Sente_ b cr 1 th, 1, .
?.'jnates of the re6ular meeting; Jf t e City CO- Incil, held Tues-
day evening, 3epternber 1...,
President ?axson called the meeting to order,,
Councilman Dorn was absent.
Councilmen ? yers and -3arrs wade and seconded a : otion that
the City, donate y10J.JJ to the knerican Le ion for Storm Relief ,Vor�c;
This motion was unanimoi�:sl,y carried )y nol':
Councilmen Eisfeller a ;d ''�
..,,�ers made and seconded a %iotion that
the oills as read and, o.ta; ed )y Fina.;ce Con; tteeman be aaid. This
motion .aas carr,iea unanimously oz -)ol'
Couneilcien Ross a�kd 3arrs ..lade and seconded a notion that th.e
Wayor and c?erx be author9ked to iddue and s -,n a ilote to t_:e amount
of tlOJ.OJ in favor of the Soatti t ^iami 3, 'in for a period of sip
:.s with interest at 8- from maturity to same to apply on the
account of tae South Yiamli inn. On nol.linh tie vote this motion
was carried unanimo?:zs'y.
The meeting ,-
ng was therm ad,i o:�.r•ned in re,-Mar ar foam.
Attest: pove;
At tE A- 1r d
, ;
City . eT rs. of Co—,unc,l