Res. No. 070-04-11849RESOLUTION NO.70-04-11849 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A 36 MONTH LEASE AGREEMENT WITH BARLOP BUSINESS SYSTEMS AND ITS LEASING COMPANY FLEET CAPITAL LEASING,FOR A MULTIFUNCTIONAL COPIER,FOR THE MULTIPURPOSE CENTER PHASE IIIN AN AMOUNT OF $3,300.00 A YEAR FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS;CHARGING THE DISBURSEMENTS TO ACCOUNT NUMBER 001-2020-519.4710 TITLED "PHOTOCOPY MACHINE";AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the Multipurpose CenterphaseIIisafullyfunctionalofficeinneed of afax,copier,printer,andscanner;and WHEREAS,quotes were requested in accordance withcity competitive bidding procedures;and WHEREAS,Barlop Business Systemsisan authorized dealer and distributor of Savin copiers;and WHEREAS,Barlop Business Systems'lease contract will provide emergency maintenance calls,regular maintenance andall supplies except staples and paper during the term of this lease;and NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.That the City Manager is hereby authorized to: A.Signa3yearlease agreement withBarlop Business Systems andthe leasing company Fleet Capital Leasing, B.Disburse an annual amount of $2,700.00 forthe next three years tothe leasing Company,Fleet Capital Leasing forthe equipment, C.To disburse anannual amount of $600.00forthenextthreeyearsto Barlop Business Systems,for maintenance. Allfuture budgets will reflect theannualleaseamounts. Section 2.That this budgeted disbursement be charged to Account 2020- 519.4710 (Photocopy machine). Pg.2 of Res.no.70-04-11849 Section 3.Thisresolutionshalltakeeffectimmediatelyuponapproval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this20thday of April 2004. ATTEST: READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: ihA CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED: €^JS COMMISSION VOTE:4-0 Mayor Russell:Yea Vice Mayor Palmer:Yea Commissioner Wiscombe:not present Commissioner Birts-Cooper:Yea Commissioner Sherar:Yea J:\My Documcnts\rcsolulions\RESOLUTION COPIER Blk win MPC 4.20.04.doc South Miami All-America City CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI II111F OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM .nUIIGtlMlWI llll 2001 To:Honorable Mayor,Vice Mayor Date:April 20,2004 and City Commission From:Maria V.Davis Jf//^f /*])/<•Subject:Agenda Item #_£—j City Manager f^*<Js™^L°Commission Meeting 04/20/04 Re:MultiPurposePhase II Copier REQUEST A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A 36 MONTH LEASE AGREEMENT WITH BARLOP BUSINESS SYSTEMS AND ITS LEASING COMPANY FLEET CAPITAL LEASING,FOR A MULTIFUNCTIONAL COPIER FOR THE MULTIPURPOSE CENTER PHASE II IN AN AMOUNT OF $3^00.00 A YEAR FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS;CHARGING THE DISBURSEMENTS TO ACCOUNT NUMBER 001-2020-519.4710 TITLED "PHOTOCOPY MACHINE";AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS ThenewlyopenedMultiPurposeCenteriscurrentlyinneed of acopier,printer,scannerandafax machine.These have become essential toolsin running an effective office onsite. Itisdifficulttopredictthefirstyear's volume forthisnewlybuiltofficeduetolack of history.However, wehavebeenabletoestimatethemonthlycopyneedsas:blackandwhite(5,000).Volumeprintingwill continueutilizingCityHall'slargecopierlocatedoutside of Finance. In accordancewith the City's competitivebiddingprocedures,quoteswererequestedfromothervendors for comparable equipment.Barlop Business Systems,an authorized dealerfor Savin,provided the secondlowestquote.Thecontract attached tothe lowest bidwas unacceptable duetoits one-sided, inflexibletermsandconditions.BarlopBusinessSystems,ourcurrentvendorforcitywidecopiers,has demonstratedtheirprofessionalismandexcellentresponsetimeduringthepastyear. Theattachedthree-yearleasecontractwillincludeanewdigitalcopierconnectedtothenetworktobe usedasaprinter,copier,faxand scanner.Among other features,thecopierwillbe able to "keep trackof usage by employees bythe issuance ofa security codeto each user.A full maintenance contractisalso includedinthecost,coveringallrepairsandtoner.Allblackandwhitecopyoveragesinexcess of 5,000 amonthwillbe billed at$.01acopy. Fundsforthefirstyearareincludedinfiscalyear2003/2004'sbudget,underaccount 001-2020-519.47- 10,Photocopymachine.ThecurrentBalanceontheaccountfor2003/2004beforethisexpenseis $3,960.00. RECOMMENDATION Approval isrecommended. I Barlop Business Systems 8376 N.W.68Street Phone:(305)594-0470 Email:jlopez@barlop.com MiamLFl 33166 Fax:(305)594-2189 March 23,2004 Ms.Kathy Vazquez Purchasing Agent City of SouthMiami 6130 Sunset Drive . Miami,Fl.33143 Dear Ms.Kathy Vazquez, Thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal for a new Savin Imaging System. In the following sections of this document,you will find a review of the critical requirements we have discussed,along with details on the proposed solution we are offering. At Barlop Business Systems,we are very proud of our reputation for excellent customer sendee and support,as well as our industry-leading systems that are helping clients achieve new levels of productivity in the workplace.This proposal isjust one indication of our commitment to helping each client identify their specific needs,then fill those requirements with the right systems and services to make their office function better. Because a digital imaging system represents a significant investment,it is important to know that you are making the right choice ofboth equipment and vendor.We are proud to offer office solutions from Gestetner,one ofthe oldest and most respected names in document technology. I will be in touch with you shortly to review the contents of this proposal.In the meantime,do not hesitate to contact me at (305)594-0470 if you have any immediate questions. Once again thank you for the opportunity to present this offer to you.I look forward to settling any last questions and establishing a long-lasting business relationship between your company and our dealership. Sincerely, va >•, Proposal I mm The Savin Solution In response tothe requirements outlined above,Barlop Business Systems is proud to propose the following system(s)foryour office environment: Savin DSM627SP Digital System o27CopiesperMinuteCopier/Printer o2x 500 Sheet Paper Trays o Unlimited Automatic DoubleSide Copymg/Prmtmg/Faxing/Scanning o 600 DPI Resolution o 20GB Hard Drive o Network Printer and Scanner o 51 ImagesperMinute Scanning Embedded o Scan to E-mail Embedded o Scan to Folder Embedded o Facsimile Module o Inbound/Outbound Paperless Faxing •Lan-Fax ^X/ •FaxForwardingtoHardDisk Drive s . •Fax Forwarding to E-Mail C?^J*0/ o Unlimited SortingwithAutoStapling Monthly Payment: Lease Term: Zero Down Payment $225.00 36 Month mm Performance Assurance Program PlanA.Covers all Parts,Labor and Supplies for 5,000 copies per Month.Overage of copies @ .01 Cents per Copy.Only Paper and Staples are excluded. Monthly Payment:$50.00 ProposalforCity of SouthMiami -di System Benefits TheSavinsystempresentedinthisproposalprovidesCity of SouthMiamiwiththe diverse benefits that arise fromits advanced digital,multifunction design.Here are some keybenefitstokeepinmindasyouevaluatethisoffer: Model GDSm627sp Copy Benefits oBetteroffice productivity:27 ppm outputwithfirstcopytimeof4.9 seconds. oAneasyto navigate TouchScreenLCD provides ease-of-use,especiallyinwalk- up situations. o600x600dpi,256levelsofgrayand five imaging modes-Text,Photo, Text/Photo,PaleOriginalandGenerationCopyprovidesuperiorresults regardless of theoriginal. o 64MB/192MB Memoryeliminateswaitingforjobcompletionbyscamungyour originals justone time,returning themtoyouandthen producing yourjob. o Automatically rotatesimagesto fit thelettersizepaperthatisloaded-eliminate trial and error copying. o Create unique and attention-getting documents easily with features suchas DirectionalMagnification,Positive/Negative,CombineOriginals, Cover/Slipsheet Insertion,Book/Magazine CopyandUserStamps. o Keeps completed document sets separated with electronic sorting -no longer getting jobs mixedtogether. o Optional Document Server for storage of copy,print,fax and scan data.The 20 GB hard drivewillstoreupto9,000pages. Print Benefits oAshortpaperpath allows a fast 4.9 second first print speed. oThe DSm627sp can accommodate a variety ofprint sizes -from envelopes to 11" x 17"-professional documents cannowbecreatedinhouse. o 3,100 sheets ofpaper from four sources means lesstime refilling papertraysand checkingthatthepaperyouwantisloaded. oThe stackless duplex reduces paper consumption andstoragespaceneeded,and operatesatupto 100%of mainframe speed. o Optional 500-sheet finisher with 1 staple position or 1,000-sheet finisher with3 staplepositionscollateand staple,savingtimeand energy. Proposal forCityofSouthMiami • !•'\':X:^!-.Li L_mi;ii L—'_;L HWrl L.-:l [iiL"2U oAddthe optional Refined Print Command Stream (RPCS)Driver Interface and the DSm627sp becomes a network printer thatis extremely easy touse, dramatically increasing productivity. o Network Printing -Standard PCL6/5e,RPCSand optional Adobe PostScript 3 print drivers provide compatibility with most software and allow you to send print jobs over the network withall job parameters selected -including paper tray selection and finishing. o Network Printing -Powerful 400MHz processor with 192MB RAM standard swiftly processes complex jobs.A20GB Hard Disk Drive enables multiple original set printing,font storage and proof printing. Fax Benefits oSuperG3Fax option -combining a standard 33.6Kbps ITU V.34 Fax Modem and optional JBIG Compression provides high-quality images atupto3 seconds per page. o Adding an additional 33.6Kbps modem option allowstrue multitasking by having uptotwolines always available toreceiveandsend simultaneously. oWiththe LAN-Fax option youcansendand receive documents at your desk, eliminatingwastedtimeprintingoutdocumentsandthen traveling tothefax machine to send. oPaperlessfaxingwithGestetner'sWebImageMonitorallowsyoutoview, download and print received faxesfromyourdesktop. Scan Benefits oThe scanner option provides highspeedblack&white scanning:51 SPM (ScanRouter),36SPM(TWAIN),forfast job turnaroundtimeandreduced operator scanning time. o Embedded Scan to email with LDAP support. o Embedded Scan to Folder (SMB)and Scan to FTP Server capabilities. oHighquality600dpiscanresolution,multiplescansettingsand256levels of gray combine to precisely scan virtually any original type.Accurate scans are ensured regardless of the original type. oA wide variety of hardcopy documents canbe incorporated onto the LAN.The optionalARDFallowsuserstoscanupto50originalsatonetime,while facilitating two-sided scanning.Bound originals canbe scanned fromthe platen glass and 11 "xl7"originals canbe scanned through the RADF or from the platen glass. oThe DSm627sp scanning solution integrates seamlessly withthe LAN viaa 10/100BaseT Fast Ethernet connection,eliminating the need for SCSI card and cable,and making use of an existing network resource. Proposal forCity of SouthMiami . \ MUNICIPAL LEASE AGREEMENT ptgtioi l«IICIWIlllWPWBI'«MI»IIJWII»IPW'Bltl>ll»IQItW>IIIBCMWa«C>i)l>.J>»IUJ<tlJWMAW»»ieAJgiJ<»»WM«LEASING A Program cf FleetCapital Leasing -Global Vendor FinanceCOTRACTNUMBER:J& MAIL TO Admlnlstralfon Cotrtef,P.O.Box7023,Troy.MisHoan 48037-7023 •faxTO;800-436-9579 Dear Cistomer This Municipal Lease ("Lease")Is written in simple and easy-1o-read language.Please read this Lease thoroughly and feel -free toaskusany ques tions y ju may have about It.The words VOU and YOUR rater to the Lessee,the words WE,US and OUR refer tothe Lessor,Fleet Business Credit LLC Fleet Cipital Leasing -Global Vendor Flnanoe Is a unit ofFleetBusiness Credit,LLC.eei s CUS10MER&BILLING CONTACT INFORMATION BBtlcg t inttsr.PpRtw I"'Fe'deraJTixw'*''"" Pbem Number of Bitting Cesteet Penon BiiUg/idreea EqtHpm nt Leeetton AeVnu* Crty (County City County Complete only,if different from billing address ^*? StQi.9 Zio EQUi PMENT DESCRIPTION OutntiQ PI*ouficttf*t >M«»iMM«»W»»»M«MWW»WAA«Mr^^OtscrfptiGn SerialNumber / L •gj^Af^y-/^*^/ys 4*£&a/e~-: /f&t /tfoJs/^. ??**'/LEASE PAYMENTSCHEDULE •IJUtf 165Termaon'Jin <5£ curtly OtpMftMdnuee Payniflrt (Check0nsOnly) •security _ Deposit^$..J»?L Q PaySe)S P* 1leaseEnd Pureltaafi OptionJjgfFMV(drflnadIn SttHa.i 18)Q$1 ID otiiaf $ Lease PBfmiof »piu»sppiicnl*1RXM -stiSartJmll.i BJ'too Cyele [SvMocrlhty Q Qnitsny jD Soot-ftmnal Q Annual TENS/CONDITIONS .VEsr TKS1EASI I.LEASt AGREEMENT}«YM6rfl8:Vfc agreeto tow toyou aw"y^ istodafae <5 orttenffledh ary stedwd Equprrant Schedule rEe^lpmartSdwMtf',toge^wlhiJiepBGe* mutt*,p<ts,BQadrants,jcceaaottaa end stosfiutons tfetetar rEqitorerflYlw pronto to $ay us the Ue» ps^nnit!Booofdhfl tofeetors oftho Paynartrfototfn shown asowortBy Equipment 8sheduiB hetto.pCus el oBw c erges (see SecScca4,B,11.13,and19). &BENS ALTERUS;RAYMENT ADJUSTMENTSi EFR5CTWENE8SjYouagmBtoaJlte*^artJo»B9brs onpa^taridfcctlMsLaBsaThBLeasefeaccniptoandeMa^ witrath caedlce^nm],l&ntyerlflutetoldpurpcaet,Hll»ec^ youoryo i»pp!errBttproliiedtcus.ye4J agree talwamiyu^fe dowrown uptolO&YsueoSwwtadrjereceftolacepyiflrfeLeaaaBrdefilaio^ the Equip nenlend reviewedto supplycontractuncer»dfchwewtt obtainthe Equina*THISLEASEISNOT SHDING 3N USANDWILLNOTCOMMENCEUNT1WE ACCEPT fT INOUR On=tCE8«OAKLAND COUN TY,MCT 3AMYouffl^toiteausp to uCCftHBqngstecroe^ as Inflw E^fprront aid any proceeds.You authorize ustoinsertor correct nisthg HonraSonen+faLeaa, mdudng 0fttr8amrfc£t,wf^sinm»,M^ww*waTEe^prTmtb(atM.a^ EqJlpmei;AnyaaeudV dapcafl youh»»ojwsn usb ncxrinSrast boating nndinayto usedby usloecwwajy oosttork IMSwemayauttor di»byourdetauilot Sifa Lams.Thoaeeuity depastl b rtrfundabbu.sonwpl'itoi d he Leita.prowbtod a)Laosa toiraa andcandBors havet»w psrtamedL YouegroaSiatBnyPiirehassOrtbf (ssuoolo ttoow4^tn»Equtoniert,Ul33i^bfpinxaatfartft9ftoiiward olftaKmiar^ewictoashallfrodHytWsAgroKTBnl Vbuegta«»pwld»u*ywjr(lfmnslalaateiTw«st)por. requestt oBi>g Sn tH3 Leaseshallbe consbusdto rnsanthatyeu tnbi payany aumMHGhacssdetnsl«A«h maytwk lybeehai^ardhfreresarteMsssaffl^llstdlbeapp^torediOTfcetav/ulBnTsmtiiwabe by you,a danyexcess srieB be returned to yns. LESS F£AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE a.RENEWAL!Unlessthe LaaaeEndPurchsae Option is S1.O0,afterthe original Lease termeapteslns Leas?wflleutorratlcsllyrenew (or successl/e sne morth termsunless(a)youBenduswritten notioethat you0bnotwait I torenewalleast60 days,butno mo*tnan120 days,beforetheendofanytermor(ft) totawtag renewalwe tennnde this LeaseuponBOdays prior wiKsn rolbetoyoo. 4.LATE CXAROES;OThER CHARGES:The due datetoryourpayments vritl be (tfartttled onyour imotos.ttartypeyrrenlis not made when due,youagreetopaya late chargeattherateof10%ofsuch !am paymentor S35.wfilcTew is greater.\ou aiso agreetopayS25toreach Mtumsd check. 5.EQUIPMENT OWNERSHIP;LOCATION;We araand ahatlrenrtah he sob ownerrt the E^uipfreni Vbu osree tokeeptheEquipmentfreofromtens and encumonMoss.Vtw willkeep the Etp4pmenlonV at theaddressshownonpage1 andycuxvOTnrtnwroatronioiBtaddiessirtessyoggel ourpriorwrtten consenL The Equpnwnt shad ahvays reman pereonsl propertyeven tough thoEquipment may baosme attachedoraffixed to realprapeiy.IfWs Leaseis determined nottobeatrueUiase.youhereby ffant us osecjrXyWen>Stn(heEaupn^n!n^U^bia*totrBa^tawepiA*as«Jlt. 6.MOWARRANTlESsWffiARE LEAStNS THE EQUIPMENT TOYOU 'AS ©,'WTH NOWARRAtniES, EXPRESS OR IWJED,INOLUOING WARRANTIES Of MERCHAMTAHUTY,FITNESSFORAPAR TICULAR PURPOSE,DESIGN,CONDITtON.OR THEQUALITYOFTHEMATERIAL OR WORKMAN SHIP.WE ARE NOT RESPONS18.E FORANY REPARS OR SERVCE TO THE EQUIPMENT OR ANY DEFECTSOR FAILURES 84 OPERATION,Vtfe ssslgr toyoutarthe team ofthisLease anytmnsterabte manuSadurer w suppler warranties.We arenot liable toyoutorany b«oe*hof rose wowamies.You agree thalta»nyourBfceptargBotthcEqUlpmar%y3U>Mlr^ {ecBftafldOB paget) THIS LEASS MAYNOTBE CANCELED !TO»fcoTaotePurehsslng Apart.BuyenettDateIPrintBwnt I EQUIPMENT ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE •MWDMHnwnH You csrrjl*thatal ritha^upmararBsrtBdtontteLjwffirtasbawcg^9 arhgcooWonawJ6 safitfaoton/to youandyouhaw accepted Iha EoulpmsntThJs Lease cannot be modfed a resondsd axcaptbya wming soradby youaod us.ACCORDtNQLY YOJ AirHORIZE USTOPUHCHASE g PMEKTRXt YOURUSE Stowr 1 !m»trScaffl Puretaslng Agent Buyer,eta. S10/R-05J10-1.03 eaattuedfte tpagal 7.LESSEE »J*PflESENTATlCNS:Ybur«^e»rtarid»«Ta^ andpoftttd tyorganaedorw existing under tr»laws oJycur State;(b)havetatenall rewhteacUai and pos sessthe rec/biteauthority toexecuteths Lease;(c-have tidy budgeted and sppmpriatec suffldart funds for the arrenl f cal yeartomakethe Umks paymsrdt herar;(a)have corri^ n^toth.eee»jtsrl£ene4tr»E^lprr*rc(e^provide usvft flrarrial statements,bucgets,proofs of approprWbna^oe^rsochflnandallTitorrnatotrat we may rear anabry request:arts,(Q will use the Equbms«criy rwessertisigr^Tmertatorpr^ tlocawttHnI «eperrriaibloaeope ofyourauthority. S.MAINTSJ ANCE;USE;INSTALLATION:Youere responsblo for hsfullarton and malKersnceof,and for bit/damsgi to,(heEqupmert.You mustservice,repair anr"maintain the Equbment st you*expense inthe saenaeondliRaswhenreceived,ordnary wearandtearexcepted hceerpliartoevdhdlappfeafctotewaard regulations,md In comptsnoe wth a9 insurance poflctes and b8 marusb,orders,recommendations ard Instructions suedby tftorim/te&rerer vendor.YcH»8hsllp^ sonrtetsele*.ferbusfnoapuqjesesandlhopuTxwforwhichrrwBS rrodlfcattoit tothe Equtoment wtaevt ourprior tyritter concent tf ths Equpmert mafcnctbns,is damaged, toslersUiar tcvs^rse to conthusto maketilrxrymentsduaLrxfer thisLease, 9.INSURA>CE;CASUALTY:Unffl Ms LeasetepaldInnil ano the Equbmert hasbeenreUnwltou8,ycu wSfc (i)too;too Equtoma-n Insured under anrtskproperty Insurance-policies narrt^uoa*tosspayee Ibrthe giaau<efth'RB<nj*lrgBaIarte«0etotdb«tewlorksftji reptscamantvaitteagainstatitypaecf csa,ine!ud- tngtheftjan:(>)piBJtd»8«Jmaatt3mrjc*nprBhensh«gsfisraipubisttabdByhsunjncenanirtgusasadditiona) Insured.AH •sidesand Insurers shallbo acsepttDietous a^tl»hsure.l8)mi«agreeto prowideua at bast 30days prio written notice ofanymaterial cturrgo,cancellation ornon-renewal of coverage.I:youdonotpro- vfdauswfth eoeplabtoevldonce(*Mrisuran»,v*rruty,biiiv^ a charge to j wr iranthypayme*which will indudethetnauranoe premium charged byourinsurance provider, ourthenpri «aHng tnsunrceadmhiatnWort tee,together wsm Were*on mch ameurts atthe overdue rale provided Int aeton 1S ffthe Equtoment isdamaged,ywsnafllrrn^lsteVrerjafrttedamage at you-expense, tfanyEquip write bat,solanordamaged beytndrepair,you shall,atouroption,(a)reptaca thesamewffli Elee equtpmt t In a condttten acceptable tous andccnvoycleartitle to rash equlprnenl tous ^t*i equipment wHbscora iuipmertsusjecttotrtelease).cf(b)payusthe RemalrvngBalance ForpurposesofttilsLease, •Remslning stance'meansmesumat(I)all emounts which arecurrenttydueto js under thBLease,btr an unpaid,plus00the present vaiue of flieaum of a8 amounts tobecomedue durhgcie Leasetorsi psustne LeaseErd Fjenase Option pricetor the Equtomsntsa:torthabove,aachdta»urrtedai a rfiscounl rateequal to the1-yeaTreasury Coostartt Manrfly rato as pufcttstioe intne SatastBd Interest Rales tahtocltlw Federal Reservesta sScat release H.1SI519)for theweekendinghimediale^prcf to tte daw ofLesseeAcceptanrje af Ms Least (or?no longer published,a rate reasonably determined by us);pro/Uad,thatCtheLeaseEnd Purchase Q ton price Is FMV,then fte RemainingBalance wll be eateutated by refeteraeto theexpectad FMVtorthe ^irbrremaart the and rftra Lease terni as reasoiabh/aT'dc^ merit tf the Lease.Uponourrecast ol theRemaning Balance rcdowtng tie tossor dessruetbn ofary Equipment,:ai shalbeentiltodto whatever aitarest whavem such Equpmsn,In tetrancondHonand bca- ttoav*hoJ>anEmtectaTyt<hd 10.UABILfl V:WEARE ."JOT RESPONSIBLE FORAMYLOSSESOR INJURIE6 TOYOUOR ANYTH1RD PARTtES C .USED BYTHE EQUIPMENT OR ITS USE.You assume the risk of liability tor,andagreeto incomrafy,6 (andand ho«us,ouremployeesardagents,harmlessFrom and against:is)anyandat toM- tes,tosses,lan^s^clams andejarasBsflfetudhgat^^ urachie,pu*ase,shpmert8n3detverycdtte Ing,tUng,re(IstraUon,baling,possession,epsraBon,use.return «ettardlspostton oftheEouipmart,trssftxl- ing,butnotI ntacto,anyfeWHiesCtHl mayansatram patetwlBlamctetedamthsEflulpmsntandBriyclslrrs basedon at si tort(ab%(bj anyand all lossordamage cf ortotheEqupmert,and(eft any lablBytothe manutacture or supplier arising underany purchase ordersIssuedbyor assignee"to ua 11.TAXES:€RSO«AL PROPERTYTAX FEES:YwBgree to shcwtheEqulprre^ anpersonal |roperty tax fPPT)reams.YouagreetopayusoilPPTassessedagainst taEqurnmenLDu'lng theterm of:ourbase,wemaychargeyouan esftrated PPTfeetooffsetPPTexposureonyourteeaed EQiilpiierrl'h&teewglboBRSsofl^ tor your Ecu xnertinthewececBrtg taxyear.\V»rnay also extarr^youmadfn!nlst.wh»teeof ro more ^ian Sia pertem J tossedEqutoment witheachPPTbdl tooffsettheooste8BSKlatedwrnu»iep(xtrxj.peymert. and cotocHo i of actoaloreslmated PPT.Youagreeto ramburte jsr^applsaUe sabs andftw use lax ard s5otrwta»5,fe9K.nrraar«iperBRirawHchn^i»lnrpwed.levtadcf assessedbyany lederaL stateor oca)govern isntoragency whbh reaa tothlsLease,the Equipment oritsuse.Fines and penalfes wtl be imtedtoerr Incunad asaresutofyourtelureto ect Inaccordanae v<thfederBJ,stateanolocal taxlawsand codasard/b tr«tamtsdthbLe£^.Vbusgree to rerrtiuTo us kr reasonable cc«tslrcured^ paying any1xas,eaeBssmenta,oharges,penalties orfees. 12.ASSIGNdENT.YOUMAYNOT SELL,PLEDGE,TRANSFER.ASSIGNOR SUBLEASE THE EQUIP- *«NT OR 1«S LEASE.Ws may sel,assign or transfer ad or ary psi rf«s Lease srrfttthe Equpnrert. The newew erwli havetheearoa s^htathatwahave,butyouagreeyouwll reassert against thenewowner anydalrnt,i Btenses oreeHfis thatyou mey have Egains:uo w any suppltor. fa,OEFAU I)DAMAGES!Vyou,orany guararxof ofyouroblgatlons:(a)fal tomakeanyLease payment wtthiOde!stfwtencto,o^(b)rjetcmeteoh*rtorrornr^ nava suchp teaedliigs comRnreed e^aJhstytu,or(c)tonr^ ofsubstanllj !yal your assets,or(d)defaul under «nyother effwmerityojrovevYlthueaoiraWIates.or !e)otherwto!breachany warrarRy covenenlo^provisbn we may,but tell notbe obligated to,doanyorailofthe fofowlng;(I)declare Immaslstat/die andpayablo the RsTacnirtQ i etmeeend a!)unpaid amounts dueunder(his Lease,(I)require youto irmedlalery return ell Equipment k usstpurexpense,fjB)wth or wflhoUnaoce,demand «l«g^process,re^etce possession of ihe Equipme it(and you eutherio ustoenter upon thepremts»whesevertheEcji!pmrrtmaybetound),(lv) sel,roU u»,(easeor otherwtae dispose of(he Equtoment.,'v)birredatslytermb'rie thisLeaas (andary otheracjeer entowehsMwimyojt/MaxsyyBnysesurlyckposato anoVbr (vtr)e arcise any otisf remaejes evatabio to usunder ar^cabb law.You ejree to pay our srfjaleto* nays'tees,|lus ailactual costs,insludtng sll costsofany Equipment repossession.AnypayttMil or other amountmorethai 30 daysaefinqusm underIt Is Leaseshatl accrue irterestuntil paid atthe overdue ratoof 1 V&kpar north,orthemaKtrnm arrounl permtled by apptis3r^bw,v,hlrtjewr bless.If wdlsfXKecfthe Eculprrem.we will apply theret proceeds ofsuch disposition to reduce the Remaining Balance ard other amounts psyabtebyyou,andyoushaB remain responsblefor thepayrTKrttofanydeficfency.lftheLeaseErid Purchase Optonprbe Indicated onthe face of tKs Leaseb 81•andthenet p<cceeds we recover fbtavfcig a detaUt Is morethanthe Remaining Balance a^ofrer outstanding arrc«rilspay^rie by you,we wtl giveyou tho excess Youwaiveaiy noticeofourrepossessionor deposition of Ihe Exuipment By repossess"ng any EcusymsnLwecbnotwaiveour right to codea any anrountsdueon tmsLeaa.VVbv^rwtboresponsKea youfor enyconsequential or msdenta!d&msgea.Our delay orfatlure toenforce ourrights under WaLease mil notpreventusfromdoingso eta later lime. U CHOICE OP LAW;JURISDICTION.;VENUEj NC*WUHY TRIAL:Youandany Guaantorhereto agree that IhtsLeasewB bedeemedforalpurposestobe fuDy execuad andperferrre^in 8w StatetfWichiganerd wtl be governed byrvfeHgan tow.YOU AND ANYGUARAfffOReoWESSLY ANO IRREVOCABLY AGREE TO:(a)BE SUBJECT TOTHE PERSONAL JURISDICTION OFTHESTATEOF MICHIGAN INANYCON TROVERSY THAT VIAYARSE RELATINGTOTHISLEASE,ANYGUARANTYORTHE EQUIPMENT;(b) ACCEPTVENUE IN ANYFEDERALOR STATECOURT IN MICHIGAN ANDAGREETHAT SliCH COURT WILLBEACONVENJENT PLACEFORANYTRIAL;AND.(o)WAIVEANYRIGHTTOATRIALSY JURY.You andanyGuarantor rjrthar acknowiadge andagree thatsubsections (a)through (o)arecondHiona precedent to andareiraterlaJ rducemento toourenteringivotrds Leasewithyouand any Guarantywithany Guaramot 15.HNANCELEASErAraeNOMStfTS:YOUROBUGAnON TOPAYA.LAMOUNTSUM3ER THSLEASE 15AE€OLLITEAND^tCOhDmONAL THS-^ASE tS Ai=0>IAt^ MCRCIALCODEAS ADOPTED INMICHIGAN fUCC").TWS LEASE MAYNOTBE AMENDED EXCEPTBY A WRiTING WHICH WE HAVE SIGNED.YOUWANEANYANDALLRIGHTSAND REMEDIES YOU MAY HAVEUNDER UTC2A-508 THROUGH2A-522,INCLUDING AMYRBHTTO:(a)CANCELTHS LEASE;(b) REJECTTENDEROFTHE EQUIPMENT;(c)REVOKEACCEPTANCE OFTHE EQUPMENT,(<Sj RECOV- Efl DAMAGESFORANYBREACHOF WAFRANTY;AND(e)MAKE rjETJUcntOWS OR SET-OFFS,FOR ANY REASON,FROMAMOUNTSDUEUE UNDERTKtS LEASE IFANYPARTOFTHISLEASE IS NCON- SJSTENT WITH UCC 2A,THETERMSOFTHISLEASEWILLGOVERN. 16 NON-APPROPRIATION:Ifyou:1)arenot slatted fundsforths Lease In-jtonextJteeal year;2)haveno ttindste rep&semBnt equpmentand3)havenofundsfrmtother scacesn.2arxt3shalbar»r8lri2ft6fcot- todlveVra^e^^^aslJcfrApprcprteUcn^ycom^temm^ year,tnsuchevent,you snal return the Equtoment to us,at your soleopens*.Youshall nor,vrlhha period of Vo^Approprlatbn.acquire byanymeans equipment similar »the Equipment,unlessearns shaO be leased from us. 1?.8038RUNG:Youagreethatyouwtl UmsV diea Form 8033-GC tor,as necessary,Farm KB&G),orary revisedorrenumbered form with tfe Internal Revenue SeMca In asoordanoe wfth Section 149(e)of Ihe Coda andthe Ragulaitons thereunder,andagreeto sppcxrt usyourAgent for tnepurjxx»rymairteMngaboe*efrty system ass requtedby Ssctai 1«aa)oftheCode. 18.PURCHASE OPTtON:tfyco are not Inda&ufi,yrx may al ary Urre v^60 dsys prior wtaennoBce pur- chsse al(but iat lessthan all)theEquipmentforapriceequalto tne sum ofaflremalnngpeyniertstocon« duB durtno theterm(Sany)plustheLeaseEnd Purchase Q*lopprk»IrxSc«ed en tr^tooarfthtoLease plus any appJcabte salestaxesand teas.AnyLeaseEnd Purchase Option price for the Equipment designated aboveas *FMV"shallbetor ts felrmarketvalto in ctacs and h useas reasonably dstermnadtyiBfFMV'). You mustgiveus60daysadvancewritten nofce ofyour tntenttoexercfesmisaptlarintessthapuniiBsels beingmade^the enoof *r»tasn andthe teesa Erd PufsrsBeOpaenlaSl. 19 EOUPfffiOTRETUrtttir'ycutoittwercte youvitil imniedtstsVciste.insurearid chlpal.butnotlesstuan al ofthe EQUpment.Iigocd wocMngcontfiiDr., tousata tocatton aid by means we desJgnate,wltnal 6XDensflBtob&rjrepaabyyoaYrjurniBJglv9U560 days prior written noticeofyourintentto return ths EejupmartundertrteSacuoftYojar/eetopayaresxxx- Irvj fee rtf toexceedSIM fwe^&em of Ecajfcr^ asssrnbte and pack meB^mant for rjfqimetn to anun^ five andprevkto torItsreossernbyatthe retuntocatton hthsa>natbnr80LlradbythlsLaasfi,Btyourexrjen». if you Hal to reaati alof tf»Equtomert tousas agreed,you shall pay w usthe regular Lease payroerils each month urdtl alofIre Er^ipment s turned If me Eqis^xr^ tn (hecondttonraquiedupon return to us,youagreetopayfaralcostsrtmpaJror rsstorarxriYoijwCl alsobe responsctefa any dareacetotheEqupmentwhichoccursduring shkxiiig. 2A FAX:Ifwe agree,youmaytransma thisLeaseand rotated documertetouatymtocopyafscstmllerfax*). The (ax versionof(hisLeaseandrelatedduuuinBifeshaJconstitutean original ofthe doarme-tts and tssl evidence*ofthe partes'agreement,andshallbe binding onyouas tf a vmremanually slgiad and parsonaV delvered.You agree thatthefaxdocument wtll be admlssfcb In ariy leo^actlr^Totheadentths Lease can- stlutcschatlel paper under tho UCC,a aectrtyIrx^reellnthbLeaserriaybeaeBleolhoo^lrmtMnstoara posscssbnofacopyofthis Lease tranuaty executed byus wlhodrha needto tansta possession of aiy otherraxot cepy ofthis Lease,orany other related dccumenteorinSn*TBrts.VAhamnodurybventyor Incuireastothevajdltyiexeculfeas^neft authority or any other materconcarrfug the pxerietyefanytax. 21.MlSCELLANSOUSi flany provision ofthisLeaselaunenrbroaeble,invaW or itegaf,the remslning provt- skxtswil oonunue tobe effective.Vbu mustbrhg any action against te njlaUng to Into Leasewthlnone year afterme basisforthe claim first arses,and in aryeventnot later thanoneyear fotbWng termination ot Ins Lease.Time isof tho esseice wth -esped to tra paymantand perforirann of oSof youroUgailonsunde.'ths Lease. 22.MERGER:THEABOVETERMSANDCONDTriONS REPRESENTANDMERGE ALLOFTHETERMS AND C»r«rnONSlNTOTHIS LEASE.THS LEASE WWNOTE€MOWRED ORALTEREDUNLESS fTB IN WRITINGANDSIGNEDBYONEOFOUROFFICERS. Munklptl teste ftjrtemarfl,paga£a12 Lesue utl Legel Uarae rCBrtmetNumtisr i Sinner ACCBmOBf:JageidBy FLEET BUSBtESS CflEDrT,LLC,OAKLAND CQUHTY,Ml,LESSOR \X induate PtnchtstRg Agent Buyer.»tc. ComrrenBentent Dote IJVJllVBUaJXUMJXJMlJJJIVJWJWJUJlWMUmHIWAKW^I»»na SIO/K'OS/tO-1-03