1926-09-21 MINUTES TOWN COUNCIL MTGc� _ r> Sept. 21st, '1926, tip_ t? Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Town-'Council of the Town of South Miami, Fla., held in the Town HalT on Sunset Road Tuesday "eveni;ng, Sept. 21, 1.526, at 8:00 P.1,% The meeting was called to order by the President of the Council, C J. I. Paxson. The roll was called by the clerk who found the following mentioned Aldermen present: J,.' L. Paxson, J. W. Barrs, J. B. Janes; 7l. G. Stang, R. L. 2v.art -in, Jno. Byers and H. W. Dorn. The President of the board called on the Committeemen for reports covering the various departments. A;derman J. 'N. Barrs, Committeeman on parks Pt Buildings, reported " that Mr. Brown, owner, of building on Sunset Road stated that demolish- ed part of his building would be removed and that a roof would be pit on the oart which remained standing roof to be constructed in such a way as would give the building a good appearance,. Police Committeeman,,71. G. Stang, reported that complaint had oeen filed with him regarding conduct of some of the parties appoint- ed as deouty marshalls and asA6d that steps be taken to correct the abuse of their authority. Fire Committeeman J. B. Janes reported that form needed for reporting fires.ao Board of Insurance underwriters had been obtained from Cora, Gables. Sanitary & Health Committeeman R. L. Yartin reported that error had been made in listing wells which could be used for water supoly;. He also asked that aid be furnished him in coping with the Health Sanitation situation brought on by the damage to building's as result of the storm. It was suggested by the president of the Council that steps be taken to obtain the assistance of the State Department of Health as well as aid from the Health Offices of Coral Gables.inn handling the Health ec Sanitation situation of the T)wn of South Wami Police, Committeeman 57. G. Stang brought up the question of getting a -line on the food situation and, the worthy needs for repairs to damaged homes and suggested that a committee be appointed to investi- gate and report the conditions as found by same. A Notion was made by Alderman Martin and seconded by A''derman Janes that a Committee of two be apDointed'to canvass the town of South Miami and report the number of cases needing help and amount of material required to mare repair on homes where owners were unable to assume the expense of same.. Motion was out to vote and carried, all votes being Aye. President Paxson- apaointed Alderman J. W. Barrs and J. B. Janes as a committee to get t'e desired information. Alderman �. W. Dorn brought upSoithgI��'' scion of fsufire insurance rates and adjustment of losseu gge8ted that steps be taken to have South Miami included in Miami Fire Underwriters District instead of being rated and handled from Jacrsonville. President Paxson stated he would tare the matter up with some of his friends who were oily insurance men in ?.;iami and report his finding at the next Council I;eeting. li I r, Sept. 219 1 °26. r2. Mr. C. F. Brundage reported that due to the unusual condition as a resu'_t of the hurricane °bid from only one contractor was re- ceived for the cons traction of improvements as planned for in im- brovement Distric�>Number One and Number Two and suggestel that all bids be rejected. A Motion was made by Alderman J. V. Barrs and seconded by Alderman Stang that all bids for work on lm-)rovement Districts - Number One and Number_ Two be rejected. Notion was out to'vote and carried, all votes being in the aff'i,rma t ive'. The question of adopting Ordinance m18 was then taken up and the Cleric was asked to read said Ordinance, tit'e of which is as follows - c , An Ordinance providing for an additional fire limit to be known. as Zone r5 and to act as an a-open�4ix to Ordinance- 2 as approved and adopted by the Town Council of th' '�5To,,tm of South Tv:j ami on April 13, °1926. The Clerk read above mentione:i Ordinance word for word and section by ;section and as each section was read it was accented by the members of the Council. 1 „a. Avmotion was then made 'by Alderman J. V1. Barrs that Ordinance ,'118 be approved and adopted as read. PR',tion was )+�t to vote and carried, all votes being in the affirmative. The President of the Counc..l, Mr. Paxson, thereupon declared Ordinance Number 18 enacted, and in force from this date. There being no further business to come before the board, a motion was made by Alderman John Myers and seconded by R. T,. Martin that meeting adjc�urn to the next regalar meeting of the board on. Oct. 5th, 1526. 11.ition_ was carried upon being )ut to vote.; Attest:^ Approved t Ow i'x rts. \Of Council.