Res. No. 147-04-11926RESOLUTION NO.147-04-11926 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,ACCEPTING THE FORMAT OF THE CITY MANAGER'S ANNUAL EVALUATION FORM;PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,theCityManager'scontractualannualmeritincreaseis based,in part,onanannual performance review conducted bytheMayorandCommission;and WHEREAS,itisthedesire of theMayorandCommission of theCity of SouthMiamithatthere beastandardizedand relevant format with which toconduct annual performancereviewsoftheCity Manager;and WHEREAS,evaluation formsobtainedthroughtheFloridaCityandCounty Management Associationhavebeenusedasamodeltodeviseanin-depthstandardizedformforusebytheMayorand Commission of theCity of South Miami;and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THECITYOFSOUTHMIAMI,FLORIDA,THAT; Section1.TheattachedCityManagerPerformanceEvaluationFormshallbe considered a part of thisresolutionandshallbetheofficialinstrumentforuseinconductingannualpcrfomianee reviews of theCity Manager Section 2.All evaluations of theCity Manager for2004shallbe completed bynolaterthan September 14,October 5.2004,thedate of thefirst scheduled public hearing forthe200405 budget,. tTherealter,percontract,theyshallbecompletednolaterthanthe Manager's anniversarydate of July 14*. Section 3.This resolution shall take effect immediately upon approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st dayof September,2004. ATTEST: READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED: COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 Mayor Russell:Yea Vice Mayor Palmer:Yea Commissioner Wiscombe:Yea Commissioner Marie Birts-Cooper:Yea Commissioner Sherar:Yea City of South Miami PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FORM CITY MANAGER Each member oftheCity Commission should complete this form,ratingtheCity Manager's performance in each ofthe areas noted below.The Manager's tasks are divided into five (5)categories and provides forthe rating of each iteminthe category using the evaluation scale shown.Spaces are alsoprovidedforadditionalcomments. CITY MANAGER EVALUATION PERIOD 5-Outstanding 4-Very Effective 3-Effective 2-Marginally Effective 1-Ineffective EVALUATOR DATE EVALUATION SCALE Consistently achieves and exceeds allstandards/objectives ofwork performance. Regularlymeetsandfrequently exceeds standardsof work performance. Regularly meets standards ofwork performance. Often fails tomeet standards ofwork performance. Clearlyandconsistently fails tomeetstandardsofwork performance. 1.MANAGEMENT STYLE/PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Maintains openand informative communications withtheCity Commission Knowledgeable of current developments affecting the local government management field Effectively implements and enforces City policies and procedures Demonstrates a capacity for innovation and creativity Anticipates problems and develops effective approaches for solving them MANAGEMENT STYLE/PROFESSIONAL SKILLS (continued) Maintainsaworkatmosphere conducive toproductivityand efficiency Takesresponsibilityforstaffactions Encouragesdepartmentheadstomake decisions within their ownareas without theCity Manager's approval,yetmaintains general controlof operations Motivates citystafftoworkasateamandseekwaystobe innovative and orientedtoward effective problem solving Properlycontrolsthecity's operational and functional activities and motivates othersto maximum performance Effectively recruits professional staff COMMENTS: 2.FISCAL MANAGEMENT Possesses knowledge of governmental accounting/budget procedures Preparesabalancedbudgettoprovide services ataleveldirectedbytheCity Commission Strives tomakethebest possible use of available funds,conscious oftheneed tooperatethe local government efficiently and effectively Possesses awareness ofthe importance of financial planningand accounting controlsthrough long-range fiscal forecasting Utilizes effective negotiation withlabor unions andin legal actions to minimizecoststotheCity Expenditures are made within budget limitations according to established policy COMMENTS: 3.PERSONAL SKILLS/COMMUNICATIONS Willingtocommittime necessary to complete requiredtasks Demonstrates highconcernforethicalbehavior Skillfulinverbal communication Skillfulin written communication Informsthe Commission ofcurrent issues and administrative developments Encouragesapositiveattitude regarding theCity Receptive to constructive criticismandadvise Manages stress effectively COMMENTS: 4.RELATIONS WITH THE CITY COMMISSION Workswiththe Commission to establish annual goals and objectives and providesregularreports Carries out thedirectivesofthe Commission asa whole,rather than those of anyone member Assists the Board in establishing policy,while acknowledging the ultimate authorityofthe Commission tosetpolicy Supports theactionoftheBoardafteradecisionhasbeenreached,both inside andoutsideCityHall Offers workable revisions tothe Commission for changes in law or policy whenan existing policyor ordinance is impractical COMMENTS: 5.COMMUNITY RELATIONS Effectively addresses and accommodates citizen complaints Effectively addresses andaccommodatescitizenconcernsinatimely manner Shows a sensitivity toand appreciation of diversity oftheCity'spopulation Responsive to issues ofboth commercial andresidentialpopulations Takesa "hands-on"approach when necessary Maintains an effective working relationship withother local governments Takesa diplomatic approach toproblem solving Projectsapositive image onbehalfoftheCityofSouthMiami COMMENTS: ADDITIONAL SUMMARY COMMENTS: OVERALL RATING: 5-Outstanding: 4-Very Effective: EVALUATORNAME 3-Effective 2-Marginally Effective 1-Ineffective DATE