February,'lst, 1927.
•< liinutes of a 2egular meeting of the town council' of the
` Town of South Miami, Fla., held Tuesday evening, February lst,
1927, at 8:00 P.I& in the To+r n Hall on Sunset Road
Ong y ' Piesident rof the Council, s4
J. Paxson..
Meeting �--
d to order b the
The Cler4, then called the roll and fjund the follow:na me ,tinned "-
Aldermen Dresent: J. I. Paxson,_ J W. Barrs, Jno. Avers, J. B. Janes, 'rY
W. G. Stang and R. ,L. ivartin. Alderman H. W. Dorn was absent.
The Clerk read the minutes of the Regular ivee'ting o_ the Town
Council held Tuesday evening, January 18, 1927, and they approved '
as read. He then read the minutes of the special meeting of the
Town Council held January 20th, and they were approved as read,
The President of the Coancil, J. 7' . Paxs'on called for a, report from
the various committeea.en. Alderman Jno. lfyers' reported :a dangerous
condition which existed east o,. the Stang Building on Sunset Road =
which was wrecked by the hurricane and stated two fired had started
there. Alderman IN, G. Stang sta -ted steps would be taken at once
to have th,e wreckage cleared up and the fire hazard reinoved.
The clerk reported he had inferviewed the owner of the condemned
building at the r;rt.hwest `corner of Dorn and Dowling Street and was
informed that building belonged to two parties and. an effort wou7:d
be -made at once t,,-,, have bui ldi;ng removed;.
The question of the widening of Sunset Crossing of t o F.E.C.
Ryi was then taken up by the Council and the clerk was as;ed to
1 read the contract which was submitte l to the Tov✓n Engineer by the
Ry. Co. c::vering the construction of a, wide crac "ng. Aftwr
a "general discussion of the terms of the contract by the various
members of the council present, it was suggested.-that the document
be turned over to the town attsrnev with inst.ruct'ons to check
the various requirements of tre contract for the nur ose of ascertain-
if it e to
formtoagreements usuallyenterei into for work terms
ofthis kind in con-
form t
other towns on the F.E.C. R,y. The attorney was instructed to report
back to the Council at the next Regular Pv'_eeting of the Council.
The Clerk then read a communication from tr. C I. 3roox with J
reference to levy of` town taxes on a tract of 'la:.d located at .i':iller
a :.d 'Red Roads and was instructed to worm with County Tay, Assessor and
Tax Collector in the handlinf, of matter referred to. The clerit then
read a letter from the Atlanta representative of the American I,aFrance
Fire Engine do. rc. , -nrdin, past' due dote for first payment on Chemical
Engine and he was instructed to �awy note as soon as available funds
for that 'purpose were on ha;.d.
I`r. John 3oone ,called the attention of the members of the Council.
_ r
a jI
February lst, 1927. 172;
to the matter of the care of ?`rs.. . C. Roberts and asked that
steps be taxen by -the Council to` have her ,placed, in the County r
home near Kendal.
Alderman J. I 3arrs made a motion that County Comm'ssio,ner,
R. 'P. 3arfield' "be as.:ed to have the necessary ;arrangements made
for getting Yrs. Roberts in the County ?iome. ?"otion was seconded
by J. B. Janes and when put to vote was carried, all votes being
in the affirmative. The President of the Council, J:%L. Paxson,
asKed Alderman J. B. Janes to 'call on 1Fr. Rarfie'd and have the
matter taken care of.
The cleric subm'tte
d a number of bids and asxed the Council
for authority to issue vouchers in payment of same.
A motion was made by Alderman, IN. G Stang that the' Town Cleric
be authorized to draw vouchers t h bay,nen't of all bills as O.K.ed
by the committeeman on Finance. The motion was seconded by
Alderman J. ',I[. '3arrs and upon being nut to vote wa:^ carried, all
votes being IIAyen,
o There being no further business to come before the board, a
motion was made by Alderman Jno. .,avers to adjourn to the next
Regular heeting of the Council. `
2,_otio,n was sec_nded by R. L. Martin and upon being voted on
was carried, all votes being "Aye".
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