and br rers voted Yes; Councilman Ross, No;. The motion was
ordered carried.
Councilmen Smith and Core made and seconded a motion that a
Resoltuion be passed reducIng the candlepower in the 49 overhead
street lights to 100, candlepower -for the five month period beginning
July 1, 1929 and 'ending Nov. 30, 1929, thereby reducing our light
bill about $140.00 a month and in consideration of t;,is privilege
that the street lighting 'contract with the Florida Power "& Light'
Co. oe made to expire six months after the present expiration date.
This motion was carried unanimously by- poll.
Councilmen Shelley and Bryant made and seconded a motion that
an Ordinance be drawn repealing Ordinance •'#20 and that a new one be
drawn allowing the sale and use of fireworks with restrictions.
Councilmen Bryant, Core, Mansh ip and Shelley voted Yes; Councilmen
Ross, Smith and V4 rers, No The motion was carried.
Councilmen Shelley and Ross made and seconded a motion that
was unanimously carried that the President appoint a committee to
assist the clerk in drawing this Ordinance.
Councilmen Core, Bryant and Shelley were appointed on this
committee oy the president.
The meeting was then adjourned in the regular form.
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