Ord No 28-14-2206ORDINANCE NO.28-14-2206
An Ordinance amending Sec.8A-5 (a),(b),(c),(e)and (f)of Chapter 8A of
the City of South Miami's Code of Ordinances asto definitions and
exemptions and adopting applicable portions of the Miami-Dade County
lobbying ordinance concerning definitions and exemptions as well as
providing stricter requirements and penalties.
WHEREAS,theCity,itsboards,committees,and agencies,including the Community
Redevelopment Agency ("SMCRA")and lobbyists intheCityare required to comply with the
Miami-Dade County lobbying ordinance;and
WHEREAS,the City's current definition of alobbyistisless inclusive than the County's
lobbying ordinance andtherefore,totheextentthatitislessinclusive,itisnotenforceable;and
WHEREAS,accordingtothe City's currentdefinition of alobbyist,theindividual
officersandtheemployees of acloselyheldcorporationorotherbusinessentitywithonlyafew
WHEREAS,accordingtothe City's currentdefinition of alobbyist:"Anypersonwho,
duringthetimeperiod of theentire decision-making processonanaction,decisionor
board,committee,oragency,advocatedinfavor of oropposesanyaction,decision,
recommendation of thedeputy,assistant,orassistanttothecitymanager,departmentheads,
connectionwithquasi-judicialor administrative hearings)andanyotherCitypersonnel"has
been interpreted to include shopmangers;and
WHEREAS,accordingtothe City's currentdefinition of alobbyist,theindividual
officersandtheemployees of acloselyheldcorporationorotherbusinessentitywithonlyafew
WHEREAS,Miami-Dade County's lobbying ordinance applies totheCityandCity
lobbyistanditdefinesthetermlobbyistandprovidesfortheregistration of lobbyist;and
WHEREAS,the current Citylobbying ordinance is confusing and difficult formost
peopleto interpret and understand aswellasnotbeing synchronized withthe County's lobbying
WHEREAS,itisinthebestinterest of theCity,its personnel,aswellasthat of its
residential and business community fortheretobeonlyone ordinance that provides the
definitions of words used bythe City's andthe County's lobbying ordinance andforthe
exemptions to registration and/or payment of lobbyist fees.
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Section 1.Section 8A-5(a),(b),(c)and(e)of Chapter 8A of theCity of South Miami's
Code of Ordinances is hereby amended toreadasfollows:
(a)This section shallbeknownastheCity of SouthMiami Lobbyist Registration
(b)Definitions.Forthepurposes of thissection,thefollowingtermsshallhavethe
definitions contained herein:
(1)Lobbyist TheCityhereby adopts,by reference,thedefinition of alobbyistas
found in the Miami-Dade County lobbying ordinance.Section 2-ll.l(syiYb\
of the Miami-Dade County Code of Ordinances andthe interpretations of this
Ordinanceasappliedinpractice by Miami-DadeCountyandtheMiamiDade
Commission on Ethics,and means all natural persons,unincorporated
associations,orbusinessentities,firms,corporations,principals employed or
retained,—fef—financial—compensation,—which—includes—non monetary
compensation of similarvalue,byaprincipalwhoseekstoencouragethe
passage,defeat,or modification of any of thefollowing:
Or.—Ordinance,resolution,action,or decision of thecity commission,the
mayor,orany commissioner;
b-.—Action,decision,or recommendation of anycity board,committee,or
agency,includingwithoutlimitation,thegoverningandadvisoryboards of
e-.—Action,decision or recommendation of thecity manager,deputy,assistant,
or assistant tothecitymanager,department heads,division heads,city
attorney,assistant cityattorney (except whensuch personnel areactingin
connection withquasijudicialoradministrativehearings)duringthetime
period of theentiredecisionmakingprocessonanaction,decision or
recommendation which foreseeably willbe heard or reviewed bythecity
commission,oracity board,committee,or agency.
"Lobbyists"specifically includes the principal,aswellasany agent,attorney,
officer or employee of a principal,regardless of whether lobbying activities fall
within the normal scope of employment of the agent,attorney,officer or
employee."Lobbyist"shall exclude any person who only appears asa
representative of those identified in subsection (e).
(2)Principal means the natural person,firm,corporation company or other entity
that has employed orretainedalobbyist,including the person employed bythe
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company or other entity,thathasthe authority to retain or direct a lobbyist on
their behalf
(3)Consultant means an individual,corporation,partnership or business entity that
has been retained,forfinancial compensation,which includes non monetary
compensation of similar value,toassistor provide any professional services to
an entity in seeking approval of anitemfromthecity commission orstaff,orto
obtain a contract with thecity
(3)All lobbyists shall comply withthis ordinance andthe Miami-Dade County
Lobbying Ordinance as they are amended from time to time.All references to
the "County"in the County's Lobbying Ordinance shall mean the City,where
applicable,forthepurpose of this ordinance andforthe interpretation and
application of the County's Lobbying Ordinance to the City.
(c)(1)Registrationand filing requirements.All lobbyists shall,atleastonorbefore
clerk,unless exempted from registering by Section 2-11.1 (V)(3^of the Miami-Dade
CountyCodeandpayalobbyist fee,if required.Everypersonrequiredtoregister
in the foe schedule and state under oath:A lobbyist who has engaged in lobbying
activitiesbeforetimelyregisteringasalobbyistshallpayafine of $500.Itshallbe
the responsibility of the CityClerk to collect allfinesandfees.A lobbyist who,
withoutcompensationforperformingtheservices of a lobbyist isrepresentingan
individualfornon-commercialpurposes(hereinafterreferredtoasa "limited
lobbyist'')shall include such information in the lobbyist registration form which
shall be signed under oath certifying the truth of the information.No registration fee
shall be required fora limited lobbyist.In addition,any lobbyist who would not be
required by Miami-DadeCountytopayalobbyistregistrationfee if engagedin
registration fee when engaged in lobbying activities with the City.
i.Registration Publication.All lobbyist registration forms shall be received and
date stamped bvtheCitvClerk.The Clerk's Office shall maintain alist of all
registrationandofthe payment ofthe registration fee.TheClerkshallpublish
ontheCitywebsitearegistrationlist of principals,issuesandlobbyistswhich
shallbeupdatedattheendofeach day,totheextent possible,thata completed
or amended registration form is received.
ii.Everyperson required to register shall register on forms prepared bvthecitv
clerk and,otherthanthose lobbyists whoareexemptfrompavinga fee,shall
pay a registration fee as specified in this ordinance or the City's fee schedule,
whichever is greater.The forms shall include the following information,which
shall be certified and state under oathbythe lobbyist andthe principal whom
a.Name andbusinessaddress of lobbyist;
b.Nameandbusinessaddress of theprincipaland;
o.The name and business address ofeach person,consultant,or entity,withinthe
preceding five (5)years,for whom the lobbyist was employed asa lobbyist;
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d.The commissioner orpersonnelsoughtto Whether Commissioners.City
Administration.City Attorney or City Clerk will be lobbied;and
e.The specific issueonwhichthelobbyisthas been employed tolobby;
(iiDThe principalandthelobbyistmustalsosubmitajointaffidavitstatingthatthe
principal hasnotofferedandthe lobbyist hasnotagreedto accept any
contingency or success fees as defined in Section 2-11.1 (sV?)of the Miami-Dade
County Code of Ordinances.Failure of a principal tofilethe required formsmay
be considered inthe evaluation of a bid or proposal as evidence that a proposer or
bidder is not a responsible contractor.
(2)Changeormodification of information.Anychangetoanyinformationoriginally
filed,orany additional city commissioner or personnel whoarealsosoughttobe
lobbiedshallrequirethelobbyisttofileanamendmenttothe registration forms,
period for which the lobbying occurs.
(3)Disclosure.If thelobbyistrepresentsalegalentitysuchasa corporation,company.
partnershiportrust,the chief officer,partnerorbeneficiaryshallalsobeidentified.
Withoutlimitingthe foregoing,thelobbyistshallalsoidentifyallpersonsholding
directlyorindirectly,afiveten (10 5)percentormoreownershipinterestinthelegal
entitycorporation,partnershiportrust.Anyconsultantshallidentify itself andthe
capacity in which s/he hasbeenretained.
eachseparateissueforthesamePrincipalforeachcalendar fiseal year,whichis
from October 1 through September 30 (hereinafter referred toas "Fiscal Year").:fte
issue shallbe described with asmuchdetailasis practical,including but not limited
toaspecific description whereapplicable of a pending request foraproposal,
invitation tobid,orpublichearingitem.Thecity clerk,inthe clerk's judgment.
shall reject any registration statementthatdoesnot provide a description of the
specific issueon which the lobbyist has been employed.
(5)Each person who withdraws asa lobbyist fora particular client shallfilean
appropriate notice of withdrawal.Each principal shallfileaform with the Clerk at
the point in time at which a lobbyist isno longer authorized to represent the
(6)Fees.Each lobbyist whois required to shall paya registration fee,shall pay such fee
as specified in the city's standard schedule of fees each time heorshe registers orre
registers each calendar year thetime of registering with thecity clerk?A lobbyist
must re-register every calendar Fiscal year before commencing any lobbying
activities which isfrom October 1 through September 30.There shall benofee
required for filing a notice of withdrawal^and tThe city manager clerk shall waive
the registration fee upon a finding of financial hardship if supported by.based upon
a sworn statement of the applicant.Prior to conducting any lobbying on a matter,all
lobbyists must fileaformwiththecityclerk,signedbythe principal orthe
principal's representative,statingthatthelobbyistis authorized to represent the
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principal.Anypersonwhoonly appears asa representative of anonprofit
homeowner association,local chamber of commerce,and merchant's association,
trade association or trade union),wifeoirt who declared in their lobbyist registration
applicationthattheywouldnotreceiveandhavenotreceivedany spee*al
(7)Disclosure and appearance of impropriety.In addition tothematters addressed
above,everyregistrantshallberequiredtostatetheextent of anybusiness,financial,
familial,e^-professional relationship,orother relationship givingrisetoan
appearance of animpropriety,withthemayor,anycitycommissioner,orpersonnel
whois sought tobe lobbied asidentifiedonthe lobbyist registration formfiled.
(8)Duty of thecitycommission,boards,committees,agencies,andemployees.—AH
members of thecity commission andallcity personnel,including allboard,
committee,and agency members,shallbe diligent to ascertain whether persons
required to register pursuant tothissectionhave complied withthe requirements of
thisdivision.Themayor,commissioners,board,committee and agency members,
andcity personnel may not knowingly permit themselves tobe lobbied bya person
whoisnot registered pursuant tothissection.Allmembers of theCity Commission,
andall City personnel,shallbe diligent to ascertain whether persons required to
register pursuant tothis subsection have been complied.Commissioners orCitv
personnel may not knowingly permit a person whois not registered pursuant to this
subsection to lobby the Commissioner,or the relevant committee,board or City
(9)Lobbyists,including all consultants,shall sign in with the city clerk before meeting
with any city officials.All covered city officials,personnel,and members shall
maintain logs of all telephone and electronic communications with lobbyists.-
(9)Any person who appears asa representative foran individual or firm foranoral
presentation before a City certification,evaluation,selection,technical review or
similar committee,shalllistonanaffidavit provided bytheCitv staff,all individuals
who may make a presentation.The affidavit shall befiledby staff with the Clerk's
officeatthetimethe committee's proposalis submitted totheCity Manager.For
the purpose of this subsection only,thelisted members of the presentation team,
with the exception of anypersonotherwise required to register asa lobbyist,shall
notbe required topayanyregistrationfees.Nopersonshall appear beforeany
committee on behalf of an anyone unlessheorshehas been listed as part of the
firm's presentation teampursuanttothis paragraph orunlessheorsheis registered
with the Clerk's officeasa lobbyist andhaspaidall applicable lobbyist registration
ieie ie
(e)Exceptionstoregistration.All persons whoare exempted from registration orfrom
paying a registration fee bv the Miami-Dade County's Lobbying Ordinance are
likewiseexemptedbytheCitvfromregistrationand/orfromthepayment of
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registration fees.The following persons will be exempt fromthe provisions of this
(1)Any person who only appearsinhisorher individual capacity ata public
hearing before the city commission,board,committee,agency meeting,andhas
noother communication with the city personnel,forthe purpose of self
representation without compensation or reimbursement,whether direct,indirect,
or contingent,to express support of or opposition toany item,shall not be
requiredtoregisterasalobbyist,includingbutnot limited tothosewhoare
members of homeowners or neighborhood associations.All speakers shall,
however,signinonformsavailableatthepublichearingor meeting.
Additionally,anypersonorrepresentative of a business entity requested to
appear before any city commission,orboard,committee,or agency meeting,or
anypersonorrepresentative compelled toanswerfororappealingacode
shallanyagent,attorney,officeror employee of theperson.
(2)Any public officer,employee orappointeeoranypersonor entity incontractual
privity with the city who only appearsinhisorher official capacity shallnotbe
required to register asa lobbyist.
(3)Any personappearingasanexpert witness calledin proceedings before the
commission,anyboardora committee orthe administration of the city who
presents testimony insupport of a position or explaining such position.
(1)Violations of this section may be determined by the Miami-Dade County
Commission onethicsandpublictrust.Afinding by the commission thata
personhas violated thischaptershall subject thepersontoafive hundred dollars
($500.00)civilpenalty.The commission onethics may additionallyprovide
otherpenaltiessuchas admonition andpublicreprimand,as well asprohibitions
fromregisteringasa lobbyist orengagingin lobbying activities beforethecity.
Conviction forgivenfalseinformationshallbepunishable bv afine of upto
privileges in South Miamiforaperiod of upto two years.
(2)Additionally,every personwhoisfoundtobein violation of thischaptershallbe
prohibitedfromregisteringasa lobbyist or lobbying inaccordance with the
following schedule:
•Firstviolation:foraperiod of one(1)yearfromthedate of determination of
•Second violation:foraperiod of two (2)yearsfromthedate of determination
of violation;
•Third violation:foraperiod of three(3)yearsfromthedate of determination
of violation.
Thecity commission maydebarabidderorproposerfromlobbyingactivitiesinthe
city,andfromenteringinto contracts withthecity,oranyagencyorauthority of the
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occasions,hasbeenfoundtohaveviolatedthelobbyistprovisions of thissection.
lobbyist representing saidbidderorproposer.Acontractenteredintoinviolation of
provisions of thissectioninallcitybiddocuments,RFPsand RFQs;provided,
however,thatfailuretodososhallnotrenderany contract voidable.
Section 2.Codification.The provisions of this ordinance shall become andbemade
part of theCode of Ordinances of theCity of SouthMiamiasamended;thatthesections of this
Section 3.Severability.If anysection,clause,sentence,orphrase of thisordinanceis
forany reason held invalid or unconstitutional bya court of competent jurisdiction,this holding
shallnotaffectthevalidity of theremainingportions of thisordinance.
Section 4.Ordinances in Conflict.Allordinancesorparts of ordinancesandall
sections andpartsofsectionsof ordinances indirectconflictherewitharehereby repealed.
However,itisnottheintent of thissectiontorepealentireordinances,orpartsof ordinances,
thatgivetheappearance of beinginconflictwhenthetwoordinancescanbeharmonizedor
whenonlyaportion of theordinanceinconflictneedstoberepealedto harmonize the
ordinances.Ifthe ordinance in conflict canbe harmonized by amending its terms,itis hereby
amended to harmonize thetwo ordinances.Therefore,onlythatportionthatneedstobe repealed
PASSED AND ENACTED this 17thday of December ,2014.
1st Reading-12/2/14
2nd Reading-12/17/14
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Mayor Stoddard:Yea
Vice Mayor Harris:Yea
Commissioner Edmond:Yea
Commissioner Liebman:Yea
Commissioner Welsh:Yea
TO:Mayor,ViceMayor,City Commissioners andCity Manager
FROM:Thomas F.Pepe,City Attorney
DATE:November 20,2014
RE:Amendment to Lobbying Ordinance
While I initially intended to only amend the definitions,exemptions and exceptions found in the
City's lobbying ordinance by adopting those found intheCounty's ordinance,I discovered that
the County's ordinance did not define the word "Principal"and there didn't appear tobea
provision to take into consideration situations where a relative or friend of an individual appears
asa representative/lobbyist for purely personal matters.In addition,the City Manager and City
Clerk desired to make changes to the ordinance as well.Therefore,the ordinance that is being
proposedisan amalgam of ideasandsuggestions of allthree of us.
The County's Lobbying Ordinance applies to the City of South Miami and City lobbyist and the
City's lobbying ordinance may not be less restrictive than the County's ordinance.According to
the County's ordinance andan opinion thatI previously had from the Commission on Ethics
("COE")in 2013,as well as.my recent conversation with an attorney at the offices of the COE,
just about everyone who represents someone,other than themselves,isa lobbyist,with minor
exceptions or exemptions from registration or payment of fees.This definition ofa lobbyist
includes a relative of an individual,each and every "principal"of any entity.While the County
ordinance does not define theword "Principal"ofan entity,the Commission on Ethics has
published some examples found at the end of this memorandum.Even the pastor ofa church,a
rabbi oran Islamic clergyman isa lobbyist if he/she is representing his/her church,or someone
other than himselfTherself,and if he/she is seeking,on their behalf,to influence any action,
decision,recommendation of someone with the city,including the city manager,city attorney,
department heads,city personnel,or members of the city commission or members of any city
board,concerning a matter that could foreseeably be addressed by the city commission or a city
board and if he/she does not meet any of the following exceptions or exemptions.
The following representatives ofa principal are not considered by the County's ordinance to be
lobbyists.See Seel 1.1 (s)(l)(b):
a)Representatives who appear ata publically noticed Quasi-judicial proceeding;
b)Representatives,without compensation,representing a "neighborhood association";
c)Expert witnesses atapublicmeeting;
d)Community based not-for-profit that is seeking a grant and who is not receiving
special compensation;and
e)Employees whose normalscopeofemploymentisnotlobbying.
The following representatives ofa principal [see sec.2-1 l.l(s)(3)]are considered by the
County's ordinance tobe lobbyists but they are exempt from registering:
a)Public Officers &Employees representing a public entity Sec.2-1 l.l(s)(3)(a);
b)An individual's own Self Representation without compensation Seel 1.1 (s)(3)(b);
The following representatives ofa principal are considered tobe lobbyists by the County's
ordinance (Seel 1.1 (s)(l)(b)and must register,but if they do so without special compensation
theyare exempt from paying afee:
a)The Principal of theentity Seel l.l(s)(3)(b);
b)Representatives of Not-for-Profit entities Seel 1.1 (s)(4);
c)Certified Micro Enterprise Seel 1.1 (s)(4);
d)Level I Community SmallBusinessEnterprise Seel 1.1 (s)(4);and
e)Tier1 Community BusinessEnterprise Seel 1.1 (s)(4);
The following representatives are considered bythe County's ordinance tobe lobbyists but need
not register asa lobbyist if they are making a presentation to County or City Staffand if they are
Members of an oral presentation team appearing beforeanevaluation,selection,
technical review,certification committee or similar committee.
Note thatthe COE does not have a definition for "special compensation"and the attorney I
spoketois requesting aCOEspecialopinion defining this phrase.
Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust
"Lobbying in Miami-Dade County FAQs"includes the following examples ofwhois considered bythe
COE to be the "Principal"of an entity:
Whoisaconsidereda Principal?
•The President of a corporation.
•Theowner,presidentor chief shareholder of acorporationoranindividualwho
behalf of thecorporateentitywhoisengagedinlobbyingactivitiesasdefined
•Amemberofthe corporate board engaged in lobbying whohasbeen appointed by
the corporation toserveasits representative during negotiations or lobbying
•But,anofficer of an entity,suchasachief financial officer,isnota principal if
his/hernormalscope of employment doesnotincludelobbying activities.
MDCEthic's Code 2-11.1
(1)(a)As used in this section,"County personnel"means those County officers and employees
specified In Section 2-ll.l(i)(2)ofthe Miami-Dade County Conflict ofInterestandCodeof Ethics
(b)As used in this section,"Lobbyist"means all persons,firms,or corporations employed or
retained bya principal whoseeksto encourage the passage,defeat,or modifications of (1)ordinance,
resolution,actionor decision ofthe County Commission;(2)anyaction,decision,recommendation of
the County ManageroranyCountyboardorcommittee;or (3)anyaction,decision orrecommendation
of County personnel during thetime period oftheentire decision-making process onsuch action,
decision or recommendation which foreseeably will be heard or reviewed by the County Commission,or
a County boardor committee."Lobbyist"specifically includes the principal as well as anyemployee
whose normal scope ofemployment includes lobbying activities.The term "Lobbyist"specifically
excludes the following persons:attorneys orother representatives retained or employed solely forthe
purpose of representing individuals,corporations orother entities during publicly noticed quasi-judicial
proceedings where the law prohibits ex-parte communications;expert witnesses who provide only
scientific,technical orother specialized information or testimony in public meetings;any person who
onlyappearsasa representativeofa neighborhood association without compensation or
reimbursement forthe appearance,whether direct,indirect or contingent,to express supportofor
opposition toany item;anypersonwho only appearsasa representative ofa not-for-profit community
based organization forthepurposeof requestingagrant without special compensation or
reimbursement forthe appearance;and employees ofa principal whose normal scope ofemployment
does not include lobbying activities.
(2)All lobbyists shall register with the Clerk ofthe Board of County Commissioners within five (5)
businessdaysofbeingretainedasa lobbyist orbefore engaging inany lobbying activities,whichever
shallcomefirst.Every personrequiredtosoregistershall:
(a)Registeronforms prepared by the Clerk;
(b)State under oath hisorhername,business address and the nameandbusiness address ofeach
personorentity which has employed saidregistrantto lobby.If the lobbyist representsacorporation,
the corporation shall also be identified.Without limiting the foregoing,the lobbyist shall also identify all
persons holding,directlyorindirectly,a five (5)percentormoreownership interest insuchcorporation,
eachpersonwhowithdrawsasalobbyistforaparticularclientshallfilean appropriate noticeof
withdrawal.The feefor annual registration shall befour hundred and ninety dollars ($490.00).Every
registrant shall berequiredtostatetheextentofanybusinessor professional relationship withany
currentpersondescribedin subsection (b)(1).Theregistrationfeesrequiredbythis subsection shallbe
depositedbythe Clerk intoa separate accountandshallbeexpendedforthepurposeof recording,
transcribing,administrationand other costsincurredinmaintainingtheserecordsfor availability tothe
public.Notwithstandingthe foregoing,fifteen (15)percentoffuturefunds generated bylobbyist
registrationfeesafterthe effective date of thisordinanceshallbe deposited intoa separate account,
andshallbe expended by the EthicsCommissionfor the purposes of educational outreach,the
rendering of advisoryopinionsand enforcement of theprovisionsofSection 2-ll.l(s)relatingto
lobbyists.There shall benofeerequiredfor filing anoticeofwithdrawaland the Board of County
Commissionersmay,initsdiscretion,waive the registrationfeeuponafinding of financialhardship.
(c)Prior toconductinganylobbying,all principals must fileaformwith the Clerk of the Boardof
County Commissioners,signedby the principalor the principal's representative,stating that the lobbyist
\s authorizedto represent the principal.The principal and the lobbyist must also submit ajointaffidavit
statingthatthe principal hasnotofferedandthelobbyisthasnotagreedtoacceptany contingency or
successfeesasdefinedinsubsection (s)(7).Failure of a principal tofile the requiredformsmaybe
considered in the evaluation of abidorproposalas evidence that a proposer or bidder is not a
responsiblecontractor.Each principal shallfileaformwiththeClerk of the Boardat the pointin time at
whicha lobbyist isnolonger authorized to represent the principal.
(d)Each lobbyistshall,withinsixty(60)daysafterregisteringasalobbyist,submit to the Clerk of
the Board acertificate of completionofanethicscourseofferedbythe Miami-Dade CountyCommission
onEthicsandPublicTrust("EthicsCourse").Lobbyists who have completed the initialEthicsCourse
mandated by the preceding sentence andhave continuously registered asa lobbyist thereafter shallbe
requiredto complete arefresher Ethics Courseeverytwoyears.Each lobbyistwhohas completed a
refresher Ethics Course shall submittothe Clerk ofthe Board acertificateofcompletionwithinsixty (60)
daysafterregisteringasalobbyist.TheEthicsCourseshallinclude,but not be limited to,a review of the
followingtopics:the Conflict of Interest andCode of EthicsOrdinance;the Sunshine Law;and the Public
Records Law.Thefeeforthe Ethics Courseshallbeonehundreddollars($100.00).Theregistrationfees
requiredbythis subsection shallbe deposited intoa separate account,andshallbe expended by the
Ethics Commissionfor Ethics Coursesandrelatedcosts.The requirements of this subsection relatingto
the Ethics Courseshallnotbeapplicabletoanymunicipallobbyistin Miami-Dade Countyunlesssaid
municipalityhas adopted an ordinance providingfor ethics training of lobbyists,andhas entered intoan
interlocal agreement with the County authorizing the Ethics Commission to provide the EthicsCourse
provided forin this subsection.The Executive Director of the Ethics Commission may waive the Ethics
Course requirement foraparticular lobbyist when heor she determines that the lobbyist has taken an
initialor refresher EthicsCourse offered bya municipality which satisfies the requirements of this
(3)(a)Any public officer,employee orappointeewhoonlyappearsinhisorherofficial
capacityshall not be required to register asa lobbyist.
representation without compensation or reimbursement,whether direct,indirect or contingent,to
express support ofor opposition toanyitem,shall not berequiredto register asalobbyist.Aprincipal
ofany corporation,partnership orotherentitywho appears asa lobbyist onbehalfofthatentity,
withoutspecial compensation or reimbursement fortheappearance,whether direct,indirector
contingent,toexpresssupportoforoppositiontoanyitem,shallregister withthe Clerk asrequiredby
this subsection,but shall not be required to payany registration fees.
(4)Any person who only appearsasa representative ofa not-for-profit corporation orentity (such
asacharitable organization,oratrade association ortrade union),withoutspecialcompensationor
reimbursementfortheappearance,whether direct,indirect orcontingent,toexpresssupportofor
oppositiontoanyitem,shallregisterwiththe Clerk asrequiredbythissubsection,but,uponrequest,
shallnotbe required topayany registration fees.Any principal whoonlyappearsasarepresentativeof
acertified Micro Enterprise,asdefinedinSection2-,asa representative ofa
certified Level I CommunitySmallBusinessEnterprise,asdefinedinSection10-33.02orasa
representative ofacertifiedTier1Community Business Enterprise,asdefinedinSection2-10.4.01,
withoutspecialcompensationor reimbursement forthe appearance,whether direct,'indirector
contingent,to express supportofor opposition toanyitem,shall registerwiththe Clerk asrequiredby
(5)Any person whoappearsasa representative foran individual or firm for an oral presentation
beforeacounty certification,evaluation,selection,technicalrevieworsimilarcommittee,shalllistonan
affidavitprovidedbythe County,all individuals whomaymakea presentation.Theaffidavitshallbe filed
bystaffwiththe Clerk's office atthetimetheproposalissubmitted.Forthepurposeofthissubsection
only,the listed membersofthe presentationteam shall notbe required topay any registration fees.
No person shall appear before any committee on behalf ofan individual or firm unless he or she has
beenlisted aspartofthefirm'spresentationteam pursuanttothisparagraphorunlessheorsheis
registered with the Clerk'sofficeandhaspaidallapplicablefees.
(6)(a)On July 1ofeachyear,the lobbyist shall submit tothe Clerk ofthe Board of County
Commissioners asigned statement underoath,asprovidedherein,listing all lobbying expendituresin
excessoftwenty-fivedollars($25.00)fortheprecedingcalendaryear.A statement shallnotbefiledif
there havebeenno expenditures during the reportingperiod.The statement shalllistindetaileach
expenditure bycategory,includingfoodandbeverage,entertainment,research,communication,media
(b)The Clerk ofthe Board of County Commissioners shall notify any lobbyist who fails to timely file
an expenditure report.Inadditiontoany other penalties whichmaybe imposed asprovidedin
subsection (s)(9),afineoffiftydollars($50.00)perdayshallbeassessedforreportsfiledafterthedue
date.Wherea fine of fifty dollars ($50.00)perday is assessed,the Ethics Commission shall notimposea
fine as provided in subsection (z).Any lobbyist who fails to file therequired expenditure reportby
September 1shallbe automatically suspended fromlobbyinguntilallfines are paidunless the finehas
been appealed to the Ethics Commission.
(c)The Clerk ofthe Board ofCounty Commissioners shallnotifythe Commission on Ethics and
PublicTrustofthefailure of alobbyistorprincipaltofileareport and/or paytheassessedfines after
(d)Alobbyistor principal mayappealafineandmay request ahearing before the Commissionon
EthicsandPublicTrust.A request forahearingon the fine must befiled with the Commission onEthics
andPublicTrustwithin fifteen (15)calendardays of receipt of the notification of the failuretofile the
required disclosure form.The Commission on Ethics and Public Trust shall havetheauthoritytowaive
the fine,in whole orpart,based ongood cause shown.The Commission onEthicsandPublic Trust shall
havetheauthoritytoadoptrulesof procedure regarding appeals from the Clerk ofthe Board ofCounty
(7)No person may,in whole orin part,pay,give or agree to pay or give a contingency feeto
anotherperson.No personmay,inwholeorin part,receiveoragreetoreceiveacontingencyfee.As
usedherein,"contingencyfee"meansafee,bonus,commission,or nonmonetary benefit as
compensation whichis dependent onorinanyway contingent on the passage,defeat,or modification
of:(1)an ordinance,resolution,action or decision ofthe County Commission;(2)any action,decision or
recommendationoftheCounty Manager oranyCountyboardorcommittee;or (3)anyaction,decision
or recommendation of County personnel during thetime period oftheentire decision-making process
regarding such action,decision or recommendation which foreseeably will be heard or reviewed bythe
County Commission,ora County board or committee.
(8)The Clerk shall publish logs ona quarterly and an annual basis reflecting the lobbyist
registrations which havebeen filed in accordance withthis subsection (s).All logs required bythis
ordinance shall be prepared inamanner substantially similar tothe logs preparedforthe Florida
Legislature pursuant to Section 11.045,Florida Statutes.
(9)The Ethics Commission shall investigate any person engaged in lobbying activities who may be in
violation of this subsection (s).In the event that aviolation \s foundtohave been committed the Ethics
Commission may,in addition tothe penalties set forth insubsection (z),prohibit suchpersonfrom
lobbying before the County Commission or any committee,board or personnel ofthe County as
provided herein.
Every lobbyist whois found tobe in violation of this section shall be prohibited from registering asa
lobbyist or lobbying in accordance withthe following schedule:
1st violation foraperiodof90daysfromthedateofdeterminationof violation;
2nd violation fora period ofone (1)year from thedateof determination of violation;
3rd violation for a period of five (5)years from thedateof determination of violation;
Abidderor proposer shall besubjecttothedebarment provisions ofSection10-38oftheCodeof
Miami-Dade County as ifthe bidder or proposer were a contractor where the bidder or proposer has
violated this section,either directly or indirectly or any combination thereof,onthree (3)ormore
occasions.As used herein,a "direct violation"shall mean a violation committedbythe bidder or
proposer and an "indirect violation"shall mean a violation committed bya lobbyist representing said
bidderor proposer.Acontractenteredintoin violation ofthissection shall alsorenderthecontract
voidable.The County Manager shall include the provisions ofthis subsection in all County bid
documents,RFP,RFQ,CBO and CDB6 applications;provided,however,the failure todososhallnot
renderanycontractenteredintoastheresultofsuch failure illegal perse.
(10)All members ofthe County Commission,and all County personnel,shall be diligent to ascertain
whether persons required to register pursuant tothis subsection havebeen complied.Commissioners or
tolobbythe Commissioner,ortherelevantcommittee,boardorCounty personnel.
(11)Except as otherwise provided in subsection (s)(9),the validity ofany action or determination of
the Board of County Commissioners or County personnel,board or committee shall notbe affected by
the failure of anypersontocomplywiththe provisions of thissubsection (s).
Sec.8A-5.-Lobbyists;registration,reporting,fees,exemptions,expenditures,and penalties.
(a)This section shall be known as the Cityof South Miami Lobbyist Registration Ordinance.
(b)Definitions.For the purposes ofthis section,the following terms shall have the definitions contained
(1)Lobbyist means allnatural persons,unincorporated associations,or business entities,firms,
corporations,principals employed orretained,forfinancial compensation,which includes non
monetary compensation ofsimilarvalue,byaprincipal who seeks to encourage the passage,
defeat,or modification of any of the following:
a.Ordinance,resolution,action,ordecisionofthecity commission,themayor,orany
b.Action,decision,orrecommendationofanycityboard,committee,or agency,including
without limitation,thegoverningandadvisoryboardsofthecity community redevelopment
agency and the health facility authority;or
c.Action,decisionor recommendation ofthecity manager,deputy,assistant,or assistant to
thecity manager,department heads,division heads,cityattorney,assistant cityattorney
(except when such personnel areactingin connection withquasi-judicialor administrative
hearings)duringthe time periodoftheentire decision-making process onanaction,
decisionor recommendation which foreseeably will beheardorreviewedbythecity
commission,oracityboard,committee,or agency.
"Lobbyists"specificallyincludesthe principal,aswellasanyagent,attorney,officeror
employee ofa principal,regardlessofwhetherlobbyingactivities fall withinthenormal scope of
employment oftheagent,attorney,officeror employee."Lobbyist"shall exclude anyperson
whoonly appears asa representative of those identifiedin subsection (e).
(2)Principal means the natural person,firm,corporation orotherentitythathasemployedor
retained a lobbyist.
(3)Consultant means an individual,corporation,partnership or business entitythathasbee
retained,forfinancial compensation,which includes non-monetary compensation ofsimilar
value,to assist orprovideanyprofessional services toanentityin seeking approvalofanitem
fromthecity commission orstaff,ortoobtaina contract withthecity.
(c)(1)Registration and filing requirements:All lobbyists shall,beforeengaginginany lobbying
prepared by the cityclerk,payaregistrationfee as specified in the fee schedule and state
under oath:
a.Name and business address oflobbyist;
b.Name and business address of principal;
c.Thenameand business addressofeachperson,consultant,or entity,within thepreceding
five (5)years,for whom thelobbyist was employed asalobbyist;
d.The commissioner or personnel sought tobelobbied;and
e.Thespecific issue onwhichthelobbyisthas been employed tolobby;
(2)Change or modification of information.Anychangetoany information originally filed,orany
additional citycommissionerorpersonnelwhoarealsosoughttobe lobbied shall require the
lobbyistto file an amendment tothe registration forms,althoughnoadditionalfeeshallbe
required for suchamendment.The lobbyist hasa continuing dutytosupply information and
amendtheforms filed throughoutthe period for whichthelobbyingoccurs.
(3)Disclosure.If the lobbyist representsa corporation,partnership or trust,thechief officer,partner
or beneficiary shallalsobe identified.Without limiting the foregoing,thelobbyistshallalso
Page 1
identify all persons holding directly or indirectly,aten (10)percent or more ownership interest in
the corporation,partnership or trust.Any consultant shall identify itself andthe capacity in which
s/he has bee retained.
(4)Separate registration requirements.Separate registration shall be required for each principal
represented on each specific issue.The issue shall be described with as much detailasis
practical,including but not limited toa specific description where applicable ofa pending
request for a proposal,invitation to bid,or public hearing item.The city clerk shall reject any
registration statementthatdoesnot provide a description ofthespecificissueonwhichthe
lobbyisthas been employed.
(5)Each person who withdraws asa lobbyist for a particular client shall file an appropriate notice of
(6)Fees.Each lobbyist shall paya registration fee,as specified inthe city's standard scheduleof
feesatthetimeof registering with thecity clerk,everyyear from October 1 through September
30.There shall benofee required for filing a notice of withdrawal,andthe city manager shall
waivethe registration feeupona finding of financial hardship,baseduponasworn statement of
the applicant.Prior to conducting any lobbying ona matter,all lobbyists must file a form with the
city clerk,signed bythe principal orthe principal's representative,stating thatthe lobbyist is
authorized to represent the principal.Any person whoonly appears asa representative ofa
nonprofit corporation orentity(suchasa charitable organization,neighborhood orhomeowner
association,local chamber of commerce and merchant's association,trade association ortrade
union),without special compensation or reimbursement for the appearance,whether direct,
indirect,or contingent,toexpress support or opposition toany item,shall notbe required to
registerwiththecityclerkasrequiredbythis subsection.
(7)Disclosure and appearance of impropriety.In addition tothe matters addressed above,every
registrant shall be required tostatetheextentofanybusiness,financial,familial or professional
relationship,or other relationship giving rise toan appearance ofan impropriety,with the mayor,
any city commissioner,or personnel whois sought tobe lobbied as identified onthe lobbyist
registration form filed.
(8)Dutyofthecity commission,boards,committees,agencies,andemployees.All membersofthe
city commission and all city personnel,including all board,committeeandagencymembers,
shallbe diligent toascertainwhetherpersons required toregisterpursuanttothissectionhave
compliedwiththe requirements ofthis division.Themayor,commissioners,board,committee
and agency members,andcitypersonnelmaynotknowinglypermit themselves tobelobbied
bya person who isnot registered pursuant tothis section.
(9)Lobbyists,including all consultants,shall sign in with thecity clerk before meeting with anycity
officials.All covered city officials,personnel,and members shall maintain logs of ail telephone
andelectronic communications withlobbyists.
(d)List of expenditures.
(1)OnOctober1ofeachyear,lobbyists shallsubmittothecityclerkasigned statement under
oath,as provided bytheclerk,listing all lobbying expenditures for the preceding calendaryear.
A statement shallnotbe filed iftherehavebeennoexpenditures during the reporting period.
The statement shalllistindetaileachexpenditurebycategory,including foodandbeverage,
special events andshallidentifythecity officials,personnel,and members uponwhomthe
expenditures were made.
(2)Thecityclerkshallnotifyanylobbyistwho fails totimely file anexpenditure report.In additionto
anyotherpenaltieswhichmaybeimposedunderthischapter,afineof fifty dollars($50.00)per
dayshallbe assessed for reports filedafterthe October 1 due date.
(3)Thecityclerkshallnotifythecounty commission onethicsandpublictrustofthe failure ofa
lobbyisttofileareport and/or paythe assessed finesafternotification.
Page 2
(4)A lobbyist may appeal afine and may request a hearing before the county commission on
ethics and publictrust.A request fora hearing on the fine must be filedwith the county
commission on ethics and publictrustwithinfifteen(15)calendars days of receipt of the
notificationof the failuretofilethe required disclosure form.The county commission on ethics
and public trust shall have the authorityto waive the fine,in whole orinpart,based on good
cause shown.
(e)Exceptions toregistration.The following persons will be exempt from the provisions ofthis section:
(1)Any person whoonly appears inhisorherindividual capacity atapublic hearing before thecity
commission,board,committee,agency meeting,and has no other communication with the city
personnel,for the purpose of self-representation without compensation or reimbursement,
whether direct,indirect,or contingent,to express support ofor opposition to any item,shall not
be required to register as alobbyist,includingbutnotlimitedto those who are members of
homeowners or neighborhood associations.All speakers shall,however,sign-inonforms
available at thepublic hearing ormeeting.Additionally,any person or representative of a
business entity requested to appear beforeanycity commission,orboard,committee,or
agency meeting,orany person or representative compelledto answer foror appealing a code
violation,orany administrative hearingshallnotberequiredto register,norshallanyagent,
attorney,officer or employee of the person.
(2)Any public officer,employeeorappointeeoranypersonorentityincontractual privity with the
city whoonlyappearsinhisorher official capacityshallnotbe required toregisterasa lobbyist.
(3)Any personappearingasanexpertwitnesscalledinproceedingsbeforethe commission,any
boardoracommitteeorthe administration ofthecitywho presents testimonyinsupportofa
positionorexplaining such position.
(1)Violations ofthissectionmaybedeterminedbythe Miami-Dade County Commission onethics
and public trust.A finding bythe commission thatapersonhas violated thischaptershall
subjectthepersontoa five hundreddollars($500.00)civil penalty.Thecommissiononethics
may additionally provide otherpenaltiessuchas admonition and public reprimand,as well as
prohibitions from registering asa lobbyist or engaging in lobbying activities beforethe city.
(2)Additional!,everypersonwhois found tobein violation ofthischaptershallbe prohibited from
registering asa lobbyist or lobbying inaccordance with the following schedule:
•First violation foraperiodofone(1)year from thedateofdeterminationof violation;
•Second violation fora period of two (2)years from thedateof determination of violation;
•Thirdviolationforaperiodof three (3)years frorhthe date of determination ofviolation.
The city commission may debara bidder or proposer from lobbying activities in the city,and from
entering into contracts with the city,orany agency or authority ofthe city when the bidder or proposer
either directly or indirectly,on three or more occasions,has been found to have violated the lobbyist
provisions of this section.
As used herein,a "direct violation"shall mean a violation committed by the bidder or proposer and
an "indirect violation"shall mean a violation committed by a lobbyist representing said bidder or proposer.
A contract entered into in violation of this section shall render the contract voidable.The city manager
shall include the provisions of this section in all city bid documents,RFPs and RFQs;provided,however,
thatfailuretodososhallnot render any contract voidable.
(3)Except as otherwise provided in subsection (f)(1),the validity ofany action or determination of
the city commission,board,committee,or agency shall not be affected by the failure of any
person to comply with the provisions ofthis section.
Page 3
(g)Prohibition on appointment of lobbyists to boards and committees.No person who is required to
register with the city clerk asa lobbyist shall serve on any board or committee of the city.Any person
whois required to register asa lobbyist subsequentto being appointed toa board or committee shall
be disqualified from participating on the board or committee from the date that the person knew,or
reasonably should have known,that he or she was required to register.No person shall'be
appointed toa board or committee for a period of nine (9)months from the time the person files a
statement with the city clerk withdrawing his or her registration asa lobbyist.The penalty provisions
of subsection (f)shall apply toany lobbyist who violates this prohibition,
Editor's note—
Although §9of Ord.No.1251,adoptedJune 3,1986,specified inclusion inch.2,the editor has
included the provisions in§8A-5 since§7ofthe ordinance repealed Ord.No.1233,
adoptedJune14,1985,§§1,2 ofwhichhadbeenincludedas§8A-5
Page 4
Public Notice
The Public isadvised that the South AMunicipal Advisory Committee (MAC)will be holding a meeting on
Wednesday,December 10,2014 at 6:30 P.M.at Deerwood Bonita Lakes Park,14445 SW 122nd Avenue,
The MAC will beevaluating the potential incorporation ofthe area into a separate municipality;itwill also be
meeting with staff todiscuss the County's concerns regarding any adverse Impact tothe remaining unincorporated
municipal service area orother regional municipal-type services that could occur due toany such incorporation.
TheMAC areais generally bounded as follows:
(Boundaries onlyincludeareaswithin
County Commission District 9forstudy area)
The public is invited toshare itsthoughts onincorporation,theproposed boundaries,services itwishes tos
enhanced andanyadditional information thatmayassistthe MAC in il
MiamiHerald.com|MIAMI HERALD
NOTICEISHEREBY given thattheCityCommission oftheCityof South Miami,Florida willconduct
Public Hearing(s)atitsregularCityCommission meeting scheduled for Wednesday,December 17.2014
beginning at 7:00 p.m.,inthe City Commission Chambers,6130 Sunset Drive,toconsider the following
A Resolution authorizing theCity Manager to negotiate anagreement with ADP to provide payroll services,
Human Resources andTime&Attendance integrated software solution.
AnOrdinance amending Section 4-2(a)ofthe City Code adding drugstores,convenience stores andservice
stations as listed usesinthetable of distance requirements regarding alcohol sale.
AnOrdinance amending Section 20-4.2 oftheCityofSouth Miami*Land Development Code toaddcriteria for
the City*approval ofa plat orre-phi tentatively approved bythe Miami-Dade County.
An Ordinance amending Sec.8A-5 (a),(b),(c),(c)and (0 of Chapter 8A of the City of South Miami*Codc\
ofOrdinances as to definitions and exemptions and adopting applicable portions ofthe Miami-Dade County \
lobbying ordinance concerning definitions and exemptions as well as providing stricter requirements and Ipenalties.J
AnOrdinance amending theLand Development Code Section 20-4.5 and 20-4.5.1.including,butnotlimited to,
provisions concerning intent,definitions,applicability and providing for tree removal requirements,applications,
permits,fees treemitigation andprotection,enforcement,penalties,remedies,andappeals.
ALLinterested partiesarc invitedtoattendandwillbe heard.
Forfurther information,pleasecontact theCityClerk*Office at:305-663-6340.
Pursuant toFlorida SlattUes 386.0105.Ibe City hereby advises the public that ifs person decides toappeal any decifion made bythis Board.Agency
orCommission with respect toany runner considered atitsmeeting orhearing,heorshe will need arecord ofthe proceedings,and that for such
purpose affected person may need u>ensure that averbatim record ofIhe proceedings ismade which record includes Ihc testimony and evidence
uponwhich die appealistobebased.
Published Daily exceptSaturday,Sundayand
Miami,Miami-Dade County,Florida
MARIA MESA,whoonoath says that heor she isthe
LEGAL CLERK,LegalNoticesoftheMiamiDailyBusiness
Review f/k/a Miami Review,adaily(exceptSaturday,Sunday
andLegalHolidays)newspaper,published atMiamiinMiami-Dade
County,Florida;thatthe attached copyof advertisement,
being aLegal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of
in the XXXX Court,
was published in said newspaper inthe issues of
Affiant further says thatthesaid Miami Daily Business
Review isa newspaper published at Miamiin said Miami-Dade
County,Floridaandthatthesaid newspaper has
heretoforebeencontinuouslypublishedinsaid Miami-Dade County,
Florida,each day(exceptSaturday,Sunday andLegalHolidays)
and has been entered as second class mailmatteratthepost
periodof one year nextprecedingthefirstpublicationofthe
attached copycrf advertisement;andaffiantfurther says thatheor
she ha^ettfteTpaiaJp^^person,firm or corporation
apylfiscount,refealeTcommission o^efund for the purpose
•"of securing this advertisement for publication inthesaid
MARIAMESA personally known to me