February 15th, 1527. '
I'i.nates of a Regular Eeeting of the Tovrn Council of the
Town of South Liami, Fla., he-1 Tuesday evening February 15th,
1927, 'at 8:30 P.Y. in the Town -r.
.allaon Sunset Road.
:eeting vvas called to order by 'the President J. 1. Paxson.
The cler.,c then callei fze roll and follow~ng mentioned Aldermen - -
answerel t,) roll call: J. 1. Pa�..son, R. L. , artin, H. ', "1. Dorn,
l. G. 5ta��� Jno. ers J. 3.
g, Vy Janes, J. W.. Parrs,
The clergy then read the minutes of the Re*11ar .eeting held
February 1, 1v 7, an' thoy.skrere apurovel as rE;ad.
The matter of canvassing the returns and certifying• the results
of the General Election held February 7th, 1921 was then tascen uo.
The LClerz was asKe:i to read the certification revort of the clerk;
and ins ,)ectors of election, as fl�rni.shed to-the President of the
Council and Town Clerk. "After the report was read, Alderman J 17.
Barrs� made a motion that upon a. canvass of the votes the following
mentioned candid'ate's be duly declared e "ected to the offices as
designated after their resoect;ve names:
., ,,, � c the off =ce of t;�a, -or for 1 year
W. A. osier t „
G. A. Airey to the office of Town Cleric for l year _
W. J. Weaver t. the )ffic;e of aarshal for 1 year
H. ;. Dorn, )
J. 3. Janes )as aldermen for a term of 2 years
R. L Martin
11otion was secon jed by W. G. Stang and upon being put to vote was
ca.Lreed, all votes being in the affirmative.
The President of the Council, J. `.. Paxsor thereupon declared the
above mentioned candidates duly elected to their respective offices.
The clerk then reported a request made by 71. T. Price, Inc. to
have certified checks submitted with bids on Improvement`'Projects r1,-rl a:id
#2 released upon filing of surety bond for the required amounts with the
Town Clerk.
A motion was made by Alderman H. 1. Dorn that the TotAn Clerk be
authorized to release certified checks of '71. T. Pride, Inc. as soon
as Surety Bonds acceptable to Town Attorney Sullivan. are filed W th
the Town Cler.c. ,.ot on was seconded by J. S. Janes, and upon being put
to vote was car,ri,ei,, all votes being "Aye".
The question of having condtmned ouilding at Dorn and Dowling Sts.
torn down was tanen up oy the Council and after a general discuss:lorn,
a motion was made ay Jno. 74" ers that notice be serve's on the .)wirers,
Gilman and 3ruand by officer to have buil,ing'renaired or removed
within 48 hours. Motion was seconded; by J. 71. 3arrs and upon being
out to vt te. was carri e 1, a3 l votes being ;n the affirmative.
Alderman J. 4l. 8arrs made motion that Aldermari ino. YYert hires a
truer.. and ha We rubbish removeA, from lotp. on 3uncet Road i.n: center. of .
to :n. L "otion was seconded, by Alderman R. ;,. ?''a.rtin
and ,x on be iYi5
l.r.. J
ry -
1.1 . :... .
February 15th, 1S ^2" !
_ =c
voted on waF carried, all votes beiiig ir.the affirmative.
The cleric then,.presented a number of bills and asked that he be
authorized to issue vouchers in )ayr ent of'--ame. Alderman Jno. Myers
made a motion that clerc 6e authorized to pay Drills O.K.ed by Finance
Committeeman. Motion was - seconded oy R. Yar•tin and when put to. vote
was carri.ed, all votes being -In. the affirmative.
Marsh, A motion was made by Alderman W. G. Stan,:; that the newly elected
hal, 'U. J. 74aver, be appointed as Chief of Police effective
after March 2, 1927. J•iotion was seconded by J. W. Barrs and when -out
to vote wa carried, all votes being in the affirmative. '
The matter of widening Railwav Cross rig at Sunset Road was then
° ta,cen_up and Mr. Lindsey re-oresenting town attorney Sullivan made a
report or. contra.c;t submitted by F.E.C. Ry. Co. and stated it was the
usual form of contract entered int.i by other towns and cities with
the R.R.
?b After a discussion of the matter oy the various members
,of the Council, a motion was made by J. 71. Barrs and secinde'3 by
J. 3 Janes that the following fj21 be adopted:,
. f
Upon motion being duly made and seconde', the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
BE IT RESOLVED, by thy,' Town Council. of tine To, n of
South 1,tia.mi, F ; ori.da,
1. That the Tovm of S_uth _Miami, Florida, a, municipal:
CorUr$tiv?1 Of the State Florida, dve$ hereby Go11tY'ctet
and agree to enter into a; agreement with the Florida East Coast 'Railway Company, a corporation, wherein and whereby j
the said town of South 'Kiami is granted the right and privilege
to _.se as easements for eros.-ing bur•)ose only, a strip of
land thirty -five (35) feet in width IJorth a d South and ont
huniired fifty seven and tv,o tenths (lb%2) feet in l:enpth `
Fast and 'Ye'st, at a point fo�...r• thousan,? one hundred fifty-
three and three - tenths (41b3.3) feet Southerly fr.on; said=
ai feet in width North 373 and a1 -•o a strip of 'and thirty -five l
Railways I,:i:e Post A1373• al. 1
i South and two hundred thirty-
six and fifty -three hundredths (236.b3) feet in length Past
and lest at a point four t}^ou -tn1 one hued; e i fifty -three
and t},ree- tent',s (415,.3) f,,et Southerly from said Railway
Conroany's ?`il e Post -.4373; all as more fully described and
according to the further teims and, 0-- Qnditions as, contained
in a true cony of the proposed agreement atta -hod hereto
acid made a part hercor.'
2. That 1s'ayo,r with the Attestation of the Town Clem;,
be and are hereby directe1 to execute. said contract for
a,d in behalf of the said Town if Souct. �! amj, Pl;ofida.
3 That this Res_] tior. shs;ll to ,,.e effect irtnled`i ateiy
unon Ito nassaj.,e.
p r,
c? Februar,�,, 15, 1 927. - 3;
V,Otion for` adoption of the resolution #21 was put,-to vote
and vote taken b,y poll. The resu, t of the poll showed the motion
for adoption was `carried and the Pres ids nt declared- the Resolution
duly adotited.
Aldermoaf brought u- question of havin
south side
oavei by the
County Commissioner.'
A' motion was made iy H. 711. Dora that to. .,n clerx be instructed
to write a M etter to County Commissioner J. W. Carey informing
him that Town Coi. nci1 desired him t.' make some arrangements, to' having
paving done on South side of street car line on Bird Road 'from r'Re
Road to J d oa y Alderman J. .rr s
and uoon being put to vote was carried, all votes being in
The question of getting Interurban Line built through the center
of South Isriami to connect up with Coral Gables Rapid Transit sine
was then taKen u'o for consideration. A report of work being done
by the South TUami :district Chamber of Commerce,was made oy Robert
Dorn. Mr. Lindsay reoresent'ing attorney Sullivan submitted copies
of Franchise and. Ordinance pertaining to the matter. After a general
discussion of the Platter by the :iembers of t ,e Council it was de-
cided the proposition shou ".d be given further c nsidexation.
A motion was made o:r Alderman John Ayers that the meeting adjourn
to Friday, Februexy 1_6th at & :30 P.I & for the further consideration
o; f the 9u --estion of carline and other matters which mi ;ht be brou• -rht
up at that m .eti;ng.
"'he m
otion was seconded by J. 3. Janes an,' upon being but to
Vote was carried,, all votes being in the affirmative.
Attes " Approvedr
O, ' _. - er C - reS. 0 Conc""