Res. No. 003-03-115521 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 RESOLUTION NO.3-03-11552 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,AUTHORIZING THECITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTOAN AGREEMENT WITH 7300 INVESTMENTS,INC.FOR DISCHARGING ONSITE DRAINAGE (STORMWATER) INTO OFFSITE DRAINAGE FACILITIES TO BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY 7300 INVESTMENTS,INC.;PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,theMayorandCitycommissionwishestoencouragedevelopment,infrastructure improvementsandutilitiesmaintenancewithintheCity of SouthMiami;and, WHEREAS,the owner of 7300Investments,LLCis requesting to construct off-site drainage facilitiesonthe City's right-of-way abutting thepropertyandtomaintainthefacility;and, WHEREAS,the address of the property is located at 7301-7331 S.W.57th Court,South Miami, Florida 33143;and, Whereas,theright-of-wayislocatedonSW74thStreetfromthealleyontheeastside of the propertytoSW57thCourt,SW57thCourtfromSW73rdStreettoSW74thStreetandSW73rdStreetfrom thealleyontheeastside of thepropertytoSW57thCourt,allpursuanttotheplansandspecifications. NOW THEREFORE,beit RESOLVED bytheMAYORANDCITY COMMISION of theCITYOF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1:That the Mayor andCity Commission authorize the City Manager to execute the Right-of-way Maintenance Agreement. Section2:The maintenance agreementmustbe recorded andthe recording feeshallbepaidby 7300 Investments,LLC Section3:The attached Right-of-way Maintenance Agreement ismadepart of theresolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this T dayofJanuary,2003. APPROVED: Ronetta Taylor,City Cler READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY ^u ATTEST: Jfel Horace G/Feliu,Mayor Commission Vote: Mayor Feliu: Vice Mayor Russell: Commissioner Bethel: Commissioner Wiscombe: Commissioner McCrea: 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea •vs3w-&ffi53c&>. CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To:Mayor and City Commission From:Sandy Youkilis Date:December 29,2002 Agenda Item #w Comm Mtg.01-07-03 Acting City Manager Re: Authorization the City Manager to execute Right-of-way Maintenance agreement with 7300 Investments,LLC REQUEST: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTOAN AGREEMENT WITH 7300 INVESTMENTS,INC.FOR DISCHARGING ONSITE DRAINAGE (STORMWATER)INTOOFFSITEDRAINAGEFACILITIESTOBE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY 7300 INVESTMENTS,INC.;PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BACKGROUND: As you know,a new development called Plaza 57 is proposed for the intersection of SW 73rd Street and SW 57th Court,within the downtown area.Due tothe magnitude ofthe structure proposed on the property,the County's Department of Environmental Resource Management did notallow on-site drainage systemonthe property.Theonly alternative forthe developer (7300 Investments,Inc.)is to drain off-site (along SW 73rd Street,SW 74th Street and along SW 57th Court).Staffhas worked withthe developer to allow the property to drain along the right-of- ways by upgrading the existing drainage system andto maintain the proposed system. In addition tothe right-of-way drainage system upgrade,7300 Investments,Inc.has agreed to upgrade utilities within the right-of-way abutting their property,including and not limited to, potable drinking water system and sanitary sewer system.7300 Investment,Inc.will also provide improvements along the right-of-ways,to include,wider sidewalks,landscaping,texture pavementsandstreetlighting. RECOMMENDATION: ItisrecommendedthattheCityCommissionauthorizetheCityManagertoexecutethe agreement. ATTACHMENTS: aProposed Resolution •Proposed Right-of-way Maintenance Agreement This instrument prepared by: EarlG.Gallop,Esq. Nagin Gallop Figueredo,P.A. 3225 Aviation Avenue -Third Floor Miami,Florida 33133 (SpaceReservedfor Clerk of Court) IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CFN 2003R0671970 OR Bk 21633 Pas 4003 -4010?(8pas) RECORDED 09/11/2003 15:14:27 HARVEY RUVIHr CLERK OFCOURT IIIAI1I-DADE COUNTYr FLORIDA RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI AND 7300 INVESTMENTS,LLC. RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI AND 7300 INVESTMENTS,LLC Whereas,Owner hasrequested,andtheCityhasagreed,subjecttothetermsandconditionsinthis Agreement,tograntOwnertherighttoconstructoff-sitedrainage facilities ontheCity's right-of-way abuttingthe property as described below;and, Whereas,the address of the property is located at 7301-7331 S.W.57th Court,South Miami, Florida 33143;and, Whereas,the right-of-way islocatedonSW74th Street fromthe alley ontheeastside of the property toSW 57th Court,SW 57th Court from SW 73rd Street to SW 74th Street and SW 73rd Street fromthealleyontheeastside of the property toSW57th Court,all pursuant tothe plans and specifications;and, Whereas,thedrainageimprovements("drainageimprovements")consist of fourdrainsanddrain fieldsinto which drainage fromthe property shallflow;and, Whereas,the drainage plansand specifications forthe property prepared byKeith &Ballbe Engineeringhavebeen approved bytheCityand Owner ("plansand specifications"). Now,therefore,this Agreement is entered intothis *~>day of January,2003,byand between theCity of South Miami,Florida,a Florida municipal corporation,and 7300 Investments,LLC,a Floridalimitedliabilitycoiporation,for itself andforitssuccessors,assignsandheirs(Owner),inand forthe consideration often dollars (SI 0.00)andthe mutual covenants contained inthis Agreement,the receiptandlegal sufficiency of whichis acknowledged bybothparties. 1.WHEREAS CLAUSES 1.1.The above Whereas clauses are incorporated intothis Agreement. 2.LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY AND RIGHT-OF-WAY 2.1The property whichisboundbythis Agreement islegally described as: Lots 70 and 71,and Lots 72,73and74,lessthe West 5 feet thereof,as recordedinPlatBook3,atPage198,of thePublic Records of Miami- Dade County,Florida. SUBJECT TO: All rights,reservations,restrictions,limitations and easements of record andall zoning ordinances,restrictions,prohibitions and other Page 1 of 7 requirements imposedby governmental authorities,withoutreimposing the same. 2.2Theright-of-wayuponwhichthe drainage improvementsaretobe constructed andmaintained by 7300Investments,LLCislegally described as follows: SW 74thStreetfromthealleyontheeastside of thepropertyto SW 57th Court,SW 57th Court from SW 73rd Street to SW 74th Street and SW 73rdStreetfromthealleyontheeastside of thepropertyto SW 57th Court,allpursuanttotheplansandspecifications. 3.DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 3.1 Owner shallconstructthe drainage improvements ontheabove-describedright-of- wayin accordance withtheplansand specifications whichwere prepared by Keith&Ballbe Engineering, datedDecember 3,2002,andwhichwere approved bytheCityonDecember,2002,andastheymay beamendedandapproved by the City andOwnerfromtimetotime. 3.2Ownershallsatisfyallstate,countyand City plan review,permittingand construction standards,including,butnotlimitedto,limitingthelocationwhere drainage trenchescanbe installedand specifying thestandardsfor drainage system construction. 3.3Ownershallmaintainthe drainage improvements ingoodrepairatalltimes,atits sole expense,andpreventthe drainage improvements from becomingtrafficand pedestrian hazards.The Ownershallbeentitledtoenterthe right-of-way as necessary toperformnecessary maintenance,subject to standard permit requirements.TheCity shall havethe right,butnotthe obligation,to repair the drainage improvementsupongivingtheOwner30-dayswrittennotice of anynecessary repairs,and Owner's failure toperformthe repair withinan additional 30-day period.Thecost of repair shall be charged toand shall be reimbursed bythe Owner within30 days ofreceipt oftheinvoice from the City. 3.4Ownershallhavetherighttoentertheright-of-wayforthepurpose of constructing and maintaining the drainage improvements.Ownershallsecurenecessarypermits from theCityto perform theworkand shall notifythe Public Works Department of itswork schedule and work plans. 4.RESERVATION OF RIGHTS 4.1TheCityreservestherighttoenterupontheright-of-wayatanytimeforany municipal purpose,including,butnotlimitedto,clearing accidents,maintaining the right-of-way,and placement of telecommunicationcablesandequipment.TheCity,oritsagentsandlicensees,and independent contractors,shalldisturbthe drainage improvementsaslittleaspossibletoaccomplishthe municipalpurpose,andshall make anyandallrepairsresultingtherefrom. 5.CORRECTION OF UNSAFE CONDITION Page2 of 7 5.1Thedrainage improvements shallbe maintained inasafe condition atalltimes by Owner.IntheeventtheCity determines thatan unsafe or dangerous conditionexistsinthe right-of- waywhichis caused inwholeorin part bythe failure to maintain orto restore the improvements,the City has the right,after givingthe Owner 30-days written notice,to cure,repair,correct ormodifythe drainage improvements and the affected right-of-way attheOwner's expense. 5.2 IftheCity determines that the unsafe or dangerous condition is of an emergency nature,which threatens public safetyor damage to property,itmaytake immediate action to remedy the situation.TheCityshallgivenotice of theemergencyconditionandthecorrectiveactiontothe Ownerassoonasispracticable. 6.INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS 6.1Ownershallindemnify,defendandholdthe City harmlessforanyclaim, investigation,settlement,judgment orexpense,includingreasonableattorney'sfeesandcosts necessarily incurred,arisingout of or relating toanyclaimfordeathor bodily injury,property damage, includingdamagetotheright-of-way,or personal injurythatiscaused by theconstructionand maintenance,orthe failure tomaintainthe drainage improvements. 7.UTILITY AND RIGHT OF WAY IMPROVEMENTS 7.1Ownershall make allupgradestothestormwater systems aroundtheproperty tothe extent requiredpursuanttotheapprovedplansand specifications. 7.2 Sizing of the system shallbefor both the on-site needs andthe needs of the publicright-of-wayfortheentireextentandwidth of theright-of-waydescribedabove,whichshall alsoinclude SW 74thStreetfromthealleyontheeastside of thepropertyto SW 57thCourt,SW 57th Courtfrom SW 73rdStreetto SW 74thStreetand SW 73rd Street fromthe alley ontheeastside of the propertyto SW 57thCourt,allpursuanttotheplansandspecifications. 7.3 Owner shall make allupgradestothe utilities within the right-of-way tothe extentrequiredpursuanttoandinaccordance with theapprovedplansand specifications,asamended, including,but not limited to,potablewaterdistribution systems,storm sewer system (drainage)and sanitarysewer systems,tothe extent setforthinsaidplansand specifications. 7.4Ownershallmakeallupgradestothe right-of-way tothe extent required pursuanttotheapprovedplansandspecifications,including streetscapes,wider sidewalks, landscaping,applicabletexture pavements,andstreetlighting,assetforthinsaidplansand specifications. 8.STORM WATER USER FEES 8.1 Owner shallberesponsiblefor payment of Stormwater User Feestotheextent, if any,required by theCity of SouthMiamifortheproperty[whichshallbe determined by including Page3 of7 thesum of theon-siteandtheoff-site impervious square footage of theproperty areas described above inparagraph7.2.] 9.SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LIEN 9.1 Any cost incurred bytheCityto maintain or repair the drainage system,either incident toan emergency actionoruponthe failure of theOwnertomaintainor repair thesystem after receipt ofwrittennoticebytheCity,orto correct a dangerous orunsafe condition,oranycost incurred bytheCityto defend orpayany claim,investigation,settlement,judgmentor expense,including reasonable attorney'sfeesandcostsnecessarily incurred,arisingout of orrelatingtoanyclaimfor deathorbodilyinjury,propertydamage,including damage tothe right-of-way,or personal injurythat isallegedlycausedin whole orinpart by theconstructionand maintenance,orthefailuretomaintain the drainage improvementsshallconstitutealien against theproperty.Thelienshallhavethe status andpriority of aspecialassessmentlien,andshalltakeprecedence of mortgagesontheproperty.The Cityshallhavetherightandthepowertorecordthelien ifthecostisnotpaid by theOwnertotheCity within 30days of issuingthe invoice forcostsandtothereafterenforcethelien by foreclosureand by anyother lawful means. 10.PERPETUAL DURATION OF RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS 10.1 Therights,powersandobligationsunderthis Agreement shallrunwiththe propertyintoperpetuityandshallbindthesuccessors,assignsandheirs of theOwner. 10.2 This Agreement shallberecordedandthe property shall be encumbered by this Agreement. 11.NOTICES 11.1 All notices given orrequiredunderthis Agreement shallbe deemed sufficient if sent by certifiedmail,returnreceiptrequested,totheaddresses of the Owner specified inthis Agreement,unlesstheOwnershallspecifyinwritingdifferentaddressforthegiving of notices. 12.CONTRACTING OFFICER REPRESENTATIVE 12.1 Forthepurposes ofthisAgreement,thecontractingrepresentativesareas follows: Page4 of 7 For the City of South Miami For 7300 Investments,LLC Name:Ajibola Balogun Name:Jonathan Beloff Title:Public Works Director Title:Counsel for 7300 Investments,LLC. 6130 Sunset Drive 1501 Sunset Drive South Miami,Florida 33143 Coral Gables,Florida 33143 Telephone:(305)668-7206 Telephone:(305)673-1101 Facsimile:(305)668-7356 Facsimile:(305)673-5505 13 JURISDICTION AND VENUE 13.1 Forthepurposes of this Agreement,Floridalawshall govern theterms of this Agreement.Venue shallbein Miami-Dade County,Florida. 14.NON-WAIVER OF SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY 14.1The City doesnot waive sovereign immunity,andshallnotbeliable,for the payment of attorney's feesorprejudgmentinterest. 15.INSURANCE 15.1 Owner will maintain throughout theperiod of this Agreement ComprehensiveGeneralLiability insurance,AllRisk insurance,CommercialLiability Insurance, andcoverageforlegalliabilityforlossor damage to drainage improvementsandthe City's right- of-way arising fromnegligence of Owner'semployees.During construction,Ownerwill maintain Builder's Risk Insuranceand Worker's CompensationInsurance.Thepoliciesshall have minimum limits nolessthan $1,000,000.00,and name the City asan additional insured. 16.SIGNATORY AUTHORITY 16.1 The officials executingthis Agreement warrantandrepresentthattheyare authorized by theirrespectiveagencytoenterintoabinding Agreement. [SIGNATURE PAGES TO FOLLOW] Page5 of 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this Agreement is accepted and delivered onthedatestated above by the following signatories. CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI Ghuilu*D.SuuijvCity Manager ATTEST: By:AinUjU Ronetta Taylor,CitV/Oerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENT: By,3c7/^.<^/ EarlG.Gallop,City Attorney 7300 INVESTMENTS,LLC PropertyOwner [PrintName:ftrwJPgj't /.t/tyte-T As://Ctf fiyry'dt/tf' [Print Corporate Title] ATTEST: •^ABy /ju*fe/uaj*n ^//A/cjArArJb±s[Print Name; As: [Print Corporate Title] Page 6 of 7 OR BK 21633 PG 4010 LAST page: STATEOF FLORIDA ) )ss: COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PROPERTY OWNER Theforegoinginstrumentwasacknowledgedbeforemethis Z -1 day of >7c*-c/>;.'3*2W 2002 by hil/^osy./^^n ,•^of 7?P.O [fc&gablgbtlS LuC-as ,on behalf of thePropeityOwner,whoispersonallyknowntomeorhas produced \f \{&'£&{;5,Qg^\\as identification. Notary Public,State of Florida Print name:.~DAq//)P.Bc^yf' Commission No:/9£k?d~a.'7 z^-^ STATE OF FLORIDA ) )ss: COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE) 49$gfe DAVID R.BERTSCH (P ATA MY COMMISSION #CC 327502 ^JRy^EXPIRES:April 27,2003 Eonded Thru NoUty Public Underwriters ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI Thejg^oing instriunent was acknowledged before me this /j$day of-^A QemGV, 2003 by CHARLES E)°SHJRR,City Manager,and RONETTA TAYlOR,City Clerk,of the City ofSouthMiami,onbehalfoftheCity,whoarepersonallyknowntome. NotanjJPubijc,State ofFlorida Print name:l^Y\0^\&yV^ Commission No:A/^'jr li^AQOj Page 7 of7 *$£*Nken9«Payne *te*My Commission CCt63308*„n<P Expires August 1g,2003