1926-09-27 MINUTES TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MTGO C rl J�I� c ; t✓ a u r. _ 4 r SepAh,. 27, 1926. Minu'te's of a Special Meeting of the Town_ Council OID the Town of South Miami, Fla., held Monday evening-, Sept. 27th, 1926; at 7:00 � P.Al. in the Town Hall on Sunset Road pursuant to a call made by the Mayor: in a nbtiee` to the Councilmen which read as fbilows o the Aldermen of the Town of South Miami, Greetings: You are hereby notified that at 7:00 P.!t',. Sept. 27th, ° there will be- a call- m(� =et .lng of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of South 1fi.am3 at the Town Hall on Sun !et ;Road for the ournose of passing and adopting a certain resolution per tainin„ to the unusual conditions brought about by the recent storm. (Signed) '!1 A. Foster, Mayor. The Special 2.'ee,ting was cal' ed to order by the President of the Council, J. j. Paxson, who assced that the roll be cal'ed by the Clerk, The Clerk then ;)roceede 'd to call the roll and found the following mentPoned aldermen present: J. I. Paxson, J. B. Janes, J. 7:1. Barr's, R. Martin, ''!. G. Stang, John I�Lyers and H. 7, 7. Dorn, The President then stated the burpo; e of the meeting and the Clerk was assted to read a resolution which was as follows Resolution #14, A mass meeting,of the citizens of the Town of South Miami, Fla. ° and of the Board of Aldermen of South Aliaiai and of the Chamber of Commerce of the South Miami. Distribt was called to consider the situation,, at the TovYn Hall, South ;I'iami,, Se ot. 27, 19264 A great disaster has overtaken our ner,,ple, and their resources will be inadequate to repair their damages. The whole country knows the 'story of O%Lr loss, ani the co- operation and assistance of the government is counted upon to "lend us a hand now that we are so sorely in need. An-? it was unanimou_ly resolved that our U. S. Senators and Representatives in the House be requested to secure such action by the Congress of the United States as shall relieve the people or their income tax for the current ,year. For this we will be most J 1 �ratePul . Pres ecy. of e Citizens 1'.ee ti ng. After the resoltuion was read by the Clerk a m. tion was made by Alderman J. 3. Janes and seconled by Alderman "4. G. Stang that Resolution be;adonted as read.