1927-01-18 MINUTES TOWN COUNCIL MTGR 4u January Wd, 19L7 o r� Winktes of a ;Regular IfE;eting of 'che Ta;,n Gounci3 of the Torre of South T,'iami, Fla., held Tuesday evening, January 18th;, G.t " 8:00 P—T,.., in the Town Hall on' Sunset Road. « 14 Meeting was called to .,rd'er by the Prreside €,t of the Council, l� tr. J. 7,. Paxson. *he roll was cal -ed by the c'.erxe and following me, ..tiozled 'aldermen answered, to oll. tall: J. L. Paxson, J. +1. Barrs, y Jno. Myers, W. G. , W Stang, R. L. Martin, J.. B. Janes and H. '11. Dorn. The Clerk tien read the minutes of the Regular ?'eeting of January 4th, 1927 and they were aotiroved as read. The Pres ident of the Council, Yx. J. -,. Payson called ,on the committeemen for reports covering : wore done- and: matters to be attended to it the vari:us departments. Alderman Jno. 1�yers, ,co }%.,.itteeman on Streets and Sewers,; re- ported that Sunset Roaq had been damaged by the ruik:nEr of-, a large shovel over same and made a motion that the clerk be instructed to take the matt .r up with the County- Comr-_ssioners and arrange to have them have the contractor repair the d.axage. Lotion was seconded by Alderman J. 71� Barrs, and upon being nut to vote was carried. t,`r. Dyers also reported a dangerous hole in property:l .-ne of Broo,cs lot on Sunset Road. Alderman H :J. Darn made a motion that the clerk notify *'r. Broo_cs' to have eacawation filled. 1 Ygti onv,w�--is seconded by Alderman Y yers and when voted on was l carried, all votes.being .4 ,y Alderman J. 11. Barns, Com ittee man on Btt`ldings reported � that he had tal,ced to Yr. Phillips regarding ouild.ing under, c,n- struction north of Hin�;on St. and was informed. that no plans had been made regarding tenants for same. The Clerr: then . read a letter from the owner of the Garage build- ing ".mist f the Sheller/ Store on Sunset Road, q:kthorizingthe town r to have the building removed. A notion was made by John NY rer•s that the clerk be anstructei to have arrangements made for its removal. *irotion was secon�ed by J. ;% Janes. and when voted on via carried all votes being ",given'. e t d C )er.mis io tos remainacrossDixiexu gh�wa.v South of havehangirg sign remain town. Alderman Jno. ;yens made a m•)tion that sign be removed in thirty days. Motion was )-.tt`to vote and vote tanen by poll. Three alderman voted "Yes" and three; voted ItNo". It was necessary for the President o- he Council to cast the decidin. -y vote. J. L. '?axson, President of the Council v.)ted "I-'oi' and the. motion wac lost by a vote of three "Yes" anI four ONo". Alderman Jno. I;,yers was instructed to take up the matter of changing the location oi' the sign with the Riviera, iandscane Co. , IAr. C T. Jones rep)rte °d to the Council that .,"ra. Brinson was taking; care of an old man who was ill and with means of s,.,woort and as .ed the council to taice stews to have him rt�moved to t!,e County Farm at �,endal. The Town Healti. Officer was instru.ctLd to mace an examination of the case and report finding to the Council With his recommenda- tions as to what disposition shop -.d be made of same. i T m U es January 16, 1927. - ��2. 43 �' They Clerk as asked to lead a letter from the Coral Gables Transportation Ca.,addressed to the 'South Miami District Chamber U of Commerce submitting a proposition for the extension of the ?Sapid Transit line to, central South IL ami. A motion was made by Alderman H. '; /,,. Dorn and seconded by Alderman J. 3. ,lanes that the Town �..1 endorse the move to have the ,line built on the roate proposed by the Coral Gables Tran sportation Co. and that Attorney Sullivan be authorized t,o draw -o a tentative contract embodying; the nrov:osition as :et forth.in letter anA have same orezentel to Coral Gables Transportation Co. for consideration at once. Motion was nut to vote and carried, all votes being in the affirmative. t^ The question of maki,ig any iurtiwer -oalirments to the support of Yrs. Ed, Roberts came up ,for cons ?derd ,,ion. °A motion was made by J Illy" 3arrs that no further payments be made. Motion was seconded o.,r A` derman R. I.�;artin. Before the motion wa- >ut to vote, an amendiAnt to the motion was made by H. 71. Dorn thai. the sum of fifteen dollars oe set aside each weex to r create a f nd up to ,y>75.00 to take care of charitable cases of the town. - The amendmeut'was secondedi by Alderman P.., I;?artin and accepted by .Alderman J. 71. Barrs and u-o ^n 'being E,:_t to vote was carried. The motion as amended vrMs thun voted on and carr.-ed, all rotes being in the affilrmative. it was agreed by the members of the Coune'i that this charit- able Fund should be har.cGed by Mayor W. A. Foster., Alderman Vl. G. Siang brought up the ques tijn of granting bui" d- in permits for cert• in types of bui.1di�_g within fire zone and after: a general discussion by the Council a motion was Trade by Alderman H. IN. Dorn that building code be amended to permit of construction of certain restricted type of bu'i'd`ngswithin the Fire Zone. Motion was seconded oy Alderman W. G. Stang, and when -out to vote was carried, all v;)tes- being in' the affirmativ;:. The attorney' was instr;.cctc'd to draft an amenrl,,,ent to the ouil.ding code in force at this time and - resent same to Council for attention. Mayor Vi. A. Fostermade a report of the worn being done in the Police De t.. and stated he had appointed J. L. `,77 -,1 on as temporary officer and asked the Council to affirm his aprooi,ntmezt. A motion was made by Alderman Jno. h'l era that J. a :7ilson be retained as officer until general election. Lotion was seconded by Alderman H. W. Dorn. Votion was voted on by ooll which showed two affirmative rand four negative votes and resulted in the motion being lost. Yayor Foster then recommended that 13 E: Hiner be alrointed as police officer of the town. A motion was made by Alderman J. "!. Barrs and seconded by Alderman .,1. G. Stang Viat ',V. E. Riner be appointei by thi Mayor to the position as police officer. Lotion was voted on arid, cairfed all votes being in the affirmativ€,. The Clerk read a letter from the America.. LaFrance Fire Engine Co. in refere.xe to bast due note of x,500.00 and was instructed by the Co,,nci1 to oay the' intor, t on thc: n.,ite and: ask i'or a 90 day re.iewa: of same: r' a.l C� 1 January 13 1927. c - 3. The Clerk , then read Ordinance X21 for the inird t - *,rye, ti 'e of Ordinance which is as follows: r' An Urdinan'ce for the Requirements of Plats of Subdivisions within the incorporated limits of the town of South P;iiami, requiring the approval of t..e° Town Engineer. The Ordinance was read word for word,nand section by section, ; and as each section was read it-was approved by the members of t1lie , Council. A Motion was - -then made by Alderman 1. G. Stang that Ordinance f2l be adopted as read. Motion was seconded b.;, Alderman 11. ;J. Dorn and upon put to ° to was carried all votes being in the affirmative. The P of the Council, ]ir'.r. J. 1. Paxson thereupon de- The President c1ared Ordinance 121 enacted and in force as of this da "tE. A motion was made b-, Alderman J. %7., Barrs and seconded by Alderman J. B. .lanes that the Clerk be authorized t.) have ballots for general election printed and other breparations made for holding the eaection. Lotion wa. put to vote and care -3ed , all rotes being, in the - affirmative. There being no further business to come before the beard, a moti;o was made by Alderman Jno. Myer- to adjourn. ,.n The motion was seconded by Aldermani R. L. Martin and when x voted on was carried, all votes being in the affirmative. Atte s An aoved: . Pre -. o Council —: z , r