Sep t. 28th, 1926:
Special Call ATeet tng of the Town Council of they; Town of
South,Xiami, Fla., held Tuesday evening, Sent. 28th, at 7 :30 P.If.
in the Tj,vn Hall on Sunset ,Road, pursuant to a call issued by'
the Mayor as per notice to the members of the Council s.hich read
as follows;
":To the Alderman of the Tosco of South Miami, Fla.,
Greetings; _
You are hereby notified that at 7 :30 P.M. Tuesday,
Sept. 28, 1926, there will be `a call meeting of the Board of
Aldermen of the Town of South IMIiami at the. Town Hall on Sunset + - U
Road for the - +urpose of considering certain questions -pertain-
ing to the management of the Chemical Engine and to the
conduct of a certain officer of the tcurn."
' c g a he President f the'
The special meeting was called to order by t o
Council J. I. Paxson.
The Clerk was asled to ca-1 the roll and ascertained that the
following mentioned aldermen were present: J. L. Paxson, J. ,V. Barra.,
J. B. Janes, R. L. IsTartin, Jno. V ers, W. G. Stand and ?. 71. Dorn.
The Mayor being present was as4e, to state the nuroose of the
meeting and informed the councilmen that the first matter to be con
sidered was in reference to designating the proper perpon to have
charge of taxing out the chemical fire engine. Acting Fire Chief,
A. B. Core, presented his resignation to the Council,. but upon being
requested by several members of the Council to withdraw same, he con-
sented to do so and was duly sworn in by the lvlavor as a special
police officer in charge of Fire Department police work.
The F „ayor then s".ated the other matter to oe considered Dertained
to a report received by him of the conduct of Altarshal'_ Fleming. He
made a full statement to the board covering certain charges made by -
a '`'Mr. Collins regarding; the manner in vfhich his brother had been
accosted by 'Off ° cer Fleming,
Officer Fleming was called on and rave his version of the affair
and after a discuss_i.on of the matter by Alderman J. N Barrs and
H. W. Dorn and other Councilmen, it was decided that in order to
properly consider the charges af�-ains t Officer Fl e.:ning it would be nec
e -,nary to have statements from the parties naking the charges.
A ?nation was made by Alderman Jno 2vLyers and seconded by A?derq,an
II. I . Dorn that the Special. Call Meeting adjourn.. to meet ,Wednesday
evening, Se ot. 2� th, 1 9126, at 7:30 P. I,:.
Notion was voted on and carried, all votes being Aye.
At Approve •,
-Towh Clerk