Oc.tober 5, 1926.
Minutes of the Regular 14eeting' of the Town Council of the
Town of South 1 iami,. held Tuesday evening, October 5th, 1?26, at
8:00 P.M. in the Town Hall on Sunset Roar:.
Meeting was called to order by the President of the Council, �P
Upon calling the roll the Clerk pound .the folloV4Ln mend e�
J. L. Paxson and he instructed the Clerk to,.call the roll.
� A.'yersg �?: L. oned
members Dresenti: J. L. Payson, J. ' "l. Barrs Jno. ,
Martin, J. B. Janes, W. G. Stang and H. W. Dorn.
The Clerk was then asked to read the Yinutes of the Special
_Meeting held Sept. 20th; also of the Regular Yeeting, of Sept. 21st,
and three Special Meetings Yield Sept. 27th, 23th and 29th and each
set of minutes were approved as read,
The- President then called, for reports from various committee-
men,, out found none ready to give reports.
' The matter of requesting the Florida East Coast to rebuild
the station {at South Miami w�,s taken up by the President and members of
the board and after a general disciussion of the subject, Ntayor W. A.
Foster introduced Mr. Warring of Coral Gables Corporation.
I.1r. ',earring stated that the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce
and other organizations in Coral Gables had conceived the idea
that it might be a good plan to have the Florida Fast Coast R,y'.. Co.
work out a plan to consolidate the business of the South Miami: and
Coconut Grove Stations with that of Coral Gables and construct an
elaborate station on the University Concourse site.
Mayor Foster was then called one to voice the wishes of the
Tom 'Come .l and citizens of South I ami regarding any change "rein
made, in the location of the South Miami Station,. He stated that
any attempt to take the station away from; South; i.:: ami would be objected,
to as detrimental to the best intere:ts of the town.
The President called on Mr. John Opsahl, 1�Ir. Robert Booth,
Nr. George Shelley, Mr. Howai d Gibbons and other., for their opinion
on the matter and all were much opposed to considering any proposition'
that might' resu -t in the taxing away of the station.
Alderman H. 7d. Dorn moved that the Clerk be instructed to 'write
a letter to the local. station agent asking that a modern depot with
inside toilets be constructed at or near the site of the one recently
destroyed by fire.
Motion was 'seconded by Alderman J. S Janes and when )ut to vote
was carried, all votes being in the affirmative'.
A. motion was made by H., W. Dorn that Attorney Su '.i;van be re-
Tues Zed to draft a resolution vol cing the desire of the Council, and
forward a cony of same at ,once to H. -. Rode:l`r: i3O',,, ` ° car -Pies. and
Gtn. 1, ;r.. of t,e F.".C. Py. Co.` at St. Augustine and f.,rni h a co -nv
�0 1rr, , -7.,Lon District Manager at Miami.
1liotiori was aenonded by J. ';e. Barrs and upon being put to vSte wus
ca..ried, all votes being in the affirmative.
A motion was made oy.H. r. Dorn that a committee' be apooir,`te9 by
trc President of the Council to c,ll on Ml.. :valton of the F.E.C. Ry. Co.
,.or• the purpose of eforessrn.,, trc wishe., of the Cau:,cxl.to have the
South t'iami Station rebuilt.
It3tion, was seconded oy J. B. Janes a 4 u7on being a•wt to vote was
carried, a!" votes being Ate. The President rased 'T. W. Dorn ard. Vayor
'F. A. Foster to act with him as a corrm' ttee to call on Ir. 'Na' ton.
, G
9 i
s ,
October 5, 1926. a ,2.
Attorney Sullivan made a su g6 estion that resolution s be passed
to properly inform the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce and the
Officials of the C:.ty of Coral Gables the pa'ition taKen,by„ the Town
Council %^.ith reference to the rebuilding of the South Miami Station.
-; Alderman H. ;'i Dorn moved that such resolution be passed and '
to include therein an expression of thanks for thr aid aA aszistance
given t e people of South Miami by the various departments of Coral
Gables in helping to handle the situation which resulted "from the
storm. c
Mlotion was seconded by '.', G. Stang and uroon bedrig nut to vote
was carried -all vote's being in the affirmative.
The Pres' dent of thEe Council, Air. U L. Paxson, called on
Attorney Sullivan for" a report c,yncerning the rumor T, -,at, an attempt °
wo ,ld be made to enjoin the To%,;n of South; Miami from f;_nctioning as
a municipality. He reported a conference with Attorney Vernon
Hawthorne who had been approached by citizens of the town v,ho wished c
to have action taken, but uD to that time had not been able to fur-
nish satisfactory reasons for bringing suit.
The Council then took uD the question of tax rate and after a
general discussion of the subject by a ".l members present,, NIr. H.
Dorn made a motion the follow,ng resolution be Dassed and adopted:
13e it resolved by the Town Council of the Town of South Miami,
Fla., that the rate of millage to be used in figuring taxes for the
oeriod ending December 31, 1926-,, be set at 4 mills on each One ;Dollar
of °assessed valuation."
Motion was seconded
to vote and. vote Alderman J. $.Janes. The motion was put,
, by
n by roll call. All members of the CO,incil vot-
ing declared unanimously passed
and in the Resolution was d ,
A motion was then made by Alderman H. 71. Dorn and seconded, by
Alderman Martin that a board of Equalization, consisting of all the
members of the Council sit on Fr-day, Oct.. 22nd, at 8;00 P.M. in the
Town Hall for the nurpose of hearing` complaints regarding a ;,sessed
valuations as shown on the tax roll of the tax assessor.
Motion was out to vote and carried, all votes being in the :affirma-
Alderman John 1.yers made a motion that the building inspector be
ordered to inspect all damaged buildings in the Town of South Aliami for
the p;Ar -)ose of ascertaining if any were a public menace and report same
to the Council in order that action may be taken to have them removed.
Lotion was seconded by Alderman, 'N. G. Stang and upon. being put to
vote, was carried, all votes be ir,g in the affirmative,
The President of the Council asked the Committeeman on streets,
ir. John T,,yers to ta.:e steos to havL. ti•e white way 1L.-hts' inspected and
CIA put in sna.ne for currentds, soon as it i obtainable from the . Forida
Power � Light Co, fir street ?.i,_ °htirg narposew:
Alderman .'l. G. Stang made a motion that a committee be appointed
by the President of the Council to call on the Con.umers "later Co. of
Coral Gables for the ouroase of arra..ging some p1nn whereby the Town of
South Iliami could obtain a water snugly.
Y,otion was seconfled ot� Alderman H. 71 Dorn and upon being 'I:'t to
vote wa: carried all votes,,,being Aye.