1927-03-01 MINUTES TOWN COUNCIL MTGZtiiarch is t, 1927. ? Kinutes of a Re8ul £ar Re' et ;ing of the Town Council of the o Town of South Kiami , Fla.,, held Tuesday evenin , L:arch 1st, 1927, at 8:00 P.I,`. in the Town Hpll on Sunset Road. The meeting was called to order by the President of the Council, I�:r. J 1. bars on.. _ The clerk then called the roll and following mentioned aldermen answered to roll call: J. . Paxson, J. W 3ar;rry, R. :,. I:artin and Jnb. "yens. Aldermen Ii. 71. Dorn, ',I. G Stang' and J. B. ,Janes were aasent. The clerk then read the minutes of the Regular Mleeting of the Council hell Febr;.axy 15Th, 1927 and they were approved as read.' _lie then; read the minui.es of the 9�ecial meeting held Fri- day February 18,, 1927, an:? then were approved "as rend. The nresi:dent of the council then called on the various committeemen for report;.. Alderman R. 1. martin, Sanitary Committeeman, r- eported that ir:atter pertaining to the disposal of garoage ?nd night soil had been brought up by State Health officer but no act`on could be taken at the ;present time., Alderman J. 71. 3arrs., Committeeman on 3uild'ngs and par4s, ' reported that arrangements had been made for the removal of the partly wreexed bui'.ding at the corner of Dov,1ing and Dorn Sts., The C1er.c 'then rea,i ,neveral letters from the South Iv ami District - Chamber of Commerce, o ,e re{-arding the Railroad Station; one with reference to improvement con tracts and one pertuinin topainting and lettering traffic signa�. base.' It was decided by the council that matter of improvement con- tracts be held in abeyance for' the resent and To ;n Clerk stated arrangemento had been :made for painting and letteriag traffic li.;' t base. In line with letter of Chamber of Commerce, a motion was made by Alderman J. '4'l. Dams th:jt attor`: -ey Su_llivan be instructed to co,!,nraxni- sate with Suit. of Terminals '7al tarn and Vice-Pres. H. N. Rode'nba h for the 'aurnose of obtaining; some exnressi,on as to the intentions of the Florida "ast Coast 'railway Co. with reference to the construe- Lion of a station at South )r'ami. F. IOtiO4 was secondei by Alderman Jno. TCvers aft' when nut to vote was carried, a'l voter bei:ag in the affirmative. ttorne,y 3u .l'vs.n brau7;ht gun the matter of contract with Coral Gables GTransportation Co. for constructi:,n of interurb,n '!oon thrlugh South Idami an3, reai tht variaaz exceptior�a taken by that nom. -ny. He furnished amenie,i terms whi,,,h rrt:rc an ve-1 by th +: to-n council.